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Generalist predators have the capacity to restrict pest population growth, especially early in the season before densities increase. However, their polyphagous feeding habits sometimes translate into reduced pest consumption when they target alternative prey. An order-specific monoclonal antibody was developed to examine the strength of trophic connections between Diptera, a major category of non-pest prey, and linyphiid spiders in alfalfa. We report the development and characterization of a monoclonal antibody with order-level specificity to Diptera. This antibody elicited strong absorbance to 22 Diptera from 13 families, no false-positive reactivity to non-dipteran invertebrates, and antigen detection periods following prey consumption that were comparable between spiders. Over 900 field-collected females of the linyphiid spiders Erigone autumnalis and Bathyphantes pallidus were screened for Diptera antigen. Significantly more B. pallidus screened positive for Diptera (40%) compared to E. autumnalis (16%), indicating differential reliance on these prey. In parallel with the collection of spiders for gut-content analysis, prey availability was estimated at web sites. The two spiders exhibited different feeding responses to prey availability. Consumption of Diptera by B. pallidus was strongly correlated with Diptera abundance whilst the availability of other potential prey did not influence predation rates. Conversely, E. autumnalis did not prey upon Diptera in proportion to availability, but increased Collembola activity-density reduced dipteran consumption. Integration of molecular gut-content analysis with precise sampling of prey demonstrated how two closely related linyphiid spiders exhibit different feeding responses to the availability of prey under natural field conditions. Elucidating the feeding preferences of natural enemies is critical to effective incorporation of biological control by generalist predators in the management of agricultural pests.  相似文献   
Conclusion Since the EPG method is increasingly utilized in the investigation of plant-Homoptera interactions, this software has been developed to enable fast processing of abundant data. The objective seems to have been achieved and, with a little practice, a 2-hour experiment may be analysed in about 10–15 minutes. Mac-Stylet is stand-alone shareware, freely distributed to all persons interested (request to G. Febvay, email: febvay@jouy.inra.fr).  相似文献   
Background and Aims: While invasive species may escape from natural enemies in thenew range, the establishment of novel biotic interactions withspecies native to the invaded range can determine their success.Biological control of plant populations can be achieved by manipulationof a species' enemies in the invaded range. Interactions weretherefore investigated between a native parasitic plant andan invasive legume in Mediterranean-type woodlands of SouthAustralia. Methods: The effects of the native stem parasite, Cassytha pubescens,on the introduced host, Cytisus scoparius, and a co-occurringnative host, Leptospermum myrsinoides, were compared. The hypothesisthat the parasitic plant would have a greater impact on theintroduced host than the native host was tested. In a fieldstudy, photosynthesis, growth and survival of hosts and parasitewere examined. Key Results: As predicted, Cassytha had greater impacts on the introducedhost than the native host. Dead Cytisus were associated withdense Cassytha infections but mortality of Leptospermum wasnot correlated with parasite infection. Cassytha infection reducedthe photosynthetic rates of both hosts. Infected Cytisus showedslower recovery of photosystem II efficiency, lower transpirationrates and reduced photosynthetic biomass in comparison withuninfected plants. Parasite photosynthetic rates and growthrates were higher when growing on the introduced host Cytisus,than on Leptospermum. Conclusions: Infection by a native parasitic plant had strong negative effectson the physiology and above-ground biomass allocation of anintroduced species and was correlated with increased plant mortality.The greater impact of the parasite on the introduced host maybe due to either the greater resources that this host providesor increased resistance to infection by the native host. Thisdisparity of effects between introduced host and native hostindicates the potential for Cassytha to be exploited as a controltool.  相似文献   
The evolutionary response of plant populations to selection for increased defense may be constrained by costs of defense. The purpose of this study was to investigate such constraints on the evolution of defense due to a cost of defense manifested as a trade-off between defense and tolerance. Variation in the response to artificial damage (tolerance) among lines of Brassica rapa that had been artificially selected for foliar glucosinolate content (defense) was examined. Leaf area was removed from replicates of three selection lines (high glucosinolates, control, and low glucosinolates) at three damage levels (0%, 20%, and 60% damage). An external cost of defense would result in a statistically significant selection line by damage treatment interaction, with those selected for high defense expressing less tolerance than those selected for low defense. Damage treatment had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with fitness declining with increasing damage level. Further, selection line also had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with low-defense selection lines having higher fitness compared to both control and high-defense selection lines. More importantly, a cost of defense in terms of tolerance was demonstrated by a significant selection line-by-damage treatment interaction. This interaction was in the direction to demonstrate a genetic trade-off between defense and tolerance, with low-defense selection lines decreasing estimated total fitness in response to damage less than both control and high-defense selection lines. Variation in tolerance among selection lines was due to the greater ability of low-defense lines to maintain fruit and seed production despite the presence of damage. In terms of tolerance, this cost of glucosinolate production in B. rapa could constrain the evolution of increased defense and, in so doing, maintain individuals within the population that are poorly defended yet tolerant.  相似文献   
