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Generalist predators have the capacity to restrict pest population growth, especially early in the season before densities increase. However, their polyphagous feeding habits sometimes translate into reduced pest consumption when they target alternative prey. An order-specific monoclonal antibody was developed to examine the strength of trophic connections between Diptera, a major category of non-pest prey, and linyphiid spiders in alfalfa. We report the development and characterization of a monoclonal antibody with order-level specificity to Diptera. This antibody elicited strong absorbance to 22 Diptera from 13 families, no false-positive reactivity to non-dipteran invertebrates, and antigen detection periods following prey consumption that were comparable between spiders. Over 900 field-collected females of the linyphiid spiders Erigone autumnalis and Bathyphantes pallidus were screened for Diptera antigen. Significantly more B. pallidus screened positive for Diptera (40%) compared to E. autumnalis (16%), indicating differential reliance on these prey. In parallel with the collection of spiders for gut-content analysis, prey availability was estimated at web sites. The two spiders exhibited different feeding responses to prey availability. Consumption of Diptera by B. pallidus was strongly correlated with Diptera abundance whilst the availability of other potential prey did not influence predation rates. Conversely, E. autumnalis did not prey upon Diptera in proportion to availability, but increased Collembola activity-density reduced dipteran consumption. Integration of molecular gut-content analysis with precise sampling of prey demonstrated how two closely related linyphiid spiders exhibit different feeding responses to the availability of prey under natural field conditions. Elucidating the feeding preferences of natural enemies is critical to effective incorporation of biological control by generalist predators in the management of agricultural pests.  相似文献   
The involvement of gibberellins in the control of flowering of sunflower was studied by direct application of GA3 to the apex of the plants, analysis of the endogenous levels of gibberellin-like substances at different plant ages, and indirectly by the application of paclobutrazol, an inhibitor of gibberellin synthesis. GA3 speeded-up flower initiation and floral apex development. The time of GA3 application was more critical than the amount of GA3 applied. The endogenous levels of gibberellin-like compounds increased significantly by day 15 after sowing. The application of paclobutrazol markedly delayed floral initiation and this effect was also depedent on plant age. Both GA3 and paclobutrazol had their greatest effects between 10 and 20 days after sowing suggesting that an increase in gibberellins in that time period plays a role in floral initiation.  相似文献   
1. Feeding behaviour of generalist and specialist predators is determined by a variety of trophic adaptations. Specialised prey‐capture adaptations allow specialists to catch relatively large prey on a regular basis. As a result, specialists might be adapted to exploit each item of prey more thoroughly than do generalists. 2. It was expected that obligatory specialist cursorial spiders would feed less frequently than generalists but for a longer time and, thus, that their foraging pause would be longer. First, the feeding frequencies of three generalist spider species (Cybaeodamus taim, Harpactea hombergi, Hersiliola sternbergsi) were compared with those three phylogenetically related specialist species: myrmecophagous Zodarion rubidum, and araneophagous Nops aff. variabilis and Palpimanus orientalis. 3. Generalists captured more prey, exploited each item of prey for a significantly shorter time, and had a shorter foraging pause than was the case for specialists. Generalists also gained significantly less relative amount of prey mass than did specialists. 4. Second, the study compared the prey DNA degradation rate in the gut of generalists and specialists by means of PCR. The degradation rate was not significantly different between specialists and generalists: the detectability half‐life was estimated to exist for 14.3 days after feeding. 5. This study shows that the feeding strategies of cursorial generalist and obligatory specialist spiders are different. Obligatory specialists have evolved a feeding strategy that is based on thorough exploitation of a few large prey, whereas generalists have evolved a strategy that is based on short exploitation of multiple small items of prey.  相似文献   
Insular mammalian populations living in areas of small size are often characterized by a drastic change in body mass compared to related continental populations or species. Generally, small mammals (less than 100 g) evolve into giant forms while large mammals (up to 100 g) evolve into dwarf forms. These changes, coupled with changes in other life, behavioural, physiological or demographic traits are referred to generally as the insular syndrome. We tested in this study the relative contribution of three factors — area of island, numbers of competitor species and number of predator species — to changes in body size of the woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Our results, based on a comparative analysis using the phylogenetic independent contrasts method, indicate that the increase in body size is related both to the decrease of island size and to the lower number of predator species. A decrease of competitor species does not seem to have an important effect.  相似文献   
