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全球氮沉降不仅改变土壤氮和磷的有效性, 同时也改变氮磷比例。氮磷供应量、比例及其交互作用可能会影响植物种子性状。该研究在内蒙古草原基于沙培盆栽实验种植灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum), 设置3个氮磷供应量水平和3个氮磷比例的正交实验来探究氮磷供应量、比例及其交互作用对灰绿藜种子性状的影响。结果发现氮磷供应量对种子氮浓度、磷浓度和萌发率影响的相对贡献(15%-24%)大于氮磷比例(3%-7%), 而种子大小只受氮磷比例的影响。同时氮磷供应量和比例之间的交互作用显著影响种子氮浓度和磷浓度。同等氮磷比例情况下, 低量养分供应提高种子氮浓度、磷浓度和萌发率。氮磷比例只有在养分匮乏的环境中才会对种子大小和萌发率产生显著影响。总之, 灰绿藜种子不同性状对氮或磷限制的敏感性不同, 同时种子性状也对养分限制表现出适应性和被动响应。  相似文献   
1. Ship‐induced waves can affect the physical characteristics of lake and river shorelines, and laboratory studies have shown effects on littoral invertebrates. Here, we explored whether these effects could be observed under field conditions along a natural lake shore affected by wave sequences (trains) produced by boats. 2. Individuals of five invertebrate species (Bithynia tentaculata, Calopteryx splendens, Dikerogammarus villosus, Gammarus roeselii, Laccophilus hyalinus) were exposed to waves with increasing shear stress in five habitats differing in structural complexity. 3. Detachment of invertebrates increased with increasing shear stress and was best modelled using sigmoid response curves. Habitat structural complexity mitigated the effects of shear stress, and detachment rate was influenced more by habitat type than by species. A threshold (90% of the individual invertebrates unaffected) stress level of 0.64 N m?2 was found for a structurally complex reed habitat, compared to 0.37 N m?2 for a simple sand habitat. 4. Shear stress associated with wave trains created by recreational boating at a distance of 35 m from the shore and at a speed of 11 km h?1 resulted in 45% detachment of littoral invertebrates. Decreasing the boat‐to‐shore distance to 20 m increased wave shear stress by 30% and invertebrate detachments up to 75%. 5. Disturbance of littoral habitats and invertebrate assemblages are widespread in inland waters used for recreational and/or commercial navigation. Our findings show that the integrity of littoral zones of navigable surface waters could be much improved by implementing management measures such as physically protecting complex habitats with dense reed belts and tree roots, and reducing boat speeds and increasing their minimum shoreline distance.  相似文献   
In mofette fields, natural carbon dioxide springs, organisms have to stand extreme CO2 concentrations up to 100%. These hostile conditions are spatially small-scaled and further influenced by earth tides, wind and temperature. The present project investigated the influence of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on spiders as representatives of above-ground organisms by means of pitfall traps in three mofette fields, differing in habitat conditions in the Plesná valley, eastern Cheb Basin, Czech Republic.Among the 71 recorded spider species four were rarely found in the Czech Republic. A canonical correspondence analysis revealed significant influences of environmental parameters on the spider assemblages. Two groups of spiders are clearly distinguishable, one being positively influenced by humidity and the second by temperature. A cluster analysis showed distinct and congruent results: spider assemblages of pitfall traps at spots with a mean CO2 concentration above 7.6% grouped close together and this grouping was independent of site. At >7.6% CO2 significantly fewer individuals and species were found in comparison to areas with lower CO2 concentration. Between 2.5 and 10% CO2, spiders indicated increased CO2 concentrations much more sensitively than endogeic organisms (Nematoda, Collembola) in a nearby mofette field. Unlike in nematodes, collembolans and plants, no mofettovageous or mofettophilous spiders were detected. In contrast to humidity, CO2 concentration and temperature, the vegetation cover was not among the factors, which significantly influenced spiders. This is explained by the fact that mofettophilous plants occurred at spots where almost no spiders could live. In a field experiment, most Pardosa pullata males tested passed a 30 cm long corridor with increased carbon dioxide concentration. These results and that of pitfall traps showed that relatively large and wandering specimens respectively were able to transit moderately hostile spots. Further experiments are necessary to find out if there is any active avoidance of high-CO2 areas by spiders.  相似文献   
Calli were induced from 300,000 embryos isolated from immature to mature stage of seeds collected on late September from 14 elite trees. When the embryos were cultured onto plastic Petri-dish containing 20 mL of modified B5 basal medium supplemented with 3% (w/v) sucrose, 500 mg/L casein hydrolysate, 250 mg/L myo-inositol, 0.5% (w/v) polyvinyl polypyrrolidon (PVPP), 2×MS vitamins, 0.5 mg/L gibberellic acid, and 10 mg/L 2,4-D after 2 weeks of culture, yellowish-white calli were immediately formed on the surfaces of embryos, and subcultured for 4 weeks in same culture medium. Because most of calli maintained for more than 3 months were revealed differences in their colors, surface texture, and growth rate, visual selection was made for first round screening. When the size of visually selected calli larger than 19 mm in their diameter were inoculated, persistent proliferation was observed. Among the plating methods tested for the selection of rapid growing cell lines at single cell and/or small cell aggregate level, 2-layer spread plating revealed as the best for single cell cloning. To enhance cell growth and maintain high rate of viability for long-term culture of yew cells in bioreactor, final cell volume less than 50% in SCV seemed to be the best. Time course study revealed that 30% of inoculum density was suitable for fed batch culture. Among the tested conditional media, the rate of 1∶2 (old medium: fresh medium) was recorded at the best for cell growth.  相似文献   
