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Gastrointestinal tract involvement due to cytomegalovirus infection is a condition that usually occurs in immunocompromised patients, but is uncommon in immunocompetent patients. In a review of 33 cases, the median age was 68 years, and the accompanying symptoms were diarrhoea (76%), abdominal pain (52%), and haematochezia, or melena (27%).The case is presented of ctyomegalovirus colitis in an 85 year-old man with no previously identified immunocompromised states.  相似文献   
Niecke M  Rothlaender S  Roulin A 《Oecologia》2003,137(1):153-158
Melanin-based variation in colour patterns is under strong genetic control and not, or weakly, sensitive to the environment and body condition. Current signalling theory predicts that such traits may not signal honestly phenotypic quality because their production does not entail a significant fitness cost. However, recent studies revealed that in several bird species melanin-based traits covary with phenotypic attributes. In a first move to understand whether such covariations have a physiological basis, we quantified concentrations of five chemical elements in two pigmented plumage traits in the barn owl (Tyto alba). This bird shows continuous variation from immaculate to heavily marked with black spots (plumage spottiness) and from dark reddish-brown to white (plumage coloration), two traits that signal various aspects of individual quality. These two traits are sexually dimorphic with females being spottier and darker coloured than males. We found an enhancement in calcium and zinc concentration within black spots compared with the unspotted feather parts. The degree to which birds were spotted was positively correlated with calcium concentration within spots, whereas the unspotted feather parts of darker reddish-brown birds were more concentrated in zinc. This suggests that two different pigments are responsible for plumage spottiness and plumage coloration. We discuss the implications of our results in light of recent experimental field studies showing that female spottiness signals offspring humoral response towards an artificially administrated antigen, parasite resistance and fluctuating asymmetry of wing feathers.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
There is large spatial and temporal variation in the Gyrodactylus parasite fauna across natural guppy (Poecilia reticulata) populations in Trinidad. The life history evolution of these fish could be affected differently in the various habitats depending on the local parasite selection pressure. Here, we experimentally infected three guppy populations with three gyrodactylid strains in the laboratory and monitored the infection by recording the number of parasites and host mortality in a full factorial design. The origin of the guppy population and parasite strain, and the size of the hosts explained significant variation in the survival of hosts. Larger fish carried the highest parasite loads and experienced the highest mortality rates, which suggests that parasite-mediated selection may favour smaller phenotypes, possibly counter-balancing selection pressures by gape-limited predators, mate choice and female fecundity. We observed significant variation in virulence between parasite strains with the captive-bred experimental strain (Gt3) causing the highest mortality of hosts whilst reaching only relatively low maximum burdens. This suggests that adaptations to the captive environment and/or inbreeding depression may alter the virulence of such captive-bred parasites. There were significant differences in survival rate between guppy populations, with infected guppies from the large population of the Lower Aripo River showing a higher survival rate than the fish from the small and genetically less diverse Upper Aripo River population.  相似文献   
Individuals that display elaborate sexually selected characters often show reduced immune function. According to the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis, testosterone (T) is responsible for this result as it drives the development and maintenance of sexual characters and causes immunosuppression. But glucocorticoids also have strong influences on immune function and may also be elevated in reproductively active males. Here, we compared immune activity using the phytohemagglutinin (PHA) skin test in three discrete groups of male marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus): territorials, satellites, and bachelors. Males of these three reproductive phenotypes had indistinguishable T concentrations during the height of the breeding season, but their corticosterone (cort) concentrations, body condition and hematocrit were significantly different. Territorial males, the animals with the most elaborate sexual ornaments and behaviors, had lower immune responses and body condition but higher cort concentrations and hematocrit than satellites or bachelors. To test directly cort's immunosuppressive role, we elevated cort by either restraining animals or additionally injecting cort and compared their PHA swelling response with the response of free-roaming animals. Such experimental elevation of cort significantly decreased immune activity in both restrained and cort-injected animals. Our data show that cort can induce immunosuppression, but they do not support the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis in its narrow sense because T concentrations were not related to immunosuppression.  相似文献   
