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Summary ELISA was used to determine PR la protein and TMV accumulation in local necrotic lesions produced on salicylic acid and water sprayed Nicotiana tabacum cv Xanthi-nc leaves. The amount of PR la protein produced is the result of an interaction between the salicylic acid treatment and lesion growth. The implication of these observations for experiments investigating the relationship between PR proteins and resistance are discussed.The distribution of TMV and PR la protein in and around single local necrotic lesions up to 14 days after inoculation was measured by ELISA. The highest concentration of TMV was in the centre of the lesion and decreased rapidly with distance from the centre. In contrast there was very little PR la protein in the centre of the lesion, the largest amounts were just outside the centre, and the concentration then decreased with distance from the centre. This is the distribution that might be expected for a substance closely associated with the restriction of virus spread.  相似文献   
The 10,000-nucleotide RNA genome of the Prague strain, subgroup B (PR-B) of Rous sarcoma virus, was found to contain 11.6 ± 0.5 residues of m6Ap by quantitative analysis of 32P-labeled virion RNA after complete RNAase digestion. Approximately ten of the m6Ap residues are located, without obvious clustering, in that region of the genome between 500 and 4000 nucleotides from the 3′ poly(A) end. The src gene, which is required for transformation, and part of the env gene, which codes for the major viral envelope glycoprotein, have previously been mapped in this region of the viral genome. A transformation-defective deletion mutant of PR-B Rous sarcoma virus, which lacks the src gene, has 7.0 ± 0.2 m6Ap residues per RNA subunit. This supports our mapping of a portion of the m6A residues in src and suggests that this methylation is specific to certain regions of the genome. The possible significance of this result for Rous sarcoma virus RNA processing and translation is discussed.  相似文献   
对TMV不同抗性番茄品种的叶绿体DNA限制性内切酶酶谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用对TMV有抗性和敏感的番茄品种、制备其ct-DNA, 用限制性内切酶BumHI、EcoRI和PstI完全酶解, 三种酶切图谱与前人报道一致, 由酶切片段计算番茄ct-DNA。分子量约为156.9kb。比较抗性和敏感品种的ct-DNA图谱, 发现三种酶切图谱均存在差异, 但由差异片段计算分子量之和又很除近。我们推测这是由于检基顺序变异或小段DNA顺序插入或缺失所造成, 由此证明, 叶绿体基因组与核中的TMV抗性基因, 共同决定着植物体对TMV的抗性。  相似文献   
了解植物病毒在不同水体与温度条件下的灭活规律具有重要的理论与实际意义。本文以典型植物病毒烟草花叶病毒(TMV)为模型,比较了其在不同温度条件下,在闽江水、自来水、生活污水、微孔滤膜过滤除菌污水及超纯水中的灭活动力学。结果显示,温度是导致TMV灭活的重要因素,水温升高,病毒灭活速率加快;此外,某些水质因子也影响TMV的灭活效率,其中可溶性盐的存在及其含量对TMV的灭活会因所处的环境不同而异;某些微生物或代谢产物对植物病毒TMV具有灭活作用,而能生化降解的有机质加速TMV灭活可能是通过促进水体中的微生物增殖而起作用。  相似文献   
本试验以转化CMV CP和TMV CP基因的转基因线辣椒纯合系植株作为研究试材 ,比较了单独或混合接种CMV和TMV后 ,转化线辣椒的抗病性表达特点 ,并测定了两种病毒在植株体内的病毒含量。结果表明 :转化线辣椒不仅能抵抗CMV和TMV的单独侵染 ,而且还能抵抗CMV和TMV的复合侵染。转化线辣椒表现为系统症状延迟出现 7 15d ,显症株率和病害严重度级别大幅度降低 ,CMV和TMV在接种叶、新生叶中的病毒含量明显减低。转基因线辣椒原生质体作为研究试材接种CMV ,测定病毒含量结果表明 :CMV病毒的增殖在转基因线辣椒原生质体内受到明显抑制。在CMV接种浓度为 4 0 μg/mL ,感染原生质体 4 8h后 ,CP(- )植株原生质体内CMV是CP( )的 4 .2倍。这一结果揭示了转基因线辣椒具有抑制病毒增殖的抗病性。  相似文献   
