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麻竹山地笋用林凋落物发生、分解及养分归还动态   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
对福建省漳洲市南靖国有林场山地麻竹笋用林凋落物的养分动态进行了研究.结果表明,凋落物的发生、养分浓度及养分归还量具有明显的季节性,且都呈双峰型;分解失重呈现出先快后慢的规律,分解剩余率与分解时间呈明显的负指数相关;凋落物分解剩余物N和P浓度呈升-降-升的变化规律,K则在前期流失强烈,中期平缓,后期略有回升.  相似文献   
The diagnosis of the genus Khetella Beisel, 1977 is emended, and a new genus, Cretadmete, is described. Two new species belonging to these genera, K. trautscholdi and C. neglecta, are established from the Upper Hauterivian of Ulyanovsk (Volga Region).  相似文献   
长白山区阔叶红松林经营历史与研究历程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长白山区位于中国东北东部的山地森林区,地带性植被是阔叶红松林,是我国珍贵木材生产和东北森林带的重要载体,孕育着丰富的物种资源.短短120年来,长白山区广袤的原始森林几乎消失殆尽,被次生林、过伐林和人工林等替代.建国以来,东北的阔叶红松林经营理论与技术在红松更新规律、皆伐与择伐的争论中,在人们对阔叶红松林结构和功能认识不断深入的过程中逐渐完善.但目前红松更新问题依然存在,森林经营依然十分粗放.本文梳理了过去70年来阔叶红松林的经营历史及研究历程,分析当前森林资源类型和经营制度的形成过程,以期为该区天然林可持续经营和质量的精准提升等提供借鉴.  相似文献   
三江源地区位于青藏高原的腹地, 是典型的生态脆弱区, 刺柏属(Juniperus)植物群落是该地区天然林资源的重要组分, 在维持生物多样性与水生态安全方面发挥着重要作用。该研究调查了刺柏属植物群落的主要植被类型, 通过对53个样地的样方数据分析, 量化描述了其各个群落类型的主要特征。结果表明: (1)根据生活型和优势度原则, 该区刺柏属植物群落可划分为祁连圆柏(J. przewalskii)林、大果圆柏(J. tibetica)林、密枝圆柏(J. convallium)林、塔枝圆柏(J. komarovii)林、大果圆柏灌丛和密枝圆柏灌丛, 进一步分为15个群丛。(2)调查所得维管植物共有142种, 隶属34科90属, 其中菊科种数最多, 占总种数的16.20%。(3)群落垂直结构明显, 其中乔木层优势种单一, 灌木层优势种主要有鲜黄小檗(Berberis diaphana)、银露梅(Potentilla glabra)及灌木状的大果圆柏, 草本层以薹草属(Carex)和马先蒿属(Pedicularis)占优势。(4)该区种子植物种的地理成分中, 温带成分占总种数的52.59%, 温带亚洲分布、东亚分布和中亚分布等为本区分布占比较大的分布区类型; 中国特有种占47.41%; 区系成分呈现横断山植物区系和唐古特植物区系成分互相交融的特点。  相似文献   
Theileriosis and ehrlichiosis are two important tick-borne diseases affecting cattle farming in China. However, limited information is available regarding prevalence and molecular characterization of Theileria annulata and Ehrlichia ruminantium in cattle in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR), northwestern China. In this study, a total of 176 blood samples of cattle from three rural areas of XUAR were collected in June 2017 and were tested by nested-PCR. A total of 34 (19.3%) samples were found to be infected with one or two pathogens. The overall prevalence rates of T. annulata and E. ruminantium were 18.2% and 1.7%, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the E. ruminantium isolates from XUAR were located in the same clade but diverged from the isolates from African countries using pCS20 gene while T. annulata isolates from XUAR revealed differences in the genotypes using Tams1 sequences. To our knowledge, this is the first report of E. ruminantium infection in cattle in China. It also provides the first genetic characterization of T. annulata in cattle in XUAR. The current findings are important for understanding the distribution of agents of theileriosis and ehrlichiosis and in designing measures for the prevention and control of tick-borne diseases in cattle, other animals, and humans.  相似文献   
以20世纪70年代植被类型图作为参照生态系统,采用径流量和径流系数作为径流调节功能的表征指标,建立了基于历史参照系的三江源区径流调节功能评估模型,以参照系径流系数与实际径流系数的比值作为径流系数质量指数,分析了2000-2017年三江源区生态系统径流调节功能参照值、现状值及变化量的时空变化规律。结果表明:2000-2017年,三江源区多年平均径流量为495.15亿m3,地表径流量为96.64亿m3,参照系条件下多年平均径流量为468.37亿m3,地表径流量为68.60亿m3。相比参照系,三江源区生态系统的径流蓄纳能力降低,总径流量和地表径流量均明显增加。空间上,基于参照系和实际生态系统的多年平均径流量表现为东南高西北低的空间分布特征,地表径流量则呈西部高东部低的空间分布特征。从时间变化看,实际径流和参照系径流的差别率在4%-9%之间,实际地表径流和参照系地表径流的差别率在22%-58%之间。径流系数质量指数得分显示,2000-2017年,三江源区径流系数质量指数平均得分为98.63,地表径流系数质量指数平均得分为96.98,两者均呈现先降低后增加的趋势,地表径流系数质量指数变化更为明显。2000-2017年,各县(镇)径流系数和地表径流系数质量指数得分具有较大差别,但各县(镇)得分变化均不明显,变化率分别在-1.95%-0.71%和-0.35%-1.90%之间。通过建立基于历史生态系统的评估参照系,定量评估了三江源区参照系和实际条件下的径流变化过程,实现了不同时间、不同区域生态系统径流调节功能的可比较,可对量化生态系统恢复进程提供支撑。  相似文献   
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex multifactorial autoimmune disease, whose sex- and age-adjusted prevalence in Sardinia (Italy) is among the highest worldwide. To date, 233 loci were associated with MS and almost 20% of risk heritability is attributable to common genetic variants, but many low-frequency and rare variants remain to be discovered. Here, we aimed to contribute to the understanding of the genetic basis of MS by investigating potentially functional rare variants. To this end, we analyzed thirteen multiplex Sardinian families with Immunochip genotyping data. For five families, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data were also available. Firstly, we performed a non-parametric Homozygosity Haplotype analysis for identifying the Region from Common Ancestor (RCA). Then, on these potential disease-linked RCA, we searched for the presence of rare variants shared by the affected individuals by analyzing WES data. We found: (i) a variant (43181034 T > G) in the splicing region on exon 27 of CUL9; (ii) a variant (50245517 A > C) in the splicing region on exon 16 of ATP9A; (iii) a non-synonymous variant (43223539 A > C), on exon 9 of TTBK1; (iv) a non-synonymous variant (42976917 A > C) on exon 9 of PPP2R5D; and v) a variant (109859349-109859354) in 3′UTR of MYO16.  相似文献   
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