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泡桐属七种植物的RAPD分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用 1 3个 1 0 mer的随机引物对中国泡桐属的 7个种进行了 RAPD分析 ,对扩增形成的谱带进行了对比 ,发现 7个种间存在较丰富的多态性带纹。经用 UPGMA法聚类结果说明可把研究的 7个种分成 2个类群。其中白花泡桐与川泡桐亲缘关系最近 ,二者与揪叶泡桐、南方泡桐、山明泡桐归为 1个类群。毛泡桐与兰考泡桐亲缘关系也较近 ,二者在系统演化上比较原始 ,归为 1个类群。  相似文献   
越南篦齿苏铁小孢子发生及其系统学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用常规石蜡切片方法,结合显微荧光技术对越南篦齿苏铁Cycas elongata 小孢子发生和花粉个体发育进行了研究。结果表明:其小孢子叶球5月中下旬开始萌动,小孢子囊着生在小孢子叶远轴面,且3-5小孢子囊以辐射状排列方式聚生成聚合囊。小孢子囊壁由6-7层细胞组成,包括表皮、中层及绒毡层。绒毡层来源于成熟造孢组织的外围细胞,其退化形式为分泌型。6月中旬,小孢子母细胞进入减数分裂I,至6月下旬形成四分体。母细胞减数分裂后胞质分裂的方式与其他苏铁类植物不同,具有连续型与同时型两种类型。7月中旬,小孢子经过2次有丝分裂后,形成3细胞的成熟花粉粒。7月下旬进入散粉状态。在花粉发育过程中,母细胞内淀粉粒的积累及其壁上胼胝质的沉积均呈现规律性变化。  相似文献   
长序榆是我国二级重点保护的濒危植物,对研究榆属、榆科植物的系统发生有重要意义,并且具有潜在的经济价值。研究长序榆的生境特点,对该种的引种、科学保护有重大意义,通过对分布在我国的长序榆近两年的踏查发现,长序榆主要集中在我国的安徽、浙江、江西和福建等省,长序榆生境已经严重片段化,自然干扰和人为干扰是造成其濒临灭绝的主要原因。长序榆多分布在海拔600—900 m的阳坡或半阳坡上,其中最大的种群分布在浙江开化和遂昌,分布区的特殊地势使其成为长序榆的冰期避难所。对18项生物学、生态学指标的主成分分析结果表明,影响长序榆生存的主要环境因子是:光照、土壤养分、坡向和海拔。对浙江松阳、江西武宁和福建南平数量极少的种群需优先进行迁地保护,积极引种栽培;而对于安徽歙县、浙江临安、开化和遂昌等大种群分布区,应该扩大核心保护区面积,避免人为破坏。  相似文献   
For a study of local adaptations in the Alpine leaf beetle, Oreina elongata, we developed six microsatellite loci and screened them in 305 individuals from 13 populations. All markers were polymorphic with three to 15 alleles per locus. Average observed and expected heterozygosity values were 0.14 and 0.62, respectively. Four markers showed heterozygote deficiency and deviated significantly from Hardy–Weinberg expectations, indicating the presence of null alleles.  相似文献   
The familial placements of Cyrtandromoea Zoll. and Wightia Wall., two small and enigmatic South‐East Asian genera, have long been controversial in Lamiales. Here we adopt a two‐step approach to resolve their phylogenetic relationships. We initially reconstructed a large‐scale phylogeny of Lamiales using six chloroplast markers (atpB, matK, ndhF, psbBTNH, rbcL, and rps4). The results showed that both Cyrtandromoea and Wightia emerged in the LMPO clade, including Lamiaceae, Mazaceae, Phrymaceae, Paulowniaceae, and Orobanchaceae. Based on the second set of six chloroplast markers (atpB, matK, ndhF, rbcL, rps16, and trnL‐F) and two nuclear ribosomal regions (external transcribed spacer and internal transcribed spacer) for the analyses focusing on the LMPO clade, our results revealed that Cyrtandromoea was consistently nested within Phrymaceae, whereas Wightia was supported as sister to Phrymaceae by the chloroplast DNA dataset or sister to Paulowniaceae by the nuclear ribosomal DNA dataset. Morphological and anatomical evidence fully supports the inclusion of Cyrtandromoea in Phrymaceae, and an updated tribal classification is done for Phrymaceae with five tribes, that is, Cyrtandromoeeae Bo Li, Bing Liu, Su Liu & Y. H. Tan, trib. nov., Diplaceae Bo Li, Bing Liu, Su Liu & Y. H. Tan, trib. nov., Leucocarpeae, Mimuleae, and Phrymeae. The conflicting phylogenetic position of Wightia indicated by different genome markers results in difficulty placing the genus in either Phrymaceae or Paulowniaceae. Considering the distinct morphological differences between Wightia and other families in the LMPO clade, we here propose a new family, Wightiaceae Bo Li, Bing Liu, Su Liu & Y. H. Tan, fam. nov., to accommodate it, which is the 26th family recognized in Lamiales.  相似文献   
The effect of substances with different redox potentials in the phytochrome-controlled germination of Paulmtnia tomentosa seeds was examined. Up to 25% of water-imbibed seeds germinated upon irradiation with 5 min red light The seeds irradiated with 5 min red light and incubated in substances with redox potentials equal or higher than E'0= 360 mV [potassium nitrate, potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) or potassium hexachloroiridate (IV)] and sodium nitroprusside germinated up to 80%. The optimal concentration was between 1 and 10 mM. Other electron acceptors such as 2.6-dichlorophenol-indoplhenol, phenazine methosulfate and methylene blue failed to produce and effect. The germination-promoting effect was obtained when the substances were supplied to the incubation medium from the onset of imbibition or at the onset of irradiation. Delay of application of these chemicals until after the red light treatment diminished their effectiveness and the effect was lost after 48 h. The escape from far-red reversibility was evident in the presence of substances which stimulated germination. The results presented support the view that phytochrome-broken dormancy of Paulownia tomentosa seeds is closely connected with redox changes.  相似文献   
