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A defined medium of low osmolarity was developed permitting growth of Rhizobium meliloti with generation times of approximately 2.8 h doubling-1. The effects of sodium, potassium, magnesium, ammonium, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, bicarbonate and acetate ions on the growth rate of R. meliloti were determined. Sodium, potassium and ammonium ions had little effect on growth at concentrations of 100 mEq or less; magnesium ion inhibited growth severely at concentrations of 50 mEq (25 mM). Of the anions, chloride and sulfate appeared to have little effect while phosphate, bicarbonate, and acetate inhibited growth at concentrations of as little as 25 mEq. The addition of proline, glutamate, or betaine to cells growing in inhibitory concentrations of NaCl did not relieve the inhibition. When grown in the presence of inhibitory levels of NaCl, the intracellular concentration of glutamate but not of proline or gamma amino butyric acid increased 5-fold.  相似文献   
It is shown that NADH can be effectively oxidized by 1-methyl-3-nitropyridine in non-enzymatic and enzyme-mediated processes. Mechanistic issues of these reactions are discussed. These processes seem to contribute to the observed cytotoxicity of 1-methyl-3-nitropyridine. A key role of 1-methyl-3-nitropyridinyl radical formed in the enzyme-mediated processes is emphasized.  相似文献   
Summary An investigation was carried out in order to study the effect of salts namely NaC1 and Na2SO4 on the rate of translocation of photosynthates in pigeonpea, at the pod filling stage. At the concentration of 10 EC NaC1 only 17% of the14C assimilates are translocated from the source leaf to the other parts of the plant. Out of this pods receive about 8%. On the other hand even at a concentration of 15 EC Na2SO4 about 30% of the total14C assimilates get translocated and out of this pods receive about 12%. From this it may be concluded that under salt-stress conditions the rate of translocation of photosynthates is adversely affected and between the two salts, NaC1 was discovered to have a marked inhibitory effect.  相似文献   
The conservation of desirable properties in foods and ingredients is often based on the maintenance of the amorphous metastable properties of the systems. Enzymes may be stabilized by drying in saccharide matrices, but a second excipient is generally required to improve sugar protective effects. The effect of electrolytes on the thermophysical properties of sugar systems is of special interest because of their major influence on water structure and their possible interactions with biomolecules. Salts affect the kinetics of very important changes in sugar systems such as crystallization. The purpose of the present work was to analyze fungal β-galactosidase stability in supercooled systems of trehalose-containing electrolytes (water soluble acetates, citrates, and chlorides of magnesium and potassium). The degree of sugar crystallization was also related to enzyme stability. Potassium citrate and acetate improved enzyme stability during freeze-drying and thermal treatment of samples at water activity (a w) of 0.22. However, trehalose crystallization inhibition at a w = 0.43 (which was about 50–60%, related to the system without salt) impaired enzyme protection. Certain salts may act retarding sugar crystallization, but in the presence of salts, trehalose crystallization is even more critical because the enzyme is confined in a highly salt-concentrated region. Thus, crystallization inhibition by sugar–salt combinations should be carefully conducted. Santagapita, Research Fellow, CONICET, Argentina. Buera, Member of CONICET, Argentina. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Inhibition of DNA repair can result in accumulation of unrepaired and partially repaired lesions in DNA. Such lesions are important, not only for their primary disruption of information fidelity, but because they may serve as inducers for repair pathways which may be error prone. Inhibition of UV repair by quinacrine and anthralin (50μM each) was detected in 3H thymidine-labeled mouse L1210 cells by sedimentation of nucleoids on neutral sucrose gradients. Quinacrine delayed strand-nicking (and presumably lesion removal) following uv irradiation and anthralin exerted its strongest effects on some other repair step(s) subsequent to strand-incision with accumulation of strand disruptions. Since anthralin is a potent tumor promoter, it will be interesting to examine other promoters to see if they also cause accumulation of repair ‘intermediates’ which could act as inducers of error prone repair.  相似文献   
In our continuing investigation of polycationic salts for purposes of antimicrobial action, ion-channel blocking, and construction of ionic liquids, we have prepared several series of polycationic salts derived from carbohydrate precursors. These salts are currently being investigated for optimal efficacy as antibacterials and antifungals, as well as for other applications. The syntheses of such series of salts are described here along with preliminary antibacterial testing results and a discussion of their properties indicating their potential utility for several purposes.  相似文献   
