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对蟾蜍的56个视顶盖神经元的视觉反应进行了定量考察和分析,发现它们不仅对黑目标起反应,也对结构目标起反应.同相运动的结构背景使53.5%的神经元的反应完全抑制,而异相运动则只有10%的神经元完全被抑制,却有21.6%的神经元反应增强.遮盖感受野(RF)中心区,则同相运动使某些细胞脱抑制,而异相运动使其抑制强度稍有增强.遮盖RF的外周区,几乎全部研究过的神经元对结构背景运动本身也起反应。本研究还发现,如果预先将一目标放在兴奋性感受野(ERF)中央静止不动,并使结构背景在水平方向匀速移动较长时间后突然停止运动,则被研究过的66个视盖神经元中有29个发放一串脉冲,即神经元的运动后放电.各个神经细胞放电的脉冲多寡不一。若在ERF中央不放置静止目标,仅是结构背景的水平运动不能诱发放电.此效应的出现,既与目标背景间反差符号(即目标为白色或黑色)无关,也与背景的运动方向无关。为诱发这一效应,不仅要求背景运动时间较长(至少在20秒以上),而且目标的面积要有足够大。  相似文献   
历经几代真菌人的艰苦奋斗,《中国真菌志》目前已出版65卷,其中子囊菌类有35卷、担子菌类26卷、接合菌类1卷、卵菌1卷、黏菌2卷;上述卷册记录923属9 228种及种下分类群。编研涉及大型和小型的类群、腐生菌、食药用菌、菌根真菌、作物和林木病原菌、捕食性真菌、虫生菌、菌生真菌以及毒菌等。编研过程中发现并发表了大量新分类群,丰富了对菌物物种多样性的认知。归纳已有成果,已立项卷册应加快编研和出版进度;资源调查与分类学研究需进一步加强,按分类群(专科、专属)继续开展编研工作,注重拟参编类群的前期研究积累;以下分类群值得在后续工作中予以关注:水霉目等部分卵菌、壶菌类、座囊菌纲部分类群、盘菌纲和锤舌菌纲中尚未参编的主要类群、伞菌纲中具有小型子实体的类群等。由于分类系统在不断更新和完善,已出版卷册中使用的部分名称和分类地位的处理需依据被大多数学者所公认的分类系统给予适时的订正。期待建设一支继往开来的菌物分类学研究队伍,不断取得令世人瞩目的编研成果,为我国菌物资源利用和物种保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   
细菌耐药性是21世纪国际关注的重要问题,也是全球面临的重大挑战.肠杆菌科细菌是医院感染的重要病原菌之一.近年来,随着抗生素的大量使用,多种肠杆菌科耐药菌,尤其是多重耐药肠杆菌开始大量出现,对人类健康形成了日益严重的威胁.细菌可以通过耐药基因突变或水平转移的方式获得耐药性,通常情况下,可以通过已知的耐药机制预测相应的耐药...  相似文献   
The academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) have long suffered from a lack of diversity. While in recent years there has been some progress in addressing the underrepresentation of women in STEM subjects, other characteristics that have the potential to impact on equality of opportunity have received less attention. In this study, we surveyed 188 early career scientists (ECRs), defined as within 10 years of completing their PhD, in the fields of ecology, evolutionary biology, behaviour, and related disciplines. We examined associations between ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, sex, socioeconomic background, and disability, with measures of career progression, namely publication record, number of applications made before obtaining a postdoc, type of contract, and number of grant applications made. We also queried respondents on perceived barriers to progression and potential ways of overcoming them. Our key finding was that socioeconomic background and ethnicity were associated with measures of career progression. While there was no difference in the number of reported first‐authored papers on PhD completion, ethnic minority respondents reported fewer other‐authored papers. In addition, ECRs from a lower socioeconomic background were more likely to report being in teaching and research positions, rather than research‐only positions, the latter being perceived as more prestigious by some institutions. We discuss our findings in the context of possible inequality of opportunity. We hope that this study will stimulate wider discussion and help to inform strategies to address the underrepresentation of minority groups in the fields of ecology and evolution, and STEM subjects more widely.  相似文献   
Abstract Differences in heavy metal tolerance among separate populations of the same species have often been interpreted as local adaptation. Persistence of differences after removing the stressor indicates that mechanisms responsible for the increased tolerance were genetically determined. Drosophila subobscura Collin (Diptera: Drosophilidae) populations were sampled from two localities with different history of heavy metal pollution, and reared for eight generations in the laboratory on a standard medium and on media with different concentrations of lead (Pb). To determine whether flies from different natural populations exposed to the Pb‐contaminated media in the laboratory show population specific variability in fitness components over generations, experimental groups with different concentrations of lead were assayed in three generations (F2, F5, and F8) for fecundity, developmental time, and egg‐to‐adult viability. On the contaminated medium, fecundity was reduced in later generations and viability was increased, irrespective of the environmental origin of populations. For both populations, developmental time showed a tendency of slowing down on media with lead. Faster development was observed in later generations. Preadaptation to contamination, meaning higher fecundity, higher viability, and faster egg to adult development in all studied generations, was found in D. subobscura originating from the locality with a higher level of heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   
