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Monthly sampling of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus , a biological surrogate for the endangered pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus , was conducted to develop a multi‐seasonal profile of reproductive stages. Data collected included histological characteristics of gonads from wild caught fish and laboratory and field ultrasonic and endoscopic images. These data were used to compare effectiveness of ultrasonic and endoscopic techniques at identifying gender of adult shovelnose sturgeon at different reproductive stages. The least invasive method ( i.e . ultrasound) was least effective while the most invasive ( i.e . endoscope through an abdominal incision) was the most effective at identifying shovelnose sturgeon gender. In most cases, success rate for identifying males was greater than females, with success at identifying both genders greater in more advanced reproductive stages. Concomitantly, for most months average reproductive stage was more advanced for males than females. April and May were the months with the most advanced reproductive stage, and were the months when ultrasound was most effective. Methods were also applied in the Upper Missouri River to validate their use on pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus . Ultrasound was successful at identifying pallid sturgeon gender, however, endoscopic examination through the urogenital duct was only successful at identifying pallid sturgeon gender when the urogenital duct was not opaque.  相似文献   
Among the 19 non-native species of marine invertebrates which have invaded the Venice Lagoon and have established populations, Ruditapes philippinarum, deliberately introduced in 1983, is surely the most successful species. According to the hypothesis that alien species invasion could be favoured by an altered ecological, chemical or physical state of the system induced by anthropogenic disturbance, R. philippinarum turned out to be ‘the right species at the right moment’. By comparing historical data (1968, 1985, 1990) with 1999 data, changes in macrobenthic community, in particular bivalve molluscs, of the lagoon induced by R. philippinarum introduction and subsequent clam exploiting activity were assessed. It has been possible to describe a sharp reduction, both in terms of distribution area and density, of all other filter feeder bivalves. Moreover, by using the clearance rate of the most abundant bivalve species in 1990 and 1999 (Cerastoderma glaucum and R. philippinarum, respectively), it was possible to estimate that the filtration capacity, expressed as l h−1 m−2, has more than doubled. This has altered the functioning of the ecosystem, resulting in a stronger benthic–pelagic coupling. In this context, R. philippinarum attains control of the system. Considering all this, it is possible to state that the Venice Lagoon ecosystem has entered into a new state, probably more resistant but less resilient, with implications for future management choices.  相似文献   
Regular unscheduled movements of rancherías within a confined area or settlement district result in the phenomenon described as "village drift," a process whereby a settlement may change its location gradually by several kilometers over a period of years. This article presents a model of village drift based on data acquired from recent archaeological and geomorphological field studies and archival research on the Akimel O'odham, the Gila River Pima of south-central Arizona. The model provides an excellent example of human ecodynamics---an emerging landscape perspective that emphasizes the coevolution of humans and their ecosystem---with implications for understanding prehistoric and historic settlement in desert riverine environments.  相似文献   
Ten species of Lepadella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826, including one new species and one new form, are documented from North-Eastern India. Two of these species are new records from this country and six are new reports from N.E. region. Comments are also made on the status and distribution of various Indian taxa.  相似文献   
青甘边区黑河流域森林植被带及其昆虫区系的组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑河发源于青海、甘肃交界的祁连山区,是甘肃河西走廊最大的内陆河水系之一,水源丰富,流量稳定,这不仅取决于祁连山区大气降水和冰川融水,更重要的是与上游森林植被密不可分。但是,由于森林害虫猖獗成灾,严重威胁着这一地域森林的生存。近几年我们在森林昆虫普查的基础上,对黑河流域森林昆虫  相似文献   
Species composition, relative abundance, distribution and physical habitat associations of submerged aquatic macrophytes in the main channel border (MCB) habitat of Pool 5A, Upper Mississippi River (UMR) were investigated during the summers of 1980 and 1983. The submerged aquatic macrophytes in Pool .5A MCB were a small and stable component of the river ecosystem. Submerged plants occurred primarily in small, monospecific clumps. Clumps in close proximity to each other formed plant patches. Plant patches were stable in location and number between 1980 and 1983; 82.5% of the patches first observed in 1980 were present in 1983. Submerged macrophytes covered about 10–12 ha of the 201 ha MCB in Pool 5A. Submerged plants were most common in the lower two-thirds of the pool. Ten species of aquatic macrophytes occurred on rock channel-training structures and eleven occurred on non-rock substrates in the MCB. The most common submerged plants, in order of abundance, were Vallisneria americana Michx., Heteranthra dubia Jacq., Potamogeton pectinatus L., Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Potamogeton americanus C. & S.  相似文献   
Summary Studies on levels of lead and cadmium of Indian flue-cured tobacco indicated that the leaf contained very low amounts of these heavy metals as compared to tobacco from other countries. Indian tobacco can therefore be adjudged as ‘safe and clean’ and least hazardous to the smoker. Of the two heavy metals, lead content of soils is higher than cadmium. But in the leaf, cadmium content is more than lead indicating that soil cadmium may be more available to tobacco and hence more readily absorbed by the plant than lead.  相似文献   
Synopsis Aspects of the life history of Barbus anoplus were studied in Lake le Roux, a turbid man-made lake on the Orange River, South Africa. This minnow underwent a population explosion and successfully colonized the shoreline of the newly-formed lake during the early phases of reservoir filling. Male and female B. anoplus reach sexual maturity in one year at about 40 mm fork length. They have a multiple spawning habit with the first spawning in November–January and the second in February–March. The growth of the two resulting cohorts is discussed. It is proposed that the offspring from the second spawning not only acts as a ‘back-up’ but is capable of prolonging the life of that year-class into an additional reproductive season. Most of the minnows die after their second summer, but more offspring from the second spawning, especially females, live into a third summer. Females attain a larger maximum size (73 mm FL) and age (3–4 years) than males (60 mm FL, 2–3 years). B. anoplus is small and short-lived with a high seasonal reproductive potential, which is in contrast to the larger Barbus species in the Orange River system. These life-history traits enable the species to colonize and successfully inhabit unstable environments and probably account for its widespread distribution.  相似文献   
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