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Characteristics of dispersal in sexually mature dragonflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 The population dynamics of a natural population of Sympetrum danae (Sulzer) were studied, by means of a mark—release—recapture method, to find indications of dispersal by mature adults. Additional information on orientation and the influence of phenotype (including age), density and weather was obtained by observations under natural conditions and in a large outdoor field cage.
  • 2 80% of all mature adults caught around the natural pond were estimated to be immigrants. Considerable immigration was confirmed by the abdomen length of unmarked matures which did not accord with that expected from the locally emerged population. Total numbers captured and the minimum number known to be alive fell sharply at the time when most individuals were mature. At the same time, new matures continued to enter and disappear from the study area at an increasing rate.
  • 3 Dispersive behaviour (escape flights) in the field enclosure was primarily age dependent in both sexes: it occurred from an age of 25–30 days onwards. This coincides with the time-lag between the emergence peak and increased dispersal in the field. Secondary effects on escape flights suggested that males tended to abandon low density areas.
  • 4 Males flew relatively more southward than females.
We examined the species richness patterns of five different species groups (mosses, reptiles and amphibians, grasshoppers and crickets, dragonflies, and hoverflies) in the Netherlands (41,500 km2) using sampling units of 5 × 5 km. We compared the spatial patterns of species richness of the five groups using Spearman’s rank correlation and used a stepwise multiple regression generalized linear modelling (GLM) approach to assess their relation with a set of 36 environmental variables, selected because they can be related to the several hypotheses on biodiversity patterns. Species richness patterns of the five groups were to a certain extent congruent. Our data suggest that environmental heterogeneity (in particular habitat heterogeneity) is one of the major determinants of variation in species richness within these five groups. We found that for taxonomic groups comprising a low number of species, our regression model explained more of the variability in species richness than for taxonomic groups with a large number of species.  相似文献   
Larvae of almost all of the 5,680 species of the insect order Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) are dependent on freshwater habitats. Both larvae and adults are predators. The order is relatively well studied, and the actual number of species may be close to 7,000. Many species have small distributional ranges, and are habitat specialists, including inhabitants of alpine mountain bogs, seepage areas in tropical rain forests, and waterfalls. They are often successfully used as indicators for environmental health and conservation management. The highest diversity is found in flowing waters in rain forests of the tropics, the Oriental and Neotropical regions being the most speciose. This paper discusses diversity, summarises the biogeography of dragonflies in the different biogeographical regions and gives the total number of species and genera per family per biogeographical region. Examples are given of areas of particular diversity, in terms of areas of endemism, presence of ancient lineages or remarkable recent radiations but no well-based review of areas with high endemism of dragonflies is available so far. The conservation status of dragonflies is briefly discussed. Species confined to small remnants of forest in the tropics are most under threat of extinction by human activities. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers and K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   
Rivers of the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) biodiversity hotspot are threatened by land transformation. This region is a centre of endemism for many taxa, including Odonata. These insects are highly sensitive to changes in physical habitat structure, which makes them good bioindicators, and this led to the development of the Dragonfly Biotic Index (DBI). We investigated the effects of local agricultural and urban land transformations on Odonata species richness, assemblage composition and DBI scores in three CFR rivers. A total of 48 sites were selected and categorized as natural, agricultural or urban land use. Adult male Odonata and four environmental variables were recorded over two seasons. Land transformation significantly influenced Odonata assemblage composition but did not always significantly reduce species richness. Average vegetation height also affected Odonata assemblage composition and decreased species richness. Agricultural and urban sites had Odonata assemblages differing from those in the natural areas. Agricultural and urban local land use types reduced opportunities for some endemic species but provided for the persistence and establishment of widespread, generalist species, as indicated by great changes in DBI scores. Mitigating the adverse influences of land transformation through establishment of protected areas is essential for the conservation of rare taxa, particularly in an area with a high number of endemic species.  相似文献   
One of the features of many endemic organisms is that they are highly spatially restricted, and habitat specialists. The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve (KBR) is a major centre of plant endemism within a global hotspot, the Cape Floristic Region (CFR). Dragonflies in this botanical hotspot have a range of habitat specialization from narrow-range specialists to widespread generalists, with an unusually strong bias towards the specialists. A huge 53% of dragonfly individuals and 26% of taxa recorded are national endemics, and three species are Red Listed. Thus, a group of predatory insects, which are largely not dependent on plant composition, mirrors the level of habitat specialization and restricted distributions of the plants at the spatial scale of the whole reserve. Although some studies caution the use of one taxon as a surrogate for another, the results here show that at the reserve scale in this global hotspot there can be remarkable concordance, suggesting further studies on other taxa should be carried out to determine the full extent of taxonomic concordance in this irreplaceable area.  相似文献   