Aim Species capable of vigorous growth under a wide range of environmental conditions should have a higher chance of becoming invasive after introduction into new regions. High performance across environments can be achieved either by constitutively expressed traits that allow for high resource uptake under different environmental conditions or by adaptive plasticity of traits. Here we test whether invasive and non‐invasive species differ in presumably adaptive plasticity. Location Europe (for native species); the rest of the world and North America in particular (for alien species). Methods We selected 14 congeneric pairs of European herbaceous species that have all been introduced elsewhere. One species of each pair is highly invasive elsewhere in the world, particularly so in North America, whereas the other species has not become invasive or has spread only to a limited degree. We grew native plant material of the 28 species under shaded and non‐shaded conditions in a common garden experiment, and measured biomass production and morphological traits that are frequently related to shade tolerance and avoidance. Results Invasive species had higher shoot–root ratios, tended to have longer leaf‐blades, and produced more biomass than congeneric non‐invasive species both under shaded and non‐shaded conditions. Plants responded to shading by increasing shoot–root ratios and specific leaf area. Surprisingly, these shade‐induced responses, which are widely considered to be adaptive, did not differ between invasive and non‐invasive species. Main conclusions We conclude that high biomass production across different light environments pre‐adapts species to become invasive, and that this is not mediated by plasticities of the morphological traits that we measured.  相似文献   
Summary Leek plants were preinoculated with a mixed inoculum ofGlomus caledonium, Glomus fasciculatum andGlomus sp., and transplanted to Dazomet disinfected and untreated field plots of moderate P deficiency. Successive harvests were made until 99 days after transplanting. Preinoculated leeks attained marketable weights 25 days earlier than uninoculated leeks from untreated soil and their final dry matter yields were 5.7 and 1.5 times as high as those of uninoculated leeks from disinfected and untreated soil, respectively. Phosphorus concentration in preinoculated leeks remained highest for at least 22 and 75 days after transplanting in untreated and disinfected soil, respectively. Preinoculation had a similar, although smaller, influence on Cu and Zn concentrations. Infection levels produced by introduced and indigenous VA endophytes in leeks reached plateaus of 90% and 40%, respectively, 47 days after transplanting. It is concluded that VAM is essential to leeks grown in moderately P deficient soils, and the potential for inoculating seedlings in commercial leek production is discussed.  相似文献   
The egg laying pattern of the spotted stalk borer on sorghum and maize, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied during the first three nights of oviposition under laboratory conditions. More than 50% of both eggs and egg batches are laid during the first night of oviposition. Batch size decreases with time, whereas mean egg weight remains constant.Larger females lay both larger eggs and egg batches than smaller ones. They are also more fecund but it is only the second night of oviposition that contributes significantly to this difference.The reproductive effort decreases much with time. Allocation of reproductive reserves to early eggs seems more important than having eggs evenly distributed over time. Larger females use proportionally more resources to the production of late eggs. Large eggs are likely to contain more yolk which could be of importance for the ballooning behaviour of newly hatched larvae.
Résumé La ponte de C. partellus Swinhoe a été étudiée au laboratoire pendant les trois premières nuits de la ponte. Plus de 50% des ooplaques et des oefs ont été pondus pendant la première nuit. La taille des ooplaques diminue avec le temps, tandis que le poids moyen des oeufs reste constant.Les grosses femelles pondent des ooplaques et des oeufs plus grands que les petites. Elles sont aussi plus fécondes, mais c'est seulement à la seconde nuit de ponte qu'est due cette différence.Le reproduction diminue beaucoup avec le temps. L'affectation aux premiers oeufs des réserves utilizées pour la reprodution semble plus importante que l'émission d'oeufs régulièrement répartis dans le temps. Les grosses femelles utilisent proportionnellement plus de ressources à la production d'oeufstardifs. Les gros oeufs contiennent vraisemblablement plus de vitellus que pourrait être nécessaire pour le comportement aérostatique des chenilles néonates.
Merten OW 《Cytotechnology》1988,1(2):113-121
Batch cultures of mouse-mouse hybridoma cell lines were carried out and their growth and production kinetics investigated. Three main cell specific production patterns (expressed as pg IgG/cell x hour) were found, which can be used as a classification system for hybridoma cell lines (groups I–III). Cells showing the highest IgG-production at the beginning of the batch culture (during the lag and the onset of the log-phase) were classified as either group I and II. The difference was that cell lines of group II showed a second high cell specific production at the onset of the stationary and death phases. Cell lines of group III had a quite constant production of antibodies during their growth; but IgG secretion completely stopped after the beginning of the stationary phase. The implications of these three production patterns on the design of a production process are discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of watering and fertilizer treatments on the vigor and biochemistry of the willow,Salix lasiolepis, and subsequent colonization and survivorship of its gallforming herbivore,Euura lasiolepsis, were investigated in two field experiments. Some plants received low (LW), intermediate (MW) or high (HW) levels of water as treatments, while others received no (OF), low (LF) or high (HF) fertilizer levels. In the watering experiment, plant protein concentrations decreased, while growth rate and number of galls per plant increased with increased water treatments. Plant growth proved to be the best correlate of sawfly attack. Sawfly survivorship increased slightly with greater watering, and phenol concentrations showed no pattern among treatments. In the fertilization experiment, leaf protein increased with fertilization, although shoot length, number of galls and survivorship ofE. lasiolepis survivorship were greatest in intermediate treatment plants. In both experiments, plant growth, rather than protein or phenol levels, was the best predictor of sawfly attack and survivorship. In a natural experiment with galls on wild plants, galled tissue had significantly greater protein concentrations and lower phenol concentrations than did ungalled tissue. We suggest that gallformers modify host plant biochemistry within willow galls, which may explain why the chemical parameters of ambient plant quality we tested were less predictive than plant growth.  相似文献   
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