Ecological and microevolutionary perspectives were used to investigate signs of background extinction in two endemic species. We studied relict populations of the cycad Dioon caputoi, contrasting its population structure and neighborhood size with those of Dioon planifolium as a demographically healthier reference population. Population dynamics analysis was performed on two populations of D. caputoi through Integral Projection Models and genetic neighborhoods compared between species through 172 Inter Simple Sequence Repeat loci performed in one population of each of the two study species. The D. caputoi populations mostly comprised adult plants, while D. planifolium presented mainly juvenile individuals. Dioon caputoi showed equilibrium in population growth (i.e., λ ≈ 1), with low recruitment, and its genetic neighborhood revealed highly related individuals in a unique distance class (rij = 0.407, 33 m). A contrasting pattern was found in D. planifolium, which showed higher relatedness in the first distance class (rij = 0.543, 5 m), gradually decreasing to 20 m. The discrepancies between the two species reflect different strategies of persistence. Dioon caputoi conserves a relict dynamics with signs of a multigenerational, attritional loss of reproductive fitness, while D. planifolium does not. This study furthers our understanding of the background extinction process and the information will thus contribute to the management and conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   
向刚  容丽 《广西植物》2022,42(Z1):99-104
自2017年参加“国家标本资源共享平台”植物子平台以来,贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院植物标本室除了数字化植物标本以外,还挖掘、整理了贵州师范大学植物分类学、植物地理学的建设和发展历程。经过3年的艰苦努力,最后向中国数字植物标本馆(CVH)提供了10 044份信息齐全的植物标本。通过此次植物标本数字化工作,彻底摸清了贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院植物标本的家底,盘活了标本室的库存,使得老一辈植物地理学家黄威廉等老先生60余年的科研成果重新展现在世人面前。通过植物标本的数字化工作,挖掘整理出老一辈精彩的植物标本采集史和学术故事。在标本数字化的过程中,学生和老师都对植物标本以及植物标本背后的故事有了新的认识,对植物标本数字化的重要性和必要性也有了更深的体会。  相似文献   
Genetic background often influences the phenotypic consequences of mutations, resulting in variable expressivity. How standing genetic variants collectively cause this phenomenon is not fully understood. Here, we comprehensively identify loci in a budding yeast cross that impact the growth of individuals carrying a spontaneous missense mutation in the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial ribosomal gene MRP20. Initial results suggested that a single large effect locus influences the mutation’s expressivity, with 1 allele causing inviability in mutants. However, further experiments revealed this simplicity was an illusion. In fact, many additional loci shape the mutation’s expressivity, collectively leading to a wide spectrum of mutational responses. These results exemplify how complex combinations of alleles can produce a diversity of qualitative and quantitative responses to the same mutation.  相似文献   
In albino rats anesthetized with urethane, most medial raphe neurons are characterized by a low rate of the discharges. Acute immobilization stress resulted in a significant enhancement in the number of regularly discharging neurons. After immobilization, the number of neurons with a low-rate impulsation decreased, while the number of neurons with intensive firing increased. Treatment with fluoxetine enhanced the number of regularly firing neurons more than three times, and a predominant part of the neurons demonstrated a high level of background activity. It should be supposed that a significant part of the neurons with high-rate discharges are serotonergic, because their number also increased after fluoxetine administration.  相似文献   
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