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繁殖体与微生境在退化草地恢复中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
退化草地的成功恢复主要依赖于种子和母株无性繁殖幼苗的有效建植 ,即草地群落中可利用繁殖体是退化草地得以恢复的内在条件。此外 ,群落中那些提供种子发芽、幼苗生长发育的适宜微生境 (safe sites/ suitable microsites) ,构成了退化草地恢复的外在条件。由于严重退化草地群落缺乏可利用繁殖体和供繁殖体生长发育的适宜微生境 ,使得退化草地恢复受到很大限制 ,因而 ,同时满足繁殖体与微生境是退化草地恢复的先决条件。人为提供繁殖体和适宜微生境可以在很大程度上提高退化草地的恢复速度 ,即在缺乏繁殖体草地群落供给繁殖体 ,或者在缺乏微生境的草地群落中创造适宜微生境。不同植物种群建植需要的环境存在着显著差异 ,因此在人工恢复草地群落过程中 ,对这些植物的繁殖体和繁殖体着床环境给予特殊处理是必需的 ,使之同时满足多种植物种群建植需求。对退化草地植物繁殖体、微生境的重要性及其涵义进行讨论  相似文献   
四种植物粘液繁殖体粘液的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对百里香(Thymus serpyllum)、平车前(Plantago depressa)、盐生车前(P.maritima)、野亚麻(Linum stelleroides)进行了粘液繁殖体粘液情况比较.以在水浸和浇水条件下植物种子粘沙量的多少衡量粘液量.结果表明,对于不同浸水时间处理,野亚麻和平车前未表现明显差异,盐生车前和百里香有随浸泡时间加长而粘液溶出量增多的趋势.对于不同浇水量处理,4种植物均有随浇水量增多而粘液增多的倾向.浸泡80min后,盐生车前种子的粘液粘沙使重量达原重的60多倍,平车前种子达原重的10倍左右,百里香和野亚麻种子达原重的4~6倍左右.浇水8mm后,盐生车前种子的粘液粘沙使重量达原重的20多倍,平车前种子达原重的6~10倍左右,百里香和野亚麻种子达原重的2~7倍左右.将各种处理平均,得到各种植物粘沙种子百分率为:野亚麻67.7%,百里香94.5%,平车前97.7%,盐生车前99.5%.  相似文献   
Abstract Selected character states of the presumed allies of Pseudopyxis are described, compared and discussed. Particular attention is paid to the fruits and diaspores and their ways of development and differentiation. It is presumed that 1) Pseudopyxis and Serissa are closely allied, that 2) these two genera are, in turn, closely related to Leptodermis and the monotypic Spermadictyon (the latter possibly not generically distinct from the former), that 3) Paederia loosely links up to four mentioned genera, and that 4) the monotypic Aitchisonia stands rather isolated on account of various peculiarities.  相似文献   
  1. Waterbird‐mediated endozoochory is an essential mechanism for the dispersal of sessile organisms in freshwater ecosystems. However, in the neotropics there are no previous studies of how different waterbird species vary in the dispersal functions they perform, and how seasonality influences endozoochory. In this study, we identified plant diaspores dispersed in faeces of five South American waterfowl (Brazilian teal Amazonetta brasiliensis, yellow‐billed teal Anas flavirostris, ringed teal Callonetta leucophrys, coscoroba swan Coscoroba coscoroba, and white‐faced whistling‐duck Dendrocygna viduata).
  2. We collected 165 faecal samples from five wetlands in southern Brazil surrounded by pasture and rice fields, then separated and measured intact seeds and other diaspores. Using generalised linear models, we tested how diaspore abundance and taxonomic richness differed among bird species and between cold (April–September) and warm (October–March) periods. We also analysed bird‐specific and seasonal variations in diaspore composition through principal coordinates analysis and permutational multivariate analysis of variance. We used indicator species analysis to determine which diaspore species discriminated between bird species and seasons. Finally, we measured diaspore length in order to analyse differences among waterfowl species in the size of diaspores dispersed.
  3. We found 2,066 intact diaspores from 40 different plant taxa, including seeds of 37 angiosperms and diaspores of Lycophyta (Isoetes cf. maxima), Pteridophyta (Azolla filiculoides), and Charophyceae. There was at least one diaspore in 65% of all faecal samples. Diaspores of native amphibious and emergent plants were dominant. We found 1,835 diaspores (from 33 taxa) in the cold period but only 231 (23 taxa) in the warm period. Seeds of the grass Zizaniopsis bonariensis and of the sedge Rynchospora sp. were the most abundant taxa. A strong interaction between bird species and season was the most important predictor of variation in both taxonomic richness and abundance of diaspores. The taxonomic composition of diaspores differed among waterfowl species and season. Indicator species analysis identified 12 plant taxa associated with particular bird species and seasons. Coscoroba swan, the largest bodied species in our study dispersed a higher proportion (8.2%) of large (length >2 mm) seeds.
  4. Despite considerable overlap, there are important differences in the plants dispersed by each species, and the smallest (ringed teal) and largest (coscoroba swan) birds are particularly different. All five waterfowl species are distributed over wide areas of South America and here we demonstrated that they are likely to be important plant vectors connecting wetland species at different geographical scales. Many of these plants have previously been assumed to lack mechanisms for long‐distance dispersal.
1. Most woody plant species in tropical habitats are primarily vertebrate‐dispersed, but interactions between ants and fallen seeds and fruits are frequent. This study assesses the species‐specific services provided by ants to fallen arillate seeds of Siparuna guianensis, a primarily bird‐dispersed tree in cerrado savanna. The questions of which species interact with fallen seeds, their relative contribution (versus vertebrates) to seed removal, and the potential effects on seedling establishment are investigated. 2. Seeds are removed in similar quantities in caged and control treatments, suggesting that ants are the main dispersers on the ground. Five ant species attended seeds. Pheidole megacephala (≈0.4 cm) cooperatively transported seeds, whereas the smaller Pheidole sp. removed the seed aril on spot. Large (> 1.0 cm) Odontomachus chelifer, Pachycondyla striata, and Ectatomma edentatum individually carried seeds up to 4 m. Bits of aril are fed to larvae and intact seeds are discarded near the nest entrance. 3. Overall, greater numbers of seedlings were recorded near ant nests than in control plots without nests. This effect, however, was only detected near P. megacephala and P. striata nests, where soil penetrability was greater compared with controls. Soil nutrients did not differ between paired plots. 4. This study confirms the prevalence of ant–seed interactions in cerrado and shows that ant‐derived benefits are species‐specific. Ant services range from seed cleaning on the spot to seed displacement promoting non‐random spatial seedling recruitment. Although seed dispersal distances by ants are likely to be shorter than those by birds, our study of S. guianensis shows that fine‐scale ant‐induced seed movements may ultimately enhance plant regeneration in cerrado.  相似文献   
