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Molecular techniques provide powerful tools for studying the geographic structure of hybrid zones and the dynamics of gene exchange between incipient species. We examined allozyme variation at five loci (PGM, GPI, MDH-1, MDH-2, and LDH) for 27 populations of Palaemonetes kadiakensis from the central, coastal, and eastern regions of Texas. Central Texas populations of P. kadiakensis exhibited highly significant linkage disequilibrium and departures from Hardy-Weinberg genotype proportions. In populations with linkage disequilibrium, allelic differences at GPI defined two types of P. kadiakensis, designated A and B. Both types existed in central Texas with little or no evidence of interbreeding, whereas the populations from all other localities showed complete introgression of type B alleles into the type A gene pool. We also examined ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in a subset of populations, chosen to cover a range of geographic locations and levels of linkage disequilibrium. Two groups of mtDNA haplotypes and two restriction fragment patterns for the rDNA corresponded to allozyme type A and B individuals in populations exhibiting linkage disequilibrium. In populations with ongoing hybridization, all hybrid animals (N= 15) exhibited type A mtDNA. Exhibition of type A mtDNA indicated that type A females had mated successfully with type B males, but type B females had not mated successfully with type A males. Genotype distributions suggest reduced reproduction by hybrid offspring in central Texas populations. These patterns are consistent with a mosaic model of hybrid zone dynamics.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of selection intensity and population size on the response to selection for percent oil in the grain of maize (Zea mays L.) was evaluated in a replicated experiment over ten cycles of selection. An open-pollinated variety, Armel's Reid Yellow Dent, was divided into subpopulations of 6,10 and 50 plants. Selection proportions of 17% and 5% were imposed upon each subpopulation. Selection was based on the percentage of oil in individual kernels as determined by wide-line nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. As expected, total response to selection increased with larger population sizes and selection intensities. The concave shape of the response curves suggested that an appreciable part of the genetic variance can be attributed to additive genes at high initial frequencies, dominance genes at low initial frequencies, or to the generation of negative linkage disequilibrium due to selection. The consistently greater loss of vigor experienced by the more intensely selected populations reflects the enhancement of inbreeding due to artificial selection, an effect that increases with the intensity of selection. The results indicate that combined selection, based on kernels and using within- and amongfamily information, will be more efficient than other conventional selection procedures, including the normal combined scheme where selection is based on plants.Deceased  相似文献   
The utilization of inorganic carbon by three species of marine diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve. Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grun., and Chaetoceros calcitrans Paulsen was investigated using an inorganic carbon isotopic disequilibnum technique and inorganic carbon dose-response curves. Stable carbon isotope data of the diatoms are also presented. Observed rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution were greater than could be accounted for by the theoretical rate of CO2 supply from the uncatalyzed dehydration of HCO3? in the external medium, suggesting use of HCO3? as an inorganic carbon source. Data from the isotopic disequilibrium experiment demonstrate the use of both HCO3? and CO2 for photosynthesis. Carbon isotope discrimination values support the use of HCO3? by the diatoms.  相似文献   
The effect of selection and linkage on the decay of linkage disequilibrium, D, is investigated for a hierarchy of two-locus models. The method of analysis rests upon a qualitative classification of the dynamic of D under selection relative to the neutral dynamic. To eliminate the confounding effects of gene frequency change, the behavior of D is first studied with gene frequencies fixed at their invariant values. Second, the results are extended to certain special situations where gene frequencies are changing simultaneously.A wide variety of selection regimes can cause an acceleration of the rate of decay of D relative to the neutral rate. Specifically, the asymptotic rate of decay is always faster than the neutral rate in the neighborhood of a stable equilibrium point, when viabilities are additive or only one locus is selected. This is not necessarily the case for models in which there is nonzero additive epistasis. With multiplicative viabilities, decay is always accelerated near a stable boundary equilibrium, but decay is only faster near the stable central equilibrium (with = 0) if linkage is sufficiently loose. In the symmetric viability model, decay may even be retarded near a stable boundary equilibrium. Decay is only accelerated near a stable corner equilibrium