Roulin A 《Oecologia》2004,140(4):668-675
In contradiction to sexual selection theory, several studies showed that although the expression of melanin-based ornaments is usually under strong genetic control and weakly sensitive to the environment and body condition, they can signal individual quality. Covariation between a melanin-based ornament and phenotypic quality may result from pleiotropic effects of genes involved in the production of melanin pigments. Two categories of genes responsible for variation in melanin production may be relevant, namely those that trigger melanin production (yes or no response) and those that determine the amount of pigments produced. To investigate which of these two hypotheses is the most likely, I reanalysed data collected from barn owls (Tyto alba). The underparts of this bird vary from immaculate to heavily marked with black spots of varying size. Published cross-fostering experiments have shown that the proportion of the plumage surface covered with black spots, a eumelanin composite trait so-called plumage spottiness, in females positively covaries with offspring humoral immunocompetence, and negatively with offspring parasite resistance (i.e. the ability to reduce fecundity of ectoparasites) and fluctuating asymmetry of wing feathers. However, it is unclear which component of plumage spottiness causes these relationships, namely genes responsible for variation in number of spots or in spot diameter. Number of spots reflects variation in the expression of genes triggering the switch from no eumelanin production to production, whereas spot diameter reflects variation in the expression of genes determining the amount of eumelanin produced per spot. In the present study, multiple regression analyses, performed on the same data sets, showed that humoral immunocompetence, parasite resistance and wing fluctuating asymmetry of cross-fostered offspring covary with spot diameter measured in their genetic mother, but not with number of spots. This suggests that genes responsible for variation in the quantity of eumelanin produced per spot are responsible for covariation between a melanin ornament and individual attributes. In contrast, genes responsible for variation in number of black spots may not play a significant role. Covariation between a eumelanin female trait and offspring quality may therefore be due to an indirect effect of melanin production.  相似文献   
Cell-mediated immunity is an important vertebrate defense against pathogens, but components of this response may vary in quality. Such variation could arise through the effects of ecology on optimal immunocompetence. We used injections of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) to measure the factors influencing T-cell proliferation in nestling house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Bivariate analyses revealed positive associations with nestling mass and size, but no effect of ectoparasites. The response to PHA was, however, strongly affected by brood identity. A mixed model with brood identity as a random factor and nestling mass, size, number of ectoparasites, parental feeding rate, clutch size, brood size at hatching, and date uncovered significant positive correlations between PHA response and both nestling mass and the brood size at hatching. Because many of these variables are related hierarchically, we used path analysis to explore the relationships in more detail. We found that a nestling immune response was affected by several indirect paths. Brood size at hatch had both positive and negative paths, and date in the season had several indirect negative effects through its effect on brood size and nestling mass. The approach used and the results obtained offer some new ideas for incorporating immune responses into life history theory.  相似文献   