Teliospores are the most important diaspores of smut fungi, albeit not the only ones. The role of basidla, basidiospores, secondary spores, yeast cells, and infected parts of the host for dispersal has often been neglected. Many smut species have soral structures like galls, peridia, and elaters, which cause teliospores to be liberated over prolonged periods. This increases the chance that at least some spores are released under favourable wet climatic conditions and while host plants are susceptible. In this review, the diversity of dispersal units as well as vectors of smut fungi are presented. The importance of timing of diaspore liberation, flexibility in dispersal strategies, and the genetic and evolutionary implications of dispersal strategies of smut fungi are discussed. The general considerations are complemented by examples based on original field and laboratory observations: peridia of Farysia corniculata and certain species of Sporisorium expose the spore mass by hygroscopic movement under wet conditions (hygrochasy) favourable for teliospore germination and infection of a host plant. Basidia with firmly attached basidiospores liberated from spore balls of Doassansiopsis deformans, branched basidiospores of Rhamphospora nymphaeae, needle-shaped basidiospores of species of Entyloma, folded basidiospores of Mycosyrinx cissi, and stellate groups of yeast cells of Trichocintractia utriculicola show enlarged surfaces, which are advantageous for dispersal in water. Galls filled with spore balls of Doassansiopsis limnocharidis and witches' brooms formed by spikelets infected by Cintractia standleyana separate from the host and fall into water where they are dispersed.  相似文献   
Blastenia is a widely distributed lichen genus in Teloschistaceae. We reconstructed its phylogeny in order to test species delimitation and to find evolutionary drivers forming recent Blastenia diversity. The origin of Blastenia is dated to the early Tertiary period, but later diversification events are distinctly younger. We recognized 24 species (plus 2 subspecies) within 6 infrageneric groups. Each species strongly prefers a single type of substrate (17 species occur on organic substrates, 7 on siliceous rock), and most infrageneric groups also show a clear substrate preference. All infrageneric groups tend to have the Mediterranean and Macaronesian distribution, but some epiphytic species have much larger geographic ranges and some evolved after a long‐distance dispersal outside the region. Chlorinated and nonchlorinated anthraquinone chemosyndromes co‐occur in apothecia of most species, but the chemotype has been secondarily reduced in some lineages. One infrageneric group has a marked reduction in apothecial size, associated with a substrate shift to twigs. Only seven species have vegetative diaspores; they also produce apothecia but have smaller ascospores. Genome sizes (22‐35 Mb in Blastenia) are significantly higher in epilithic species. Within‐species genetic variation is low in widely distributed species but high in some epilithic species with small geographical ranges. New taxa are: B. afroalpina, B. anatolica, B. caucasica, B. gennargentuae, B. herbidella subsp. acidophila, B. lauri, B. monticola, B. palmae, B. psychrophila, B. purpurea, B. relicta, B. remota, B. xerothermica, and B. xerothermica subsp. macaronesica. New combinations are: B. festivella and B. subathallina; both names and B. catalinae are lectotypified.  相似文献   
Abstract: Development and growth of the three threatened epiphytic lichen species Sticta fuliginosa (Hoffm.) Ach., Leptogium saturninum (Dicks.) Nyl. and Menegazzia terebrata (Hoffm.) Massal. was investigated by low temperature scanning electron microscopy and macro‐photography. Small cotton gauze discs acting as artificial substrata were fixed with aluminium staples on the bark of selected trees and vegetative diaspores (isidia or soredia) were transferred onto these discs. The subsequent development into small thalli of up to 3 mm length was observed within the 32‐month study period. All three species produced anchoring hyphae within the first month after transplantation. Two months later 52 % of the S. fuliginosa diaspores were still on the gauze discs and after 16 months 29 % remained attached. For L. saturninum, the corresponding percentages were 46 % and 19 %, respectively. First lobes resembling adult thalli were observed after 8 to 12 months in S. fuliginosa and L. saturninum but only after 16 months in M. terebrata. All three species developed usually more than one thallus primordium (pseudomeristematic growth zone) per isidium or soredial cluster. Transplanted thallus fragments were able to fix themselves on the new substratum but in all three species large parts degenerated and fell off during the first year, particularly in S. fuliginosa. The results show that the juvenile development of the investigated species is not restricted by microclimatic factors at the study site. We therefore conclude that the juvenile development is not the restricting factor in regard to growth and population survival. Other factors, such as the competition with bryophytes, insufficient diaspore dispersal or forest management practice must account for the small population sizes. The described transplantation technique of vegetative diaspores has proved to be very useful for the augmentation of small populations without damaging the existing thalli and we suggest use of this method for in situ conservation of endangered lichen species.  相似文献   
Background: The adobe bricks of old buildings can preserve diaspores of cultivated and weed species associated with arable fields. Recovery of these plant remains can provide insight into historical agriculture, and former weed flora.

