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Structural changes associated with corolla wilting may serve as a mechanism for effecting self-pollination. Low pollinator visitation, high seed production and a corolla that persists after anthesis indicates that Pedicularis dunniana is autogamous. Delayed autonomous self-pollination is facilitated by corolla wilting. Wilting of the upper lip (galea) brought the pollen laden anthers into contact with the stigma resulting in the deposition of self pollen on the stigma. The seed set of flowers either emasculated, or with restrained galeae thus preventing anthers brushing against the stigma, was significantly lower than that of open-pollinated flowers. This demonstrates that autogamy occurs in this species through corolla wilting. Germination experiments indicated that outcross seedlings were more vigorous than selfed seedlings as a result of inbreeding depression. It is likely that autogamy provides reproductive assurance for P. dunniana under conditions of pollinator scarcity.  相似文献   
1. Per‐capita resource availability in aquatic habitats is influenced directly by consumer density via resource competition and indirectly via delayed resource competition when temporally non‐overlapping cohorts of larvae exploit the same resources. In detritus‐based systems, resources are likely to be influenced by the age of the aquatic habitat, as detritus changes in quality over time and may be replenished by new inputs. 2. For aquatic insects that exploit detritus‐based habitats, feeding conditions experienced during immature stages can influence fitness directly via effects on development and survivorship, but also indirectly by influencing adult traits such as fecundity and longevity. 3. Larval habitat age and prior resource exploitation were manipulated in a field experiment using the container mosquito Aedes triseriatus. 4. It was found that A. triseriatus from older habitats had greater larval survival, faster development and greater adult longevity. Exploitation of larval habitats by a prior cohort of larvae had a significant negative effect on subsequent cohorts of larvae by delaying development. 5. It is suggested that extended conditioning of detritus probably resulted in conversion of recalcitrant resources to more available forms which improved the quality of the habitat. 6. In a parallel study, evidence was found of carry‐over effects of habitat age and prior exploitation on adult longevity for A. triseriatus and Aedes japonicus collected from unmanipulated aquatic habitats. 7. These results indicate the importance of detritus dynamics and the discontinuous nature of resource competition in these mosquito‐dominated aquatic systems.  相似文献   
The voltage gated Kv1.5 channels conduct the ultrarapid delayed rectifier current (IKur) and play critical role in repolarization of action potential duration. It is the most rapidly activated channel and has very little or no inactivated states. In human cardiac cells, these channels are expressed more extensively in atrial myocytes than ventricle. From the evidences of its localization and functions, Kv1.5 has been declared a selective drug target for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF). In this present study, we have tried to identify the rapidly activating property of Kv1.5 and studied its mode of inhibition using molecular modeling, docking, and simulation techniques. Channel in open conformation is found to be stabilized quickly within the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine membrane, whereas most of the secondary structure elements were lost in closed state conformation. The obvious reason behind its ultra-rapid property is possibly due to the amino acid alteration in S4–S5 linker; the replacement of Lysine by Glutamine and vice versa. The popular published drugs as well as newly identified lead molecules were able to inhibit the Kv1.5 in a very similar pattern, mainly through the nonpolar interactions, and formed sable complexes. V512 is found as the main contributor for the interaction along with the other important residues such as V505, I508, A509, V512, P513, and V516. Furthermore, two screened novel compounds show surprisingly better inhibitory potency and can be considered for the future perspective of antiarrhythmic survey.  相似文献   
Several methods for hatching the eggs and rearing individuals of the first generation (fundatrices) of Sitobion avenae were investigated. The most successful methods were incubation of the eggs on grass seedlings at 2°C and rearing the fundatrices on grass seedlings (overall survival 66%) and incubation of the eggs in plastic boxes at 2°C and rearing the fundatrices on wheat seedlings (overall survival 62%).
