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To investigate the potential for and constraints on the evolution of compensatory ability, we performed a greenhouse experiment using Asclepias syriaca in which foliar damage and soil nutrient concentration were manipulated. Under low nutrient conditions, significant genetic variation was detected for allocation patterns and for compensatory ability. Furthermore, resource allocation to storage was positively, genetically correlated both with compensatory ability and biomass when damaged, the last two being positively, genetically correlated with each other. Thus, in the low nutrient environment, compensatory ability via resource allocation to storage provided greater biomass when damaged. A negative genetic correlation between compensatory ability and plant biomass when undamaged suggests that this mechanism entailed an allocation cost, which would constrain the evolution of greater compensatory ability when nutrients are limited. Under high nutrient conditions, neither compensatory ability nor allocation patterns predicted biomass when damaged, even though genetic variation in compensatory ability existed. Instead, plant biomass when undamaged predicted biomass when damaged. The differences in outcomes between the two nutrient treatments highlight the importance of considering the possible range of environmental conditions that a genotype may experience. Furthermore, traits that conferred compensatory ability did not necessarily contribute to biomass when damaged, demonstrating that it is critical to examine both compensatory ability and biomass when damaged to determine whether selection by herbivores can favor the evolution of increased compensation. Received: 2 April 1999 / Accepted: 21 September 1999  相似文献   
Birds often lose feathers during predation attempts, and thisability has evolved as a means of escape. Because predatorsare more likely to grab feathers on the rump and the back thanon the ventral side of an escaping bird, we predicted that theformer feathers would have evolved to be relatively looselyattached as an antipredator strategy in species that frequentlydie from predation. We estimated the force required to removefeathers from the rump, back, and breast by pulling featherswith a spring balance from a range of European bird speciesin an attempt to investigate ecological factors associated withease of feather loss during predation attempts. The force requiredto loosen a feather from the rump was less than that requiredto loosen a feather from back, which in turn was less than thatrequired to loosen a feather from the breast. The relative forceneeded to loosen rump feathers compared with feathers from theback and the breast was smaller for prey species preferred bythe most common predator of small passerine birds, the sparrowhawkAccipiter nisus. Likewise, the relative force was also smallerin species with a high frequency of complete tail loss amongfree-living birds, which we used as an index of the frequencyof failed predation attempts. The relative force required toremove feathers from the rump was smaller in species with ahigh frequency of fear screams, another measure of the relativeimportance of predation as a cause of death. Feather loss requiredparticularly little force among solitarily breeding bird speciesthat suffer the highest degree of predation. Antipredator defensein terms of force required to remove feathers from the rumpwas larger in species with a strong antiparasite defense interms of T-cell–mediated immune response. These findingsare consistent with the hypothesis that different defenses areantagonistic and that they are traded off against each other.  相似文献   
We analyzed the pattern of correlations among fitness components, herbivory, and resin characteristics in a natural all-aged stand of ponderosa pine, to infer the strength and mechanism of natural selection on plant chemistry. Male and female cone production were monitored yearly for 15 years, and levels of herbivory for 9 years in 165 trees. Resin flow rate and monoterpene composition were determined for these same trees. Multiple regression of fitness components on resin characteristics showed significant associations consistent with directional selection for increased resin flow rates and increased proportions of α- and β-pinene, myrcene and terpinolene. However, negative correlations among monoterpene fractions of the resin constrained the overall selection. Selective herbivory by aphids approached statistical significance and monoterpenes showed some (non-significant) effect as deterrents against deer browse. Resin characteristics were not correlated with attack by cone insects or porcupines. However, the association between resin characteristics and fitness is significantly different from that predicted by the path coefficients involving herbivores. Therefore the hypothesis that these herbivores mediate selection on the resin is not supported by the observed pattern of correlations among resin characteristics, herbivory, growth and fecundity. In this population, most of the association between resin characteristics and fitness appears to be mediated by some other factor independent of attack by herbivore species present. Received: 18 March 1996/Accepted: 18 July 1996  相似文献   