when the double homozygote is more fit than the double heterozygotes. Decay near a stable edge equilibrium may be retarded if there is loose linkage. With symmetric viabilities there is usually an acceleration of the decay process for gene frequencies near 1/2 when the central equilibrium (with = 0) is stable. This is always the case when the sign of the epistasis is negative or zero.Conversely, the decay ofD is retarded in the neighborhood of a stable equilibrium in the multiplicative and symmetric viability models if any of the conditions above are violated. Near an unstable equilibrium of any of the models considered,D may either increase or decay at a rate slower than, equal to, or faster than the neutral rate. These analytic results are supplemented by numerical studies of the symmetric viability model.  相似文献   
The quantitative genetic variance-covariance that can be maintained in a random environment is studied, assuming overlapping generations and Gaussian stabilizing selection with a fluctuating optimum. The phenotype of an individual is assumed to be determined by additive contributions from each locus on paternal and maternal gametes (i.e., no epistasis and no dominance). Recurrent mutation is ignored, but linkage between loci is arbitrary. The genotype distribution in the evolutionarily stable population is generically discrete: only a finite number of polymorphic alleles with distinctly different effects are maintained, even though we allow a continuum of alleles with arbitrary phenotypic contributions to invade. Fluctuating selection maintains nonzero genetic variance in the evolutionarily stable population if the environmental heterogeneity is larger than a certain threshold. Explicit asymptotic expressions for the standing variance-covariance components are derived for the population near the threshold, or for large generational overlap, as a function of environmental variability and genetic parameters (i.e., number of loci, recombination rate, etc.), using the fact that the genotype distribution is discrete. Above the threshold, the population maintains considerable genetic variance in the form of positive linkage disequilibrium and positive gamete covariance (Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium) as well as allelic variance. The relative proportion of these disequilibrium variances in the total genetic variance increases with the environmental variability.  相似文献   
The glyoxalase system and its main enzyme, glyoxalase 1 (GLO1), protect cells from advanced glycation end products (AGEs), such as methylglyoxal (MG) and other reactive dicarbonyls, the formation of which is increased in diabetes patients as a result of excessive glycolysis. MG is partly responsible for harmful protein alterations in living cells, notably in neurons, leading to their dysfunction, and recent studies have shown a negative correlation between GLO1 expression and tissue damage. Neuronal dysfunction is a common diabetes complication due to elevated blood sugar levels, leading to high levels of AGEs. The aim of our study was to determine whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the GLO1 gene influence activity of the enzyme. In total, 125 healthy controls, 101 type 1 diabetes, and 100 type 2 diabetes patients were genotyped for three common SNPs, rs2736654 (A111E), rs1130534 (G124G), and rs1049346 (5′-UTR), in GLO1. GLO1 activity was determined in whole blood lysates for all participants of the study.  相似文献   
利用全基因组连锁不平衡估计中国荷斯坦牛有效群体大小   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ni GY  Zhang Z  Jiang L  Ma PP  Zhang Q  Ding XD 《遗传》2012,34(1):50-58
有效群体大小是群体遗传学研究的一个重要内容,有助于我们更清楚地了解群体的遗传变异、进化和复杂性状的遗传机制等。随着高密度SNP标记的出现,越来越多的研究利用SNP标记间连锁不平衡估计有效群体大小。文章采集北京地区中国荷斯坦牛2 093个样本,并利用牛SNP芯片(Illumina BovineSNP50,含5 4001 SNPs)进行基因型测定,估计不同世代中国荷斯坦牛的有效群体大小。质量控制标准设定为SNP检出率0.95,最小等位基因频率>0.05,样本检出率0.95,哈代温伯格平衡检验显著性水平P<0.0001。经过质量控制,共1 968个样本和38 796个SNPs用于连锁不平衡分析。文章选取SNP间距0.1、0.2、0.5、1、2、5、10、15(Mb),估计中国荷斯坦牛在4世代之前有效群体大小。结果表明,中国荷斯坦牛的有效群体呈逐代下降趋势,至4世代前,中国荷斯坦牛平均有效群体为45头左右。  相似文献   
骨大小是一种独立于骨密度(BMD)的骨质疏松性骨折的重要风险因子。由于其高遗传率,充分了解控制骨大小的遗传因素有很重要的临床意义。文章研究目的为检测中国人群中α2-HS糖蛋白基因(AHSG)多态性和腰椎及髋部骨大小变异之间的关联。我们总共征集了来自中国401个核心家庭(包括父母亲及至少一个女儿)的1260个研究样本,并且分型了AHSG基因第7个外显子的Sac Ⅰ位点多态性。该位点核苷酸的替换(C→G)引起第238号丝氨酸被苏氨酸取代,因此可能对基因功能有影响。在任何骨骼位点,没有发现显著的群体分层。发现-HSG基因SacⅠ位点多态性和转子间(P=0.019)以及全髋的(P=0.035)骨大小呈显著性相关。该多态性位点能分别解释转子间和全髋3.74%和3.16%的骨大小变异。连锁分析没有检测到显著性结果,可能的主要原因是样本中同胞对的数目较少,统计效力较低,以及SacⅠ位点多态相对于微卫星标记对连锁分析提供的信息量少。结果表明,月HSG基因多态性可能和中国人群中髋部骨大小变异有关。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We studied 31 Phytomonas stocks isolated from various hosts and a broad geographical range by isoenzyme electrophoresis (14 loci) and population genetics analysis. The total variability is considerable since many stocks share no allele. Population genetic analysis strongly suggests that Phytomonas zymodemes behave as natural clones, as already proposed by us for several other protozoan species. These clones should be considered as actual taxa in all applied studies. Latex plants and phloemic plants (coconut and palm trees) harbor distinct sets of clones; hence, latex plants studied in this article are probably not a reservoir for parasites of the coconut and palm tree.  相似文献   
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