直播羊草在不同pH土壤环境下的生物学特性和生理反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用人工配制的不同pH梯度的碱化土进行盆栽试验,研究了直播羊草在不同pH土壤环境下的生物学特性和生理反应.结果表明:pH 8.50以下的弱碱性土壤环境有利于直播羊草的生长,但随着土壤pH的升高其分蘖和地上部生物量均呈下降趋势;当土壤pH达到9.78时,直播后第2年羊草总株数比对照(pH 7.15)降低了42.0%,地上部干质量比对照降低了74.1%.此外,在盐碱胁迫下,羊草地上部含水量、可溶性糖、叶绿素和K 含量亦呈下降趋势,Na 含量和叶片外渗液电导率显著升高,地上部K /Na 比值从对照的28.5下降到1.6(pH 9.78),说明较高的K 水平以及较高的K /Na 比值可能是羊草耐盐碱的重要生理机制.  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the role of different lipotropes in modulating immunity and biochemical plasticity under conditions of sublethal low-dose pesticide-induced stress in fish. Labeo rohita fish fingerlings were divided in two sets with one set of fish continuously exposed to low-dose endosulfan (1/10th of 96-h LC50) for 21 days, the other was unexposed, and both sets of fish were fed with practical diets supplemented with either 2 % lecithin, 0.5 % betaine, or 0.1 % choline and compared against unsupplemented diet. Low-dose endosulfan exposure had adverse effects (P < 0.05/P < 0.01) on hematological profile (erythrocyte count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit), serum protein (total protein, albumin, and globulin) and lipid profile (cholesterol and triglyceride), anti-oxidative status (ascorbic acid content of muscle, liver, brain, and kidney and activity of anti-oxidative enzymes: catalase and superoxide dismutase), neurotransmission (acetylcholinesterase activity in muscle and brain), immunological attributes (WBC count, albumin to globulin ratio, phagocytic activity, and serum cortisol), and metabolic plasticity as revealed from enzyme activities (muscle lactate dehydrogenase, liver and kidney glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase-G6PDH activity). Dietary lipotropes prevented these effects completely or partially and the effects were lipotrope dependent. Kinetics (maximum velocity value Vmax, catalytic efficiency and Michaelis constant Km) of G6PDH enzyme from crude extracts of liver and kidney indicated inhibition due to endosulfan but lipotropes could protect enzyme and showed a stabilizing effect. The supplements also helped maintain integrity of histoarchitecture of the hepatocytes in endosulfan-exposed fish to a great extent. Feeding lipotropes to fish reared in endosulfan-free water also improved hematological and serum protein and lipid profiles and were immunostimulatory. In conclusion, dietary lipotropes, especially betaine and lecithin at the levels used, improve erythropoiesis, serum protein and lipid profile, anti-oxidant status, immunocompetence, neurotransmission, and protect the livers of L. rohita fingerlings even when continuously exposed to low-dose endosulfan.  相似文献   
We have examined the effects of dietary selenium (Se) supplementation on larval growth and immunocompetence of the lepidopteran pest, the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni. Supplementation of the diet of T. ni larvae with 10–20 ppm Se resulted in a 1 day delay in pupation. The effects of the addition and/or removal of dietary Se on total Se bioaccumulation and sequestration were determined by neutron activation analysis of pupae. Early penultimate instar larvae moved from selenium containing diet to basal diet lost total pupal Se content down to the level of those fed basal diet. Conversely, larvae moved from basal diet to diet containing additional Se rapidly attained pupal Se levels comparable to larvae fed Se throughout larval development. Therefore, dietary Se is rapidly accumulated or lost during larval development, but significant amounts are sequestered from diet into pupae. Larvae were reared on diet supplemented with 5 or 10 ppm Se until the onset of the penultimate instar then infected per os with increasing concentrations of the fatal baculovirus Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV). Larvae fed Se in the penultimate and ultimate instars were more resistant to viral infection than larvae not fed Se in the final instars. This study indicates that dietary Se levels rapidly impact Se assimilation and sequestration and that tissue Se levels are an important factor in resistance to AcMNPV infection in larval T. ni.  相似文献   
The expression of sexual ornaments has been suggested to reliablyindicate individual quality, such as the ability to cope withparasites and diseases. The Immunocompetence Handicap Hypothesis(IHH) states that testosterone-dependent ornaments honestlysignal such quality because of physiological costs associatedwith testosterone, such as impaired immune function. We testedpredictions of the IHH both correlatively and experimentallyin red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. Male grouse exhibitsupra-orbital red combs whose size is testosterone-dependent.We found that comb size was not correlated to infection intensityby two parasites (coccidia and the nematode Trichostrongylustenuis), but it was significantly positively correlated withcondition and T-cell-mediated immunity (the ability to mounta primary inflammatory response). We manipulated testosteroneby means of implants and re-caught males after a month to investigatethe effects on comb size, condition, immunity, and parasiteload. Males implanted with testosterone had increased comb size,lost more condition, and had lower T-cell-mediated immunitythan control males. Increased testosterone also resulted ina significant increase in coccidia infection intensity but hadno effect on T. tenuis burden. The results are consistent withpredictions of the IHH and suggest that comb size honestly indicatesimmunocompetence and males' ability to cope with certain parasites.Females could thus benefit from choosing mates based on theexpression of this sexual trait.  相似文献   
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