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芒和五节芒在中国的潜在分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用最大熵模型, 将我国现有芒(Miscanthus sinensis)和五节芒(M. floridulus)的地理分布信息与19个降水及温度等气候因子相拟合, 预测了芒和五节芒在我国的潜在分布区域, 并推测出芒和五节芒的基本生态位。结果显示: 芒的潜在适生区包括四川西部、陕西北部、宁夏、内蒙古中部、黑龙江、吉林西部、辽宁西部、青海东南部等地区, 其基本生态位参数为: 最暖季节降水量为400-1 000 mm, 平均8月降水量为100-350 mm, 7月平均最低气温为15 ℃, 平均7月降水量为100-350 mm, 11月平均最高气温为-10-22 ℃, 最干月平均气温为-15-20 ℃, 平均12月降水量为100 mm以下; 五节芒的潜在适生区为云南、陕西、山西、宁夏、河南、山东、吉林、辽宁以及四川西部、甘肃南部和内蒙古东部等地区, 其基本生态位参数为: 最暖季节降水量至少在400 mm以上, 平均6月降水量为150-550 mm, 7月平均最低气温在15-30 ℃之间, 6月平均最低气温为10 ℃, 平均4月降水量为50-100 mm。结果表明, 在进行遗传改良的前提下, 我国有丰富的适合栽植芒和五节芒的土地资源。  相似文献   
The effects of different light regimes on the survival, growth and morphology ofQuercus serrata seedlings were studied in canopies ofMiscanthus sinensis. The seedlings of various ages (0–3 yr) were grown in three light regimes: under a denseM. sinensis canopy (TG plot) receiving 2.5%–8.7% of full sunlight, under a relatively sparse canopy (SG plot) receiving 3.8%–16.1% of light and in an adjacent open site (NG plot). There was a little difference in the survival ofQ. serrata seedlings among the three plots. Height and diameter of stem and total leaf area of the seedlings were significantly lower in the shadier plots. However, the first (bottom) flush of the stem was significantly longer in the TG plot than in the NG and SG plots. Total dry weights of individual 1- and 2-yr-oldQ. serrata seedlings in the TG plot were reduced to about one-twelfth of those in the NG plot. Although the relative proportion in dry weight of each organ did not differ significantly among the plots, leaf area ratio, specific leaf area and stem height per unit dry weight were significantly higher in shadier plots. The leaf area per unit stem height was increased considerably in the sunnier plots.  相似文献   
Cultured crown gall cells of Catharanthus roseus Don (Vinca rosea L.) was found to contain brassinosteroids. These were identified as brassinolide and castasterone by GC/MS. This is the first conclusive identification of endogenous brassinosteroids in cultured cells.  相似文献   
Species and hybrids of Miscanthus are a promising energy crop, but their outcrossing mating systems and perennial life cycles are serious challenges for breeding programs. One approach to accelerating the domestication of Miscanthus is to harness the tremendous genetic variation that is present within this genus using phenotypic data from extensive field trials, high‐density genotyping and sequencing technologies, and rapidly developing statistical methods of relating phenotype to genotype. The success of this approach, however, hinges on detailed knowledge about the population genetic structure of the germplasm used in the breeding program. We therefore used data for 120 single‐nucleotide polymorphism and 52 simple sequence repeat markers to depict patterns of putatively neutral population structure among 244 Miscanthus genotypes grown in a field trial near Aberystwyth (UK) and delineate a population of 145 M . sinensis genotypes that will be used for association mapping and genomic selection. Comparative multivariate analyses of molecular marker and phenotypic data for 17 traits related to phenology, morphology/biomass, and cell wall composition revealed significant geographic patterns in this population. A longitudinal cline accounted for a substantial proportion of molecular marker variation (R2 = 0.60, = 3.4 × 10?15). In contrast, genetic variation for phenotypic traits tended to follow latitudinal and altitudinal gradients, with several traits appearing to have been affected by divergent selection (i.e., QST >> FST). These contrasting geographic trends are unusual relative to other plants and provide opportunities for powerful studies of phenotype–genotype associations and the evolutionary history of M. sinensis.  相似文献   
Renewable energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets are driving an acceleration in the use of bioenergy resources. The environmental impact of national and regional development plans must be assessed in compliance with the EU Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/EC). Here, we quantify the environmental impact of an Irish Government bioenergy plan to replace 30% of peat used in three peat‐burning power stations, located within the midlands region, with biomass. Four plan alternatives for supplying biomass to the power plant were considered in this study: (1) importation of palm kernel shell from south‐east Asia, (2) importation of olive cake pellets from Spain and (3) growing either willow or (4) Miscanthus in the vicinity of the power stations. The impact of each alternative on each of the environmental receptors proposed in the SEA Directive was first quantified before the data were normalized on either an Irish, regional or global scale. Positive environmental impacts were very small compared to the negative environmental impacts for each of the plan alternatives considered. Comparison of normalized indicator values confirmed that the adverse environmental consequences of each plan alternative are concentrated at the location where the biomass is produced. The analysis showed that the adverse environmental consequences of biomass importation are substantially greater than those associated with the use of willow and Miscanthus grown on former grassland. The use of olive cake pellets had a greater adverse environmental effect compared to the use of peat whereas replacement of peat with either willow or Miscanthus feedstocks led to a substantial reduction in environmental pressure. The proposed assessment framework combines the scope of SEA with the quantitative benefits of life cycle assessment and can be used to evaluate the environmental consequences of bioenergy plans.  相似文献   
