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The regional level has been recognized as a good scale for implementing actions towards sustainable development (SD). An important pathway to improve regional sustainability is to locally carry out long-term ecological planning. In order to reduce environmental impacts from fast economic growth, several eastern provinces of China began Ecological Province Construction (EPC) at the end of 1990s. This paper presented a case for analyzing the progress of EPC in China via both qualitative and quantitative methods. We studied Shandong Eco-province Construction (SEPC) and evaluated its outcomes with its pre-set indicators in 2003–2010. A further evaluation with eco-efficiency and de-linking indices was conducted. The results indicated the pre-set indicators could not effectively reflect of the ecological province construction. It was recommended to introduce an evaluated framework combined with eco-efficiency and de-linking indices to indicate ecological planning at the regional scale.  相似文献   
我国浙江与日本和我国台湾森林植物区系的联系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作者在“试论浙江省森林植物区系”一文中对我国浙江与日本和我国台湾森林植物区系的联系已作了扼要的说明,本文就是在此基础上作更详尽的论述。浙江省东濒大海,隔海相望,东北方向有日本,其本部岛屿的南端为九州,和浙江北部的纬度相近,具有亚热带气候特征,出现了和浙江相类似的常绿阔叶林和竹林,九  相似文献   
陈汉彬 《四川动物》1992,11(2):7-12
本文记述采自贵州的虻属五新种:似类柯虻Tabanus cordigeroides sp.nov.、贵州虻T.guizhouensis sp.nov.、似杭州虻T.hongchowoides sp,nov.、伪青腹虻T.Pseudoliuiuentris sp.nov.和亚岷山虻T.subminshanensis sp. nov.,并分别进行了分类讨论。  相似文献   
本文报道了山东樟科植物的种类及其地理分布。山东的樟科植物计有5属8种,主要分布在山东半岛和鲁巾南的山地丘陵区。  相似文献   
壤白蚁属Parahy potermes Zhu et Huang,新属 模式种:曼允壤白蚁Parahy potermes manyunensis,新种。 属征:兵蚁头近卵圆形,头背面被毛稀少,两侧缘于触角前骤然狭缩,头中部最宽,后缘宽圆,头背面中部明显隆起;左上颚内缘中部第1缘齿上方具2—3枚小齿。 比较与讨论:本新属与地白蚁属Hypotermes Holmgren较接近。但Hypotermes头两侧缘触角前不呈狭缩状;左上颚第1缘齿上方不具锯齿状小齿;头背面中部呈弧状隆起。  相似文献   
本文记述寄螨亚科(Parasitinae)三新种。模式标本保存于吉林省地方病第一防治研究所。文内测量单位为微米,括号内为测量平均值。  相似文献   
湖北南襄盆地枣阳凹陷第三纪轮藻化石及其地层意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了南襄盆地枣阳凹陷第三系玉皇顶组到凤凰镇组轮藻化石。共划分出4个组合,其时代分别属早始新世、中始新世、晚始新世和渐新世。  相似文献   
Ethical discussions around ancient DNA (aDNA) research predate the technological breakthroughs that led to the accelerated generation of ancient genomic data, revealing a long-due need to address these aspects in the field. Given the diverse conflicts that genomics has raised towards the communities associated with the Non-living Human Ancestors under study, it has been suggested that the ethical and legal implications of genetically studying present-day and ancient human populations should be considered case-by-case. Nevertheless, the discussions have focused on US and European perspectives. To contribute from a local and Latin American position to the problem, we present the history of consensus and disagreement of the relationships between scientists and Indigenous communities of the Atlantic coast of the central Argentinian Patagonia. We describe how these relationships resulted in the approval of a groundbreaking provincial law that acknowledges the Indigenous community's right to be involved in decision-making concerning their Ancestors. In addition, we emphasize how these established relationships allowed the development of aDNA studies. With this background, we address the main ethical concerns of genomic studies of Ancestors identified in the reference literature and commit to applying some of the recommendations suggested in those ethical guidelines. Then, we reflect on possible negative consequences of ongoing research and propose some suggestions based on personal experiences that will contribute to moving the ethical field towards a more contextualized science with a local perspective.  相似文献   
Acrocyathus是一类块状体或丛状体的四射珊瑚,在北美分布于下石炭统,我国见于上石炭统,但丛状体的在我国系首次发现。在连续切片上,可见两个生长阶段,其繁殖方式有侧芽繁殖和边缘泡沫板内繁殖,系统分类上另置独立的科级分类。根据形态分析,该珊瑚栖息在动水,能量略高及食料丰富的浅水环境。当前标本为一新种:A.jiyuanensissp.nov.。  相似文献   
分析了陕西省稀有濒危植物46个种(包括种下等级)的地理分布和42个属的分布区类型及其区系特征,提出了稀有濒危植物种质资源的保护对策。  相似文献   
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