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Sedimentation in fluvial and lacustrine environments   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Rust  Brian R. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):59-70
Sedimentation in rivers is dominated by a complex set of physical processes, associated with the unidirectional flow of water. Variations in these processes give rise to different fluvial channel types, whose character can commonly be recognised in the ancient record. Chemical and biological processes are comparatively unimportant in fluvial sedimentation. In contrast, physical, chemical or biological processes can each dominate sedimentation in lakes. Physical (clastic) deposition dominates in high-latitude and mountain lakes (in which chemical and biological activity are low), and in lakes with high relief of the drainage basin and lake floor. Its variety reflects a range of processes influenced by river inflow, wave and current action, thermal and density effects. Economic benefits from the study of lake and river sedimentation include both resource and environmental aspects. An example is given of a mercury pollution study in a fluvial ecosystem. It shows that return to background levels can take place within a relatively short interval after cessation of pollutant input.  相似文献   
Daphniopsis australis, a new species of cladoceran in Australian salt lakes, is described, and some brief comments on its distribution are given.  相似文献   
The effect of fish predation on Cyclops life cycle   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Papi  `nska  Katarzyna 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):449-453
Two populations of Cyclops abyssorum tatricus studied in neighbouring alpine lakes in Tatra Mountains (southern Poland) differed in their life cycles. In the lake with planktivorous fishes, Cyclops was typically monocyclic, with highly synchronized reproduction during two winter months, while in the fishless lake its reproduction was asynchronous and continued for six months. Direct and indirect effects of fish predation on Cyclops life cycles are discussed.  相似文献   
R. J. Flower 《Hydrobiologia》1986,143(1):93-103
The species composition of surface sediment diatom assemblages in 33 Galloway lakes, pH range c. 4.5 to 7.4, is related in a statistically significant manner to water acidity (or to factors closely associated with pH). Predictive models of summer mean pH, using simple regression equations of Index B (Renberg & Hellberg, 1982) with both Scandinavian and Galloway data sets, and multiple regression equations using diatom pH preference groups and individual species, are described and applied to fossil diatoms in six sediment cores. Although multiple regression of individual species gives the highest correlation coefficient (r2=0.87) in the modern data set this method is least appropriate for reconstructing pH values from fossil material where predictor species are often absent. Of the four methods examined here it is suggested that multiple regression of diatom preference groups is probably the most suitable for pH reconstructions from sediment cores.  相似文献   
In Mono Lake (California), a large saline lake, chlorophyll concentrations in the euphotic zone increased from 4 to 45 µg l–1 between July and October 1979. These seasonal changes in chlorophyll are detectable on imagery obtained with the multispectral scanner on Landsat. Computer-compatible tapes of Landsat images were normalized for solar zenith and corrected for atmospheric scatter and absorption to obtain Landsat band 4 emittances (W m–2 str–1) of 13.4 ± 0.5 when chlorophyll was 4 µg l–1 and 4.6 ± 0.3 when chlorophyll was 45 µg l–1. Lake wide, spatial heterogeneity of chlorophyll of 2 µg l–1 in July and 8 µg l–1 in October was not detectable on the Landsat imagery.  相似文献   
The phytoplankton of some gravel-pit lakes in Spain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The phytoplankton communities of thirteen adjacent gravel-pit lakes in the lower Jarama river watershed (Madrid, Spain), were studied during spring mixing and summer stratification.If different seasons, the phytoplankton responded to different environmental factors. During spring, the abundance of SRP (soluble reactive phosphorus) and existence of a certain thermal stability resulted in the development of a greater biomass in some lakes. During summer, however, excessively high temperatures adversely affected the communities of the warmer lakes. At the species level, the responses were diverse; ordination techniques enabled us to group them.Some similarities were observed in phytoplankton composition between lakes, possibly due to local dispersion between adjacent lakes (frequented by abundant waterfowl).  相似文献   
The Larsemann Hills are a series of rocky peninsulas and islands in Prydz Bay at 69° 24 S and 76° 20 E. There is about 2000 km2 of ice free land with well over 150 freshwater lakes spread evenly over the granite and gneiss hills. The nearshore islands were ice free by 9500 BP, while the present coastline was exposed by 4500 BP. A relatively steady rate of ice retreat is indicated, around 0.3 ma–1. The two freshwater lakes studied so far have evolved from oligotrophic, proglacial lagoons to fresh or brackish lakes affected by periodic influxes of salt water from sea spray and surges produced by glacial calving. The diatom assemblages increase in species diversity following marine incursion or influence. The major changes are therefore due to the postglacial recovery of sea level, rather than any intrinsic chemical evolution of the lake waters.  相似文献   
