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The aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi was released in the major lucerne-growing areas of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, between 1978 and 1981. With the collaboration of district agronomists of the New South Wales Department of Agriculture, five State-wide surveys were conducted in 1982–1983 to determine the success of the release program. In each survey, the distribution of the parasitoid was checked in relation to populations of the aphids Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji and Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). The surveys confirmed the successful dispersal and establishment of A. ervi in the major lucerne-growing areas of NSW. They demonstrated its ability to survive and recover rapidly after a severe and widespread drought.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1.  Myzus persicae sensu lato demonstrates considerable genetic variation in respect to adaptation to host plants. The subspecies M. persicae nicotianae shows a preference for tobacco, while M. persicae sensu stricto ( s. str. ) for other herbaceous plants. Given that winged colonisers of several aphid species play an important role in selecting host plants, here their role in the host specialisation observed in M. persicae was examined in choice and no-choice tests conducted outdoors, in performance studies, and in DC Electrical Penetration Graph (DC-EPG) studies.
2. In outdoor choice tests, 77% of spring migrants of M. persicae nicotianae chose tobacco, whereas equal proportions of M. persicae s. str. selected tobacco and pepper. In no-choice tests, spring migrants settled more quickly after alighting on host rather than on non host plants, and significantly more alate M. persicae s. str. (27%) than M. persicae nicotianae (2%) left tobacco after walking briefly on the leaf surface, whilst no significant differences were found on pepper. Cross-host transfers significantly reduced the fecundity of both summer and spring migrants of the two subspecies. Finally, the results of no-choice tests and DC-EPG studies showed that winged aphids distinguished their host through cues located on the plant surface or in subcutaneous tissues perceived prior to the initiation of feeding.
3. This study demonstrates the important role of winged colonisers in the evolution of host specialisation in M. persicae . The multifarious divergent selection that the two host forms experience, i.e. the selection against cross-migrants and their subsequent generations, is a crucial factor involved in the development and maintenance of host specialisation and promotes the parallel evolution of improved host-recognition ability.  相似文献   
Several methods for hatching the eggs and rearing individuals of the first generation (fundatrices) of Sitobion avenae were investigated. The most successful methods were incubation of the eggs on grass seedlings at 2°C and rearing the fundatrices on grass seedlings (overall survival 66%) and incubation of the eggs in plastic boxes at 2°C and rearing the fundatrices on wheat seedlings (overall survival 62%).
Résumé L'éclosion des oeufs de S. avenae peut être induite par le transfert à 10°C ou 12°C, après une incubation de 75–120 jours à 2°C. Le pourcentage le plus élevé d'éclosions a été obtenu quand les oeufs avaient incubé pendant 100 à 110 jours à 2°C (67% at 71.5% respectivement) dans des petites boîtes de plastique, ou pendant 100 jours à 2°C sur des pousses de graminées (73.5%). Si les oeufs sont pondus sur blé, la plante ne peut pas tolérer la période d'incubation, mais cet obstacle peut être surmonté en obligeant les ovipares à pondre leurs oeufs sur de pousses de graminées, comme Poa annua, hôte convenable pour les fondatrices. Les ovipares peuvent aussi pondre sans difficultés sur autre chose que des végétaux, et des récipients peuvent ètre mis à incuber sans contenir du matériel végétal.
In laboratory experiments treatment of sugar-beet plants with aldicarb stimulated the mobility of Aphis fabae and two clones of Myzus persicae which were susceptible (S) and resistant (R) to carbamate-based insecticides, respectively. On the other hand, the number of aphids probing and the total number of probes made was reduced, and hence the transmission of beet mosaic virus (BMV) was restricted. In outdoor experiments the spread of BMV from aldicarb-treated plants by naturally infesting aphids was also restricted. The number of infected plants decreased with increasing distance from the sources of infection.
Résumé Des plantes de betterave traitées au laboratoire avec de l'aldicarbe ont stimulé la mobilité d'Aphis fabae et de deux clones de Myzus persicae, l'un sensible et l'autre résistant à des insecticides contenant des carbamates. Par ailleurs, le nombre de pucerons en train de sonder les feuilles ainsi que le nombre total de sondages ont été réduits et ainsi la transmission du virus de la mosaïque de la betterave (BMV) a été limitée. Dans des expériences à l'extérieur, la vitesse de propagation de BMV par des pucerons sur des plantes traitées à l'aldicarbe a été aussi plus limitée. Le nombre de plantes contaminées diminuait avec la distance de la source de contamination.
