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Synopsis The silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, and scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, represent >80% of the shark by-catch of the winter swordfish/tuna longline fishery of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. This catch represents a potential supplemental fishery, yet little is known of the life histories of the two species. This report relates reproductive biology data to age and growth estimates for 135 C. falciformis and 78 S. lewini. Unlike other regional populations, C. falciformis in the Gulf of Mexico may have a seasonal 12 month gestation period. Males mature at 210–220 cm TL (6–7 yr); females at >225 cm TL (7–9 yr). Application of age at length data for combined sexes produced von Bertalanffy growth model parameter estimates of L = 291 cm TL, K = 0.153, t0 = −2.2 yr. Adult male S. lewini outnumbered adult females in catches because of differences in the distributions of the sexually segregated population. Males mature at 180 cm TL (10 yr); females at 250 cm TL (15 yr). von Bertalanffy parameter estimates for combined sexes of this species were L = 329 cm TL, K = 0.073, to = −2.2 yr.  相似文献   
Summary A fluorescent staining procedure to detect suberin, lignin and callose in plants has been developed. This procedure greatly improves on previous methods for visualizing Casparian bands in root exodermal and endodermal cells, and performs equally well on a variety of other plant tissues. Berberine was selected as the most suitable replacement forChelidonium majus root extract after comparing the staining properties of the extract with those of four of its constituent alkaloids. Aniline blue counterstaining efficiently quenched unwanted background fluorescence and nonspecific berberine staining, while providing a fluorochrome for callose. When used with multichambered holders which allow simultaneous processing of freehand sections, this efficient staining procedure facilitates morphological studies involving large numbers of samples.Abbreviations ISCC-NBS Inter-Society Color Council-National Bureau of Standards - UV ultraviolet light  相似文献   
A mathematical examination of retinal photochemistry leads to a hypothesis for Mach band phenomena based on eye movements. This retinal model suggests why minimally distinct borders fade under eye fixation and agrees qualitatively with subjective measures of border contrast as a function of overall field luminance.Deceased  相似文献   
Replidated experiments indicate an association between thermal tolerance of juvenile bluegill sunfish and adaptive pigmentation to background color. Bluegills exposed to black backgrounds were able to survive higher temperatures longer than those exposed to blond backgrounds, when water temperatures were raised at a rate of 0.1°C/h from 24 to 36°C. Plausible explanations are considered which involve heat radiation effectiveness (by the fish) related to the black body concept, and stress associated with adaptive pigmentation.  相似文献   
This study describes the molar enamel microstructure of seven lemurid primates: Hapalemur griseus, Varecia variegata, Lemur catta, Lemur macaco, Lemur fulvus rufus, Lemur fulvus fulvus, and Lemur fulvus albifrons. Contrary to earlier accounts, which reported little or no prism decussation in lemurid enamel, both Lemur and Varecia molars contain a prominent inner layer of decussating prisms (Hunter-Schreger bands), in addition to an outer radial prism layer, and a thin, nonprismatic enamel surface layer. In contrast, Hapalemur enamel consists entirely of radial and, near the surface, nonprismatic enamel. In addition, for all species, prism packing patterns differ according to depth from the tooth surface, and for all species but Varecia (which also has the thinnest enamel of any lemurid), average prism area increases from the enamel-dentine junction to the surface; this may be a developmental solution to the problem of accommodating a larger outer surface area with enamel deposited from a fixed number of cells. Finally, contradicting some previous reports, Pattern 1 prisms predominate only in the most superficial prismatic enamel. In the deeper enamel, prism cross-sections include both closed (Pattern 1) and arc-shaped (Pattern 2 or, most commonly, Pattern 3). This sequence of