Saline playa lakes represent major geomorphic and hydrologic components of internal drainage basins in the arid to semiarid interior of Australia. These lakes mark the outcrop areas of regional shallow groundwater; thus, they are effective hydro-chemical sinks for elemental concentration and authigenic formation of carbonate, evaporite, and silica/silicate minerals.Field observations and petrochemical characterization of playa sediments from drainage basins in Western and Central Australia indicate that localized discharge of groundwater, from shallow aquifers in calcrete deposits, plays a fundamental role in geochemical evolution of playa-lake marginal facies. The available data indicates also that although evaporative concentration and salt recycling are major controls on geochemistry of the playas, yet a simple evaporative concentration model does not provide a complete explanation for brine evolution and particularly the geochemical process-product relationships observed in the individual playa lakes. The distribution of the chemical facies in the playas, in relation to geomorphic setting of the internal drainage basins, reflects a significant impact of variation in groundwater discharge pattern on the geochemical evolution of the playa lakes. Accordingly, the development of chemical facies in individual playas have progressed through repeated episodes of evaporative concentration, groundwater-level fluctuations and ion-exchange processes.  相似文献   
Koivo  L.  Oravainen  R. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):155-160
The distribution of zinc in Lake Vanajavesi and Lake Mallasvesi, South Finland, was determined on the basis of water and sediment studies. Lake Vanajavesi is one of the most polluted of large inland lakes, in Finland. The zinc load comes mainly from industrial sources. Lake Mallasvesi, situated near Vanajavesi, is in almost natural condition. The water samples were taken by a Ruttner sampler. In collecting sediment samples, a freezing technique was used. The results of zinc analyses indicate that, during several winters, zinc has spread with waste water to different parts of L. Vanaja against the main course of flow. A close correlation between sedimentation of zinc and waste discharge from a textile factory was found in the present study.  相似文献   
Vernet  J. P.  Favarger  P. -Y. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):643-650
During the last glaciation, the Rhone glacier extended as far as the region of Lyon and covered Lakes Bourget, Annecy and Léman. Glacial retreat successively freed Lakes Bourget and Annecy, it reached Geneva around 14 000 B.P. and the head of Lake Léman at about 12 000 B.P. Deposits situated between Nyon and the foot of the Jura provide a complete palynological zonation and serve as a type section for the lake core studies. A palynological horizon (about 1 800 A.D.) has been found in Lake Bourget and wood has been dated at 3 230 ± 65 B.P. (14C) in a core from Lake Léman. Three 6 m cores from each lake were sampled together with many 0.5 m cores from Léman. The short Lake Léman cores have been dated by 137Cs and provide a precise indication of changes in the basin during recent decades. Holocene climatic variations are evident in the Léman cores and are reflected by concentrations of carbonate and organic carbon which increase at the end of the Alleröd and reach a maximum in the Atlantic Period (climatic optimum). Human settlement on the shores of Lake Annecy is shown by increases in heavy metals; increased sedimentation rates suggest settlement at the beginning of the Christian era. All the cores show increases in the organic matter and nutrients; from the turn of the century in the Léman, and later for the other lakes where eutrophication started only a few decades ago. NAI-P shows a very recent increase, around 1965 in the Leman. Heavy metals (Hg, Cd and Pb) show increases at about 30 years ago in Annecy, at about the turn of the century in Lake Léman and in the mid-19th century in Lake Bourget.
Résumé Lors de la dernière glaciation, le glacier du Rhône a atteint la région de Lyon et recouvert les lacs du Bourget, d'Annecy et le Léman. Son retrait a successivement libéré les lacs du Bourget, d'Annecy, puis le Léman de leur carapace de glace. Aux environs de 14 000 ans B.P. son front se trouvait au voisinage de Genéve, puis vers 12 000 B.P. à l'embouchure du Rhône en amont du Léman.La chronostratigraphie des grandes carottes (6 m) prélevées dans les trois lacs a été établie par la palynologie, sur la base des zonations obtenues dans un profil complet provenant d'un marais situé entre Nyon et le pied du Jura. Elles ont pu être contrôlées par un marqueur palynologique dans le lac du Bourget (150 B.P.) et la datation au 14C d'un fragment de bois dans le Léman (3 230 ± 65 B.P.). Une série de carottes de grand diamètre provenant de ce dernier lac, datés par le 137Cs, ont donné une image très précise du l'évolution du milieu durant les dernières décades. D'une facon générale, toutes les carottes montrent une augmentation des teneurs en matière organique, puis en nutrients, vers le fin du 19ème siècle pour le Léman et quelques dizaines d'années plus tard pour les lacs du Bourget et d'Annecy. Le début du l'etrophisation se situe beaucoup plus tard dans le Lémen avec l'accroissement des teneurs en phosphore, principalement de ses formes NAI-P et O-P, soit aux environs de 1965.
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