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I.CORRELATIONBETWEENL0ESSSECTI0NAND0XYGENIS0TOPESTAGESIntheYuanloessarea,manyscientiststhinkthatthesedimentsarecontinuousandtheclimaticrecordsareperfect.Thisdoesnotappeartobeaccurate.Sedimentationwasdiscontinuousinmanysections.Forexample,manyscientistsarguethatS2corresp0ndstooxygenisot0peStage7(Liu,l985,KuklaandAn,l989;Dingetal.,l990).lnfact,S2includesthreelayersfS2SSl,S2LLlandS2SS2.Dingetal.(l990)reportedthatthereisathickunitofloessbetweenS2SSlandS2SS2intheBaicao…  相似文献   
Acrocyathus是一类块状体或丛状体的四射珊瑚,在北美分布于下石炭统,我国见于上石炭统,但丛状体的在我国系首次发现。在连续切片上,可见两个生长阶段,其繁殖方式有侧芽繁殖和边缘泡沫板内繁殖,系统分类上另置独立的科级分类。根据形态分析,该珊瑚栖息在动水,能量略高及食料丰富的浅水环境。当前标本为一新种:A.jiyuanensissp.nov.。  相似文献   
Summary We first perform a linear stability analysis of the Gierer-Meinhardt model to determine the critical parameters where the homogeneous distribution of activator and inhibitor concentrations becomes unstable. There are two kinds of instabilities, namely, one leading to spatial patterns and another one leading to temporal oscillations. Focussing our attention on spatial pattern formation we solve the corresponding nonlinear equations by means of our previously introduced method of generalized Ginzburg-Landau equations. We explicitly consider the two-dimensional case and find both rolls and hexagon-like structures. The impact of different boundary conditions on the resulting patterns is also discussed. The occurrence of the new patterns has all the features of nonequilibrium phase transitions.  相似文献   
In view of the development of al-carnitine deficiency, the metabolism ofl-carnitine and structure-related trimethylammonium compounds was studied inSalmonella typhimurium LT2 by means of thin-layer chromatography (TLC).l-Carnitine, crotonobetaine and acetyl-l-carnitine stimulated the anaerobic growth in a complex medium significantly. The stimulation depended on the formation of -butyrobetaine. The reduction ofl-carnitine proceeded in two steps: (1) Dehydration of thel-carnitine to crotonobetaine, (2) hydrogenation of crotonobetaine to -butyrobetaine. The reduction of crotonobetaine was responsible for the growth stimulation. Terminal electron acceptors of the anaerobic respiration such as nitrate and trimethylamine N-oxide, but not fumarate, suppressed the catabolism ofl-carnitine completely. Glucose fermentation, too, inhibited the reduction ofl-carnitine but optimal growth with a high carnitine catabolism was achieved byd-ribose. The esters of carnitine with medium- and long-chain fatty acids inhibited the growth considerably because of their detergent properties.Abbreviations TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   
描述在甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世地层中发现的貘属新种和政貘(Tapirus hezhengensis sp. nov.),它是貘属中已知最小的种之一。在基本特征上,临夏盆地的和政貘与现生貘已相当接近,前臼齿完全臼齿化,门齿、犬齿的数目和形态也与现生貘一致。东亚晚中新世缺少貘科化石的材料,和政貘的发现对中国第四纪貘类的来源提供了重要线索,显示中中新世起源于欧洲的真貘在晚中新世时期已扩散至东亚。貘类通常适应于潮湿的热带森林环境,但和政貘在华北三趾马动物群中的发现说明这类动物也能够生活于干旱的温带草原地区。  相似文献   
记述中蝎蛉科Mesopanorpodidae 2新属、新种:Triassochoristites jinsuoguanensis gen.et sp.nov.,Forcinerva tongchuanensis gen.et sp.nov.化石标本采自陕西铜川中三叠世铜川组下段上部的灰绿色泥岩和页岩。这些新属、种系陕西昆虫群(陕西生物群的一个类别)铜川昆虫组合的新成员。铜川组的时代相当于欧洲拉丁尼期(Ladinian Stagc)。  相似文献   
Treatment of mammalian muscle with the divalent cation ionophore A23187 causes the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and allows the ultrastructural changes of the mitochondria during Ca2+-uptake to be demonstrated in situ. Electron micrographs reveal that the mitochondria swell dramatically during uptake, before contracting again when the accumulated Ca2+ is released once more into the cytoplasm. When maximally swollen, the mitochondria are apparently subdivided and internal "septa" are formed. The ultrastructural details concerning these internal membranous structures are shown in detail and their significance is discussed.  相似文献   
In the present study, we investigated the feasibility of preparation of novel controlled release systems for the delivery of essential oil used as ambient odors. The inclusion interactions of cyclodextrins (CDs) and β-cyclodextrin polymers with linalool and camphor in Lavandula angustifolia essential oil were investigated by static headspace gas chromatography (SH-GC). The stability constants with monomeric CD derivatives were determined for standard compounds and for the compounds in essential oil. All studied CDs and CD polymers reduce the volatility of the aroma compounds and stable 1:1 inclusion complexes are formed. The retention capacity of the CD derivatives was measured in static experiments. The feasibility of preparation of novel controlled release systems for the delivery of fragrances was investigated by multiple headspace extraction (MHE) experiments.  相似文献   
Although the clade Crocodylomorpha is represented by few extant species (Crocodylia), it has a rich fossil record. Hundreds of species, adapted to terrestrial, semi-aquatic and marine environments, have existed over more than 200 million years. Numerous studies have attempted to characterize the factors driving the diversification and extinction events of Crocodylomorpha, resulting in ambiguous and even contradictory conclusions, which points to the need for phylogenetically and temporally smaller-scaled studies. Here, we focus on differential survival at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) crisis of Notosuchia, a diverse clade of mostly terrestrial Crocodylomorpha that achieved great diversity during the Cretaceous. More precisely, we tested the effect of body size and palaeotemperatures on notosuchian survival probability during the K–Pg crisis as well as the effect of diet on the evolution of their body size. We find that Notosuchia showed an evolutionary trend towards larger body sizes through time, associated with a shift from an omnivorous to a carnivorous diet. This may explain why sebecids were the only notosuchians to survive the K–Pg crisis. We also corroborate the conclusions of previous studies that detected a Lagerstätten effect occurring in the Adamantina Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Brazil, Bauru Group). This work confirms the value of more finely-scaled macroevolutionary studies for understanding the history of a rich and complex group such as Crocodylomorpha.  相似文献   
格氏栲自然保护区常绿阔叶林群落的数量分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对群落22个样地的调查,以群落样地中乔木层树种的重要值为指标,采用纸条排队法、群落相似系数分类法、最近邻体法和组平均法对格氏栲自然保护区常绿阔叶林群落进行数量分类。结果表明:4种分类结果基本相似,格氏栲自然保护区常绿阔叶林群落样地可分为格氏栲群系、米槠群系、甜槠群系、刨花楠群系、沉水樟群系、观光木群系和闽楠群系等7个群系,并论述了各群系的群落学特征,各群系基本处于稳定的顶极阶段。  相似文献   
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