In this study, eighteen sites at Jeddah coastal area, Red Sea, have been assessed for water quality status, depending on nutrients, metals, Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and physical variables during 2018 and 2019. The investigated parameters of the Water Quality Index (WQI) are temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), DO saturation, oxidizable organic matter (OOM), suspended particulate matter (SPM), Chl-a, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, total nitrogen, reactive phosphate, total phosphorus, silicate, Zn, Fe, Mn Cu, Cd, Pb, and Ni. The results revealed that the pH values were slightly alkaline with a range of 7.85–8.20. The results of other parameters were as follow: salinity (36.95–42.61PSU), DO (5.22–6.67 mg/L), OOM (0.40–1.23 mg/L), SPM (12.39–21.5 mg/L), Chl-a (0.10–0.83 µg/L). The range of nutrients (μM) were 0.07–0.22, 0.45–1.47, 9.62–18.64, 23.31–57.65, 0.05–0.15, 0.55–2.78 and 2.54–5.51 for NH4/N, NO2/N, NO3/N, TN, PO4/P, TP and SiO4/Si, respectively. Cluster analysis was used to classify the stations studied. From the current study, five clusters were found, indicating the need to perform cluster analysis in the water quality assessment process to confirm the durability and consistency of the data discovered in the current application.  相似文献   
Résumé La germination des semences de radis (Raphanus sativus) est étudiée en fonction de la salinité exercée, d'une part, par les sels de sodium (organique ou minéraux), et d'autre part, par des sels de chlorure (de K, Ca ou Na). Les sels minéraux de sodium (comme les sel de chlorure ou de nitrate) apparaissent moins toxiques à la germination de la plante, par rapport à un sel organique (barbital ou salicylate). Par comparison, un milieu contenant NaCl est plus sélectif à la germination qu'un milieu contenant CaCl2 ou KCl (ce dernier étant le moins nocif). Dans tous les cas, les sels agissent plus du point de vue toxicité que du point de vue stimulation de germination: l'action toxique de l'anion d'accompagnement (pour les sels organiques ou minéraux de sodium) ou des cations (pour les sels de chlorure) est supérieure à l'effet de la pression osmotique.
Germination of radish (Raphanus sativus) seeds is studied as a function of salinity caused by sodium (organic or mineral) and chloride salts (K, Ca or Na chloride). Mineral salts of sodium (chloride or nitrate for exemple) seem to be less toxic for germination than organic salts (barbital or salicylate). A NaCl medium is more toxic for germination than the CaCl2 or KCl medium, this last being the last toxic of the salts tested. In all cases, salts have a more toxic than stimulatory effect on germination. The toxic action of the accompanying anion (for organic and mineral salts) or cation (for chloride salts) is greater than the osmotic pressure effect.
It is shown that NADH can be effectively oxidized by 1-methyl-3-nitropyridine in non-enzymatic and enzyme-mediated processes. Mechanistic issues of these reactions are discussed. These processes seem to contribute to the observed cytotoxicity of 1-methyl-3-nitropyridine. A key role of 1-methyl-3-nitropyridinyl radical formed in the enzyme-mediated processes is emphasized.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to examine the responsiveness of chemically cross-linked κ-carrageenan microspheres to different types of neutral salt electrolytes as well as to surfactants of varying chain lengths. In the presence of increasing salt concentration microsphere size changed radically from D[4,3] values of 320 μm to approximately 160 μm. The level of salt concentration needed to bring about this change varied depending on electrolyte type. This common behaviour was attributed to the difference in free cationic counter-ions concentration between the inside and outside of the microsphere and can be explained due to the effect of the Donnan equilibrium. The rheological properties of these microgels in their swollen and collapsed states were also explored with results showing that the collapsed microspheres had a greater impact on the viscosity of the system probably as a result of some aggregation of the collapsed microgels at rest due to surface charge screening at these high salt concentrations. The effect of surfactant on microsphere size showed a dramatic drop in D[4,3] values from 320 μm to approximately 120 μm for BAC, DoTAB, MTAB and CTAB at specific critical concentrations. This critical aggregation concentration was found to increase linearly on a log–log scale with the critical micelle concentration of these surfactants in water, indicating that the alkyl chain length of the surfactants had an effect on the critical aggregation concentration.  相似文献   
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