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A brachiopod fauna including 19 species of 17 genera from an exotic block in the Indus–Tsangpo suture zone in southern Tibet is described and illustrated. The brachiopod fauna is dominated by Martinia elegans and two new taxa: Jinomarginifera lhazeensis gen. et sp. nov. and Zhejiangospirifer giganteus sp. nov. The fauna is closely comparable with those from the middle and upper parts of the Wargal Formation and the Chhidru Formation in the Salt Range of Pakistan, the Chitichun Limestone in southern Tibet, and the Basleo area of West Timor, and these correlations suggest a Wuchiapingian age. The fauna exhibits substantial links with both peri–Gondwanan and Cathaysian faunas, which may imply that it is a seamount biota originally located in the southern margin of the Neotethys during the Late Permian, and was later (in the early Cenozoic) displaced and became sandwiched into younger marine deposits in the collision process between India and Eurasia.  相似文献   
本文采用分层整群抽样的调查方法捺印1183名藏族青少年的掌指纹, 分析掌指纹参数,然后与其他56个群体的掌指纹参数进行聚类分析, 进而从肤纹学角度探讨藏族的起源。发现藏族指纹以斗型纹为主(52.89%), 其次为箕型纹(42.95%), 弓形纹出现频率最低(4.16%); 总指嵴线计数为139.01(其中男性为144.75, 女性为133.87); atd角在男性为42.95°, 女性为43.28°。掌指纹参数聚类分析显示: 藏族与汉族和氐羌氏族的后裔(门巴族、普米族、羌族等)等我国北方人群聚在一起。因而从肤纹学角度推断藏族与汉族和氐羌氏族的亲缘关系较近, 而与印度人和孟加拉人的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   
祁连山地区植被特征及其分布规律   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
分析和讨论了祁连山地区主要植被类型及其分布特征。祁连山地区随着青藏高原的强烈隆升表现为整体抬升,植被具有明显的生态地理边缘效应特征和高原地带性规律。该区植被虽然受到四周的较大影响,但各类高寒植被占有绝对优势,表现出与青藏高原植被整体明显的相似性和广泛的一致性。另一方面,本区植被也有其特殊性及与高原面存在一些差异。因此,建议把祁连山地区做为青藏高原植被区的次一级独立单元  相似文献   
西藏"一江两河"流域鸟类资源调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2006年以来对西藏"一江两河"流域的鸟类资源进行了观测与考察,共记录鸟类15目37科125种,约占全国鸟类的9.4%.该区域鸟类以古北界成分为主,达78种,占总数的62.4%,此外还有东洋界鸟类22种,广布种25种.鸟类中多为留鸟,种类达84种,占到总数的67.2%,冬候鸟29种,夏候鸟12种.该区域有多种被保护的鸟类资源,其中IUCN收录6种,CITES收录19种,中国濒危物种红皮书收录13种;中国重点保护动物名录收录20种.  相似文献   
我国西藏南部海相白垩系含有较丰富的钙质超微化石。文中着重研究岗巴地区两个剖面 (即剖面A ,B)Albian Santonian钙质超微化石的分布。根据标志种的存在 ,识别出 5个初现面事件 ,相应地建立 6个钙质超微化石带 ,自下至上是Prediscosphaeracretacea带 ,Eiffellithusturriseiffeli带 ,Lithraphiditesacutum带 ,Gartneragoobliquum带 ,Quadrumgartneri带 ,Lucianorhabduscayeuxii带。同时 ,通过洲际对比 ,建议以G .obliquum初现面作为划分本区Cenomanian和Turonian界线的标志。此外 ,Q .gartneri带和I .cayeuxii带之间缺失多个化石带 ,据此推测Turonian至Santonian期间本区可能存在沉积间断。  相似文献   
The Himalayan mountain range is strategically located at the crossroads of the major cultural centers in Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Although previous Y‐chromosome studies indicate that the Himalayas served as a natural barrier for gene flow from the south to the Tibetan plateau, this region is believed to have played an important role as a corridor for human migrations between East and West Eurasia along the ancient Silk Road. To evaluate the effects of the Himalayan mountain range in shaping the maternal lineages of populations residing on either side of the cordillera, we analyzed mitochondrial DNA variation in 344 samples from three Nepalese collections (Newar, Kathmandu and Tamang) and a general population of Tibet. Our results revealed a predominantly East Asian‐specific component in Tibet and Tamang, whereas Newar and Kathmandu are both characterized by a combination of East and South Central Asian lineages. Interestingly, Newar and Kathmandu harbor several deep‐rooted Indian lineages, including M2, R5, and U2, whose coalescent times from this study (U2, >40 kya) and previous reports (M2 and R5, >50 kya) suggest that Nepal was inhabited during the initial peopling of South Central Asia. Comparisons with our previous Y‐chromosome data indicate sex‐biased migrations in Tamang and a founder effect and/or genetic drift in Tamang and Newar. Altogether, our results confirm that while the Himalayas acted as a geographic barrier for human movement from the Indian subcontinent to the Tibetan highland, it also served as a conduit for gene flow between Central and East Asia. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:169–182, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
西藏拉萨地区三叠系诺利阶牙形石分带及其国际对比   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
麦龙岗剖面位于西藏拉萨地区达孜县麦龙岗村 (N2 9°5 6′0 6″ ,E91°2 7′5 5″)。麦龙岗组中共发现牙形石 7属 :Epigondolella ,Hindeodella ,Priniodella ,Xaniognathodus,Lonchodina ,Metalonchodina和Enantiognathus属。其中Epigondolella属有 9种 ,包括 1新种和 1未定种 ,它们是E .primitia ,E .spiculata ,E .cf.spiculata ,E .tozeri,E .violinformissp .nov .,E .cf.triangularisuniformis,E .postera ,E .bidentata ,E .sp .。基于本次发现的化石材料 ,对西藏林周地区麦龙岗组进行新的牙形石带划分。自下而上划分为 :?Epigondolellaprimitia ,E .spiculata ,E .tozer i,E .postera和E .bidentata等带。与毛力等 (1987)、Orchard(1983,1991,1994 )和Krystyn(1977)的划分方案进行对比和讨论  相似文献   
西藏南部放射虫微体古生物研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西藏南部的雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩带以及该带之南的沉积地层带(特提期沉积区,北喜马拉雅亚区)中广泛发育着大量含放射虫地层,放射虫研究在确定该区蛇绿岩的形成时代,解释造山带复杂的地层层序以及揭示印度板块与欧亚板块在古近纪碰撞老祖宗前的古海洋盆地的演化历史等方面发挥了重要作用。根据已发表的文献以及我们正在进行中的初步成果显示,藏南地区的含放射虫地层的时代分布之中三叠世(安尼期)至晚白垩(土仑期)。这些地层的岩性包括硅质岩,硅质泥岩,凝灰质细碎屑岩和泥晶灰岩等,尽管藏南的放射虫研究已取得一些成果,但系统的放射虫研究与地层研究仍然有待于进一步深入开展。  相似文献   
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