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Akt is perhaps the most frequently activated oncoprotein in human cancers. Overriding cell cycle checkpoint in combination with the inhibition of apoptosis are two principal requirements for predisposition to cancer. Here we show that the activation of Akt is sufficient to promote these two principal processes, by inhibiting Chk1 activation with concomitant inhibition of apoptosis. These activities of Akt cannot be recapitulated by the knockdown of Chk1 alone or by overexpression of Bcl2. Rather the combination of Chk1 knockdown and Bcl2 overexpression is required to recapitulate Akt activities. Akt was shown to directly phosphorylate Chk1. However, we found that Chk1 mutants in the Akt phosphorylation sites behave like wild-type Chk1 in mediating G2 arrest, suggesting that the phosphorylation of Chk1 by Akt is either dispensable for Chk1 activity or insufficient by itself to exert an effect on Chk1 activity. Here we report a new mechanism by which Akt affects G2 cell cycle arrest. We show that Akt inhibits BRCA1 function that induces G2 cell cycle arrest. Akt prevents the translocation of BRCA1 to DNA damage foci and, thereby, inhibiting the activation of Chk1 following DNA damage.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the importance of estrogen production in tumor and surrounding tissues, we measured mRNA expression levels of 5 enzymes participating to estrogen synthesis in situ and 4 breast cancer-related proteins in 27 pairs of tumor and non-malignant tissues. Steroid sulfatase (STS) mRNA was more frequently detected in tumor tissues rather than in their non-malignant counterparts. Estrogen sulfotransferase (EST) was constantly expressed with high level not only in tumor tissues but also in their surrounding non-malignant counterparts. In contrast, mRNA expression levels of aromatase, and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type I and II were relatively low and detected only in small proportion of the patients. We also measured the mRNA expression levels of the same nine genes in tumor tissues of 197 breast cancer patients, and analyzed relationship between the mRNA expression level and the clinicopathological parameters. The mRNA expression levels of STS, aromatase and erbB2 in tumor tissues increased as breast cancer progressed. The tumoral mRNA expression levels of STS, estrogen receptor β, and erbB2 in patients with recurrence were higher than those in patients without recurrence. Upregulation of STS expression plays an important role in tumor progression of human breast cancer and is considered to be responsible for estrogen production in tumor and surrounding tissues.  相似文献   
The injection of α-MSH or of one of its analogues ([Nle4-D.Phe7] α-MSH4–10) reduced, in vivo, the release of two cytokines (IL-1α and TNFα) involved in inflammation. The inflammatory state was induced in BALB/c mice by intraperitoneal injection of a sublethal dose of lipopolysaccharides (LPS). The assay of these cytokines by ELISA showed a reduction of 20% with α-MSH and between 30 and 60% with the α-MSH analogue. The α-MSH or the analogue was administered in one of two ways: intravenously or subcutaneously. The most efficient method seemed to be the subcutaneous one because it improved the activity 10,000 times more than the intravenous method. Moreover, the analogue induced a regression of mortality in the animals treated by the intravenous method. Our results show that α-MSH and one of its analogues inhibit IL-1α and TNFα, and can be used as anti-inflammatory molecules.  相似文献   
Peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding sites (PTBBS) are markedly increased in the injured CNS. Astrocytes appear to be the primary cell type which express increased PTBBS. Because certain cytokines within the injured CNS are potent mitogens for astrocytes, we examined the effects of two such cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), on PTBBS in cultured astrocytes using [3H]Ro 5-4864 as the specific ligand. Purified cultures of either polygonal or process-bearing astrocytes were prepared from neonatal rat cerebral hemispheres. At a concentration of 1.8 nM, specific binding of the radioactive ligand to polygonal astrocytes reached equilibrium within 60 min and was half-maximal by 5-10 min. By contrast, specific binding to process-bearing astrocytes barely exceeded background levels. IL-1 and TNF increased PTBBS within polygonal astrocytes in both dose- and time-dependent manners. At 10-50 ng/ml, IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha elevated [3H]Ro 5-4864 binding in polygonal astrocyte cultures 65 and 87%, respectively, above the level in control cultures. However, no changes in PTBBS were seen within polygonal astrocytes after IL-2 treatment. Scatchard analysis of saturation binding experiments suggested that the increase in PTBBS promoted by TNF was due to an increased number of binding sites present in polygonal astrocytes and not due to an increase in receptor affinity. Binding data suggested that PTBBS within cultures of process-bearing astrocytes were virtually absent irrespective of the treatment. These in vitro data suggest that certain cytokines found in the injured brain may be involved in up-regulating PTBBS within a particular subtype of astrocyte.  相似文献   
