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Phosphorus availability was measured in soils under five cropping systems: alley cropping with Erythrina poeppigiana, alley cropping with Gliricidia sepium, sole cropping with Erythrina poeppigiana mulch applied, sole cropping with Gliricidia sepium mulch applied, sole cropping with no mulch. The following parameters were measured: 1) plant-available soil P assessed by P uptake of maize and bean bioassay plants; 2) phosphate desorbable by anion exchange resin; 3) adsorption of added P into isotopically exchangeable and non-exchangeable pools.In the bioassay, P uptake of beans declined in the order: mulched sole-cropped>unmulched sole-cropped>alley-cropped soils. For maize the relative uptake was: mulched sole-cropped>unmulched sole-cropped = alley-cropped soils. These results suggest trees had not incorporated a significant quantity of P into the system after seven years and, probably, there was a decrease in available soil P due to the sequestration of P in the tree biomass. Potentially resin-desorbable P was higher in alley-cropped and mulched sole-cropped soils than in unmulched sole-cropped soils. The adsorption and desorption of added P into and from exchangeable and non-exchangeable pools did not differ between alley-cropped and unmulched sole-cropped soils.Crop yield and crop N, P and K uptake were all higher in the alley crops than in the unmulched sole crop. The supply of P to the crop under alley cropping seems to be dependent on P cycled and released from the mulch. The P cycle in alley cropping appears to be self-sustaining at least under conditions of moderate P fertiliser input.  相似文献   
The governing factors for soil nitrogen dynamics were identified with a simulation model. In addition, the model was used to interpret measurements from a plot fertilisation experiment in southwest Sweden.Simulated moisture and temperature conditions were the driving variables for the simulation of soil nitrogen dynamics and leaching during a 6-year period. The results of the simulation were compared with monthly observations on two plots with grain crops, one with liquid manure and commercial fertilisers applied and one with commercial fertilisers only.Simulated temporal variations of the nitrate and ammonium storages generally agreed with observations. The dominant role of the crops as a determinant of soil nitrogen conditions was demonstrated. A higher leaching loss from the plot with application of commerical fertilisers only occurred both in simulations and measurements compared to the plot with application of both commercial fertilisers and manure. The main reason was the higher N-application in the former treatment.The effect of water flows in macropores was interpreted as a delay of simulated leaching compared to observed leaching on some occasions in summer and early autumn. No direct effect of the macropores on the yearly rates of leaching could be seen.  相似文献   
van Bel  Aart J. E.  van Rijen  Harold V. M. 《Planta》1994,192(2):165-175
From the cambial stage onwards, the symplasmic autonomy of sieve element/companion cell complexes (SE/CC-complexes) was followed in stems of Lupinus luteus L. by microinjection techniques. The membrane potential and the symplasmic autonomy of the mature SE/CC-complex was measured in successive internodes. A microelectrode was inserted into SE/CC-complexes or phloem parenchyma cells (PPs) and, after stabilization of the membrane potential, the membrane-impermeant fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow CH (LYCH) was injected intracellullary. The plasmodesmata of the cambial SE/ CC precursor were gradually shut off at all interfaces beginning at the walls to be transformed into sieve plates. In the course of maturation, symplasmic discontinuity was maintained at the longitudinal walls of the complex. In the transverse walls of the SE, wide sieve pores were formed giving rise to longitudinal multicellular symplasmic domains of SE/CC-complexes. Symplasmic isolation of the files of mature SE/CC-complexes was demonstrated in several ways: (i) the membrane potential of the SE/CC-complexes (between -100 mV and -130 mV) was consistently more negative than that of the PPs (between-50 and -100 mV), (ii) No exchange of LYCH was observed between SE/CC-complexes and the PPs. Lucifer Yellow CH injected into the SEs exclusively moved to the associated CCs and to other SE/CC-complexes whereas LYCH injected into the PPs was only displaced to other PPs. (iii) The electrical coupling ratio between adjacent PPs was ten times higher than that between SE/CC-complex and PP. A gradient in the membrane potential of the SE/CC-complexes along the stem was not conclusively demonstrated.Abbreviations LYCH Lucifer Yellow CH - membrane potential - PMF proton-motive force - PP phloem parenchyma cell - SE/CC-complex sieve element/companion cell complex - SR-G sulphorhodamine G  相似文献   