The evolutionary response of plant populations to selection for increased defense may be constrained by costs of defense. The purpose of this study was to investigate such constraints on the evolution of defense due to a cost of defense manifested as a trade-off between defense and tolerance. Variation in the response to artificial damage (tolerance) among lines of Brassica rapa that had been artificially selected for foliar glucosinolate content (defense) was examined. Leaf area was removed from replicates of three selection lines (high glucosinolates, control, and low glucosinolates) at three damage levels (0%, 20%, and 60% damage). An external cost of defense would result in a statistically significant selection line by damage treatment interaction, with those selected for high defense expressing less tolerance than those selected for low defense. Damage treatment had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with fitness declining with increasing damage level. Further, selection line also had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with low-defense selection lines having higher fitness compared to both control and high-defense selection lines. More importantly, a cost of defense in terms of tolerance was demonstrated by a significant selection line-by-damage treatment interaction. This interaction was in the direction to demonstrate a genetic trade-off between defense and tolerance, with low-defense selection lines decreasing estimated total fitness in response to damage less than both control and high-defense selection lines. Variation in tolerance among selection lines was due to the greater ability of low-defense lines to maintain fruit and seed production despite the presence of damage. In terms of tolerance, this cost of glucosinolate production in B. rapa could constrain the evolution of increased defense and, in so doing, maintain individuals within the population that are poorly defended yet tolerant.  相似文献   
Abstract. Although there are many studies in searching for the most useful community diversity index, the importance of choosing an appropriate parameter has been neglected. Here, we examined dominance and diversity in early post-fire chaparral communities using different variables, i.e. plant density, cover and biomass. Significant different results were produced by applying different parameters and the difference may be caused by the inconsistency in density, cover, and biomass allocated in each life form. Among the three parameters, biomass was most successful in detecting differences among communities because the apportionment of biomass among species was more variable than that of density. Although the three species variables represent different aspects of community properties and their relative performance may vary among communities, we recommend the use of biomass or productivity data as the most appropriate variable because it can best represent per capita resource use and resource partitioning among organisms in competitive situations.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Brood parasites often must overcome host defenses that may include behaviors that serve other functions, such as deterrence of predators and nest attendance during laying and incubation. Host use by brood parasites may also be influenced by competitors in areas where more than one parasitic species occurs. We identified the degree to which behavior of potential hosts and potential competitors affected laying by Brown‐headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) and Bronzed Cowbirds (M. aeneus) at a site in south Texas where they co‐occur. We watched potential host nests during the presunrise period to record cowbird laying and document nest visitation, laying, cowbird‐host encounters, and nest attentiveness by hosts. Hosts were frequently at their nests when cowbirds laid eggs (83% of 121 watches among nests of five host species) and cowbirds regularly encountered hosts (43–74% and 40–77% of watches per species of host for Brown‐headed and Bronzed cowbirds, respectively). Host nest defense infrequently interfered with cowbird laying and cowbirds rarely interacted with one another during laying. Overall, 12% of the 42 cowbird laying attempts that elicited host nest defense failed, resulting in cowbird eggs either laid atop hosts as they sat in nests or laid outside the nest cup. We clearly documented that relatively small hosts can thwart parasitism by cowbirds. Thus, the potential for successful defense of nests should be considered when assessing the evolution of behaviors to deter the removal of host eggs by cowbirds and mechanisms leading to nest abandonment. Regarding the latter, the presence of a cowbird at a nest would be a poor indicator for parasitism as some laying attempts were thwarted and unparasitized broods were reared at those nests. Despite the potential for nest defense to affect host use by cowbirds, we did not detect an effect of nest defense. Because most host defense was ineffective, we examined hypotheses for the timing of cowbird laying and host nest attendance. Our analysis of time of day of laying by Brown‐headed Cowbirds at our site and data compiled from the literature suggests that laying time is best predicted by the time of civil twilight (first light) rather than sunrise.  相似文献   
N. A. Straw 《Oecologia》1991,86(4):492-502
