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Cabanillas-Beltrán H LLausás-Magaña E Romero R Espinoza A García-Gasca A Nishibuchi M Ishibashi M Gomez-Gil B 《FEMS microbiology letters》2006,265(1):76-80
During 2003 and during late September of 2004, more than 1230 cases of gastroenteritis were reported in the south of Sinaloa State, north-western Mexico. All cases were attributed to the consumption of raw or undercooked shrimp collected at the Huizache-Caimanero lagunary system. Vibrio parahaemolyticus was identified by standard biochemical methods, and many strains were positive for PCR amplifications of the tlh and tdh genes and negative for the trh gene. A representative strain belonged to the O3:K6 serogroup. This is the first outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by the pandemic strains of O3:K6 V. parahaemolyticus in México. 相似文献
《Ethnic and racial studies》2012,35(1):104-119
Abstract In the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, the USA has experienced large-scale and continuing immigration from around the world, especially Latin America and, within Latin America, from Mexico. One dimension of these transnational processes is dietary change. In this paper, we qualitatively assess the effects of migration from Oaxaca, Mexico to central New Jersey on the ecology and economy of dietary patterns. We explore multiple factors at the micro and macro levels. Data come from focus groups held among Mexican migrants in New Jersey, and in Oaxaca among people from their sending communities. Economic constraints and lack of culturally appropriate foods are larger barriers to healthy eating than lack of knowledge about appropriate diets. We end with recommendations for nutrition education and interventions. 相似文献
Spawning ofConger oceanicus andConger triporiceps (Congridae) in the Sargasso Sea and subsequent distribution of leptocephali 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Synopsis Distribution of leptocephali ofConger in the Western North Atlantic Ocean was studied using specimens from our collections, specimens from other collections, and various existing collection records. The presence of leptocephali ofConger oceanicus andConger triporiceps < 30 mm long over deep water in the southwestern Sargasso Sea in autumn and winter implies a protracted spawning period there. The subtropical convergence zone, meandering east-west across the Sargasso Sea, is probably the northern limit of spawning of both species. Spawning may also occur close to the Bahamas and Antilles.C. triporiceps may spawn also in the Caribbean Sea judging by the capture of small leptocephali in the western Caribbean and of the more southerly continental distribution of its juveniles. The claim of Johannes Schmidt in 1931 that the EuropeanC. conger spawns across the North Atlantic into the western Sargasso Sea is probably incorrect, because leptocephali ofConger are rare in the eastern Sargasso Sea and becauseC. triporiceps, with myomere numbers overlapping those ofC. conger, was recently described in the western North Atlantic. With increasing size, leptocephali ofC. oceanicus and a portion ofC. triporiceps spread westward and northward in the Florida Current and Gulf Stream, but larger leptocephali especially ofC. triporiceps are found also in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Spawning ofC. oceanicus in the Sargasso Sea indicates that adults cross the Florida Current-Gulf Stream, and successful leptocephali cross the current in the opposite direction to colonize juvenile habitat on the continental shelf, a migratory pattern similar to that of the American eelAnguilla rostrata (Anguillidae). 相似文献
We studied the life-history of the Sierra Madre sparrow (Xenospiza baileyi) in a subalpine grassland-agriculture mosaic south of Mexico City. From March to early September 1999 we captured and color-banded
53 adults with mist-nets and mapped the breeding territories of 21 males. We again mapped territories in the same spot in
April and May 2000. The number of breeding territories was found to be the same in the two consecutive years and interannual
survivorship was found to be relatively high. Breeding territories were restricted to the bunchgrass-covered areas. We used
the density of territories and the amount of remaining habitat to estimate a total population size of 5,380–6,150 adults for
this species. Using this and other recent data, we recommend raising the Sierra Madre sparrow to the status of critically
endangered using BirdLife International criteria. 相似文献
Daniel E. Atha 《Brittonia》2008,60(2):185-189
Acalypha gentlei is described, illustrated and mapped. The species is endemic to Belize and adjacent areas of Mexico and Guatemala and restricted
to semi-deciduous moist forests on limestone. The species is referred to Acalypha subgenus Linostachys.