通过Na_2~(51)CrO_4在肿瘤细胞膜内外的分布比值的测定,观察了激光血卟啉衍生物(简称HPD)对小鼠S-180V肿瘤细胞膜通透性的作用及其影响因素:(1)通过紫外吸收光谱的测定对肿瘤细胞摄取HPD的动态过程作了观察。选择了实验所需的合适HPD浓度和作用时间,并观察到细胞悬液中血清蛋白能阻抑细胞对HPD的摄取。(2)在氦氖激光照射后即可观察到含有HPD的肿瘤细胞膜外~(51)Cr/膜内~(51)Cr的比值明显增加,而单照激光或单加HPD两组的~(51)Cr比值与正常对照组相比无明显变化。(3)上述的~(51)Cr比值变化随着照后保温时间的延长而逐渐加大。与此同时细胞形态也发生相应的变化,细胞死亡率也逐渐增加。说明除了原初的光敏反应外,还有继发的细胞损伤。(4)细胞悬液中血清蛋白的存在虽然对激光血卟啉对肿瘤细胞的杀伤作用有所减弱,但在这样条件下的光敏反应比较接近临床上治疗肿瘤的实际情况。  相似文献   
Summary A tumor model system of clones of myeloproliferative sarcoma virus (MPV)-transformed rat fibroblasts (NRK) with different growth properties and metastatic potential was studied. The relationship between metastatic behavior and composition of carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) was analyzed by affinity chromatography. The metastatic variant differs qualitatively from its parental clone in the presence of galactoside-binding proteins at apparent molecular weights of 80 kDa, 70 kDa, 22 kDa, 18 kDa and 16 kDa and of a fucose-binding protein at apparent molecular weight of 42 kDa. The -glucosyl-binding proteins at apparent molecular weights of 67 kDa and 53 kDa and a galactoside-binding protein of apparent molecular weight of 34 kDa, however, are not detectable in the metastatic variant in comparison to its parental clone. In this respect the parental clone shows closer resemblance to the clone 5–8#1 with different growth properties and low metastatic potential than to its own metastatic variant. Furthermore, only the parental clone has a melibiose- and a mannan-binding protein of an apparent molecular weight of 64 kDa and 14 kDa, respectively. Rosette formation as model system for intercellular interaction reveals differences in the inhibition pattern with sugar between the two clones 5–8#1 and 5–20#20, whereas the metastatic variant 5–20#20 (s) exhibits drastically reduced capability to form rosettes. Initial experiments demonstrate the feasibility of drug targeting to transformed fibroblasts via carbohydrate-binding proteins.  相似文献   
Prevention of ultraviolet radiation- or chemical carcinogen-induced morphologic transformation and inhibition of tumor-producing transformed cell growth by lymphotoxin and by normal spleen leukocytes were quantitatively compared to define the antineoplastic activity spectra of these natural immune mediators. When Syrian golden hamster embryo cells seeded for colony formation in culture dishes were treated simultaneously with carcinogen and lymphotoxin, the number of morphologically transformed cell colonies was irreversibly reduced by 50% in the presence of 6 units of lymphotoxin/ml. Lymphotoxin inhibition of tumor cell growth, however, was reversible and 50% reduction in tumor cell growth in three transformed lines required 124, 330, and 477 units/ml. Thus, the anticarcinogenic activity of lymphotoxin can be 20-fold or more greater than its tumor growth-inhibitory activity. Similarly spleen leukocytes also were more effective as an anticarcinogen than as an inhibitor of tumor cell growth, consistent with previous observations that naturally occurring spleen leukocyte antineoplastic activity may result from lymphotoxin secretion.  相似文献   
 Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been recognized as a potent antitumor agent in animal tumor models; however, its use in human cancer therapy has been limited to only one trial, in which LPS from Salmonella was given intravenously. It was not very successful because of poor tumor response and was also toxic. We originally developed LPS prepared from Pantoea agglomerans (LPSp), and this was a well-purified, small-molecular-mass (5 kDa) agent. We chose intradermal rather than intravenous administration in the hope that the former would release LPS slowly into the bloodstream, and thus be less toxic while preserving antitumor activity. In our animal tumor models, intradermal administration was indeed less toxic and more beneficial for tumor regression than intravenous administration. We made a pilot study with intradermal administration of LPSp on the treatment of ten advanced cancer patients. Five of them had evaluable tumor, which had failed earlier to respond to conventional chemotherapy. Cyclophosphamide was also administered in this trial, in anticipation of its synergistic effect with LPSp. In this study LPSp was injected intradermally into each patient twice a week, starting with an initial dose of 0.4 ng/kg, and raising it to 600 or 1800 ng/kg. A 400-mg/m2 dose of cyclophosphamide was given intravenously every 2 weeks. After completion of the dose escalation, the treatment was continued for at least 4 months, and it was found that 1800 ng/kg LPSp was well tolerated. A significant level of cytokines was observed in the sera for at least 8 h. These results indicate higher tolerable doses and remarkably more continuous induction of the cytokines than were reported in a previous study by others using intravenous administration. Three of the five evaluable tumors showed a significant response to our combined therapy. Intradermally administered, LPS was less toxic and elicited a tumor response in combination with cyclophosphamide; it can thus can be applied to cancer treatment even in humans. Received: 3 August 1995 / Accepted: 2 April 1996  相似文献   
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