Résumé L'éclosion des oeufs de S. avenae peut être induite par le transfert à 10°C ou 12°C, après une incubation de 75–120 jours à 2°C. Le pourcentage le plus élevé d'éclosions a été obtenu quand les oeufs avaient incubé pendant 100 à 110 jours à 2°C (67% at 71.5% respectivement) dans des petites boîtes de plastique, ou pendant 100 jours à 2°C sur des pousses de graminées (73.5%). Si les oeufs sont pondus sur blé, la plante ne peut pas tolérer la période d'incubation, mais cet obstacle peut être surmonté en obligeant les ovipares à pondre leurs oeufs sur de pousses de graminées, comme Poa annua, hôte convenable pour les fondatrices. Les ovipares peuvent aussi pondre sans difficultés sur autre chose que des végétaux, et des récipients peuvent ètre mis à incuber sans contenir du matériel végétal.
The hatching distributions of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) with different genotypes at eight loci are compared in two experiments with the same strain. Embryos were incubated at temperatures colder (5 and 8°C) and warmer (12°C) than normally experienced by these fish (9.5°C). At hatching, embryos were separated into five hatching groups representing the chronological order of hatching. There is no significant correlation between multilocus heterozygosity and hatching time at any temperature in either experiment. Fish in the middle of the hatching distribution had the highest average heterozygosity. In both experiments, heterozygotes at the majority of loci examined tended to hatch relatively later within the hatching distribution at 12°C than at both 5 and 8°C. Fish with different genotypes atPgm2 andCk1 showed significant differences in hatching time that were consistent between experiments.Ck1 heterozygotes hatched sooner than homozygotes at 8°C but later at 12°C.Pgm2 heterozygotes hatched later than homozygotes at all temperatures and significantly later in four of five cases. At the other loci examined, however, the relative hatching distributions of fish with particular genotypes were not significantly different or repeatable between experiments.This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BSR-8300039 awarded to Dr. Fred W. Allendorf. Moira M. Ferguson was supported by a postgraduate scholarship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   
受试者为9名男性青年。在低压舱模拟海拔3000、4000、5000和6000m,分别进行1h实验,共36人次。各高度上停留时作听觉检测,并记录了脑电和主诉。结果表明,在3000m,人的听觉运动反应基本正常;而在5000m、6000m,听觉运动反应的正确率、延时率、遗漏率和反应时等多项指标发生显著变化,工效降低。本研究为急性缺氧防护生理标准和缺氧耐力提供了工效的依据。  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the processing of small enchytraeid species for cinematographic documentation and covers the main details of a film on their locomotion, food uptake, anatomy and reproductive biology. This includes copulation, shedding of the cocoon and hatching of the young, characteristic reproductive patterns for all clitellate worms.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of 10–8 M noradrenaline (NA) on [Ca2+], and electrical activity of single myocytes of guinea-pig ventricular myocardium loaded with Indo 1-AM. Membrane potential was recorded by means of the patch electrode and patch amplifier set to the current clamp mode. Cells were stimulated at a rate of 30/min by 3 ms pulses of the current injected through the recording electrode. Superfusion of NA resulted in slight shortening of action potentials (APs), increase in rate of rise and amplitude of the respective Ca2+ transients, and appearance of secondary Ca2+ transients of two kinds: 1. appearing before repolarisation of AP and decay of the preceding Ca2+ transient were completed and 2. appearing between the APs. We named them early after-transients (EAT) and delayed after-transients (DAT), respectively. Without any additional intervention EATS caused some prolongation of APs duration and DATs resulted in subthreshold delayed after-depolarisations (DADS). When sarcolemmal K+ conductance was decreased by tetraethylammonium (TEA) in the patch electrode or 20 M BaCl2 in the Tyrode solution, EATs initiated early after depolarizations (EADs) and DATs initiated suprathreshold DADs triggering full-sized APs. Superfusion of 30.0 mM Na+ (replaced with LiCl) resulted in reduction of AP duration by -70% and appearance of DATs. Also, the frequent multiple oscillations of Ca 2+ concentration were often observed. Neither DATs nor the oscillations had any affect on electrical activity of the cells. Their electrogenicity could not be increased by TEA or 20.0 M Ba2+. EATs and DATs and their respective EADs and DADs could not be initiated by NA or low Na+ superfusion in the cells pretreated with 2 × 10–7 M thapsigargin, a selective blocker of Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). We conclude that in contrast to the current hypothesis, EADs can be initiated by Ca2+ released early in the cardiac cycle from the overloaded SR, and that electrogenicity of both types of Ca2+ oscillations critically depends on the sarcolemmal K+ conductance.  相似文献   
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