三倍体芒草自然杂交后代数量性状遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以三倍体芒草奇岗的自然杂交后代为研究对象,对后代群体的16个数量性状分别进行变异分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。研究结果表明:(1)该杂交群体的变异系数在14.41%~151.85%之间,平均变异系数为51.22%,说明杂交后代变异广泛。(2)主成分分析结果表明,前4个主成分反映原变量的80.206%的信息。第1主成分贡献率为48.74%,较大载荷性状有分蘖数、丛径、基部周长、单株鲜重和单株干重;第2主成分贡献率为16.313%,较大载荷性状有外径、内径、单茎干重、单茎鲜重和含水量;第3主成分贡献率为7.775%,仅有腋芽数一个较大载荷性状;第4主成分贡献率为7.378%,仅叶片数一个较大载荷。(3)聚类分析结果表明,将66份奇岗自然杂交后代和6份母本奇岗种质分为4大类。第Ⅰ类材料因本身各性状不足,产量很低,不适合筛选高产种质;第Ⅱ类材料各性状变异系数普遍较小,性状稳定,适合作为育种的备选类群;第Ⅲ类材料因枯黄较少,更适合做发酵类能源草或青贮牧草;第Ⅳ类材料生物产量因子及其产量构成因子都明显优于母本,是较好的育种材料。以上研究结果对筛选芒属植物优良种质、创新芒属植物种质资源有积极意义,并为芒属植物多倍体育种提供理论依据和材料基础。  相似文献   
In light of rising energy costs, lignocellulosic ethanol has been identified as a renewable alternative to petroleum-based transportation fuels. In an attempt to reach government mandated ethanol production levels, potential plant biofeedstock candidates have been investigated, and cold-tolerant, perennial accessions within the C4 grass genus Miscanthus have been identified as leading contenders in the Midwestern US. To facilitate the development of improved cultivars through marker-assisted breeding, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) study was conducted on a full-sib, F1 mapping population segregating for flowering time, height, leaf width, and yield using a genetic map consisting of 846 segregating SNP and SSR markers. This was a 3 year study investigating the genetic architecture underlying traits important to biomass production in a population of 221 progeny from a cross between M. sinensis ‘Grosse Fountaine’ and M. sinensis ‘Undine’ established in the spring of 2010; 72 QTLs with LOD scores above the genome-wide, permuted threshold equivalent to a P-value of 0.05 were identified across 13 traits. Of the 36 QTLs identified in 2011, 22 were detected again the following year. Both the use of spring emergence and vigor rating as a covariate to account for variation related to differences in establishment increased the power to detect QTLs in the 2 year establishment period. Finally, a dry period in the middle of the 2012 growing season suggested that yield declines were due to a decrease in tiller diameter.  相似文献   
利用33对SSR引物对来自中国16个省的46份野生芒(Miscanthus sinensis)种质进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示:(1)33对SSR引物共扩增出87条DNA条带,75条为多态性条带,占86.21%,条带大小范围80~310 bp;(2)遗传多样性参数分析结果:Shannon’s信息指数(I)变幅为0.020~1.522,平均为0.745,引物多态性信息含量(PIC)变幅为0.040~0.738,平均为0.445,遗传相似系数(GS)的变幅为0.315~0.933,平均为0.569,说明我国芒种质资源遗传基础宽,遗传多样性丰富;(3)相似系数UMPGA聚类结果与主成分分析(PCA)结果一致,可将46份种质分为3大类群,类群Ⅰ主要由中部芒组成,类群Ⅱ主要由北方芒组成,类群Ⅲ主要由南方芒组成,西南芒在每个类群中均有渗透,这一结果说明芒种质资源的遗传分化与其种源的地理分布有一定的相关性,但与地理起源不能完全吻合。  相似文献   
European field experiments have demonstrated Miscanthus can produce some of the highest energy yields per hectare of all potential energy crops. Previous modelling studies using MISCANMOD have calculated the potential energy yield for the EU27 from mean historical climate data (1960–1990). In this paper, we have built on the previous studies by further developing a new Miscanthus crop growth model MISCANFOR in order to analyse (i) interannual variation in yields for past and future climates, (ii) genotype-specific parameters on yield in Europe. Under recent climatic conditions (1960–1990) we show that 10% of arable land could produce 1709 PJ and mitigate 30 Tg of carbon dioxide-carbon (CO2-C) equivalent greenhouse gasses (GHGs) compared with EU27 primary energy consumption of 65 598 PJ, emitting 1048 Tg of CO2-C equivalent GHGs in 2005. If we continue to use the clone Miscanthus × giganteus , MISCANFOR shows that, as climate change reduces in-season water availability, energy production and carbon mitigation could fall 80% by 2080 for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change A2 scenario. However, because Miscanthus is found in a huge range of climates in Asia, we propose that new hybrids will incorporate genes conferring superior drought and frost tolerance. Using parameters from characterized germplasm, we calculate energy production could increase from present levels by 88% (to 2360 PJ) and mitigate 42 Tg of CO2-C equivalent using 10% arable land for the 2080 mid-range A2 scenario. This is equivalent to 3.6% of 2005 EU27 primary energy consumption and 4.0% of total CO2 equivalent C GHG emissions.  相似文献   
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