Summary Interspecific hybrids between Brassica napus and B. oleracea are difficult to produce, and previous attempts to transfer economic characters from one species to the other have largely been unsuccessful. In these studies, oilseed rape cv. Tower (2n38) (B. napus) was crossed with broccoli and kale (2n18) (B. oleracea), and hybrid plants were developed from embryos in culture by either organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis. In rape × broccoli, F1 plants were regenerated from hybrid embryos and the plants produced viable selfed seeds. F5 plants (2n38) homozygous for white flower colour were selected for high oil content (47%) and Line 15; a selection from these plants produced fertile hybrids with rape, broccoli and kale without embryo culture. In reciprocal crosses between oilseed rape cv. Tower and an aphid resistant diploid kale, 28 and 56 chromosome F1 hybrid plants were regenerated from somatic embryos. The 56 chromosome plants were self-fertile and it was concluded from F2 segregation ratios that a single dominant gene controls resistance to cabbage aphid in kale. The 28 chromosome F1's were self-sterile, but these and the 56 chromosome F1's could be backcrossed to rape and kale. A cross between the F1 (2n56) and a forage rape resulted in the selection of a cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae L.) resistant line (Line 3). Both Line 15 and Line 3 can serve as bridges for gene interchange between B. campestris, B. napus and B. oleracea, which has not been possible hitherto. Hybridisations between rape and tetraploid kale produced F1 plants with 37 chromosomes. One F2 plant possessed coronal scales and the inheritance was shown to be controlled by a single recessive gene unlinked to petal colour.This paper is dedicated to Mr. T. P. Palmer, a colleague and close friend who retired from the DSIR as Assistant Director of the Crop Research Division in September 1984  相似文献   
We evaluated the influence of prior ovipositional experience on host selection in four solitary parasitoids, Aphidius erviHaliday, A. pisivorusSmith, A. smithiSharma & Subba Rao, and Praon pequodorumViereck (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). When provided simultaneously with equal numbers of two species of aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum(Harris) and Macrosiphum creeliiDavis (Homoptera: Aphididae), all four parasitoids showed a moderate to strong preference for A. pisum.This preference did not increase after sampling, except in P. pequodorum.Learning did not alter host selection behavior in A. erviand P. pequodorum.However, females of A. pisivorusconditioned on A. pisumselected fewer M. creeliithan unconditioned wasps and wasps conditioned on M. creelii.It is suggested that prior ovipositional experience influences a parasitoid's expectations of the kinds of hosts available, but it does not alter the (innate) rank order of hosts.  相似文献   
Maximum consumption rates were determined for two carabids, Bembidion lampros Herbst. and Pterostichus cupreus L., feeding on the cereal aphid Rhopalosiphum padi L. at different temperatures in the laboratory. Mean daily consumption increased with increasing temperature for both species, B. lampros consuming a maximum of 16 1–3 instar nymphs and 9 apterous adult aphids at 25°C. P. cupreus was particularly voracious and consumed 125 apterous adult R. padi per day at 20°C. The behaviour of both species was analysed by video filming starved beetles, maintained at different constant temperatures, in arenas sown with spring barley. The behavioural components (1) still; (2) run/walk; (3) search and (4) confrontation were identified and were common to both species. P. cupreus was more active over the temperature range tested; B. lampros was inactive under 10°C. The proportion of time spent searching, number of plants searched, and velocity increased with increasing temperature for both species. When observed in similar arenas seeded with R. padi colonies, individuals of P. cupreus significantly increased their time spent searching in arenas with increasing aphid density. Following discovery of an aphid colony, individuals climbed and searched the host plant and its nearest neighbours. Plants in aphid free arenas were rarely climbed. B. lampros was not observed climbing in either aphid free arenas or in arenas with increasing aphid densities, and did not significantly increase its time spent searching in response to increased prey density. The few B. lampros that found aphids caught them walking on the soil surface. The relative efficiences of these two carabids as predators of R. padi are discussed, and the results are compared with similar studies elsewhere with predators of Sitobion avenae on winter wheat.