Resumen Se describe, ilustra y grafica la distribución de Acalypha gentlei. Esta especie nueva es endémica a Belice y áreas adyacentes de México y Guatemala, y está restringida a bosques húmedos semi-deciduos sobre caliza. La especie es referida a Acalypha subgénero Linostachys.相似文献
Marine mollusks are among the most importantinvertebrate fisheries in the world. The mainclasses of mollusk fished are Cephalopoda,Bivalvia and Gastropoda. Marine gastropodsrepresent approximately 2% of the mollusksfished in the world. Several species ofgastropods, such as Haliotis spp., Strombus spp., Busycon spp. and Concholepas concholepas, have high economicvalue in international markets and playimportant social roles in small-scale artisanalfisheries. In the past 25 years wild-stockcatches of marine gastropods have increasedfrom 75,000 mt in 1979 to 103,000 mt in 1996.During the same period the countries involvedin gastropod landings rose from 23 to 47.Gastropods are fished mainly in: (1) theAmerican continent, dominated by the extractionof the muricid ``loco', C. concholepas, inChile and Peru; strombid conchs, Strombusspp., in the Caribbean, and abalone, Haliotis spp., in California and the west coastof the Baja California peninsula; (2) Asia andOceania, with the dominate abalone fishery,mainly in Australia and New Zealand, and thehorned turban snail, Turbo truncatus, inJapan and Korea; (3) in Africa and Europe, thedominate species extracted are Haliotismidae, heavily fished in South Africa, and thecommon periwinkle, Littorina littorea,and the whelk Buccinum undatum, which areextracted in Europe. This review summarizes the fishery of abalonespecies in California and the west coast of theBaja California peninsula. We highlightoverfishing situations and the utilization ofadaptive management tools, such as those inoperation in Baja California, where small-scalefisher associations (cooperatives) havereceived exclusive access rights to abaloneextraction within specific fishing zones, since1936. We also review the abalone fishery inAustralia, and the use of IndividualTransferable Quotas (ITQs) and Total AllowableCommercial Catches (TACC), which have been inuse since the mid-1980's. We describe thegastropod fisheries in Chile, mainly C. concholepas, highlighting their economic andsocial importance. We provide information onthe evolution of catches and exports anddiscuss the development of novel managementadaptive tools, such as the implementation ofthe Benthic Regime for Extraction andProcessing (BREP), the introduction ofNon-Transferable Individual Quotas (NTIQs) andterritorial users rights for benthic fisheries,such as the Management and Exploitation Areas(MEAS). Finally, we present and discuss thenecessary steps for the sustainable managementof marine gastropods and other benthic resources. 相似文献
Siphonophores are exclusively marine cnidaria and their predatory role in plankton food-webs is well recognised. In this study,
we analyse the structure and the spatial extent of siphonophore assemblages in relation to changes in freshwater outflows
and food availability in the southern Gulf of Mexico during a high (October) and a low (April) outflow periods. A total of
149 samples were collected using a 505 μm multiple closing net at 1–6 levels (0–100 m) of the water column, depending on the
bathymetry. Data on siphonophore species biovolumes (ml 100 m−3) were treated by means of the Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity Index, and two distinctive assemblages were identified: the ‘inner’
and the ‘outer’ assemblages, located over the inner and outer shelves. Temperature, salinity, zooplankton biomass, and siphonophore
species were included in a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to identify the factors associated with each assemblage. Geographical
distribution of the assemblages practically remained the same during both seasons and its cross-shelf variability was stronger
than the vertical one. Seasonally, diversity values were higher in October, when the highest river discharges occur. Spatially,
the lowest diversity and mean siphonophore biovolumes values were registered in the ‘inner assemblage’, where the highest
and lowest salinity values were recorded. We suggest that even when extreme salinity values (>36.5 or <34) might depress siphonophore
populations in the coastal area, enough food availability in the concerned areas might mitigate the negative effect of salinity,
since a positive and significant (p < 0.05) relationship was found between siphonophores biovolume and zooplankton biomass. Bassia bassensis, Diphyes dispar and Enneanogum hyalinum, present in both assemblages during both seasons, were able to survive in a wide range of salinity values, following perhaps,
their prey. All the 23 species here registered were found in the ‘outer assemblage’; however, Abylopsis eschscholtzi, Chelophyes appendiculata and Diphyes bojani were more associated with the ‘outer’ group according to the PCA results. Enneagonum hyalinum was the only species frequently encountered and abundant in the ‘inner assemblage’ during both seasons and, supporting previous
observations, this species might be considered as an indicator of nearshore waters.
Handling editor: K. Martens 相似文献
Guadalupe?Williams-LineraEmail author Mónica?Palacios-Rios René?Hernández-Gómez 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2005,14(1):119-133
We related pteridophytes versus tree species composition to identify surrogate measures of diversity, and complementarity of seven cloud forest fragments. Forest structure, and fern and tree composition were determined in 70 (2 × 50 m) transects. Fern density (10,150–25,080 individuals/ha) differed among sites. We recorded 83 fern species in the transects. Nonparametric richness estimators indicated that more sampling effort was needed to complete fern inventories (14 more species). However, ferns recorded outside of the transects increased richness to 103 species (six more species than predicted). Twenty-eight species were unique and rare due to special habitat requirements (Diplazium expansum, Hymenophyllum hirsutum, Melpomene leptostoma, Terpsichore asplenifolia), or were at a geographical distribution edge (Diplazium plantaginifolium, Lycopodium thyoides, Pecluma consimilis, Polypodium puberulum). Correlations between fern richness and tree richness and density were not significant, but were significant between fern richness and fern density, between epiphytic fern density and tree richness and density. Tree richness is not a good surrogate for fern diversity. Only three species were recorded in all fragments (Polypodium lepidotrichum, P. longepinnulatum, P. plebeium); thus fragments pteridophytes compositions are highly complementary, but more similar for ferns than for trees. A regional conservation approach which includes many small reserves needs to focus supplementarity on patterns of tree and fern species richness. 相似文献
Lydia B. Ladah José A. Zertuche-González Gustavo Hernández-Carmona 《Journal of phycology》1999,35(6):1106-1112
During the ENSO event of 1997–1998, density and population structure were evaluated in a Macrocystis pyrifera forest located in Bahía Tortugas, Baja California, Mexico, near the southern limit of the species' distribution in the Northern Hemisphere. Observations in Bahía Tortugas were made quarterly from January 1997 to September 1998 using SCUBA diving surveys. No macroscopic plants were found in the Bahía Tortugas area from October 1997 to April 1998, a local absence of at least 7 months. Aerial surveys further suggest regional disappearance along most of the Baja California coast during the event. Unexpectedly, plants were found in Bahía Tortugas again in July 1998, in spite of the widespread disappearance of the species less than a year earlier. Long-distance spore dispersal was an unlikely cause of the recruitment because: 1) the nearest spore source was more than 100 km away; 2) recruitment appeared to be simultaneous at many sites and occurred rapidly after the cessation of the ENSO event; and 3) the recruits occurred in the same areas as before disappearance. We suggest that a microscopic stage that was not visible during dive surveys survived the stressful conditions of ENSO and caused the recruitment event, supporting the hypothesis that a bank of microscopic forms can survive conditions stressful to macroscopic algae. 相似文献