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas and major component of the net global warming potential of bioenergy feedstock cropping systems. Numerous environmental factors influence soil N2O production, making direct correlation difficult to any one factor of N2O fluxes under field conditions. We instead employed quantile regression to evaluate whether soil temperature, water‐filled pore space (WFPS), and concentrations of soil nitrate () and ammonium () determined upper bounds for soil N2O flux magnitudes. We collected data over 6 years from a range of bioenergy feedstock cropping systems including no‐till grain crops, perennial warm‐season grasses, hybrid poplar, and polycultures of tallgrass prairie species each with and without nitrogen (N) addition grown at two sites. The upper bounds for soil N2O fluxes had a significant and positive correlation with all four environmental factors, although relatively large fluxes were still possible at minimal values for nearly all factors. The correlation with was generally weaker, suggesting it is less important than in driving large fluxes. Quantile regression slopes were generally lower for unfertilized perennials than for other systems, but this may have resulted from a perpetual state of nitrogen limitation, which prevented other factors from being clear constraints. This framework suggests efforts to reduce concentrations of in the soil may be effective at reducing high‐intensity periods—”hot moments”—of N2O production.  相似文献   
天山雪岭云杉针叶林内乔灌木水分利用模式尚不明确,水分利用动态缺乏定量分析。本研究对雪岭云杉和伴生灌木异果小檗茎杆木质部水及各潜在水源的氢氧稳定同位素组成进行测定,运用IsoSource模型定量分析两树种夏季对各潜在水源的相对利用比例。结果表明: 7月,土壤含水量充足时,雪岭云杉和异果小檗主要吸收利用60 cm以上土壤水,相对利用比例分别为73.8%和63.2%。8月,土壤含水量相对较低时,雪岭云杉水分来源保持稳定,对60 cm以上土壤水的相对利用比例为69.5%;异果小檗则转换至利用更深层的水源,对0~20 cm浅层土壤水的相对利用比例降至14.3%,主要吸收利用中层(20~60 cm)和深层(60~100 cm)土壤水,相对利用比例为67.7%。9月,随着0~20 cm浅层土壤含水量升高,两树种恢复对浅层土壤水的吸收利用,相对利用比例达95.0%。综上,雪岭云杉表现出典型的浅根系特征,其吸收利用的水源主要来自浅层土壤水;异果小檗则能够在0~100 cm的土壤各层吸收利用水分,同时随土壤含水量的变化灵活转换其水源,从而应对环境水分变异。  相似文献   
川西北泡沙参种群根系生长动态及其与环境因素关系研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
对川西北地区泡沙参种群根系生物量累积和形态发育过程及其与环境因素的关系进行了研究.结果表明,泡沙参种群根系生物量累积一般规律符合Logistic增长过程.较高的泡沙参根系生物量累积和形态发育时期可以持续到15~17年生以后,根系采收直径应在1.7cm以上.动物啃食、人为采挖、土壤、气候等环境条件与不同海拔各种群的根系生物量累积等有着密切联系,中海拔地区(2800~3300m)人为干扰少,土壤和水热条件适宜,根系生物量和形态发育达到较高水平,适合高产栽培.而低海拔和高海拔地区的不利环境条件限制了泡沙参根系生长.在进行野生资源保护利用以及人工栽培泡沙参时应充分考虑环境因素,努力减少放牧、采挖等人为破坏,有条件的地区应实行分区禁牧、禁采挖,为泡沙参种群恢复和药材品质提高创造条件.  相似文献   
研究了岷江下游紫色丘陵区玉米+红薯间作、大豆单作、生姜连作、水稻-紫云英轮作等4个典型种植模式下栽植生姜后土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷含量和水解酶活性的变化特征.结果表明: 栽植生姜显著降低了4个种植模式下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮和磷含量,但各种植模式之间存在较大差异.其中,玉米+红薯间作和水稻-紫云英轮作模式下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的下降幅度明显低于大豆单作与生姜连作模式,但土壤微生物生物量磷下降幅度明显较高.栽植生姜显著降低了土壤酸性磷酸酶活性,其下降幅度以玉米+红薯间作模式最大,水稻-紫云英轮作模式最小;土壤转化酶活性在生姜连作模式下显著降低;土壤脲酶活性在大豆单作、生姜连作和水稻-紫云英轮作模式下均显著降低.相对于其他模式,栽植生姜使玉米+红薯间作模式下的土壤维持了较高的转化酶和脲酶活性.  相似文献   
连作对大豆根部土壤微生物的影响研究   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
研究了正茬与连作大豆根际及非根际土壤微生物区系的变化。结果表明,细菌总数占绝对优势,连作低于正茬。放线菌数量总体变化幅度不大,真菌数量有显著变化,连作明显高于正茬。连作使土壤pH、含水率和微生物主要生理类群数量明显下降,土壤肥力降低。无论细菌、放线菌和真菌,正茬及连作大豆根际微生物数量明显高于非根际。  相似文献   
内生真菌对花生残茬腐解及土壤酚酸含量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤中花生残茬是导致连作障碍的原因之一。为了探讨施加内生真菌Phomopsis liquidambari(B3)对加速花生残茬腐解、改善连作花生土壤环境、缓解花生连作障碍的作用及其可能机理,通过向土壤中添加花生(Archis hypogaea)残体,利用盆栽试验探讨了施加B3对花生残茬腐解率、土壤部分酚酸物质和酶活性的影响。结果表明:与CK相比,在萌发期和苗期,添加B3处理显著加快残茬腐解,提高纤维素木质素降解率,增加土壤中对羟基苯甲酸、香草酸和香豆酸的含量;在花生整个生育期,施加B3显著调节了土壤中漆酶、锰过氧化物酶(Manganese peroxidase,Mn P)、木质素过氧化物酶(Lignin peroxidase,Li P)和多酚氧化酶(Polyphenol oxidase,PPO)活性的动态变化,这种变化有利于花生残茬快速腐解和酚酸类化感物质的及时转化。开花期之后施加B3处理土壤酚酸含量显著降低,花生荚果增产19.9%。实时定量PCR结果表明内生真菌B3在土壤中30 d内可以被检测,并对复杂多样的酚酸类物质具有广谱高效的降解能力。由此说明,施加内生真菌B3可以显著加快连作土壤中花生残茬腐解,进而通过减少土壤酚酸含量来缓解由残茬腐解引起的连作障碍。  相似文献   
连作障碍严重限制了当归产业的可持续发展.为了探索当归(Angelica sinensis)高效栽培技术,本研究在当归主产区甘肃省渭源县设置5种种植模式(A:豌豆-当归-当归,对照;B:豌豆-小麦-当归;C:豌豆-蒙古黄芪-当归;D:豌豆-马铃薯-当归;E:豌豆-休耕-当归),于采挖期分别测定不同种植模式下,当归根际土壤...  相似文献   
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