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Recurrence risks are derived explicitly in terms of gene frequencies and penetrance coefficients for the general case in which all genotypes have incomplete penetrance. Maximum likelihood estimation of recurrence risks is achieved through the use of the semi-symmetric intraclass contingency table. The resulting formulas and estimation procedure can be useful for the analysis of population and family data, and in genetic counselling.  相似文献   
Summary A Bayesian method to estimate genotype probabilities at a single locus using information on the individual and all its relatives and their mates has been developed. The method uses data over several generations, can deal with large numbers of individuals in large livestock families and allows for missing information. It can be extended to multiple alleles and can be used for autosomal or sex-linked loci. The allele frequencies and the form of expression (dominance, penetrance) must be specified. An algorithm using the method and involving an iterative procedure has been developed to calculate the genotype probabilities for practical use in livestock breeding. The method and algorithm were used to determine the accuracy of estimating genotype probabilities of sires for a female sex-limited trait, such as genetic variants of milk proteins. Data were similated and genotype probabilities estimated for 100 sires (20 replicates) with 3, 6 and 12 female offspring per sire, for different population frequencies, for additive and dominance gene action and for variable genotypic expression. Such simulation is useful in the design of testing systems for the use of information on specific genetic loci in selection.Prepared during a leave at Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Guelph, Canada  相似文献   
Summary Regression analysis was computed on the grain yield of 15 single cross F1 hybrids of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.) S. & H.) evaluated in 20 environments at 19 sites in India to assess the nature of genotype X environment interactions. Linear, quadratic, cubic, twoand three-intersecting straight line models were examined for fit. The interactions of six hybrids viz. MH 110, MH 113, MH 114, MH 115, MH 120 and MBH 110 were explained by the linear regression model. The response of the remaining nine hybrids was largely non-linear. The two and three-intersecting straight line models fit better than the quadratic and cubic models and explained non-linearity of response. The two-intersecting straight line models fit for 6 hybrids MH 106, MH 107, MH 112, MH 116, MH 117 and BJ 104. The response of MH 109 was best explained by a three-intersecting straight line model, but there still existed a significant remainder variation. The truncation of environmental range by assuming moving division points was more efficient than the fixed division points for the segmental regression models. The stability of hybrid varieties on the best fitting model has been discussed.  相似文献   
Summary In most plant breeding programs, selection of the best commercially suitable cultivars for a target group of environments is based on information obtained from evaluation trials cultivated in a sample of environments. Information on the performance of cultivars collected in a sample of environments can only be approximate and, consequently, selection of the best cultivar involves choosing among cultivars that respond uncertainly in many environments. The agronomic and/or economic value of a cultivar across environments may be considered the general or overall utility of the cultivar. Data from a sample of environments therefore provides only an estimate of any cultivar's overall utility, with the overall goal of selection among all cultivars being the maximization of the expected utility. Within this frame-work, expected utility maximization, an approach to decision making that has been well developed in the disciplines of economics and statistics, can assist the plant breeder in making such decisions. This research was initiated (1) to determine how expected utility maximization might be used to develop indices that are useful for selecting broadly adapted plant cultivars, and (2) to determine how the breeder's preferences might affect choice of the best cultivar. The data used in this research were from USDA Regional Soybean Tests. The results indicated that expected utility maximization, which explicitly incorporates into the selection rule the plant breeder's preferences regarding stability, can be a useful aid in the selection of stable plant cultivars.  相似文献   
用数学方法推导出了自交作物群体遗传组成的分析公式。根据所推出的公式,可以计算出任何自交世代群体的基因型频率和同一表现型中各基因型的频率。对自交群体遗传组成的分析可用于质量性状的选择,确定选择时需要的有效群体大小和选出有效群体的大小,亦有助于确定选择的最佳世代。  相似文献   
J. R. Evans  R. B. Austin 《Planta》1986,167(3):344-350