Aims: This study aims to describe and evaluate the changes in the weed flora in south-western Hungary, based on archaeobotanical findings and contemporary plot surveys.

Methods: Plant remains of 51 adobe bricks dating from 1850 to 1950 were identified in south-western Hungary and compared with the flora of 104 plots from the same region.

Results: A total of 276 species were identified from the adobe bricks, while the present-day plot survey yielded 305 species. A significant difference was found between the historical (60- to 160-year-old) and current species richness of the weed flora. The proportion of rare and threatened species decreased by 38.1%. A total of 142 weed species identified from the adobe bricks have declined, and 40 of them even disappeared in comparison with the contemporary surveys. Today, in Hungary and neighbouring countries, more than 80 of these species are rare or threatened and some of them are extinct or critically endangered.

Conclusions: Our findings show that many weed species that flourished in the early twentieth century have declined. This is most likely due to the intensive management practices of cultivated fields and the spread of invasive neophyte taxa. We showed that analysing the botanical information preserved in adobe bricks is a reliable method that can provide evidence of long-term changes in weed flora.  相似文献   

以塔里木河下游分属于9科16属的21种荒漠植物为对象,调查了它们的植冠种子库情况以及繁殖体的附属物、形状(三维方差)、大小(三维之和)及质量(百粒重)等形态特征,并探讨了各种繁殖体的生态适应对策.结果表明:(1)13种荒漠植物可利用植冠种子库来躲避环境干扰:7种繁殖体具绢毛,2种繁殖体具翅,1种繁殖体具芒,3种繁殖体具冠毛,可利用风力实现传播与定居,而且它们可利用有水时期的速萌特性来适应当地生态输水这一辅助措施;5种繁殖体形状远离球形(三维方差≥0.126),6种繁殖体形状接近圆球形(三维方差<0.06).(2)5种具速萌特性的繁殖体(形状圆筒形、圆锥形和蝌蚪形)与8种具有持久土壤种子库的繁殖体(三维方差较小≤0.1且三维之和≤2.75 mm)利用它们互补的生态适应对策使其在研究区成功定居与繁衍; 13种以r-型生活史对策为主且粒小质轻的繁殖体(三维之和≤2.75 mm,单粒重<1 mg)与4种粒大质重的繁殖体(三维之和≥4.8 mm,单粒重>3.3 mg)利用其互补式繁殖对策将研究区生物多样性维持于一定水平.(3)7~9月份为一年生草本、多年生草本、(半)灌木植物及乔木同时落种的时期,可将人工输水集中于这一时期以实现研究区种子最大数量地萌发.  相似文献   
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