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Question: What are the mechanisms by which fire reduces competition for both a short‐lived and a long‐lived species in old‐growth ground‐cover plant communities of wet pine savannas (originally Pinus palustris, replaced by P. elliottii)? Location: Outer coastal plain of southeastern Mississippi, USA. Methods: I reviewed previous competition experiments and proposed a new hypothesis to explain the relationship between fire, competition, and species co‐existence in wet longleaf pine savannas. The first study is about growth and seedling emergence responses of a short‐lived carnivorous plant, Drosera capillaris, to reduction in below‐ground competition and above‐ plus below‐ground competition. The second study deals with growth and survival responses of a long‐lived perennial carnivorous plant, Sarracenia alata, to neighbour removal and prey‐exclusion to determine if a reduction in nutrient supply increased the intensity of competition in this nutrient‐poor system. Results: Fire increased seedling emergence of the short‐lived species by reducing above‐ground competition through the destruction of above‐ground parts of plants and the combustion of associated litter. Prey exclusion did not increase competitive effects of neighbours on the long‐lived species. However, because the experiment was conducted in a year without fire, shade reduced nutrient demand, which may have obviated competition for soil nutrients between Sarracenia alata and its neighbours. Conclusion: Repeated fires likely interact with interspecific differences in nutrient uptake to simultaneously reduce both above‐ground competition and competition for nutrients in old‐growth ground cover communities in pine savannas. Restoration practitioners should consider the possibility that the composition of the plant community is just as important as fire in ensuring that frequent fires maintain species diversity.  相似文献   
A variety of plant secondary compounds, several of which are quite widespread in nature were tested for their deterrence to the specialist coleopteran Hypera brunneipennis (Boheman) in short-term behavioral assays. The compounds were nicotine, quinine, sparteine, hordenine, linamarin, amygdalin, sinigrin, morin, juglone, chlorogenic acid, digitonin, mimosine, diosgenin, rutin and ursolic acid. Nine of these were then tested for their post-ingestional effects over one to two weeks of adult life, using fecundity as a measure of the effects. In only one case was there any indication of a detrimental effect or any trend suggesting one. The evolutionary implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
E. Korpimäki 《Oecologia》1987,74(2):277-285
Summary Food samples of breeding Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) and Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) were collected in the peak and low phase of their preferred prey (Microtus voles) in western Finland. Diets of pairs that bred as neighbours (1 km) with interspecifics were compared with those of non-neighbours. In both species, neighbouring pairs fed less on Microtus voles and more on alternative prey than did non-neighbours. Competition theory predicts that diet overlap should be lower during prey shortage and that diet similarity should be especially reduced in neighbouring pairs. Observations were consistent with expectations: diet similarity was lower in the low vole years and neighbouring pairs showed less diet overlap that non-neighbours. Differences in habitat composition and prey availability at the sample sites should not confuse the results. In addition to the high diet similarity, hunting habitats and nest sites of the species overlapped almost completely; they only showed clear temporal segregation in hunting. Probably because of food competition, the neighbouring pairs of both species produced significantly fewer young than the non-neighbours. These results contrast with the view that the diet composition and dietary shift of rodent-feeding predatory birds can be interpreted in terms of simple opportunistic foraging. In the breeding season, interspecific competition for food seems to be an important factor that affects the niches of these species, especially in northern areas, where the seasonal low phase of voles in spring and the number of alternative prey are lower than in more southern areas.  相似文献   
Summary We studied the influence of diet composition and breadth on the subsequent acceptability of three novel plants to sixth instarSchistocerca americana. Rearing diets of equal breadth differing in composition, and diets differing in breadth, significantly altered first meal length on some but not all of the test plants. These effects on palatability altered and at times reversed the palatability hierarchy of insects reared on different diets. The effects of rearing insects on broad diets were not produced by exposure to the plant odors alone, but apparently required contact with a diversity of plants while feeding. Switching diets for 24 h prior to testing did not alter preferences induced by rearing diets. The relationship of these patterns to induced preferences in other insects, and some possible mechanisms for generating induced preferences, are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract. The observed distribution of a species along an environmental gradient is strongly affected by environmental variability within a quadrat. Because a quadrat does not represent a point along an environmental gradient, but rather a range of conditions, it is likely to contain species not typically associated with the mean conditions in the quadrat. Systematic relationships exist between a species' true distribution, the observed distribution as a function of mean quadrat environment, and the frequency distribution of the environment within that quadrat. The observed species habitat breadth increases and the observed maximum abundance decreases as within-quadrat environmental heterogeneity increases. If species distributions or beta diversities are to be compared among species or coenoclines, they should be correctedforintra-quadratheterogeneity.Wederive simple corrections for environmental heterogeneity. The distributions of hardwood forest understory species along a soil acidity gradient in the North Carolina piedmont are presented as an example.  相似文献   
Abstract. 60 of the 75 Banksia species are confined to southwestern Australia where five or six species often coexist. We explored the role of regional species richness, niche differentiation, and habitat specialization in structuring banksia assemblages. The diversity of growth forms and categories of seed production and response to fire were assessed in actual assemblages at 40 sites throughout southwestern Australia. Diversity indices at each site were compared with those from null communities assembled on the basis of the abundance and sociability of taxa in regional species pools. The relationship between local and regional species richness suggests that processes at the scale of 100-m2 quadrats limit local richness and therefore coexistence. However, there was no consistent evidence that taxa are differentiated by growth form or regeneration strategy. No particular biological profile makes a banksia adept at coexisting with a wide range of other taxa. Habitat specialization is an important factor contributing to lower local richness than would be predicted from niche differentiation of taxa in regional pools. There is recent empirical evidence of several mechanisms whereby the number of coexisting banksias is increased beyond the limits suggested by simple niche theories. Variability in the fire regime also provides a mechanism for maintaining local species richness because different fires favour recruitment of different taxa.  相似文献   
Background and AimsClimate is an important parameter in delimiting coarse-grained aspects of fundamental ecological niches of species; evolution of these niches has been considered a key component in biological diversification. We assessed phylogenetic niche conservatism and evolution in 24 species of the family Oleaceae in relation to temperature and precipitation variables. We studied niches of 17 Olea species and 7 species from other genera of Oleaceae globally.MethodsWe used nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA to reconstruct an evolutionary tree for the family. We used an approach designed specifically to incorporate uncertainty and incomplete knowledge of species’ ecological niche limits. We performed parsimony- and likelihood-based reconstructions of ancestral states on two independent phylogenetic hypotheses for the family. After detailed analysis, species’ niches were classified into warm and cold niches, wet and dry niches, and broad and narrow niches.Key ResultsGiven that full estimates of fundamental niches are difficult, we explore the alternative approach of explicit incorporation of knowledge of gaps in the information available, which allows avoidance of overestimation of amounts of evolutionary change. The result is a first synthetic view of evolutionary dynamics of ecological niches and distributional potential in a widespread plant family. Temperate regions of the Earth were occupied only by lineages that could derive with cold and dry niches; Southeast Asia held species with warm and wet niches; and parts of Africa held only species with dry niches.ConclusionsHigh temperature in Lutetian (Oligocene) and low temperature in Rupelian (Eocene) with major desertification events play important role for niche retraction and expansion in the history for Oleaceae clades. Associations between environmental niche characteristics and phylogeny reconstruction play an important role in understanding ecological niche conservatism, the overall picture was relatively slow or conservative niche evolution in this group.  相似文献   