Photoexcitation of flavin analogs generates the lowest triplet state (via intersystem crossing from the first excited singlet state) in the nanosecond time domain and with high quantum efficiency. The triplet, being a strong oxidant, can abstract a hydrogen atom (or an electron) from a reduced donor in a diffusion-controlled reaction. If the donor is a redox protein, the oxidation process can be used to initiate an electron transfer sequence involving either intramolecular or intermolecular reactions. If the donor is an organic compound such as EDTA, the neutral flavin semiquinone will be produced by H atom abstraction; this is a strong reductant and can subsequently transfer a hydrogen atom (or an electron) to an oxidized redox protein, thereby again initiating a sequence of intramolecular or intermolecular processes. If flavin photoexcitation is accomplished using a pulsed laser light source, the initiation of these protein electron transfer reactions can be made to occur in the nanosecond to microsecond time domain, and the sequence of events can be followed by time-resolved spectrophotometry to obtain rate constants and thus mechanistic information. The present paper describes this technology, and selected examples of its use in the investigation of redox protein mechanisms are given.  相似文献   
A computer algorithm, CLIX, capable of searching a crystallographic data-base of small molecules for candidates which have both steric and chemical likelihood of binding a protein of known three-dimensional structure is presented. The algorithm is a significant advance over previous strategies which consider solely steric or chemical requirements for binding. The algorithm is shown to be capable of predicting the correct binding geometry of sialic acid to a mutant influenza-virus hemagglutinin and of proposing a number of potential new ligands to this protein.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. The fungus Neotyphodium lolii forms a symbiotic relationship with its grass host Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass). The fungus benefits from access to plant nutrients and photosynthate, whereas the plant benefits from acquired chemical defence against herbivory.
2. This study examined the potential for endophyte-mediated plant defences to influence interactions between fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda , and the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae and clarified biological mechanisms underlying the observations made.
3. In laboratory and greenhouse experiments, S. frugiperda larvae were fed endophytic or non-endophytic L. perenne then exposed to S. carpocapsae or injected with the nematodes' symbiotic bacteria Xenorhabdus nematophila .
4. In all instances, S. frugiperda larvae fed endophyte-infected grass suffered significantly lower mortality than those fed non-endophytic plants. Although larvae fed endophyte-infected grass often had significantly lower biomass than those fed uninfected grass, these differences did not account for altered susceptibility to S. carpocapsae .
5. Endophyte-mediated reductions in herbivore susceptibility to the nematode pathogen represent a herbivore adaptation that effectively turns the tables on both plant and natural enemy by reducing the virulence of the nematodes' symbiotic bacteria while expanding the temporal window of herbivory.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Interactions among predators may influence the total efficiency of a predator complex. The effect of intra- and interspecific interactions of the generalist predators Orthotylus marginalis (Heteroptera: Miridae) and Anthocoris nemorum (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) was investigated in a laboratory experiment. Outcomes of the interactions were determined by comparing predation rates on eggs and larvae of the blue willow beetle Phratora vulgatissima of single individuals with those of two individuals of the same or different species.
2. A non-additive, antagonistic effect on predation rates due to intraspecific interactions was found between individuals of A. nemorum . No such effect was found in O. marginalis . These results are as expected as a consequence of differences in behaviour of the two predator species: A. nemorum is a much more active and mobile predator than O. marginalis .
3. Contrary to expectation, interspecific interactions between A. nemorum and O. marginalis did not affect the total predation rate.
4. An observation from the field corroborated the results obtained in the laboratory study; there was no negative relationship between the densities of the two predator species, indicating that the two species do not interact negatively in the field at their natural densities.
5. It is concluded that the additive effect of multiple predator species is of potential value in biological control.  相似文献   
Gramicidin A forms ion-conducting channels which can traverse the hydrocarbon core of lipid bilayer membranes. The structures formed by gramicidin A are among the best characterized of all membrane-bound polypeptides or proteins. In this review a brief summary is given of the occurrence, conformation, and synthesis of gramicidin A, and of its use as a model for ion transport and the interaction of proteins and lipids in biological membranes.  相似文献   
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