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谢涛  张儒 《微生物学通报》2013,40(4):695-699
分析生物工程专业人才需求的现状与发展前景,构建了以社会需求为导向,以实践课程体系为载体,以能力培养为主线,以学生科技创新活动和教师科研为驱动,项目研究与能力培养相结合的创新实践教学模式.实践表明,创新实践教学模式极大提高了学生的学习兴趣和教师的工作热情.  相似文献   
Dental tissue-derived stem cells (DSCs) provide an easy, accessible, relatively noninvasive promising source of adult stem cells (ASCs), which brought encouraging prospective for their clinical applications. DSCs provide a perfect opportunity to apply for a patient's own ASC, which poses a low risk of immune rejection. However, problems associated with the long-term culture of stem cells, including loss of proliferation and differentiation capacities, senescence, genetic instability, and the possibility of microbial contamination, make cell banking necessary. With the rapid development of advanced cryopreservation technology, various international DSC banks have been established for both research and clinical applications around the world. However, few studies have been published that provide step-by-step guidance on DSCs isolation and banking methods. The purpose of this review is to present protocols and technical details for all steps of cryopreserved DSCs, from donor selection, isolation, cryopreservation, to characterization and quality control. Here, the emphasis is on presenting practical principles in accordance with the available valid guidelines.  相似文献   
李昂  李嘉  方育  刘殿刚  王亚军 《生物磁学》2013,(25):4964-4966,4987
目的:探讨医学生临床实习中在基本操作上常犯的错误,并对此提出建议和纠正措施,旨在进一步提高临床带教水平及临床教学质量。方法i总结我院临床医学专业实习生进行常见的外科临床基本操作考核成绩的情况,对错误类型等进行统计并提出合理的解决措施。结果:共考察学生90名,其中外科换药方法欠佳者22人(24.4%),消毒铺巾存在问题24人(26.6%),缝合存在问题32人(35.5%),打结存在问题38(42.2%)人,拆线存在问题19(21.1%)人。结论:加强医学生外科实习期间的无菌观念培养及强化手术基本操作是临床教学的重要环节。  相似文献   
在医学生临床实习带教过程中,神经外科实习教学由于其教学内容具有专业性强、信息量大、知识更新快的特点,与其它专业相比更具难度,教学效果往往难达到预期水平。Web-CPBL教学模式,是将传统的PBL教学理念与网络信息技术有机融合,延伸和发展出的一种新型教学模式。在神经外科实习教学中,巧妙得当的借力于网络资源平台,有助于打破临床师资缺乏、实操场地不足的局限,能更充分的发挥PBL教学的优势。此模式在培养和锻炼医学生临床思维能力的同时,也帮助他们尽早养成主动学习、善于协作、乐于共享的良好学习习惯,提高其医学人文素养。  相似文献   
目的:分析26例高脂血症性胰腺炎的治疗及预后,探讨高脂血症性胰腺炎的治疗特点。方法:总结我科03.8-06.10间收治的高脂血症性胰腺炎病人26例的治疗及预后。结果:在高脂血症性胰腺炎26例,其中重症病例11例,重症病例中死亡二例,手术三例,合并糖尿病4例、合并高血压、冠心病5例,在所有高脂血症性胰腺炎中除重症中2例死亡外,其余根据胰腺炎的严重程度不同采用相应的治疗办法而全部治愈。结论:高脂血症性胰腺炎的发病率相对较高,其并发病多、死亡率高,治疗以降血脂为主的多方位的综合治疗,血液净化是重症高脂血症性胰腺炎早期治疗一种较有用的方式。  相似文献   
The current guideline for exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) was developed through assessment of the biological effects data collected primarily from the rat. The consensus that a lack of hazardous biological effects occurred below a whole-body-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) of 4.0 W/kg led to the proposition of a 0.4 W/kg guideline with a built-in safety factor of 10. This paper demonstrates that if the RFR absorption rate in the rat had been normalized with respect to total body surface area rather than body mass, the exposure guideline would be 2.3 W/m2, which translates to an SAR of approximately 0.06 W/kg for an adult human. It is further shown that a given RFR absorption rate, normalized as a fraction of a species' heat loss per unit of surface area, is independent of body mass over a range of 0.03-100 kg; however, a normalization of the RFR absorption rate to heat loss per unit of body mass is highly dependent on the species' mass. Normalizing the rate of RFR absorption to the surface area of the rat indicates that the current RFR exposure guideline of 0.4 W/kg may be too high.  相似文献   
根据食品微生物学的教学目的与内容,建立基础实验训练阶段–专业技能训练阶段–自主设计实验训练阶段的三段式教学模式,初步构建了以能力培养为目的的食品微生物学综合实践教学体系。教学过程中突出学生的主体作用,进一步提高学生创新思维能力、强化学生动手能力,使学生在实践中掌握食品微生物学综合实验技能。  相似文献   
目的:对中职药剂专业化学类课程实践技能需求进行调研,为化学类课程实践性教学内容的优化组合提供依据,解决教学中存在内容重复、与生产实际脱节等问题。方法:通过问卷调查和访谈等方法对中职药剂专业化学类课程实践能力需求进行调查,数据统计分析采用了SPSS 13.0统计软件和Excel 2007软件。结果:将中职药剂专业化学类课程实践性教学内容进行优化组合,加强实际需要的实践性操作,剔除过时的陈旧内容。形成基础知识、基本操作技能、验证性实验技术、化学分析和仪器分析实验技术、综合实训、附录等六个模块内容,编撰了《药剂专业化学实训指导》,提出中职药剂专业化学类课程实践性教学的标准。结论:科学合理、与时俱进的实践教学内容能保证学生掌握行业需要的化学类实践技能,达到本专业学生应获得的职业资格证书中相应模块考证的基本要求,成为具有较强实际操作能力的高素质劳动者。  相似文献   
微生物学实验教学改革的若干实践   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文总结近年来对微生物学实验教学改革的实践,确定实验教学体系的主要内容,注意以人为本,通过改革教学手段和考核方式,培养学生的实践能力与创新精神.  相似文献   
The availability and uptake of Cd by lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in two common tropical soils (before and after liming) were studied in order to derive human health-based risk soil concentration. Cadmium concentrations ranging from 1 to 12 mg kg?1 were added to samples from a clayey Oxisol and a sandy-loam Ultisol under glasshouse conditions. After incubation, a soil sample was taken from each pot, the concentration of Cd in the soil was determined, lettuce was grown during 36 d, and the edible parts were harvested and analyzed for Cd. A positive linear correlation was observed between total soil Cd and the Cd concentration in lettuce. The amount of Cd absorbed by lettuce grown in the Ultisol was about twice the amount absorbed in the Oxisol. Liming increased the soil pH and slightly reduced Cd availability and uptake. CaCl2 extraction was better than DTPA to reflect differences in binding strength of Cd between limed and unlimed soils. Risk Cd concentrations in the Ultisol were lower than in the Oxisol, reflecting the greater degree of uptake from the Ultisol. The derived risk Cd values were dependent on soil type and the exposure scenario.  相似文献   
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