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The rRNAs in Escherichia coli contain methylations at 24 nucleotides, which collectively are important for ribosome function. Three of these methylations are m5C modifications located at nucleotides C967 and C1407 in 16S rRNA and at nucleotide C1962 in 23S rRNA. Bacterial rRNA modifications generally require specific enzymes, and only one m5C rRNA methyltransferase, RsmB (formerly Fmu) that methylates nucleotide C967, has previously been identified. BLAST searches of the E.coli genome revealed a single gene, yebU, with sufficient similarity to rsmB to encode a putative m5C RNA methyltransferase. This suggested that the yebU gene product modifies C1407 and/or C1962. Here, we analysed the E.coli rRNAs by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and show that inactivation of the yebU gene leads to loss of methylation at C1407 in 16 S rRNA, but does not interfere with methylation at C1962 in 23 S rRNA. Purified recombinant YebU protein retains its specificity for C1407 in vitro, and methylates 30 S subunits (but not naked 16 S rRNA or 70 S ribosomes) isolated from yebU knockout strains. Nucleotide C1407 is located at a functionally active region of the 30 S subunit interface close to the P site, and YebU-directed methylation of this nucleotide seems to be conserved in bacteria. The yebU knockout strains display slower growth and reduced fitness in competition with wild-type cells. We suggest that a more appropriate designation for yebU would be the rRNA small subunit methyltransferase gene rsmF, and that the nomenclature system be extended to include the rRNA methyltransferases that still await identification.  相似文献   
Ribosome-targeting antibiotics block protein synthesis by binding at functionally important regions of the bacterial rRNA. Resistance is often conferred by addition of a methyl group at the antibiotic binding site within an rRNA region that is already highly modified with several nucleotide methylations. In bacterial rRNA, each methylation requires its own specific methyltransferase enzyme, and this raises the question as to how an extra methyltransferase conferring antibiotic resistance can be accommodated and how it can gain access to its nucleotide target within a short and functionally crowded stretch of the rRNA sequence. Here, we show that the Sgm methyltransferase confers resistance to 4,6-disubstituted deoxystreptamine aminoglycosides by introducing the 16S rRNA modification m7G1405 within the ribosomal A site. This region of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA already contains several methylated nucleotides including m4Cm1402 and m5C1407. Modification at m5C1407 by the methyltransferase RsmF is impeded as Sgm gains access to its adjacent G1405 target on the 30S ribosomal subunit. An Sgm mutant (G135A), which is impaired in S-adenosylmethionine binding and confers lower resistance, is less able to interfere with RsmF methylation on the 30S subunit. The two methylations at 16S rRNA nucleotide m4Cm1402 are unaffected by both the wild-type and the mutant versions of Sgm. The data indicate that interplay between resistance methyltransferases and the cell''s own indigenous methyltransferases can play an important role in determining resistance levels.  相似文献   
Cells devote a significant effort toward the production of multiple modified nucleotides in rRNAs, which fine tune the ribosome function. Here, we report that two methyltransferases, RsmB and RsmF, are responsible for all four 5-methylcytidine (m5C) modifications in 16S rRNA of Thermus thermophilus. Like Escherichia coli RsmB, T. thermophilus RsmB produces m5C967. In contrast to E. coli RsmF, which introduces a single m5C1407 modification, T. thermophilus RsmF modifies three positions, generating m5C1400 and m5C1404 in addition to m5C1407. These three residues are clustered near the decoding site of the ribosome, but are situated in distinct structural contexts, suggesting a requirement for flexibility in the RsmF active site that is absent from the E. coli enzyme. Two of these residues, C1400 and C1404, are sufficiently buried in the mature ribosome structure so as to require extensive unfolding of the rRNA to be accessible to RsmF. In vitro, T. thermophilus RsmF methylates C1400, C1404, and C1407 in a 30S subunit substrate, but only C1400 and C1404 when naked 16S rRNA is the substrate. The multispecificity of T. thermophilus RsmF is potentially explained by three crystal structures of the enzyme in a complex with cofactor S-adenosyl-methionine at up to 1.3 Å resolution. In addition to confirming the overall structural similarity to E. coli RsmF, these structures also reveal that key segments in the active site are likely to be dynamic in solution, thereby expanding substrate recognition by T. thermophilus RsmF.  相似文献   
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