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Summary The study of gonadal organogenesis and differentiation by means of light and electron microscopy suggested the following in Helix aspersa: (1) the distal parts of the acini have components of mesodermal origin, whereas the neck and efferent duct comprise ectodermal elements; (2) a segregation of a germinal line occurs early, during the embryonic life; (3) in juvenile and adult animals, male and female cells arise from a germinal ring located at the base of the acinar neck. Apart from developing oocytes, the epithelium lining the distal region of the acini consists of somatic cells (Sertoli and follicle cells).  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of dermorphin, a new synthetic powerful opiate-like heptapeptide, on plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels in fertile and postmenopausal women. In fertile subjects, dermorphin (5.5 micrograms/kg min for 30 min) decreases plasma LH (p less than 0.01 vs. baseline and placebo values), but not plasma FSH. The area under the curve during dermorphin infusion was significantly lower than during placebo infusion (p less than 0.01). Pretreatment with the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone, blocked the decrease of plasma LH levels. In postmenopausal women not subjected to any treatment, dermorphin infusion did not significantly modify plasma LH and FSH levels. On the contrary, its administration to postmenopausal subjects treated with conjugated estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate significantly decreased plasma LH levels (p less than 0.01, vs. baseline, placebo and area under the curve). Considering the modulatory role exerted by ovarian steroids on the activity of such receptors, these data also indicate that opioid systems play a very important part in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis.  相似文献   
Summary ZnSO4 treatment of early frog tadpoles resulted, initially, in a mitotic stimulation of primordial germ cells. In later larval stages, ZnSO4 was responsible for the atresy of gonads in which germ cell and medullary cell numbers sharply decreased. At the same time, very few germ cells entered the meiotic prophase, while the degeneration of some of them was observed. Our results are discussed in connection with previous findings about the influence of Zn on cellular proliferation.  相似文献   
Summary Adrenal glands of adult female rats are heavier than the glands of corresponding male rats. Postpubertal orchiectomy increases the adrenal weight, an effect restored by testosterone replacement. Under the same conditions ovariectomy of 8 weeks duration does not change the adrenal weight while estradiol replacement enhances the relative adrenal weight.Karyometric studies have shown that nuclei in the female zona fasciculata cells are larger (app. 18%) than those of the male. Similar but only slight differences (2%) were observed in the zona reticularis. Orchiectomy results in enlargement of cell nuclei within all zones of the adrenal cortex; testosterone replacement has the opposite effect. Ovariectomy of 8 weeks duration slightly enhances the volume of nuclei of the zona glomerulosa cells, has no effect on the nuclei of the zona fasciculata and reduces the volume of nuclei in the zona reticularis. Estradiol replacement reduces the volume of nuclei of the zona glomerulosa cells but increases nuclear volume in the zona fasciculata and in the zona reticularis.Thus testosterone has an inhibitory effect on the adrenal cortex of the rat while the physiologic effect of estradiol on the morphology of this gland, particularly on the zona fasciculata cells is rather dubious.The author wishes to thank Mrs. B. Westerska and Miss K. Siejak for excellent technical assistance.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Zoological Committee, 2nd Department, Polish Academy of Sciences.This paper is dedicated to the memory of late Kazimierz Mietkiewski, M.D., Ph.D. whose encouragements and suggestions were most stimulating for my work.  相似文献   
To assess which hormones are capable of masculinizing the neural song system of zebra finch hatchlings, we implanted female hatchlings with estrogen (estradiol [E2], 75 μg, n = 9), testosterone (T, 75–88 μg, n = 13), androstenedione (AE, 75 μg, n = 7), progesterone (P, 117 μg, n = 10), or nothing (Blanks, n = 10) and compared these to unimplanted males (n = 7). Implants, consisting of a hormone and Silastic mixture encased in polyethylene tubing, were placed under the skin of the breast on the day of hatching. Birds were killed when they were subadult (58 to 68 days old). We measured volumes of area X, the higher vocal center (HVC), and the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA); measured soma sizes in the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the neostriatum (IMAN), HVC, and RA: and counted RA neurons. E2 masculinized all measures in the song system and nearly sex-reversed the size of RA neurons. T masculinized volumes of nuclei and soma sizes but not the number or spacing of RA neurons. E2 was always at least as effective as T in masculinizing measures of the song system and was usually more effective. AE and P did not significantly masculinize any measure. These data suggest that E2 is more potent than aromatizable androgens or P in masculinizing the female song system in development and that the action of E2 alone may be sufficient to masculinize the volume of song control nuclei and the size and number of neurons. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
池塘养殖是三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)的主要养殖方式,但关于池塘养殖三疣梭子蟹雄体的生长和性腺发育规律尚不清楚。本研究通过定点连续采样,首先系统研究池塘养殖过程中三疣梭子蟹雄体的生长和成熟雄体生殖系统的外观及组成的变化,其次研究池塘养殖三疣梭子蟹雄体性腺发育过程中性腺各部分组织学特征及其指数的变化,以及不同月份雄体性腺发育的情况和比例。结果表明:(1)三疣梭子蟹雄体的体重和壳宽增长率及特定增长率均在8月份最高,且体重与壳宽呈显著正相关关系。(2)三疣梭子蟹成熟雄体的生殖系统由体外(阴茎、交接器)和体内(精巢、输精管)两部分构成。(3)根据精巢和输精管的外观、组织学特征及其指数的变化,可将三疣梭子蟹雄体性腺发育分为3期。精子发生期,即精巢内主要细胞类型是精原细胞和初级精母细胞,精巢指数为0.07%~0.16%,此时输精管呈透明状,肉眼很难发现;精荚形成期,精巢内主要细胞类型为次级精母细胞和精子细胞,精巢指数为0.10%~0.51%,输精管内有大量精荚和分泌物,输精管指数为0.01%~0.41%;成熟期,精巢内主要细胞类型是精子细胞和成熟精子,精巢指数为0.10%~0.41%,输精管进一步膨大,输精管指数为0.20%~0.65%。(4)在雄体性腺发育期间,性腺指数和输精管指数呈显著上升趋势,而精巢指数呈现先上升后下降的趋势,且统计分析发现性腺指数与肝胰腺指数无明显的相关性。(5)池塘养殖雄体性腺发育不同步,7月份主要处于精子发生期,8月底,有76%的雄体性腺发育达到精荚形成期,至9月底,达到成熟期雄体的比例为47%,此后雄体性腺发育趋于成熟,10月中下旬至12月份池塘养殖雄体均主要处于成熟期。  相似文献   
环境雄激素的危害、来源与环境行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩伟  李艳霞  杨明  李帷  林春野  张丰松  熊雄 《生态学报》2010,30(6):1594-1603
内分泌干扰物(EDCs)因低剂量即可导致严重的生理效应而成为研究的热点,环境雄激素就是典型的内分泌干扰物之一,它主要来源于畜禽粪尿的排放以及造纸厂和城市污水处理厂处理不彻底的废水排放,污染源的连续性排放致使环境雄激素物质在各类环境介质中被不断检出,并导致一些地区出现鱼类的雄性化现象,对环境健康和生态安全构成严重威胁。综述了环境雄激素的暴露危害、主要来源以及环境雄激素在不同环境中的浓度水平和分布特征,介绍了环境雄激素的分析检测手段,阐述了环境雄激素在环境中的迁移、吸附、降解等过程,并对环境雄激素的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
The nervous system communicates with peripheral tissues through nerve fibres and the systemic release of hypothalamic and pituitary neurohormones. Communication between the nervous system and the largest human organ, skin, has traditionally received little attention. In particular, the neuro‐regulation of sebaceous glands (SGs), a major skin appendage, is rarely considered. Yet, it is clear that the SG is under stringent pituitary control, and forms a fascinating, clinically relevant peripheral target organ in which to study the neuroendocrine and neural regulation of epithelia. Sebum, the major secretory product of the SG, is composed of a complex mixture of lipids resulting from the holocrine secretion of specialised epithelial cells (sebocytes). It is indicative of a role of the neuroendocrine system in SG function that excess circulating levels of growth hormone, thyroxine or prolactin result in increased sebum production (seborrhoea). Conversely, growth hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism, and adrenal insufficiency result in reduced sebum production and dry skin. Furthermore, the androgen sensitivity of SGs appears to be under neuroendocrine control, as hypophysectomy (removal of the pituitary) renders SGs largely insensitive to stimulation by testosterone, which is crucial for maintaining SG homeostasis. However, several neurohormones, such as adrenocorticotropic hormone and α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone, can stimulate sebum production independently of either the testes or the adrenal glands, further underscoring the importance of neuroendocrine control in SG biology. Moreover, sebocytes synthesise several neurohormones and express their receptors, suggestive of the presence of neuro‐autocrine mechanisms of sebocyte modulation. Aside from the neuroendocrine system, it is conceivable that secretion of neuropeptides and neurotransmitters from cutaneous nerve endings may also act on sebocytes or their progenitors, given that the skin is richly innervated. However, to date, the neural controls of SG development and function remain poorly investigated and incompletely understood. Botulinum toxin‐mediated or facial paresis‐associated reduction of human sebum secretion suggests that cutaneous nerve‐derived substances modulate lipid and inflammatory cytokine synthesis by sebocytes, possibly implicating the nervous system in acne pathogenesis. Additionally, evidence suggests that cutaneous denervation in mice alters the expression of key regulators of SG homeostasis. In this review, we examine the current evidence regarding neuroendocrine and neurobiological regulation of human SG function in physiology and pathology. We further call attention to this line of research as an instructive model for probing and therapeutically manipulating the mechanistic links between the nervous system and mammalian skin.  相似文献   
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