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Abstract The effectiveness of immunofluorescence flow cytometry and cell sorting to detect, quantify and separate indigenous bacterial populations present in low concentrations in sewage outflow was investigated. Preparatory experiments for targeted recovery revealed indigenous, immunoglobulin-G-binding particles present at low levels in sewage outflow samples taken from Coniston Water. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting of this population was employed to enrich for these particles, which were confirmed as bacterial cells. This cell population comprised approximately 23% of the total plate count on MacConkey agar before cell sorting, rising to approximately 95% after sorting. These results corresponded to cell densities of less than 5% of the total plate count on R2A agar. Taxonomic tests suggested the bacterium to be Ochrobactrum anthropi .  相似文献   
The EphA2 receptor tyrosine kinase plays a central role in the regulation of cell adhesion and guidance in many human tissues. The activation of EphA2 occurs after proper dimerization/oligomerization in the plasma membrane, which occurs with the participation of extracellular and cytoplasmic domains. Our study revealed that the isolated transmembrane domain (TMD) of EphA2 embedded into the lipid bicelle dimerized via the heptad repeat motif L535X3G539X2A542X3V546X2L549 rather than through the alternative glycine zipper motif A536X3G540X3G544 (typical for TMD dimerization in many proteins). To evaluate the significance of TMD interactions for full-length EphA2, we substituted key residues in the heptad repeat motif (HR variant: G539I, A542I, G553I) or in the glycine zipper motif (GZ variant: G540I, G544I) and expressed YFP-tagged EphA2 (WT, HR, and GZ variants) in HEK293T cells. Confocal microscopy revealed a similar distribution of all EphA2-YFP variants in cells. The expression of EphA2-YFP variants and their kinase activity (phosphorylation of Tyr588 and/or Tyr594) and ephrin-A3 binding were analyzed with flow cytometry on a single cell basis. Activation of any EphA2 variant is found to occur even without ephrin stimulation when the EphA2 content in cells is sufficiently high. Ephrin-A3 binding is not affected in mutant variants. Mutations in the TMD have a significant effect on EphA2 activity. Both ligand-dependent and ligand-independent activities are enhanced for the HR variant and reduced for the GZ variant compared with the WT. These findings allow us to suggest TMD dimerization switching between the heptad repeat and glycine zipper motifs, corresponding to inactive and active receptor states, respectively, as a mechanism underlying EphA2 signal transduction.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) to the major gag core protein p27 and a viral protein p44 of type D retrovirus (SRV-2) were produced and used in the detection of SRV-2 antigens in infected Raji cells and in tissues from macaques with simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (SAIDS) and retroperitoneal fibromatosis (RF). Anti-p44 MoAb showed inhibition of syncytium formation by both SRV-1- and SRV-2-infected Raji cells.  相似文献   
Flow cytometry (FCM) in conjunction with immunocytochemical-labeling was used to analyze and screen a population of Escherichia coli clones containing a genomic library from the oil-degrading microorganism Acinetobacter calcoaceticus RAG-1 for the isolation of clones which expressed specific RAG-1 surface antigens. Reconstruction experiments using mixed populations indicated that RAG-1 cells could be clearly distinguished at a ratio of one RAG-1 cell to 500 Escherichia coli cells. Using this technique two clones, WM143 and WM191, were isolated and shown by restriction endonuclease cleavage and Southern hybridization to contain plasmids carrying inserts of RAG-1 DNA of 9.4 and 9.8 kb respectively.Non-common abbreviations FCM flow cytometry - FITC fluorescein-iso-thiocyanate - LB Luria broth - MM minimal salt medium - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   
Waterstriders (Gerris paludum) often try to maintain a nearly stationary position on a moving water surface. Passive motion is restricted to 3 degrees of freedom: yaw, longitudinal, and transverse displacement. They correct for passive rotation and translation by distinct behavioral sequences. The compensatory behavior is predominantly visually controlled.
1.  When waterstriders are rotated and translated simultaneously, they are able to discriminate their own rotation and translation visually.
2.  They discriminate their rotation from their translation even if the visible pattern is restricted to a monocular visual field.
