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The photosynthetic reaction center complex from the green sulfur bacteriumChlorobium vibrioforme has been isolated under anaerobic conditions. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 80, 40, 30, 18, 15, and 9 kDa. The 80- and 18-kDa polypeptides are identified as the reaction center polypeptide and the secondary donor cytochromec 551 encoded by thepscA andpscC genes, respectively. N-terminal amino acid sequences identify the 40-kDa polypeptide as the bacteriochlorophylla-protein of the baseplate (the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein) and the 30-kDa polypeptide as the putative 2[4Fe-4S] protein encoded bypscB. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis shows the presence of an iron-sulfur cluster which is irreversibly photoreduced at 9K. Photoaccumulation at higher temperature shows the presence of an additional photoreduced cluster. The EPR spectra of the two iron-sulfur clusters resemble those of FA and FB of Photosystem I, but also show significantly differentg-values, lineshapes, and temperature and power dependencies. We suggest that the two centers are designated Center I (with calculatedg-values of 2.085, 1.898, 1.841), and Center II (with calculatedg-values of 2.083, 1.941, 1.878). The data suggest that Centers I and II are bound to thepscB polypeptide.  相似文献   
In this study, 18 partly commercially available samples of rock salt from Austria, Germany, Pakistan, Poland, Switzerland, and Ukraine were investigated with respect to their content of trace elements using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Elements detected were Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, and Zn, some of them only in individual cases. An estimation of the bioavailability of these trace elements was performed by dissolving an equivalent of the sodium chloride samples in diluted hydrochloric acid (simulating stomach acid), filtering off the insoluble components, and analyzing the evaporated filtrate. It could be shown that in most cases bioactive trace elements like Fe can be found in rock salt in the form of almost insoluble compounds and are therefore not significantly bioavailable, whereas thorium, for example, was partly bioavailable in two cases. A significant contribution to the recommended daily intake of metal trace elements by using rock salt for nutrition can be excluded.  相似文献   
 Radiolytic reduction at 77 K of oxo-/hydroxo-bridged dinuclear iron(III) complexes in frozen solutions forms kinetically stabilized, mixed-valent species in high yields that model the mixed-valent sites of non-heme, diiron proteins. The mixed-valent species trapped at 77 K retain ligation geometry similar to the initial diferric clusters. The shapes of the mixed-valent EPR signals depend strongly on the bridging ligands. Spectra of the Fe(II)OFe(III) species reveal an S=1/2 ground state with small g-anisotropy as characterized by the uniaxial component (g z g av /2<0.03) observable at temperatures as high as ∼100 K. In contrast, hydroxo-bridged mixed-valent species are characterized by large g-anisotropy (g z g av /2>0.03) and are observable only below 30 K. Annealing at higher temperatures causes structural relaxation and changes in the EPR characteristics. EPR spectral properties allow the oxo- and hydroxo-bridged, mixed-valent diiron centers to be distinguished from each other and can help characterize the structure of mixed-valent centers in proteins. Received: 27 June 1998 / Accepted: 25 February 1999  相似文献   
Dinitrosyliron complexes (DNIC) have been found in a variety of pathological settings associated with NO. However, the iron source of cellular DNIC is unknown. Previous studies on this question using prolonged NO exposure could be misleading due to the movement of intracellular iron among different sources. We here report that brief NO exposure results in only barely detectable DNIC, but levels increase dramatically after 1–2 h of anoxia. This increase is similar quantitatively and temporally with increases in the chelatable iron, and brief NO treatment prevents detection of this anoxia-induced increased chelatable iron by deferoxamine. DNIC formation is so rapid that it is limited by the availability of NO and chelatable iron. We utilize this ability to selectively manipulate cellular chelatable iron levels and provide evidence for two cellular functions of endogenous DNIC formation, protection against anoxia-induced reactive oxygen chemistry from the Fenton reaction and formation by transnitrosation of protein nitrosothiols (RSNO). The levels of RSNO under these high chelatable iron levels are comparable with DNIC levels and suggest that under these conditions, both DNIC and RSNO are the most abundant cellular adducts of NO.  相似文献   
The suggestion that the electron acceptor A1 in plant photosystem I (PSI) is a quinone molecule is tested by comparisons with the bacterial photosystem. The electron spin polarized (ESP) EPR signal due to the oxidized donor and reduced quinone acceptor (P 870 + Q-) in iron-depleted bacterial reaction centers has similar spectral characteristics as the ESP EPR signal in PSI which is believed to be due to P 700 + A 1 - , the oxidized PSI donor and reduced A1. This is also true for better resolved spectra obtained at K-band (24 GHz). These same spectral characteristics can be simulated using a powder spectrum based on the known g-anisotropy of reduced quinones and with the same parameter set for Q- and A1 -. The best resolution of the ESP EPR signal has been obtained for deuterated PSI particles at K-band. Simulation of the A1 - contribution based on g-anisotropy yields the same parameters as for bacterial Q- (except for an overall shift in the anisotropic g-factors, which have previously been determined for Q-). These results provide evidence that A1 is a quinone molecule. The electron spin polarized signal of P700 + is part of the better resolved spectrum from the deuterated PSI particles. The nature of the P700 + ESP is not clear; however, it appears that it does not exhibit the polarization pattern required by mechanisms which have been used so far to explain the ESP in PSI.Abbreviations hf hyperfine - A0 A0 acceptor of photosystem I - A1 A1 acceptor of photosystem I - Brij-58 polyoxyethylene 20 cetyl ether - CP1 photosystem I particles which lack ferridoxin acceptors - ESP electron spin polarized - EPR electron paramagnetic resonance - I intermediary electron acceptor, bacteriopheophytin - LDAO lauryldimethylamine - N-oxide, P700 primary electron donor of photosystem I - PSI photosystem I - P700 T triplet state of primary donor of photosystem I - P870 primary donor in R. sphaeroides reaction center - Q quinore-acceptor in photosynthetic bacteria - RC reaction center  相似文献   