The breadth of ecological niches and dispersal abilities have long been discussed as important determinants of species' range sizes. However, studies directly comparing the relative effects of both factors are rare, taxonomically biased and revealed inconsistent results.



Time Period


Major Taxa

Butterflies, Lepidoptera.


We relate climate, diet and habitat niche breadth and two indicators of dispersal ability, wingspan and a dispersal tendency index, to the global range size of 369 European-centred butterfly species. The relative effects of these five predictors and their variation across the butterfly phylogeny were assessed by means of phylogenetic generalized least squares models and phylogenetically weighted regressions respectively.


Climate niche breadth was the most important single predictor, followed by habitat and diet niche breadth, while dispersal tendency and wingspan showed no relation to species' range size. All predictors together explained 59% of the variation in butterfly range size. However, the effects of each predictor varied considerably across families and genera.

Main Conclusions

Range sizes of European-centred butterflies are strongly correlated with ecological niche breadth but apparently independent of dispersal ability. The magnitude of range size–niche breadth relationships is not stationary across the phylogeny and is often negatively correlated across the different dimensions of the ecological niche. This variation limits the generalizability of range size–trait relationships across broad taxonomic groups.  相似文献   
We consider a simple predator-prey model of coevolution. By allowing coevolution both within and between trophic levels the model breaks the traditional dichotomy between coevolution among competitors and coevolution between a prey and its predator. By allowing the diversity of prey and predator species to emerge as a property of the evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS), the model breaks another constraint of most approaches to coevolution that consider as fixed the number of coevolving species. The number of species comprising the ESS is influenced by a parameter that determines the predator's niche breadth. Depending upon the parameter's value the ESS may contain: 1) one prey and one predator species, 2) two prey and one predator, 3) two prey and two predators, 4) three prey and two predators, 5) three prey and three predators, etc. Evolutionarily, these different ESSs all emerge from the same model. Ecologically, however, these ESSs result in very different patterns of community organization. In some communities the predator species are ecologically keystone in that their removal results in extinctions among the prey species. In others, the removal of a predator species has no significant impact on the prey community. These varied ecological roles for the predator species contrasts sharply with the essential evolutionary role of the predators in promoting prey species diversity. The ghost of predation past in which a predator's insignificant ecological role obscures its essential evolutionary role may be a frequent property of communities of predator and prey.  相似文献   
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