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The first mammalian remain ever found in NewCaledonia is an upper tooth found by golddiggers in the Plio-Pleistocene terrace from the Diahot river. This tooth, given to the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris) in 1876, was determined as a rhinoceros tooth and then completely forgotten. Its detailed study shows that it belongs to Zygomaturus, a large marsupial diprotodontid genus whose story is rather complicated. The Diahot tooth represents a new species of Zygomaturus, Z. diahotensis nov. sp., close to Z. trilobus from the Australian Pleistocene. That kinship suggests a Plio-Pleistocene land connection between Australia and New Caledonia, whereas till now New Caledonia was supposed to be separated from Australia since the end of the Cretaceous, because of the total absence of indigenous mammals, fossil or recent, in New Caledonia. The latest geological studies in the East Pacific do not contradict our hypothesis.  相似文献   
A major gap in our knowledge of the evolution of marsupial mammals concerns the Paleogene of the northern continents, a critical time and place to link the early history of metatherians in Asia and North America with the more recent diversification in South America and Australia. We studied new exceptionally well-preserved partial skeletons of the Early Oligocene fossil Herpetotherium from the White River Formation in Wyoming, which allowed us to test the relationships of this taxon and examine its adaptations. Herpetotheriidae, with a fossil record extending from the Cretaceous to the Miocene, has traditionally been allied with opossums (Didelphidae) based on fragmentary material, mainly dentitions. Analysis of the new material reveals that several aspects of the cranial and postcranial anatomy, some of which suggests a terrestrial lifestyle, distinguish Herpetotherium from opossums. We found that Herpetotherium is the sister group to the crown group Marsupialia and is not a stem didelphid. Combination of the new palaeontological data with molecular divergence estimates, suggests the presence of a long undocumented gap in the fossil record of opossums extending some 45Myr from the Early Miocene to the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
Abstract:  A new species of the plesiomorphic wombat Warendja is described. Warendja encorensis sp. nov., the second species to be attributed to this genus, is known from a single fossil locality (Encore Site) at Riversleigh, north-west Queensland. Specimens of W. encorensis are limited to isolated teeth, two mandibular fragments and a maxillary fragment. Two molars preserve the unworn crown morphology. Encore Site has been estimated to be late Miocene in age, making these the only known specimens of Warendja to be clearly older than Pleistocene. Warendja encorensis is also the first described species of wombat from Miocene deposits to which hypselodont teeth have been attributed. It differs from W. wakefieldi in its larger size, distribution of enamel, and in details of the incisor and premolar morphology.  相似文献   
Embryogenetic pathways differ markedly among monotremes, marsupials, and placentals, and their analysis provides information of fundamental importance to recognition of mammalian evolutionary directions. The cap of cuboidal cells of the marsupial late unilaminar blastocyst, generally known as the embryonic area, probably is induced to form (prior to origin of Hensen's node) by signals from earliest hypoblastic cells (anterior visceral endoderm). The thickened cap is a medullary plate of sauropsid terminology because it includes epiblastic cells presumptive to neurectoderm (including neural crest), Hensen's node, primitive streak, and gut endoderm. The remainder of the definitive embryo (i.e., parts of epidermal origin, including ectodermal placodes) derives from squamous ectoderm (surrounding the medullary plate) of the blastocyst's ill-named trophoblastic area. Amniotic ectoderm develops farther distally within the trophoblastic area. The autapomorphic inner cell mass (ICM) of placental mammals is homologous to medullary plate of the marsupial blastocyst plus morphologically undefined, proximal parts of surrounding ectoderm (of the trophoblastic area). Considerations of early cell lineages in marsupials are greatly affected by recognition that the boundary between future embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues does not match the margin of the medullary plate (i.e., embryonic area). Marsupials and monotremes largely conform to sauropsid early embryogenesis, but placentals express, at earliest developmental stages, innovations unique within Amniota that are linked to early establishment of the brain. Neonatal marsupials and hatchling monotremes are extremely altricial and closely comparable anatomically/physiologically; they share a temporal pattern in combining early morphogenesis of craniofacial features (related to suckling) with deferral of telencephalic completion into postnatal/posthatching life. Placentals contrast greatly in establishing the central nervous system prior to rudiments of the cranial skeleton and associated musculature, and they complete essentials of forebrain development before birth. Comparative evidence from transitory periderm suggests that primordial eutherians had extremely altricial hatchlings or newborns, whichever was the mode of early development. Details remain unknown about the origin of the unique specialization of ICM plus encapsulating trophoblast from the more generalized blastula of ancestral synapsids.