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Quercetin 3-rutinoside, quercetin 3-α-l-rhamnoside, 7,4′-dimethylquercetin 3-rutinoside and the novel glycoside 7,4′-dimethylquercetin 3-rutinoside-5-glucoside have been identified from aerial parts of Erythroxylon argentinum.  相似文献   
This study explores whether ecological factors, such as pollinators and pollen flow, or variation in pollen and ovule development account for the observed differences (approximately twofold) in the reproductive output of pin and thrum individuals of Erythroxylum havanense. The importance of ecological factors was assessed by means of comparison of the identity of pollinators and the rates of flower visitation, and by performing controlled hand pollinations and measurements of fruit set. In addition, we described the pollen and ovule development of thrum and pin individuals. Our results indicate that pollinators of E. havanense do not distinguish between floral morphs. The differences in fruit set between pin and thrum plants held even after hand pollination and, therefore, the observed differences in reproductive output between floral morphs of E. havanense cannot be explained in terms of asymmetrical pollen flow. There were no differences in the pattern of gynoecium development between the pin and thrum morphs, however androecium development showed marked differences between the morphs, and there was a resemblance between the developmental pathways leading to male sterility of the thrum morph of E. havanense with that of species with cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS).  相似文献   
Larvae of the lymantriid moth Eloria noyesi, which are obligate feeders on Erythroxylum coca, excrete most of the ingested cocaine as unchanged base. Cocaine, analysed by mass fragmentography, is readily, detectable in the blood of larvae and is presumably sequestered during larval feeding, since it is present in the bodies of adult moths that do not feed on E. coca. Cocaine is an effective feeding deterrent for the ant Monomorium pharaonis when present at a concentration below that found in the leaves of E. coca.  相似文献   
A list is provided of all 358 taxa ofErythroxylum described from the Neotropics through the year 2000, including type specimen citations, probable synonymy, geographic distribution, and designation of 41 new lectotypes and one new neotype. The list includes 187 accepted species, eight accepted varieties, 27 infraspecific names of uncertain status, and 136 synonyms. A searchable specimen database and type image archive may be accessed at www.fieldmuseum.org/research_collections/database.htm. T. Plowman, deceased 7 January 1989.  相似文献   
This study is aimed to understand the role of life-history traits in determining the genetic structure of populations. We used Erythroxylum havanense, a distylous shrub with synchronous and massive patterns of flowering and fruiting. We suggest that the high concentration of ephemeral resources produced by mass flowering satiates both pollinators and frugivores, restricting gene flow and leading to genetic differentiation among populations. Using random amplified polymorphic DNAs as genetic markers, we estimated genetic diversity and structure statistics to quantify the amount and distribution of genetic variation within and among five populations from the Pacific coast of Mexico. High levels of genetic variation within populations and significant differentiation among populations located very near to each other were found. Furthermore, spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated the presence of significant genetic structure at short spatial distances. We suggest that by influencing the foraging behavior of pollinators and frugivores, mass flowering may produce the observed patterns of genetic structure, while small differences in flowering or fruiting phenology could further reinforce the isolation of nearby populations.  相似文献   
Calystegines in wild and cultivated Erythroxylum species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brock A  Bieri S  Christen P  Dräger B 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(11):1231-1240
Calystegines were identified in the genus Erythroxylum for the first time. Erythroxylum novogranatense var. novogranatense, a species cultivated for cocaine production, contained 0.2% total calystegines in dry leaves. Forty six Erythroxylum herbarium species consisting mostly of leaf tissue were analysed for calystegines, and 38 were found positive. Calystegines were compared qualitatively and quantitatively between individual Erythroxylum species. Calystegines A(3) and B(2) were the major calystegines in most species. Total calystegine content reached up to 0.32% dry mass. The simultaneous occurrence of calystegines, cocaine, other alkaloids of a 3alpha-hydroxy- or 3beta-hydroxytropane structure together with nicotine supports the concept of common biosynthetic steps of these alkaloids in Erythroxylum. The present results are the basis for further investigations of the phylogenetic origin of tropane alkaloid biosynthesis in the taxonomically remote families Solanaceae and Erythroxylaceae.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that plant physical and chemical traits vary considerably in space and time. Hence, leaf‐mining insects may adjust their oviposition in response to leaf attributes representing high quality. Moreover, herbivorous insects can modify leaf morphology by acting as stressors, increasing, for example, fluctuating asymmetry (FA) levels. Here, we investigate oviposition preference in Agnippe sp.2, a leaf‐mining moth of Erythroxylum tortuosum, in relation to differences in leaf nutritional quality (i.e. levels of water, nitrogen and tannin content), leaf area (i.e. quantity of resource hypothesis) and FA. We also verify whether temporal variation in plant nutritional quality emerges as an alternative hypothesis to explain oviposition distribution in time, and whether this leaf miner is a stress‐causing agent, increasing FA during larval development. Mined leaves and leaves with and without eggs were periodically collected from plants located in a Cerrado fragment in Brazil. In the laboratory, leaf traits were assessed (using image analysis software) and quantified (biochemical analysis) according to the aims previously determined. Oviposition probability did not change in relation to variations in nitrogen, tannins and FA of leaves. However, leaf‐miner females preferred to oviposit on leaves having large areas and low water contents. It was also verified that new leaves of E. tortuosum, which carried most leaf‐miner eggs, presented significantly lower tannins and greater levels of nitrogen and water than old leaves. The oviposition choice exhibited by leaf miners was found to be non‐random because they appear to use resource quantity and water content as cues as where to lay their eggs. The temporal variation of plant nutritional quality is likely to influence the time of leaf‐miner oviposition; and leaf FA was not increased during larval feeding, suggesting that these herbivores do not cause variations in FA levels.  相似文献   
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