Summary The intensity of resource exploitation by phytophagous insects is usually considered to reflect population size. For populations of two flowerhead-attacking tephritid flies, however, the resources utilised were not related to the numbers of searching adults. Tephritis bardanae Schrank attacked 11–13% of the total flowerheads each year, and Cerajocera tussilaginis (Fab) 17–65%, despite much wider and uncorrelated variation in adult numbers. Analysis of field data showed that the proportion of flowerheads used was not limited by poor flowerhead quality, but was restricted by (1) the synchronisation of adult activity with the appearance of flowerheads at the correct age for oviposition, and (2) by factors which influenced the ability of female flies to locate available heads. These restrictions were more severe in T. bardanae and explained its relatively low rate of infestation. Both tephritids tended to avoid flowerheads in open areas. The processes governing resource exploitation in each tephritid operated independently of the other, and a partial separation of the two species between flowerhead types and habitats arose simply because of their different timing of attack.  相似文献   
Plants produce chemicals as methods against animal herbivory. Such chemical defenses are classified into two major categories: (i) quantitative defenses with massive production of indigestible substances; and (ii) qualitative defenses with production of poisonous substances. A mathematical model was developed that identified factors that favored the evolution of quantitative defenses. Selecting an annual plant for simplicity, the allocation of photosynthetic production between growth substances and defense substances was considered. If the plant invests more in defense substances, it can protect itself more efficiently from herbivory but with a reduced growth rate. If it invests more in growth substances, the contrary holds. Using Pontoryagin's maximum principle, the following results were obtained: (i) the plant should conduct quantitative defenses when the growth rate (G), reflecting resource-availability, is low and the growth period (T) is long as well; (ii) if the plant invests in quantitative defenses, the optimal proportion of defense substances (χ*) should be higher asG is smaller, but it is independent ofT; and (iii) the value of χ* is not monotone for the effectiveness of defense substance (A), but has a maximum at an intermediate value ofA. Predictions of the model partly supported both Feeny's apparency theory, claiming that apparent plants or their parts for herbivores should quantitatively defend themselves, and Coley's resource-availability theory, claiming that plants with rich resources should invest in growth rather than defense.  相似文献   
Summary Chrysomela confluens produces a salicylaldehyde-based defensive secretion which is very effective against generalist predators and apparently produced at no cost. If no cost defenses are common, then one of the basic assumptions in the plant-herbivore literature, i.e. tradeoffs among defense, reproduction, and growth, must be reconsidered. We examined the effectiveness of this defense by exposing defended larvae and larvae whose secretion had been removed to a generalist predator. Larvae which had their secretions intact were attacked by only 7% of the ants which encountered them, and none of these larvae suffered serious damage. In contrast, those which had been milked of their secretions immediately prior to exposure were attacked in 48% of such encounters, and two-thirds of the larvae were killed. Larvae which had been milked 24 or 72 h before exposure, then allowed to regenerate their defenses, were attacked at rates indistinguishable from larvae that had not been milked. Thus regenerated defenses are just as effective as original defenses. We also tested the hypothesis that the cost of defense production and maintainence would be reflected in reductions in developmental rates and final adult mass and increases in leaf consumption rate. We found that larvae which were milked daily of their secretions manifested no measurable cost of recharging reservoirs. Milked larvae grew and fed at the same rates as their control sibs, and became adults of equal or slightly larger size. The liberation of glucose from salicin, a precursor present in leaves of salicaceous hosts, during the production of salicylaldehyde apparently provides enough of an energetic benefit to offset the cost of maintaining an effective defense. Consistent with this hypothesis, we did not find that milked larvae compensated for increased nutritional or salicin demands by increasing their feeding rates. Although this patterns is familiar to chemical ecologists it is generally unappreciated in the plant-herbivore literature. It is likely that many arthropod herbivore defensive systems come at little or no cost, given the intimacy of association between herbivores and their food plants. Sequestration of host plant defensive chemicals which eliminates the cost of synthesis is common in arthropods. The de novo synthesis of chemical defenses may be less costly than expected if it is integrated into other parts of an insects metabolism. Calculations based on the bond energies or molecular constitution of the compounds will not yield a complete perception of cost. Tests over the life of the herbivore, coupled with an understanding of the herbivore's metabolism, are necessary.  相似文献   
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