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Extrapair paternity in hooded warblers   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
We examined the role of extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) in themating system of the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina), a monogamoussongbird. DNA fingerprinting revealed that 8 of 17 (47%) femaleshad extrapair young in their first or second brood, and 23 of78 (29%) nestlings were the result of EPFs. Extrapair youngwere signifkandy more likely to occur in first broods than insecond broods. The proportion of EPFs within a brood was stronglybirnodal among broods: nests had 50% or more extrapair youngor none. In seven of eight broods where EPFs occurred, an adjacentmale neighbor was identified as the actual father. Male-likecoloration in females did not reduce the likelihood of havingextrapair young. Females with extrapair young did not receiveless parental care from their mates. All males who obtainedEPFs were mated to fertile females or were feeding offspringat the time they most likely mated with the extrapair female.Our results are consistent with the female control hypothesis,which predicts that females benefit from extrapair copulations(EPCs) and have some control over which males, if any, obtainEPCs. However, we could not reject the alternative hypothesisthat some male neighbors are particularly dominant and aggressiveduring EPC attempts, so females accept these EPCs to minimizecosts.  相似文献   
Examinations of variation in plumage dichromatism in birds have focused on male plumage brightness and largely neglected variation in female plumage brightness. Nest predation previously was concluded to constrain male brightness and thereby reduce dimorphism in ground-nesting birds based on an incorrect assumption that nest predation is greater for ground nests. Correlations of plumage brightness and dichromatism with nest predation have never been tested directly and we do so here with data for warblers (Parulinae) and finches (Carduelinae). We show that male plumage brightness varies among nest heights, but in a pattern that is not correlated with nest predation. Female plumage brightness also varies among nest heights, but in a pattern that differs from males, and one in which variation in female plumage brightness was negatively correlated with nest predation. These results suggest that nest predation may place greater constraints on female than male plumage brightness, at least in taxa where only females incubate eggs and brood young. These results also show that female plumage patterns vary at least partly independently of male patterns and emphasize the need to include consideration of both female and male plumage variation in tests of plumage dimorphism. Plumage dimorphism differs between ground and off-ground nesters as previously described and, if anything, the relationship between plumage dimorphism and nest predation was positive rather than negative as previously argued.  相似文献   
This study addresses the issue of how evolutionary convergence within shared environments shapes some features of bird song while leaving others unaffected, using as an example the songs of 51 North American wood warblers (Parulinae). I combined published information on breeding habitats and evolutionary relationships to show that the structure of warbler songs is correlated with habitat, whereas the structure of the notes that comprise the songs is relatively unaffected by habitat and more closely related to phylogenetic history. The results confirm known relationships between bird song and habitat, including correlations between song frequency and the type and density of canopy foliage, and between the number and arrangement of notes in the song and foliage density and moisture. More importantly, the results suggest that individual notes and whole songs are to some extent functionally independent, because the configuration of notes shows more evidence of evolutionary constraint than does the way notes are assembled into songs.  相似文献   
We examined correlates and hypotheses pertaining to extrapairfertilizations in socially monogamous American redstarts (Setophagaruticilla). DNA fingerprinting revealed extrapair fertilizationin 59% of broods (19 of 32), involving 40% of nestlings (43of 108). Fewer broods than expected had mixed paternity, asdetermined from a binomial distribution of extrapair young inthe population. This result is consistent with the "good genes"hypothesis, but not with the "genetic diversity" hypothesis.There was a negative association between the age of putativefathers and the proportion of extrapair young in their broods.Irrespective of age, males with prior residency were cuckoldedless often than males new to the study area. Extrapair fatherswere' immediate neighbors in 7 of 10 cuckolded broods whereall neighbors were sampled. Males were more likely to sire offspringin the territories of younger neighbors than in those of olderneighbors. Plumage characteristics of adult males, breedingsynchrony of females, and breeding densities were not significantlyassociated with cuckoldry. Realized reproductive gain from cuckoldrywas small because of high nest predation in our area. Extrapairfertilizations allowed one-quarter of males whose own nestshad failed to achieve some reproductive success. Only 2 of 17males whose own nests were successful also had extrapair young.There was no egg dumping by females. We conclude that male ageand prior residency were predictors of cuckoldry in Americanredstarts. In the context of the heavy predation experiencedby our birds, extrapair fertilizations allowed many males tosalvage some reproductive success and did not increase the varianceof success across males  相似文献   
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