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彩色马蹄莲的组织培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以彩色马蹄莲芽眼为外植体,在添加不同激素配比的MS培养基上进行培养.结果表明:(1)较适宜诱导愈伤组织的激素组合是1.5 mg/L Zt+0.1 mg/L NAA、3.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.1 mg/L NAA或0.5 mg/L 2,4-D+0.1 mg/L NAA,出愈率分别为94.12%、100%和86.67%;较适宜诱导不定芽的激素组合是2.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.1 mg/L NAA,芽丛诱导率可达87.3%;芽增殖较适宜的激素组合是2.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.1 mg/L NAA或2.0 mg/L KT+1.0 mg/L NAA,而且在继代培养中,交替使用这两种激素组合,繁殖系数可达4倍以上;生根培养基以1/2 MS+0.3 mg/L NAA+0.2 mg/L IAA较为适宜,生根率达95%以上.(2)彩色马蹄莲小块茎形成的主要影响因素是培养基中的蔗糖浓度,最适宜蔗糖浓度为10%;10 mg/L多效唑和8 mg/L NAA对小块茎的形成有明显的促进作用,而分裂素则表现出较强的抑制作用.  相似文献   
石菖蒲与马蹄莲幼苗结构的比较解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
菖蒲属的分类和系统地位近两个世纪以来一直存在较大的争议。以菖蒲属的石菖蒲及马蹄莲属的马蹄莲为代表进行幼苗的比较解剖学研究,从幼苗结构的视角为菖蒲属独特的分类及系统地位提供证据。研究发现石菖蒲幼苗的子叶节区下部为较原始的“工”字形中始式的单中柱,而马蹄莲为散生中柱;石菖蒲根的维管柱为2—8原型星状中柱,马蹄莲为2—5原型星状中柱。石菖蒲根的内皮层细胞壁为马蹄形五面加厚;而马蹄莲为凯氏带四面加厚。石菖蒲细胞内的晶体为柱状晶,而马蹄莲为针晶。此外在子叶吸器的结构和其它贮藏物等方面也存在差异。据此认为菖蒲属应从天南星科中分出并单独成科;同时支持菖蒲属位于单子叶植物基部较孤立的系统地位。  相似文献   
Forty‐two essential oil samples were isolated from leaves of Xylopia rubescens harvested in three forests of Southern Ivory Coast. All the samples have been submitted to GC‐FID and the retention indices (RIs) of individual components have been measured on two capillary columns of different polarity. In addition, 20 oil samples, selected on the basis of their chromatographic profile, were also analyzed by 13C‐NMR and 24 components (78.0 – 92.4% of the whole compositions) have been identified. The content of the main components varied drastically from sample to sample: furanoguaia‐1,4‐diene (5.7 – 54.1%), furanoguaia‐1,3‐diene (1.1 – 10.5%), (8Z,11Z,14Z)‐heptadeca‐8,11,14‐trien‐2‐one (4.3 – 16.0%), and (E)‐β‐caryophyllene (1.7 – 17.3%). Hierarchical cluster and principal components analysis of the 42 oil compositions allowed the distinction of two well‐differentiated groups of unequal importance within the oil samples. Oil samples of the main group (Group II) contained mainly furanoguaia‐1,4‐diene (mean [M] = 43.1%; standard deviation [SD] = 3.2%) while furanoguaia‐1,3‐diene (M = 8.4%; SD = 0.9%) and (8Z,11Z,14Z)‐heptadeca‐8,11,14‐trien‐2‐one (M = 7.1%; SD = 1.5%) were present at appreciable contents. The composition of Group I was dominated by furanoguaia‐1,4‐diene (M = 17.0%; SD = 8.5%), (8Z,11Z,14Z)‐heptadeca‐8,11,14‐trien‐2‐one (M = 10.2%; SD = 2.4%) and (E)‐β‐caryophyllene (M = 9.5%; SD = 5.3%).  相似文献   
From the leaves of Xylopia vielana (Annonaceae) two dimeric guaianes named vielanins D and E were isolated and structurally elucidated by mass and NMR spectroscopy. Vielanin D and E consist of bridged ring systems formally representing the Diels-Alder products from the hypothetical guaiane-type monomers. Due to a hemiketal function at C-8' both compounds occurred as epimeric mixtures.  相似文献   
The toxicity and repellency of Xylopia aethiopica seed extract was investigated in the laboratory against Tribolium castaneum Herbst. Concentration and days after treatment (DAT) caused a significant increase in T. castaneum adult mortality with an interaction effect of both on mortality when filter paper was impregnated with X. aethiopica extract. At 0.2 ml/60 cm2 extract, significant mortality was observed at three–seven DAT when compared with one DAT. At 0.4 ml/60cm2, 100% mortality was recorded at the lowest exposure period of one DAT. When 0.2 ml extract was applied to 5 g millet seeds, mortality at five–seven DAT was significantly higher than mortality observed in the control. Although repellency was dose-dependent, the percentage of T. castaneum that were repelled from treated filter paper was not significant. At 0.4 ml/60 cm2, Class II repellency (26.7%) was observed. The results suggest that X. aethiopica can only effectively control T. castaneum populations that have infested millet but do not prevent cross-infestation via repellency.  相似文献   
This study investigates the use of botanical extracts (Piper guineense, Xylopia aethiopica and Bambusa vulgaris at 5, 10 and 15% concentration levels) for controlling deteriorating fungal pathogens in vitro. Identification of the fungal pathogens after pathogenicity test reaffirm isolates identity as Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani, Macrophomina phaseolina, Fusarium verticillioides and Botryodiplodia theobromae. All the fungal pathogens induced rot in the watermelon fruit. The botanical extracts were best effective at high concentration levels (10 and 15%), though varied in their inhibitory activity. P. guineense and X. aethiopica were observed to be more effective than B. vulgaris. This study showed the efficacy of the botanical extracts on deteriorating fungal pathogens of watermelon fruit. Thus, the botanical extracts can be employed as antideteriorating biological-based fungicides for watermelon fruits.  相似文献   
Basic knowledge of the relationships between tree growth and environmental variables is crucial for understanding forest dynamics and predicting vegetation responses to climate variations. Trees growing in tropical areas with a clear seasonality in rainfall often form annual growth rings. In the understory, however, tree growth is supposed to be mainly affected by interference for access to light and other resources. In the semi-deciduous Mayombe forest of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the evergreen species Aidia ochroleuca, Corynanthe paniculata and Xylopia wilwerthii dominate the understory. We studied their wood to determine whether they form annual growth rings in response to changing climate conditions. Distinct growth rings were proved to be annual and triggered by a common external factor for the three species. Species-specific site chronologies were thus constructed from the cross-dated individual growth-ring series. Correlation analysis with climatic variables revealed that annual radial stem growth is positively related to precipitation during the rainy season but at different months. The growth was found to associate with precipitation during the early rainy season for Aidia but at the end of the rainy season for Corynanthe and Xylopia. Our results suggest that a dendrochronological approach allows the understanding of climate–growth relationships in tropical forests, not only for canopy trees but also for evergreen understory species and thus arguably for the whole tree community. Global climate change influences climatic seasonality in tropical forest areas, which is likely to result in differential responses across species with a possible effect on forest composition over time.  相似文献   
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