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A faster rate of nuclear DNA evolution has recently been found for plants occupying warmer low latitudes relative to those in cooler high latitudes. That earlier study by our research group compared substitution rates within the variable internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal gene complex amongst 45 congeneric species pairs, each member of which differed in their latitudinal distributions. To determine whether this rate differential might also occur within highly conserved DNA, we sequenced the 18S ribosomal gene in the same 45 pairs of plants. We found that the rate of evolution in 18S was 51% faster in the tropical plant species relative to their temperate sisters and that the substitution rate in 18S correlated positively with that in the more variable ITS. This result, with a gene coding for ribosomal structure, suggests that climatic influences on evolution extend to functionally important regions of the genome.  相似文献   
In the early 1980s, sheepshead minnow Cyprinodon variegates was introduced into the Pecos River, Texas, U.S.A. where it hybridized with the endemic Pecos pupfish C. pecosensis . By 1985, pupfish populations throughout approximately 300 km of the river consisted exclusively of individuals of hybrid origin (intergrades). There was significant ( P <0·05) geographic variation in most morphological characters; the general pattern of variation was of a bidirectional cline centred near Pecos, Texas. At that site, morphology of intergrade populations resembled mostly that of the introduced species. Upstream and downstream from Pecos, morphology shifted progressively toward that typical of the native form. Intergrade populations were morphologically intermediate to the parental forms, showed a rapid approach to random assortment of characters, and generally exhibited greater morphological variability than occurred in either parent species. These observations and the consistent lack of bimodality in frequency distributions of a morphological hybrid index support the contention that intergrade populations comprise panmictic admixtures of C. variegates and C. pecosensis .  相似文献   
Monoterpenoids from wood of Pinus quadrifolia and Pinus monophylla from south of the San Jacinto Mountains in southern California were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). The number of needles per fascicle, the number of resin canals, and the number of abaxial and adaxial stomatal rows in the needles were determined. Percentages of mycrene, α-pinene, and to a minor extent of camphene, β-pinene, limonene, and β-phellandrene, the above mentioned morphological characteristics and previously obtained data were all used for identification and characterisation of species intermediacy in the San Jacinto area. It was concluded that many P. quadrifolia trees in the mixed Buck Ridge stand and some trees in two pure stands of the same area were hybrids and that sympatric and to a lesser extent allopatric introgression of P. monophylla into P. quadrifolia takes place in the San Jacinto region. Introgression of P. quadrifolia into P. monophylla could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   
Aim The main aim of the present study is to infer the post‐glacial history of Abies species from north‐east Asia and to test the hypotheses that coastal Abies populations suffered less from climatic fluctuations during Pleistocene glacial periods than their more continental counterparts, and that Sakhalin was a major area of introgression. Location Natural ranges of the fir species Abies nephrolepis, Abies sachalinensis and Abies holophylla in the Russian Far East, and of Abies gracilis, which is endemic to the Kamchatka Peninsula. Methods Nineteen populations were sampled for allozyme analysis. Seventeen of these populations were also screened for variation at two paternally inherited chloroplast DNA microsatellite loci (cpSSR) and variation at one maternally inherited mitochondrial marker (nad4‐3/4). Finally a subset of 11 populations was analysed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Comparisons were made with already available Abies sibirica data. For all sets of markers, we estimated genetic diversity and differentiation using an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). Population clustering was assessed with a Bayesian approach implemented in structure v.2.3. Results Among the three major species, A. sibirica, A. nephrolepis and A. sachalinensis, A. sachalinensis demonstrated the highest cytoplasmic and nuclear diversity and the most continental species, A. sibirica, the lowest. Both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers revealed the presence of a transitional zone on Sakhalin Island between A. nephrolepis and A. sachalinensis of south Sakhalin. The structure analysis delivered very clear results confirming the admixed origin of A. sachalinensis, with a genetic contribution from A. nephrolepis. No variation in cytoplasmic markers was found in A. gracilis, suggesting the occurrence of a recent bottleneck. Main conclusions There is a clear reduction of genetic diversity in Abies species from the Pacific coast into the continent. The higher diversity in A. sachalinensis could have two causes: a larger effective population size in the islands due to relatively stable climatic conditions and consequently less pronounced demographic fluctuations in population size and/or hybridization with continental and Japanese populations. Sakhalin Island is a major transitional zone for conifer species. Finally, the fir from Kamchatka, A. gracilis, should be regarded as a separate species closely related to the A. nephrolepisA. sachalinensis complex.  相似文献   
In searching for differentially expressed genes in human uterine leiomyomas (ULs), suppression sub-tractive hybridization was used to construct an UL up-regulated library, which turned out to represent 88genes. After two rounds of screening by reverse Northern analysis, twenty genes were proved to be up-regulated, including seventeen known genes and three genes with unknown function. All these genes werefirstly associated with UL. Three genes with notable difference were selected for Northern confirmationOur results proved the authenticity of the twenty genes. One gene named Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) showedup-regulation in 4/6 of the patients and investigation of tissue distribution indicated that it had obviousexpression in prostate, testis, liver, heart and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Abstract cDNA-RNA liquid hybridization analysis was used to compare the RNA sequence homology between two members of the Nudaurelia β virus family, Trichoplusia ni virus ( T.ni V) and Dasychira pudibunda virus ( D.p V). Heterologous hybridization experiments demonstrated that these viruses shared little sequence homology. Using oligo(dT) chromatography and oligo(dT)12–18 as a primer for cDNA synthesis it was shown that neither T.ni V nor D.p V RNA genomes possess a poly(A) tract at the 3' end.  相似文献   
Three species of tilapia native to Zimbabwe, Oreochromis mossambicus, O. mortimeri and O. macrochir are not naturally sympatric, but because of transplantation they have been brought into sympatry. Allozymes of fish examined from Lakes Kariba, Kyle and Chivero showed evidence of introgressive hybridization. The data showed non-random mating populations in Lakes Kariba and Kyle. All three reservoirs displayed individuals with intermediate principal component scores and hybrid index scores indicating hybridization.  相似文献   
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