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The study was carried out in two (A and B) citrus groves to clarify the spatial distribution patterns of eggs and larvae, and to analyse the mortality process of eggs. From the analysis by using the mean density and the mean crowding, it was clarified that the distributions of eggs were contagious and that larvae were more contagiously distributed than eggs. The τ and z indices showed that the operation of egg mortality was inversely density-dependent in both groves, and that the degree of inverse density-dependence was greater in A than in B grove. The spatial correlations between the emergence holes and the eggs or larvae in each tree, which were analysed by using ω index, showed that the distributions were more overlapping between the emergence holes and the larvae than the eggs. As the result of dividing trees into several groups according to the number of emergence holes, it was clarified that the survival rates of eggs were positively correlated with the number of emergence holes. In conclusion, inversely density-dependent mortality process was considered to be caused by lower mortality rates of eggs in the trees with more emergence holes. Especially in A grove, because the trees with more emergence holes were larger in diameter and more egg oviposition, the inversely density-dependent mortality process was considered to be detected more conspicuously than in B grove.  相似文献   
The vascular plant distributions of Dalsland and northern Bohuslän (Southwest Sweden) were subjected to multivariate analyses in order to delimit geographically coherent floristic zones. 271 squares of 5×5 km were the Operational Geographic Units; the data matrix comprises presence/absence species records for each OGU. Different ordination and classification methods were tested and detailed results are presented for detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), UPGMA and ordination space partitioning (OSP). A weighting procedure, neighbour-weighting, which gives pseudo-frequency scores along the nominal scale 0–9 depending on the species' distribution patterns, is introduced. The superior method for delimiting geographically coherent floristic zones was judged to be ordination space partitioning, using DCA and neighbour-weighted species scores.Abbreviations DCA Detrended Correspondence Analysis - OGU Operational Geographical Unit - OSP Ordination Space Partitioning - UPGMA Unweighted Pair-Group Method using Arithmetic Averages  相似文献   
Summary We report on the size distribution of clones marked by mitotic recombination induced by several different doses of X-rays applied to 72 h oldDrosophila larvae. The results indicate that the radiation significantly reduces the number of cells which undergo normal proliferation in the imaginal wing disc. We estimate that 1000 r reduces by 40–60% the number of cells capable of making a normal contribution to the development of the adult wing. Part of this reduction is due to severe curtailment in the proliferative ability of cells which nevertheless remain capable of adult differentiation; this effect is possibly due to radiation-induced aneuploidy. Cytological evidence suggests that immediate cell death also occurs as a result of radiation doses as low as 100 r. The surviving cells are stimulated to undergo additional proliferation in response to the X-ray damage so that the result is the differentiation of a normal wing.  相似文献   
The Goodwin and Trainor model of pattern generation in calcium-regulated strain fields is studied in the case where calcium input and calcium output processes are involved. It is shown that the properties of the original model may still remain provided that the input-output processes are not unstable. In this last case, despite the eventual stabilizing effect of the calcium exchange term, perturbations of the generalized system can grow and lead to inhomogeneous solutions. Applications to cell differentiation and cell growth are discussed.  相似文献   
Kinetic continuum models are derived for cells that crawl over a 2D substrate, undergo random reorientation, and turn in response to contact with a neighbor. The integro-partial differential equations account for changes in the distribution of orientations in the population. It is found that behavior depends on parameters such as total mass, random motility, adherence, and sloughing rates, as well as on broad aspects of the contact response. Linear stability analysis, and numerical, and cellular automata simulations reveal that as parameters are varied, a bifurcation leads to loss of stability of a uniform (isotropic) steady state, in favor of an (anisotropic) patterned state in which cells are aligned in parallel arrays.  相似文献   
Summary Phenotypic analyses of genetic combinations involving the gene extramacrochaetae (emc) reveal its participation in the differentiation of both sensory elements and wing veins. The study of near-amorphic alleles of emc in mitotitc recombination clones indicates that it also affects cell proliferation. These clones show abnormal sizes, shapes and spatial distribution. They differentiate extra sensory elements as well as extra veins. A gain of function mutation in the gene causes opposite phenotypes in both differentiation systems. The effects of the mutant on proliferation and patterning are consistent with the emc gene being involved in the transfer of information between neighbouring cells, which leads to the spatial expression of the achaetescute gene complex and genes involved in vein formation.  相似文献   