中药凌霄花的药理学考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验结果表明,凌霄花对离体猪冠状动脉条具有抑制收缩的作用;对大鼠血栓形成有抑制作用;能加快红细胞电泳,增加红细胞电泳率,使血液红细胞处于分散状态;对离体孕子宫能显著增强收缩活性,增加收缩频率及增强收缩强度。以上结果可初步说明,凌霄花行血去瘀的作用及其“孕妇慎用”的合理性。凌霄花的3种混淆品(白泡桐花,毛泡桐花,兰考泡桐花)的药理作用与凌霄花不同,故不能作凌霄花使用。  相似文献   
Background and Aims: Recent studies have shown that small structures on plant surfacesserve ecological functions such as resistance against herbivores.The morphology, distribution, chemical composition and changesduring shoot and leaf development of such small structures wereexamined on Paulownia tomentosa. Methods: The morphology and distribution of the structures were studiedunder light microscopy, and their chemical composition was analysedusing thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquidchromatography. To further investigate the function of thesestructures, several simple field experiments and observationswere also conducted. Key Results: Three types of small structures on P. tomentosa were investigated:bowl-shaped organs, glandular hairs and dendritic trichomes.The bowl-shaped organs were densely aggregated on the leavesnear flower buds and were determined to be extrafloral nectarines(EFNs) that secrete sugar and attract ants. Nectar productionof these organs was increased by artificial damage to the leaves,suggesting an anti-herbivore function through symbiosis withants. Glandular hairs were found on the surfaces of young and/orreproductive organs. Glandular hairs on leaves, stems and flowerssecreted mucilage containing glycerides and trapped small insects.Secretions from glandular hairs on flowers and immature fruitscontained flavonoids, which may provide protection against someherbivores. Yellow dendritic trichomes on the adaxial side ofleaves also contained flavonoids identical to those secretedby the glandular hairs on fruits and flowers. Three specialtypes of leaves, which differed from the standard leaves inshape, size and identity of small structures, developed nearyoung shoot tips or young flower buds. The density of smallstructures on these leaf types was higher than on standard leaves,suggesting that these leaf types may be specialized to protectyoung leaves or reproductive organs. Changes in the small structuresduring leaf development suggested that leaves of P. tomentosaare primarily protected by glandular hairs and dendritic trichomesat young stages and by the EFNs at mature stages. Conclusions: The results indicate that P. tomentosa protects young and/orreproductive organs from herbivores through the distributionand allocation of small structures, the nature of which dependson the developmental stage of leaves and shoots.  相似文献   
We investigate an organism that closely resembles the nonphotosynthetic dinoflagellate “Gymnodinium elongatum” Hope 1954 using EM and molecular methods. Cells are 20–35 μm long, 10 μm wide, biconical, transparent, and have a faint broad girdle. Thecal plates are thin but present (plate formula Po Pi CP 3′ 1–2A 5″ 3C 6S 4? 3″″). With the exception of one feature, the presence of three antapical plates, the amphiesmal arrangement of this species is consistent with that of the order Peridiniales, family Podolampaceae; it is not at all consistent with the characteristics of the genus Gymnodinium. On the basis of these ultrastructural findings, we establish a new genus, Lessardia, and a new species, Lessardia elongata Saldarriaga et Taylor. Molecular phylogenetic analyses were performed using the small subunit rRNA genes of L. elongata as well as Roscoffia capitata, a member of a genus of uncertain systematic position that has been postulated to be related to the Podolampaceae. These analyses place Lessardia and Roscoffia as sister lineages within the so‐called GPP complex. Thecal plate arrangements led us to expand the family Podolampaceae to include the genus Lessardia and, in combination with new molecular results, to propose a close relationship between the Podolampaceae and Roscoffia. Within this lineage, Lessardia and Roscoffia appear to have retained a number of ancestral characters: Roscoffia still has a well‐developed cingulum, a feature absent in all members of the Podolampaceae, and Lessardia has more than one antapical plate, a character reminiscent of some members of the family Protoperidiniaceae.  相似文献   
长薄鳅胚胎发育的观察   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
1999年5月,作者首次通过人工繁殖获得长薄鳅的受精卵,并对其胚胎发育特征进行了连续的观察。卵膜无粘性,吸水后卵周间隙明显膨胀扩大,卵膜径3.67-4.00 mm,平均3.79mm,属漂流性卵。胚胎发育可分为26个时期,初孵仔鱼长5.0mm左右,通体透明无色素。  相似文献   
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