The assessment of the ecological conditions of rivers is crucial for their appropriate management and restoration. Bioindicators commonly used to evaluate the river status (i.e. diatoms, aquatic macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish) detect alterations of water quality, but are not particularly sensitive to hydromorphological degradation, which is another relevant pressure in river systems. Furthermore, those bioindicators are usually applied only to flowing channels. We developed a new multimetric index, the Odonate River Index (ORI), to assess the conditions of the whole corridor in alluvial rivers. The ORI is a development of an evaluation system proposed in Austria, and based on the Odonate Habitat Index (OHI). Odonates were chosen as bioindicators for the ecological integrity of the river corridor, since this taxon provides information on the conditions of their aquatic breeding sites, as well as on the surrounding terrestrial areas, due to its amphibiotic life cycle. We used a case study of 18 reaches from six Italian Alpine rivers, characterized by different morphological conditions and level of human impact. Within each study reach, we selected four sites, both lotic and lentic sites. Dragonfly surveys consisted in field observation of adults, and collection of larvae and exuviae. To define the best sampling strategy, we compared the results of the ORI metrics obtained varying the input data by combining different sampling methods: the best compromise between effort and exhaustiveness was obtained coupling the observation of adults with the collection of exuviae. We found the ORI to be a robust and reliable tool to assess the status of the river corridor in a wide range of environmental conditions and river morphology, being particularly suitable to detect hydromorphological degradation and alterations of the structure of aquatic and riparian vegetation. We identified two limiting factors for the applicability of this index: low water temperatures of the main channel (i.e. mean annual value below 10 °C) and river reaches with no or scarce aquatic and riparian vegetation. In addition to the assessment of river conditions, the ORI could also be applied for monitoring the effects of river restoration actions.  相似文献   
  • 1 Two natural populations of Ischnura graellsii were studied in north-west Spain by means of mark-release-recapture techniques. Recaptured males were a random sample of the original marked population with regard to date of marking. At O Rosal a greater proportion of young males than old males disappeared after marking; at Lourizán recaptured males were larger than unrecaptured ones.
  • 2 The number of matings observed in both populations showed great daily variation. Most of the variation is accounted for by climatic variables. Most males (56–65%) and many females (41–45%) were never observed to mate.
  • 3 Male LMS was highly correlated with lifespan in both populations. At O Rosal, male LMS was also positively correlated with body length, and mated males were larger than unmated males. This surprising result for a non-territorial species was due to the positive correlation between date of marking and size. There was a positive correlation between body size and mobility for males at O Rosal, but mobility was not correlated with male LMS.
  • 4 As predicted by sexual selection theory, the standardized variance in male LMS was greater than in female LMS. Variation in mature lifespan explained 16% of variance in male LMS at Lourizán and 28% at O Rosal.
Herons and ibis are colonially nesting waders which, owing to their number, mobility and trophic role as top predators, play a key role in aquatic ecosystems. They are also good biological models to investigate interspecific competition between sympatric species and predation; two processes which structure ecological communities. Odonata are also numerous, diverse, mobile and can play an important role in aquatic ecosystems by serving as prey for herons and ibis. A relationship between prey size and bird predator has been observed in Numidia wetlands (NE Algeria) after analyzing food boluses regurgitated by six species of birds (Purple Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron, Glossy Ibis, Little Egret, Squacco Heron and Cattle Egret) during the breeding period, which also shows a temporal gradient for the six species. Both the Levins index and preliminary multivariate analysis of the Odonata as prey fed to nestling herons and ibis, indicated a high degree of resource overlap. However, a distinction of prey based on taxonomy (suborder and family) and developmental stage (larvae or adults) reveals a clear size dichotomy with large-sized predators (Purple Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron and Glossy Ibis) preying on large preys like Aeshnids and Libellulids and small-sized predators feeding mainly on small prey like Zygoptera. Overall, the resource utilization suggests a pattern of resource segregation by coexisting nesting herons and ibis based on the timing of reproduction, prey types, prey size and foraging microhabitats.  相似文献   
R. Buchwald 《Plant Ecology》1992,101(2):99-107
Until now very few biocenological studies have been carried out on dragonflies. This paper describes the various functions of vegetation for Odonata, especially in habitat selection.It is shown that the two endangered species, Orthetrum coerulescens and Ceriagrion tenellum, due to their dependence on specific abiotic factors, strongly prefer particular plant communities. In selecting suitable breeding habitats, vegetation probably serves as a releasing signal (proximate factor). In contrast, the two species hardly show any clear preference for any of the parameters of the community structure. For the example of C. tenellum the highly selective choice of plant stands and communities is presented in detail. Its ecoscheme may be described as consisting of three main parts, with the vegetation playing a decisive role.Methodological questions are also discussed. In many dragonfly species the breeding habitats can be described by the plant communities, as well as additional parameters. In conclusion, a step by step procedure for biocenological studies on dragnoflies is proposed.  相似文献   
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