Résumé Les taux maximum de consommation de R. padi L. à différentes températures ont été déterminés au laboratoire chez deux carabes, B. lampros Herbstet P. cupreus L. La consommation moyenne a augmenté avec la température chez les deux espèces, B. lampros consommant un maximum de 15,9 larves des stades 1 à 3 et 9,1 pucerons adultes aptères, à 25°C. P. cupreus a été particulièrement vorace et a consommé 125,3 adultes aptères par jour à 20°C. Le comportement des deux espèces a été observé en filmant en vidéo des carabes à jeun, maintenus à différentes températures constantes, dans des enceintes semées en orge de printemps. Des éléments du comportement, communs aux deux espèces, ont été définis: 1) immabilité, 2) marche et course, 3) recherche, 4) affrontement. P. cupreus a été plus actif à toutes les températures, B. lamprosa été inactif au-dessous de 10°C. La part de temps consacrée à la recherche, le nombre de plantes prospectées, et la vitesse ont augmenté avec la température chez les deux espèces. Dans des enceintes similaires colonisées par R. padi, P. cupreus a significativement augmenté le temps consacré à la recherche dans les enceintes, parallèlement à l'augmentation de la densité des pucerons. Après la découverte d'une colonie de pucerons, P. cupreus escalade et prospecte la plante et ses voisines immédiates; tandis que les plantes des enceintes sans pucerons sont rarement escaladées. B. lampros n'a pas été observé escaladant des plantes d'enceintes avec ou sans pucerons, et il n'a pas accru son temps de prospection en fonction de la densité de pucerons. Les quelques B. lampros qui ont capturé des pucerons l'ont fait lorsque ceux-ci marchaient sur la surface du sol. La discussion a porté sur l'efficacité relative des deux carabes comme prédateurs de R. padi, et les résultats ont été comparés à ceux d'études du même type, menées ailleurs, avec des prédateurs de Sitobion avenae sur blé d'hiver.
In a series of laboratory and climate chamber tests we compared the growth and behaviour of Aphis craccivora on one susceptible (ICV-1) and two aphid-resistant (ICV-11 and ICV-12) cowpea lines. The aphids' growth rates were much lower on the resistant cowpea lines than on the susceptible one, indicating strong antibiosis. In addition, the aphids invariably settled in higher numbers on the susceptible line than on either of the resistant. Compared to ICV-1, damaged leaves of the resistant line ICV-12 were settled upon to a higher degree than undamaged leaves, and leaf discs from the same line were even less resistant.On resistant lines individual aphids waited a significantly longer time before making their first test probe. Total probing time as well as the time preceding a decision to stay or leave was also longer.These results are discussed in relation to the possible mechanisms involved, and we also consider the effects of previous leaf feeding on the expression of resistance in the field.
Résumé Au cours d'expériences au laboratoire et en chambres climatisées nous avons comparé la croissance et le comportement de A. craccivora sur une lignée sensible (ICV-1) et deux lignées résistantes (ICV-11 et ICV-12) de V. unguiculata. Les vitesses de croissance des pucerons ont été beaucoup plus lentes sur les lignées résistantes que sur la lignée sensible, ce qui révèle une forte antibiose. De plus, les pucerons atterrissent invariablement en plus grand nombre sur la variété sensible. Par comparaison avec ICV-1, les atterrissages sur lignée résistante ICV-12 étaient plus nombreux sur les feuilles endommagées que sur les feuilles intactes; les disques de feuilles de cette même lignée étaient encore moins résistants.Les pucerons ont séjourné individuellement un temps plus long sur les lignées résistantes avant de faire leur premier sondage. Le temps consacré aux sondages ainsi que le temps précédant de choix entre départ ou maintien sur la feuille étaient plus longs avec les lignées résistantes.Ces résultats ont été discutés en fonction des mécanismes impliqués. Nous avons aussi examiné les effets de la consommation antérieure sur les manifestations de la résistance dans la nature.
The parasitoidEphedrus cerasicola Stary oviposited in the 4 nymphal instars and in newly moulted apterous adults ofMyzus persicae (Sulzer). Development and reproduction of unparasitized and parasitized aphids at 21°C were compared. Unparasitized aphids developed to adults in 6.5 days and started to reproduce after 7 days. Longevity varied between 7 and 42 days. Net reproductive rate (R0) was 40.7. In contrast to older nymphs, aphids parasitized in the 1 st instar almost never reached the adult stage before mummification. Aphids parasitized in 2nd, 3rd and 4th instar and as newly moulted adults produced respectively 0.07 %, 2 %, 23 % and 32 % of offspring produced by unparasitized aphids. Corresponding reproductive periods were 1, 1.4, 3 and 4 days. Host age at parasitization had a slight effect on the parasitoid's developmental rate and had no effect on egg or pupal survival, or on the sex ratio of the emerging parasitoids.  相似文献   
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