A reagent (I, N4-(9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl-4-amino-1-oxyl-4-succinimidyloxycarbonyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine)) that acylates calmodulin specifically at lysines 75 and 148 was recently described (Jackson and Puett, 1984). Chromatographic procedures are described that permit purification to apparent homogeneity of a 1 : 1 and a 2 : 1 adduct characterized by modification at just Lys 75 or at Lys 75 and Lys 148, respectively. These adducts are suitable for detailed characterization in an effort to provide information on calmodulin structure-function relationships. The adducts were incapable of, or exhibited low potency (e.g., 0.1% that of calmodulin) in, stimulating the activity of an activatable bovine brain cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (3,5-cyclic AMP 5-nucleotidehydrolase, EC preparation. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of the adducts yielded rotational correlation times of approximately 3–6 nsec, in agreement with the expected value for a hydrated protein of this molecular weight (5–7 nsec). Thus, the nitroxide reporter group appears to monitor closely the motion of the protein, and there is no evidence of a major conformational change in the derivative relative to calmodulin. Interestingly, removal of the fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl portion from the 1 : 1 adduct to give a deprotected 1 : 1 adduct resulted in apparent greater mobility of the probe, since the rotational correlation coefficient was found to be 1 nsec. Circular dichroic spectra were obtained over the wavelength interval 200–250 nm on the two adducts and on the deprotected 1 : 1 adduct. These derivatives, like calmodulin, exhibited a Ca2+-mediated increase in helicity, and the spectra of the adducts in the presence of a chelating agent and in the presence of saturating Ca2+ were similar to those obtained for calmodulin. Thus, the adducts have secondary structures similar to the native protein. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were determined in the aromatic region (6–8 ppm) for the deprotected 1 : 1 adduct before and after reduction of the nitroxide with ascorbate. The nitroxide had little effect on the chemical shifts of the two tyrosines and the single histidine relative to calmodulin, although the histidine C4 resonance was markedly altered by the addition of ascorbate. In order to explore in greater detail the tertiary structure of the 1 : 1 adduct, a reagent similar to I, but not paramagnetic, was synthesized. This compound II, -N-(9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl)alanine N-hydroxysuccinimide ester, like I, forms a 1 : 1 adduct at Lys 75 and a 2 : 1 adduct at Lys 75 and Lys 148. Proton NMR spectra of adducts with II were not complicated by the relaxation effects arising from adducts with I; thus more definitive assignments could be made to the upfield resonances, including the fluorene protons. Again, it was possible to conclude that adduct formation had no major effect on the tertiary structure of the protein as monitored by chemical shifts associated with various residues. We conclude that modification of just Lys 75, a residue in the long connecting helix of calmodulin, does not lead to major changes in protein conformation but does interfere with the ability of calmodulin to stimulate an activatable form of bovine brain cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   
激光照射胚泡对家兔和小鼠的抗早孕研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在家兔、小鼠上探索了激光的抗旱孕效应,观察到血卟啉衍生物(HPD)和激光的光化效应能使早期胚泡完全坏死和吸收,无流血和晚期流产现象,通过PNQ_3荧光分光光度计测定HPD在胚胎组织中的荧光谱,证实HPD对胚胎组织有亲和力,其对滋养叶细胞比对宫壁组织的亲和力大4倍,借以解释激光光化效应抗早孕的可能机理。  相似文献   
Abstract The leaves of Berberis aquifolium (Pursh.) exhibit either diffuse or specular (shiny) reflection, depending on the variety, but in no case are the leaves obviously glaucous. The dull-surfaced leaves were less wettable than the glossy ones. Using scanning electron microscopy it was determined that the diffuse reflection was due to tubular crystals of wax 250 nm in diameter. The crystals were primarily composed of 19-nonacosanol, a 29-carbon secondary alcohol, as determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The chemical constituents of the wax underlying the tubes appeared to be the same as those of the wax from glossy leaves, with 29-carbon and 31-carbon n-alkanes and n-heptacosanol as major constituents. The reflection spectra of dull-surfaced (diffuse reflection) or glossy (specular reflection) leaves were the same, as were those of leaves with different amounts of epicuticular wax. Removing the epicuticular wax with chloroform did not change the spectrum.  相似文献   
Bisulfite reversibly inhibits the growth of a variety of microorganisms and has been used as a preservative in foods and beverages for that reason. We have now measured macromolecule synthesis in Escherichia coli K12 after bisulfite treatment. RNA synthesis, the synthesis of total protein, and of an inducible enzyme, beta-galactosidase, stopped almost immediately upon addition of 2 mM (or higher concentrations) of bisulfite. These functions resumed after a lag whose duration depended on the concentration of bisulfite added. The synthesis of DNA was slowed upon bisulfite addition, but did not stop entirely. The inhibition of RNA synthesis by bisulfite took place in both stringent and relaxed strains of E. coli and was not relieved upon addition of chloramphenicol. Stringent control was therefore not involved in this effect. No effect on protein synthesis was observed in the cell-free system of E. coli (using poly(U) or MS2 RNA as messenger) at bisulfite concentrations up to 10 mM. Protein synthesis inhibition in vivo was apparently not due to a reaction of bisulfite with a component of this system. In additional experiments, RNA polymerase was not impaired by bisulfite, and the growth inhibition effect was shown to proceed in the presence of inhibitors of free radical chain reactions.  相似文献   
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