We present a simplified version of a previously presented model (Camazine et al. (1990)) that generates the characteristic pattern of honey, pollen and brood which develops on combs in honey bee colonies. We demonstrate that the formation of a band of pollen surrounding the brood area is dependent on the assumed form of the honey and pollen removal terms, and that a significant pollen band arises as the parameter controlling the rate of pollen input passes through a bifurcation value. The persistence of the pollen band after a temporary increase in pollen input can be predicted from the model. We also determine conditions on the parameters which ensure the accumulation of honey in the periphery and demonstrate that, although there is an important qualitative difference between the simplified and complete models, an analysis of the simplified version helps us understand many biological aspects of the more complex complete model. Corresponding author  相似文献   
An attempt was made to investigate dermatoglyphic variation between four sex-crimes (SC) and four sex and other crime (SOC) convicts. These were compared with 10 endogamous and 11 penal populations. The results indicate that the two closely related sex crime cases IPC-363 and IPC 366 («kidnap» and «abducting») show wide differences in dermatoglyphic characters. A comparison of sex crimes with sex and other crime cases showed least differences in the case of IPC-363, IPC-363 KC and in IPC 366 and IPC-366 AC but wide differences in IPC-354 («molestation») cases. The dendrograms suggest that the eight sex crime cases cluster together and are different from other endogamous and penal populations. The significant low mean finger ridge count observed in the case of IPC-366 is in agreement with other studies, suggesting a strong association between crime (sex) and dermatoglyphics.  相似文献   
Summary Stridulation of grasshoppers is controlled by hemisegmental pattern generator subunits which probably are restricted to the metathoracic ganglion complex (TG3-complex). The coordination of left and right pattern generator subunits depends on commissures of the TG3-complex (Ronacher 1989). The coordination of the stridulatory movements was studied in Chorthippus dorsatus males with partial mediosagittal incisions in the TG3-complex.Animals bearing anterior incisions in the TG3-complex, by which all commissures of the metathoracic neuromere and the first abdominal neuromere were transected, were still able to produce bilaterally coordinated species-specific stridulatory movements. Commissures of the T3- and A1-neuromere, thus, are not necessary, and the A2-, A3-commissures are sufficient for this coordination (Figs. 3, 4).Animals with partial posterior incisions, extending until A1, had deficits in their stridulation pattern; the coordination between the hindlegs was impaired though not completely lost (Fig. 6). This is discussed in view of the structure of stridulation interneurons identified in a related grasshopper species (Omocestus viridulus).These results indicate an unexpected substantial contribution of the abdominal neuromeres A2 and A3 to the control of stridulatory movements. This constitutes an interesting parallel to the flight control system of locusts where interneurons located in the first 3 abdominal neuromeres also appear to contribute to the flight pattern generator (Robertson et al. 1982).Abbreviations A1–A3 abdominal neuromeres 1–3 - T3 metathoracic neuromere - TG3-complex metathoracic ganglion complex including A1–A3  相似文献   
Summary The wing discs of the temperature-sensitiveDrosophila mutantl(3)c43 hs1 become hyperplastic when larvae are reared at the restrictive temperature of 25° C or above (Martin et al. 1977). We have previously shown that reductions in gap junctions are correlated with the hyperplasia (Ryerse and Nagel 1984a). We report here that reductions in gap junction surface density, number and percent of the lateral plasma membrane area precede the onset of tissue hyperplasia as defined by the gross appearance of tissue overgrowth in the wing pouch and an increase in cell number. Gap junction reductions begin soon after temperature upshift and become significantly different from non-shifted controls by 16 h. Direct cell counts indicate that there is no difference in the total number of cells in experimental vs control discs until after 16 h when the 28° C discs begin to grow rapidly with a cell doubling time of about 6 h as compared with about 13 h for the 20°C controls. The finding that gap junction reductions precede the onset of tissue hyperplasia is consistent with the idea that gap junctions play a regulatory role in growth control and pattern formation and strengthens our hypothesis (Ryerse and Nagel 1984b) that a minimum number and a specific distribution of gap junctions are required for normal development.  相似文献   
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