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Sex ratio, size, age, and spatial pattern were investigated for males and females of the dioecious shrub Ceratiola ericoides ericoides (Empetraceae) Michx. within seven mapped populations in Georgia and South Carolina, USA. Among the sites studied, two are regularly burned and one site long-unburned. Age was estimated from node counts of individual shrubs. Only one (fire-suppressed) population showed a female-biased sex ratio, while all others did not differ significantly from 1:1. Mean age estimates did not differ between sexes at any site nor did mean shrub canopy diameter. Bivariate Ripley’s K analysis with a null hypothesis of random labeling was used to investigate whether any of the mapped populations exhibited spatial segregation of the sexes (SSS). No population showed strong evidence of SSS. Rather all sites but one showed males and females to be associated (though not significantly) at a scale of 1–10 m. At a scale of 10–35 m male and female shrubs were located randomly with respect to one another at all sites.  相似文献   
Using Plant Root Simulator (PRS®) probes, we evaluate nutrient supply rates at the Sandhill Fen reclamation watershed across a gradient of increasing water table position and compare observations with three reference fens (a poor, moderate‐rich, and saline fen). Our objectives were threefold: (a) determine the behavior of PRS probes across multiple peatland classes, (b) determine which type of peatland Sandhill Fen is most analogous to in terms of nutrient supply patterns and site chemistry, and (c) attempt to provide a repeatable approach for assessing nutrient supply in peatlands. In terms of porewater chemistry, conditions at Sandhill Fen were quite unique, yet, most comparable to the saline fen. Consistent with porewater analysis, PRS probes had low nitrate supply at all sites, high calcium and magnesium supply at all sites (except the poor fen), and much higher sulfur supply at Sandhill Fen. Site differences in PRS probe measurements were smaller for 20‐ than 2‐day burial periods due to displacement of less strongly held elements (e.g., potassium) on ion exchange membranes. Because long‐term incubations may underrepresent supply rates for weakly held ions due to displacement by divalent ions, we recommend that reclamation assessments over a wide range of fen types should use a relatively short burial period of 1 to 3 days. With few exceptions (sulfate and iron), nutrient supply patterns at Sandhill Fen were quite comparable to the reference fens. For future wetland reclamation performance assessments in the AOSR, PRS probes could serve an important role for evaluating belowground functional components.  相似文献   
Abstract. Rates and directions of change over a 20-yr interval in five long-unburned (> 60 yr) plant communities were studied using multivariate analyses and compositional vectors. The study sites were located in fire and summer-drought adapted, xerophytic vegetation with many endemics on acidic, nutrient-poor, sandy soils in south-central peninsular Florida. Sizes of individual stems from 72 sets of nested permanent quadrats were measured in 1969, 1979, and 1989. Patterns of vegetation change differed by community. Flatwood and bayhead quadrats showed rapid increases in densities and basal areas of Persea borbonia (red bay). In the southern ridge sandhill community, evergreen clonal Quercus species (oaks) and Pinus clausa (sand pine) increased in dominance and grasses declined. Oaks (especially Q. geminata) also increased in importance in scrubby flatwoods. Sand pine scrub was relatively stable in composition, but experienced marked structural changes due to substantial sand pine mortality (18% during 1969–1979, 39% during 1979–1989). Compositional changes in the absence of fire were greatest whereas structural changes were least in southern ridge sandhill and scrubby flatwoods, both communities which normally receive frequent, recurrent fire. Compositional changes were lowest in sand pine scrub, which is normally infrequently burned. Classic successional patterns such as species replacement, decreases in density, and increases in basal area were generally lacking. Tree densities increased in two of four community types (southern ridge sandhill, scrubby flatwoods); while basal area declined in the flatwoods/bayhead and sand pine scrub sites. Directions of compositional vectors included divergent, opposing, and complex patterns, suggesting vegetation change in the absence of fire has a strong stochastic component.  相似文献   
Questions: Are calorimeters and pyrometers accurate and reliable for describing fire parameters in large‐scale ecological projects, and can data from them predict data derived from thermocouples? Do mechanical pre‐treatments in Florida scrub areas alter fire properties? Location: Lake Wales Ridge, Florida, USA. Methods: We deployed thermocouples attached to digital dataloggers, copper and lacquer paint pyrometers and aluminium can calorimeters filled with water in four areas of undisturbed Florida scrub and sandhill vegetation and in adjoining areas pre‐treated with logging, subcanopy felling or mowing. Individual dataloggers were positioned in areas spanning a range of vegetation structure; three calorimeters and three pyrometers were placed with each thermocouple. We also deployed individual calorimeter‐pyrometer pairs. Sites were burned, after which we compared methods for characterizing fire, particularly the ability of pyrometers and calorimeters to predict values derived from thermocouples. Results: Pyrometers best predicted peak 1‐minute mean temperatures and were least successful at estimating maximums. Calorimeters were associated with the number of minutes maximum temperatures exceeded 60 ßC, but were damaged at high residence times and inconsistent at low temperatures. Both pyrometers and calorimeters detected site and treatment differences in fire intensities. These analyses and logistic considerations give pyrometers an edge over calorimeters in situations where dataloggers are impractical. Mechanical pre‐treatments to fire altered fire parameters. Mowing reduced fire temperatures but had different effects on areas burned; this was related to the length of time elapsed between mowing and burning. Subcanopy felling increased both fire coverage and temperatures. Conclusion: Pyrometers outperformed calorimeters as a cheap method for describing relative temperature regimes that are a function of both temperature and residence time. Pyrometers were able to demonstrate how mechanical treatments applied prior to prescribed burning altered fire parameters. Pyrometers are a useful tool for investigating biological responses to fire at multiple scales and in heterogeneous vegetation.  相似文献   
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