The effects of repeated annual application of methiocarb-based slug pellets, broadcast on the soil surface and drilled into the seed bed, on carabid beetle activity were investigated over a four year period on a winter-sown cereal field using pitfall traps in barriered plots. Following applications in late autumn all winter-active carabid populations were severely depressed; total carabid activity falling to less than 5% and 10–15% following broadcast and drilled applications, respectively, compared with untreated plots. Spring and summer-active species, not active at the time of application, were largely unaffected by applications and were responsible for a gradual recovery of total activity from early spring onwards. Activity of all affected winter species remained demonstrably depressed on treated areas for the remainder of their seasonal incidence. However, all except one species, Bembidion obtusum, recovered to normal activity levels in the following season prior to reapplication. Recovery patterns are discussed in terms of the known biology of the species involved. Evidence that a minority of summer-active species were also affected by treatments, sometimes positively and sometimes negatively, were attributed to indirect effects possibly involving prey availability and foraging behaviour. The long-term ecological and short-term agronomic implications of methiocarb effects on carabid populations in winter-sown cereals are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Interactions among predators may influence the total efficiency of a predator complex. The effect of intra- and interspecific interactions of the generalist predators Orthotylus marginalis (Heteroptera: Miridae) and Anthocoris nemorum (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) was investigated in a laboratory experiment. Outcomes of the interactions were determined by comparing predation rates on eggs and larvae of the blue willow beetle Phratora vulgatissima of single individuals with those of two individuals of the same or different species.
2. A non-additive, antagonistic effect on predation rates due to intraspecific interactions was found between individuals of A. nemorum . No such effect was found in O. marginalis . These results are as expected as a consequence of differences in behaviour of the two predator species: A. nemorum is a much more active and mobile predator than O. marginalis .
3. Contrary to expectation, interspecific interactions between A. nemorum and O. marginalis did not affect the total predation rate.
4. An observation from the field corroborated the results obtained in the laboratory study; there was no negative relationship between the densities of the two predator species, indicating that the two species do not interact negatively in the field at their natural densities.
5. It is concluded that the additive effect of multiple predator species is of potential value in biological control.  相似文献   
Stonefly nymphs use hydrodynamic cues to discriminate between prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Playback experiments conducted in a Rocky Mountain, USA, stream determined whether predatory stonefly nymphs (Kogotus modestus; Plecoptera: PerlodiMae) used hydrodynamic cues to discriminate prey species from nonprey species. In the laboratory we recorded pressure wave patterns associated with swimming escape behavior of Baetis bicaudatus (Baetidae), the favored mayfly prey species, and those of a nonprey mayfly, Ephemerella infrequens (Ephemerellidae). We video taped the responses of 24-h starved Kogotus to Baetis playbacks, Ephemerella playbacks or no playbacks made by oscillating (or not) live mayflies (Ephemerella) or clear plastic models placed within in situ flow-through observation boxes. The probability of attacks per encounter with Baetis playbacks was highest and independent of the model type used, but Kogotus also showed an unexpected high probability of attacks per encounter when Ephemerella playbacks were made through live Ephemerella. Thus, Kogotus discriminated between Baetis and Ephemerella swimming patterns but only when playbacks were made through the plastic model. Kogotus never attacked motionless mayflies or motionless plastic models. We allowed some Kogotus to successfully capture one small Baetis immediately before playbacks, which resulted in a much higher probability of attacks per encounter with Baetis playbacks on either model and a heightened discrimination of prey versus nonprey playbacks. The probability of attacks per encounter by Kogotus with live Baetis swimming under similar experimental conditions was strikingly similar to its response to Baetis playbacks made by oscillating the plastic model after a successful capture. Order of playback presentation (Baetis first or Ephemerella first) did not influence predatory responses to mayfly swimming patterns. This study is the first to document the use of hydrodynamic cues by stream-dwelling predators for discrimination of prey from nonprey and provides a mechanism to explain selective predation by stoneflies on Baetis in nature.  相似文献   