The specific activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase; EC in crude extracts of leaves from euploid, amphiploid and alloplasmic lines of wheat fell into high or low categories (3.75 or 2.70 mol·mg–1·min–1, 30°C). For the alloplasmic lines, where the same hexaploid nuclear genome was substituted into different cytoplasms, the specific activity of RuBPCase was consistent with the type of cytoplasm (high for the B and S cytoplasms and low for the A and D cytoplasms). There was no evidence from the euploid and amphiploid lines that small subunits encoded in different nuclear genomes influenced the specific activity. High specific activity was conferred by possession of the chloroplast genome of the B-type cytoplasm which encodes the large subunit of RuBPCase. All lines with a cytoplasm derived from the Sitopsis section of wheat, with the exception of Aegilops longissima and A. speltoides 18940, had RuBPCase with high specific activity. In contrast with the euploid lines of A. longissima, the alloplasmic line containing A. longissima cytoplasm from a different source had RuBPCase with high specific activity. The difference in specific activity found here in-vitro was not apparent in-vivo when leaf gas exchange was measured.Abbreviation RuBP(Case) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (carboxylase)  相似文献   
Multilocation trials are often used to analyse the adaptability of genotypes in different environments and to find for each environment the genotype that is best adapted; i.e. that is highest yielding in that environment. For this purpose, it is of interest to obtain a reliable estimate of the mean yield of a cultivar in a given environment. This article compares two different statistical estimation procedures for this task: the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) analysis and Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP). A modification of a cross validation procedure commonly used with AMMI is suggested for trials that are laid out as a randomized complete block design. The use of these procedure is exemplified using five faba bean datasets from German registration trails. BLUP was found to outperform AMMI in four of five faba bean datasets.  相似文献   
Spatial variability in salt-affected fields is normally very high. Thus, most salinity affected lands are actually comprised of many micro-environments, ranging from low to high salinity in the same field. The evidence on testing genotypes across a broad range of salinity levels shows that the genotype-by-salinity level interaction is commonly large. Thus, breeding for saline areas can be compared to what has been known as breeding for wide adaptation. The target environments both for breeding for saline soils or for wide adaptation are actually a population of many possible environments, for which there exists a significant component of genotype-by-environment(G x E) interaction. Thus it is possible to study the merit of potential strategies for breeding for salinity tolerance using the tools that have been developed for the study of breeding for wide adaptation. The evidence from selection and breeding experiments for wide adaptation seems to favour testing on a representative subset of environments, including stress and non-stress locations; but the choice of these locations is complicated by the multidimensional nature of G x E. However, in the case of salt stress, the crop-yield response functions to salinity are well known. This paper presents an attempt to systematise the choice of the optimum environment(s) to select for improved yield under saline soil conditions, based on the three-piece linear equation presented by Maas and Hoffman (1977) and the theory of direct and indirect responses to selection. It is proposed that three saline levels should be enough to make a valid estimation of the suitability of a number of selection strategies. A worked example with data from a set of grain sorghum inbred lines tested on ten saline levels shows that the same selection strategies would be chosen using the information from the ten saline levels as that obtained using the two extremes and one intermediate level.  相似文献   
The Mg2+- and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activities of the microsomal fractions of the roots of four inbred lines of Plantago major L. were followed at two levels of mineral nutrition. In addition the response of a transfer of plants from one condition to the other was studied. Kinetic properties of the ATPases (Km and Vmax) were calculated and used to differentiate between genetic differences among the inbred lines and the plasticity within each inbred line. The Vmax values of the ATPase activity differed significantly between the lines and were directly related to seed number per capsule (low Vmax→ 11 seeds per capsule, high Vmax→ 33 seeds per capsule). In addition, the Vmax values of the ATPase acitivty may be related to ecological strategy. Plasticity of enzyme activity is expressed in differences in the Vmax values of the ATPase activity, as a response to nutritional level or changes of the strength of the nutrient solution. Differences in this plasticity in the four selected lines and in rapidity of response to a change in mineral nutrition were directly related to the ecological strategy. These results are discussed in relation to the strategy of the genotypes for survival in the field. The presence of plasticity in line 4 (ssp. pleiospema ) makes this genotype behave like an annual plant, following a ruderal strategy. The absence of plasticity in line 1 (ssp. major ) fits a more competitive strategy.  相似文献   
中国丙型肝炎病毒基因型研究新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了进一步了解中国丙型肝炎病毒基因型感染状态 ,我们建立了 5′ NCRABC程序酶切分型法 :首先采用RTPCR技术 5′ NCR扩增HCVRNA阳性样品中的cDNA ,然后按照ABC程序进行分型 ,A应用BHH(BsrBⅠ ,HaeⅡ ,HinfⅠ )复合内切酶消化 5′ NCRcDNA ,B应用BstUⅠ消化 ,C应用HaeⅢ消化 ,电泳检测片段大小。应用该方法对临床采集的HCVRNA阳性血清进行分型 ,在国内首次发...  相似文献   
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