depth-related pattern change is repeated in all taxa. It should also be emphasized that all taxa can exhibit all three prism patterns in their mature enamel. The high degree of quantitative and qualitative variation in prism size, shape, and packing suggests that these features should be used cautiously in phylogenetic studies. Hapalemur is distinguished from the other lemurids by unique, medially constricted or rectangular prism cross-sections at an intermediate depth and the absence of prism decussation, but, without further assessment of character polarity, these differences do not clarify lemurid phylogenetic relations. Some characters of enamel microstructure may represent synapomorphies of Lemuridae, or of clades within Lemuridae, but homoplasy is likely to be common. Homoplasy of enamel characters may reflect functional constraints. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
于1986—1988年,先后人工诱导2尾红镜鲤和4尾荷包红鲤抗寒品系雌核发育,获得雌核发育2倍体当年鱼种2133尾,其中红镜鲤685尾,荷包红鲤1448尾。通过对这些后代鳞被和体色两个质量性状的分析,发现荷包红鲤抗寒品系雌核发育2倍体(1987)中有约三分之一个体表现散鳞型鳞被和桔红色(出现由深到浅一系列变化)及少量桔黄色、肉红色个体。红镜鲤散鳞型鳞被出现体表全部覆盖不规则大型鳞片、2/3、1/2覆盖不规则的大型鳞片和散鳞型个体。体色出现桔红色、桔黄色,上述二色都出现由深到浅一系列变化和肉红色。这两个质量性状在雌核发育代中表现出数量性状的特征。  相似文献   
Floral color change in diverse plants has been thought to be a visual signal reflecting changes in floral rewards, promoting pollinator foraging efficiency as well as plant reproductive success. It remains unclear whether olfactory signals co-vary with floral color change. We investigated the production rhythms of floral scent and nectar associated with floral color change in Lonicera japonica. The flowers generally last 2–3 days. They are white on opening at night (N1) and become light yellow the following day (D1), yellow on the second night (N2), and golden on the second day of flowering (D2). Our measurements in the four stages indicated that nectar production decreased significantly from N1 and D1 to N2 and D2, tracking the floral color change. A total of 34 compounds were detected in floral scent and total scent emission was significantly higher in N2 than in the other three stages. The scent emission of three major compounds, Linalool, cis-3-Hexenyl tiglate, and Germacrene D was also significantly higher in N2, but the relative content of Linalool decreased gradually, cis-3-Hexenyl tiglate increased gradually, and the relative content of Germacrene D did not differ among the four measured stages. Greater scent emission by night than by day suggested a strong olfactory signal to attract nocturnal hawkmoths, the effective pollinators. However, floral scent rhythms in the four stages did not match the color change and nectar secretion, suggesting that floral color (visual) and scent (olfactory) in this species may play different roles in attracting or filtering various visitors.  相似文献   
Fruit color, fruit size and phenology of bird-disseminated plants were examined in different climatic zones of Japan and the relationships between the plants and frugivorous birds were disscussed.Black fruit was the most common in warm-temperate areas and red was the most common in cool-temperate and subarctic zones. Red was more dominant in the lower layer of the forests in all climatic zones. Bicolor fruits were frequent in trees and were not found in herbs. Both in warm- and cool-temperate zones conspicuous fruits which are red and bicolored display were more frequent in summer than in winter.The diameter of most fruits were 4–11 mm. Fruits in warm-temperate were somewhat bigger than those in cooltemperate zone. In forest strata the fruits of shrubs were smaller than those of trees and herbs in width. However I found no relationships between fruit size and fruit color.The frugivorous birds could have influenced not only the evolution of seasonal differences in the proportion of fruit color between warm-temperate and cool-temperate region, but also affect the fruit size.  相似文献   
本文采用AnitaHarris建立的统一标准,编制了中国中部和北部地区奥陶系─三叠系的15幅牙形刺CAI图,并作了说明,这对找油找气具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
将遴选的经适当接尾的12个HLA-DQA1序列特异性寡核苷酸固定在一张滤膜上,用生物素标记的DQA1特异性扩增产物与滤膜上的序列特异性寡核苷酸在四甲基氯化铵杂交体系中杂交,然后经洗膜封膜,杂交信号用非放射性的碱性磷酸酶显色法检测,根据杂交斑点的显示结果分析标本的基因型。采用这种方法初步确定了HLA-DQA1位点8种单倍型等位基因:DQA10101、0102、0103、0201、03011、0401、0501和0601.非放射性反相杂交法可对各种来源的杂合性标本进行HLA-Ⅱ类基因快速分型,并适合在临床器官移植的组织分型配型、疾病易感性研究和法医鉴定等领城中应用。  相似文献   
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