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide and various neuropeptides in the myenteric plexus regulate esophageal motility. We sought colocalization of nitric oxide synthase and neuropeptides in frozen sections of mid-portion of smoothmuscled opossum esophagus using NADPH-diaphorase activity to mark the synthase and immunoreactivity to detect peptides. The peptides, all with demonstrated physiological activity in this organ, were calcitonin generelated peptide, galanin, neuropeptide Y, substance P, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. The ExtrAvidin Peroxidase immunostain for each peptide was carried up to the final peroxidase reaction with 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole. The NADPH-diaphorase reaction was applied with short incubation to provide light staining just before the peroxidase reaction was performed. We examined sections for the proportions of singly and dually labeled nerve cells in the myenteric plexus. NADPH-diaphorase activity was highly colocalized with calcitonin gene-related peptide (59%), galanin (54%), and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (53%). It showed little colocalization with neuropeptide Y (10%) and substance P (8%). The proportions of all nerve cells containing each of the substances were: NADPH-diaphorase-33%, calcitonin gene-related peptide-30%, galanin-55%, neuropeptide Y-16%, substance P-35%, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-58%. We conclude that the nerves responsible for peristalsis in the esophagus may act by releasing nitric oxide along with other inhibitory substances, calcitonin gene-related peptide, galanin, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, but not excitatory substances, neuropeptide Y and substance P.  相似文献   
An active Trypanosoma cruzi transmission cycle maintained by wild rodents in the Andean valleys of Cochabamba Bolivia is described. Wild and domestic Triatoma infestans with 60% infection with T. cruzi were found and was evidenced in 47.5% (rodents) and 26.7% (marsupial) by parasitological and/or serologycal methods. Phyllotis ocilae and the marsupial species Thylamys elegans, are the most important reservoirs followed by Bolomys lactens and Akodon boliviensis. In spite of both genotypes (TCI and TCII) being prevalent in Bolivia, in our study area only T. cruzi I is being transmitted. Our data suggest that wild T. infestans and wild small mammals play an important role in the maintenance of the transmission cycle of T. cruzi. Furthermore, the finding of high prevalence of T. cruzi infection in wild T. infestans point to the risk of the dispersion of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   
Eight novel microsatellite markers were isolated from the woolly mouse opossum from the Amazon Forest in Peru, Micoureus demerarae, using a partial genomic DNA library and an enrichment protocol. These loci were polymorphic in M. demerarae and Micoureus paraguayanus populations from the Atlantic Forest in Brazil with the number of alleles ranging from two to 23. Those eight loci plus another five already described for M. paraguayanus will allow for the evaluation of genetic diversity of populations from the 'Rio Doce' Park, one of the last Atlantic Forest fragments in Minas Gerais state, Brazil.  相似文献   
Accurate, quantitative characterization of complex shapes is recognized as a key methodological challenge in biology. Recent development of automated three‐dimensional geometric morphometric protocols (auto3dgm) provides a promising set of tools to help address this challenge. While auto3dgm has been shown to be useful in characterizing variation across clades of morphologically very distinct mammals, it has not been adequately tested in more problematic cases where pseudolandmark placement error potentially confounds interpretation of true shape variation. Here, we tested the sensitivity of auto3dgm to the degree of variation and various parameterization settings using a simulation and three microCT datasets that characterize mammal tooth crown morphology as biological examples. The microCT datasets vary in degree of apparent morphological differentiation, with two that include grossly similar morphospecies and one that includes two laboratory strains of a single species. Resulting alignments are highly sensitive to the number of pseudolandmarks used to quantify shapes. The degree to which the surfaces were downsampled and the apparent degree of morphological differentiation across the dataset also influenced alignment repeatability. We show that previous critiques of auto3dgm were based on poorly parameterized alignments and suggest that sample‐specific sensitivity analyses should be added to any research protocol including auto3dgm. Auto3dgm is a useful tool for studying samples when pseudolandmark placement error is small relative to the true differences between specimens. This method therefore represents a promising avenue forward in morphometric studies at a wide range of scales, from samples that differ by a single genetic locus to samples that represent multiple phylogenetically diverse clades.  相似文献   
Five microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized within the woolly mouse opossum (Micoureus paraguayanus), a Neotropical marsupial, using an enrichment cloning procedure. Between four and seven alleles were detected per locus, with expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.358 to 0.560. These microsatellites should provide useful markers in a variety of genetic analyses to examine parentage, inbreeding, population structure and population dynamics in fragmented forest habitats.  相似文献   
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