Non-destructive scanning electron microscopy allows one to visualize changing patterns of individual cells during epidermal development in single meristems. Cell growth and division can be followed in parallel with morphogenesis. The method is applied here to the shoot apex of Anagallis arvensis L. before, during, and after floral transition. Phyllotaxis is decussate; photoperiodic induction of the plant leads to the production of a flower in the axil of each leaf. As seen from above, the recently formed oval vegetative dome is bounded on its slightly longer sides by creases of adjacent leaf bases. The rounded ends of the dome are bounded by connecting tissue, horizontal bands of node cells between the opposed leaf bases. The major growth axis runs parallel to the leaf bases. While slow-growing at the dome center, this axis extends at its periphery to form a new leaf above each band of connecting tissue. Connecting tissue then forms between the new leaves and a new dome is defined at 90° to the former. The growth axis then changes by 90°. This is the vegetative cycle. The first observed departure from vegetative growth is that the connecting tissue becomes longer relative to the leaf creases. Presumably because of this, the major growth axis does not change in the usual way. Extension on the dome continues between the older leaves until the axis typically buckles a second time, on each side, to form a second crease parallel to the new leaf-base crease. The tissue between these two creases becomes the flower primordium. The second crease also delimits the side of a new apical dome with the major axis and growth direction altered by 90°. During this inflorescence cycle the connecting tissue is relatively longer than before. Much activity is common to both cycles. It is concluded that the complex geometrical features of the inflorescence cycle may result from a change in a biophysical boundary condition involving dome geometry, rather than a comprehensive revision of apical morphogenesis.Abbreviation SEM scanning electron microscopy, micrograph Use of the SEM facility of Professor G. Goffinet, Institute of Zoology, University of Liège, is greatly appreciated. We thank Dr. R. Jacques, C.N.R.S., Le Phytotron, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, for providing the experimental material, and Mr. Philippe Ongena for expert photography. Support was from grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and National Science Foundation as well as from the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale et Collective, and the Action de Recherche Concertée of Belgium.  相似文献   
During a field study in northeastern Peru, the reactions of a group ofSaguinus mystax on Padre Isla and of a mixed-species troop ofS. mystax andSaguinus fuscicollis at the Río Blanco to raptorial and other birds were observed. Alarms that are specific to flying stimuli were elicited by birds of prey, but other birds that do not represent a threat to the tamarins also caused alarm calls. Alarm events (i.e., instances when one or more alarm calls were given) were observed at rates of 0.3/hr (Padre Isla) and 0.5/hr (Río Blanco). Rates of alarm events significantly increased after the birth of an infant in the Padre Isla group and after the attack of an ornate hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatus) on the Río Blanco group. Reactions to alarming stimuli/alarm calls ranged from looking up to falling down from trees. The modification of the tamarins' behavior by the potential presence of aerial predators indicates that raptors represent an important predatory threat to tamarins.  相似文献   
The within tree distribution of some common natural enemies of bark beetles in pine plantations in Israel and some aspects of their feeding habits were studied with special emphasis on the potential impact on the predatorAulonium ruficorne Olivier. A total of 12 predators and 2 parasite species were found associated withA. ruficorne in the natural enemy complex of bark beetles on pines. No secondary parasites were detected. The anthocoridScoloposcelis pulchella (Zetterstedt) and the dipteranMedetera striata Parent were observed feeding on immature stages ofA. ruficorne in the absence of scolytids. The associated Coleoptea:Nemosema elongatum F.,Rhizophagus bipustulatus L.,Corticeus spp.,Plastysoma spp. andPlegaderus discisus Erickson are thought to compete withA. ruficorne on larvae and pupae of bark beetles when the latter are in limited quantities (especially in the lower section of the tree). The parasites, mainlyMetacolus unifasciatuss Forster andDendrosoter caenopachoides Ruschka are assumed to compete withA. ruficorne during the larval period in the smooth bark section of the stem. Competition might occur mainly during spring and fall. Deutonymphs of the miteIpiduropoda sellnicki were detected on the abdomen ofA. ruficorne adults. Larvae of the predator were rarely infected in the field by the bacteriaSerratia sp. while laboratory cultures suffered high rate of mortality caused by this pathogen.   相似文献   
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