根据锤头核酶模型,设计合成了一个以黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV) 外壳蛋白(CP) 亚基因组RNA 为底物的锤头型核酶(RZC) 。在证明它能有效切割该底物后,再将这个核酶与一个能专一性切割烟草花叶病毒(TMV) 移动蛋白( MP) 亚基因组RNA 的锤头型核酶(RZ1) 相互串联构成了一个双价核酶(RZ1C) 。体外结果表明,这个双价核酶能与相应的单价核酶RZ1 和RZC 一样专一而有效地切割CMVCP和TMV MPRNA。  相似文献   
通过透射电镜观察被长叶车前草花叶病毒(RMV)和烟草花叶病毒(TMV)不同株系感染的普通烟叶肉细胞的超微结构,发现两种病毒的粒子分布、内含体类型、被感染细胞超微结构的病变均存在差异.病毒粒子分布有成束、分散、环状、膜包被及角状成层或平行成层排列等类型,存在于细胞质及液泡中,但未见于细胞核、线粒体及叶绿体等细胞器中.内含体的X-小管形状有长杆状、短杆状及颗粒状,数量各异.细胞壁常引起增厚、结构松散及扭曲等变化.叶绿体聚集成堆或分布于细胞边缘,其数量、大小、形状及所含淀粉粒、嗜锇颗粒等存在差异,有些还有颗粒状物质积累.线粒体及内质网等在不同株系间也存在差异.本项研究表明,被感染细胞超微结构的差异可作为RMV和TMV株系区分的依据.  相似文献   
摘要:【目的】通过对2株活性海洋真菌发酵产物提取物抑制烟草花叶病毒和抗肿瘤活性进行研究,为进一步得到活性纯品化合物作为抗病毒及抗肿瘤的先导化合物奠定基础。【方法】菌株发酵产物的粗提物是通过甲醇浸取并在真空条件下蒸干得到的。粗提物中溶于水的部分为水溶性部分,不溶于水的部分为脂溶性部分。通过间接酶联免疫法检测样品抑制烟草花叶病毒的活性,通过四甲基偶氮唑盐微量酶反应比色法(MTT法)检测样品抗肿瘤活性,通过形态及ITS rDNA序列法进行菌株鉴定。【结果】两株海洋真菌抑制烟草花叶病毒活性和抗肿瘤的活性均较高。分子鉴定结果显示,两株真菌分别与Penicillium oxalicum 和 Neosartorya fischeri 的同源性极高。菌株0312F1发酵液的水溶性部分具有抗病毒及抗肿瘤活性,菌株1008F1发酵液的脂溶性部分具有抑制烟草花叶病毒活性,而水溶性部分具有抗肿瘤活性。【结论】菌株0312F1和菌株1008F1发酵液的提取物抑制烟草花叶病毒的活性部位不同,而抗肿瘤活性部位相同。菌株0312F1发酵液提取物的水溶性活性部位对肝癌细胞BEL-7404的抑制效果比对胃癌细胞SGC-7901的抑制效果明显,而菌株1008F1发酵液提取物的水溶性活性部位对胃癌细胞SGC-7901的抑制效果比对肝癌细胞BEL-7404的抑制效果明显。  相似文献   
The reaction of the vulgare and U2 strains of tobacco mosaic virus with 4-sulpho-phenylisothiocyanate has been investigated. The coat protein of the U2 strain has a proline residue at its N-terminus and a lysine residue at position 53. Whereas both residues could be reacted with 4-sulpho-phenylisothiocyanate in the isolated coat protein, only proline-1 was modified during treatment of the intact virus with the same reagent, thereby showing that the loss of reactivity of the ?-amino group of lysine-53 is a consequence of the virus structure. The 4-sulpho-phenylthiocarbamoyl derivative of amino groups shows considerable tautomerism and, as a consequence, it proved possible to prepare a heavy-atom derivative of the intact U2 strain in which methyl mercury nitrate was bound by the modified N-terminal residue of the coat protein.On the other hand, when the intact vulgare strain was treated with 4-sulphophenylisothiocyanate, little or no modification of the ?-amino groups of the two lysine residues (positions 53 and 68) per polypeptide chain was observed. Taking into account previous studies on the reactivity of the amino groups of the coat protein in tobacco mosaic virus vulgare and assuming that all strains and mutants have closely similar three-dimensional structures, these experiments suggest that the N-terminal residue is more exposed (i.e. probably nearer the virus “surface”) than the side-chain of lysine-68, which in turn is more accessible than the side-chain of lysine-53. This interpretation is readily compatible with the results of X-ray diffraction analysis carried out on these chemically modified viruses (Mandelkow &; Holmes, 1974) and lends support to the hope that such methods of preparing heavy-atom derivatives of proteins will be of general use.  相似文献   
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