3.  They detect rotation only if they see an extended pattern.
The restriction of degreess of freedom reduces the complexity of the motion-induced visual flow field. Each motion component induces its own flow field component. We propose that those areas of the visual field are preferred for analysis where the directions of the 3 flow field components differ most. These areas (Figs. 2 and 3) have their largest extent at 45° above the horizon.  相似文献   
以IL-8免疫的BALB/C小鼠脾细胞与Sp2/0或653小鼠骨髓瘤细胞融合构建了淋巴细胞杂交瘤克隆I8-S2和I8-63。ELISA叠加试验(ELISA Additivity Test)表明这两杂交瘤克隆分泌的单抗分别识别IL-8分子的不同表位。IL-8能激活人颗粒细胞,引起细胞内Ca~(2 )浓度([Ca~(2 )]_i)上升。通过流式细胞仪分析[Ca~(2 )]_i的变化,发现两个克隆单抗对IL8激活细胞的活力具有不同的中和作用。克隆I8-S2具有很强的中和作用,而克隆18-63则不然。上述结果提示IL-8的激活细胞活力局限于该分子的某表位。  相似文献   
Summary The Upper Triassic Dachsteinkalk of the Hochk?nig Massif, situated 50 km south of Salzburg in the Northern Calcareous Alps, corresponds to a platform margin reef complex of exceptional thickness. The platform interior limestones form equally thick sequences of the well known cyclic Lofer facies. Sedimentation in the reef complex was not so strongly controlled by low-amplitude sea-level oscillations as was the Lofer facies. The westernmost of the 8 facies of the reef complex is an oncolite-dominated lagoon, in which wave-resistant stromatolite mounds with a relief of a few metres were periodically developed. The transition to the central reef area is accomplished across the back-reef facies. In the back-reef facies patch reefs and calcisponges appear. The proportion of coarse bioclastic sediment increases rapidly over a few hundred metres before the central reef area is encountered. The central reef area consists of relatively widely spaced small patch reefs that did not develop wave-resistant reef framework structures. The bulk of the sediment in the central reef area is coarse bioclastic material, provided by the dense growth of reef organisms and the wave-induced disintegration of patch reefs. Collapse of the reef margin is recorded by the supply of large blocks of patch reef material to the upper reef slope. Additionally, coarse, loose bioclastic debris was supplied to the upper reef slope and this was incorporated into debris flows on the reef slope and turbidites found at the base of the slope and in the off-reef facies. Partially lithified packstones and wackestones of the lower to middle reef slope were modified by mass movement to form breccia and rudstone sheets. The latter reach out hundreds of metres into the off-reef facies environment. A reef profile is presented which was derived by the restoration of strike and dip information. In conjunction with constraints imposed by sedimentary facies related to slope processes, the angle of slope in the reef margin area ranged from 11° to 5°, forming a concave (dished downwards) slope. Water depth estimations require that the central reef area did not develop in water of less than 10 metres depth. At the reef margin water depths were about 30 metres, at the base of the reef slope 200 metres and deepening in the off-reef facies to 250 metres. While previous work on reef complexes from this type of setting suggests growth in a heavily storm-dominated environment, the present author finds little evidence for the storm generation of the fore reef breccias, although there is good evidence for storm-influenced sedimentation and reworking in the central reef area. Post-depositional processes were characterised by continued slope processes causing brecciation and hydraulic injection of red internal sediments downwards into the reef slope and off-reef limestones. Hydrothermal circulation caused a number of phases of post-depositional (diagenetic) brecciation. There appears not to have been an important period of emergence at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary.  相似文献   
The effects of ultraviolet light on cellular DNA replication were evaluated in an asynchronous Chinese hamster ovary cell population. BrdUrd incorporation was measured asa function of cell-cycle position, using an antibody against bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) and dual parameter flow cytometric analysis. After exposure to UV light, there was an immediate reduction ( 50%) of BrdUrd incorporation in S phase cells, with most of the cells of the population being affected to a similar degree. At 5 h after UV, a population of cells with increased BrdUrd appeared as cells that were in G1 phase at the time of irradiation entered S phase with apparently increased rates of DNA synthesis. For 8 h after UV exposure, incorporation of BrdUrd by the original S phase cells remained constant, whereas a significant portion of original G1 cells possessed rates of BrdUrd incorporation surpassing even those of control cells. Maturation rates of DNA synthesized immediately before or after exposure by alkaline elution, were similar. Therefore, DNA synthesis measured in the short pulse by anti-BrdUrd fluorescence after exposure to UV light was representative of genomic replication. Anti-BrdUrd measurements after DNA damage provide quantitative and qualitative information of cellular rates of DNA synthesis especially in instances where perturbation of cell-cycle progression is a dominant feature of the damage. In this study, striking differences of subsequent DNA synthesis rates between cells in G1 or S phase at the time of exposure were revealed.  相似文献   
Flow cytometric studies of human sperm from fertile men display a constant and characteristic bimodal nonartifactual DNA pattern confirming the existence of two distinct populations. The main population is represented by a peak followed by a shoulder (“marginal population”). The appearance of this marginal population fluctuates with either freezing and thawing or with Percoll gradient centrifugation. We have analyzed both the main and marginal sperm populations by flow cytometry after cell sorting, laser scanning cytometry, light microscopic evaluation, and their sensitivity to DNase digestion. We have observed that the marginal population detected in fertile men represents a sperm group altered in the nuclear condensation, yielding unstable chromatin which appears more stainable with propidium iodide. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Epidermal calcium-binding protein (ECaBP) is present in the cells of the basal layer of the epidermis and other stratified epithelia. Since the basal layer compartment contains at least two types of cells: slow-cycling, poorly-differentiated, and actively proliferating, more differentiated cells, it was of interest to determine whether they both contained ECaBP. Basal and nearly suprabasal layer keratinocytes from newborn rat epidermis were fractionated into three fractions on the basis of cell size, using low-gravity sedimentation. The cell differentiation in each subgroup was estimated by cell size, morphology, cell cycle stage, RNA/DNA content, and the presence of specific keratins. The presence of ECaBP in these fractions was detected by immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting. Double staining with ECaBP antibodies and propidium iodide followed by flow cytometry was used to correlate ECaBP production and the stage of cell cycle. The relative cell size, measured by the light scattering was used to study the relationship between cell size and ECaBP production. The results show that small keratinocytes with low DNA and RNA content (G0 cells) do not express ECaBP. ECaBP was found only in intermediate size basal keratinocytes with higher DNA and RNA contents, corresponding to actively proliferating S phase cells. Large keratinocytes, which express suprabasal keratin and have low DNA and high RNA content, cease to express ECaBP. ECaBP may, therefore, be a useful marker for assessing the movement of cells from poorly differentiated reserve compartment towards proliferation and further differentiation in both physiological and pathological situations.  相似文献   
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