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We studied the sleep–wake behavior of mentally retarded people from late winter to early summer at 60°N. During this time the daylength increased 8 h 51 min. The data were collected by observing the sleep–wake status of 293 subjects at 20-min intervals for five randomized 24h periods (=recording days). The intervals during which the individual recording days of the same order (1st, 2nd, etc.) were carried out, were called recording periods. Consequently, there were five recording periods, each containing 293 individual recording days. Even though there was overlap among the recording periods, the median daylength from one period to another increased approximately by 100 min. In the initial statistical analysis, the number of wake–sleep transitions was found to differ significantly among the five recording periods (Friedman test, p<0.001). The mean ranks in the Friedman test suggested that the number of wake–sleep transitions was highest during the 1st and lowest during the 5th recording period. In further statistical analyses using a program for mixed effects regression analysis (mixor 2.0) it was found that the increase in daylength during the study period was associated with a simultaneous decrease of approximately 0.5 wake–sleep transitions in the whole study population (p<0.001). The decrease in the number of wake–sleep transitions was significant only in the subgroups of subjects with a daylength change of more than 350 min between the 1st and 5th recording days (Wilcoxon tests, p<0.005). This suggests that after a marked prolongation of the natural photoperiod, the reduction in sleep episodes was more probable than after smaller changes in daylength. It is concluded that the sleep of mentally retarded people living in a rehabilitation center at a northern latitude is more fragmented in winter than in early summer and that the change is related probably to the simultaneous increase in the length of the natural photoperiod. The sleep quality of persons living in institutional settings might be improved by increasing the intensity and/or duration of daily artificial light exposure during the darker seasons.  相似文献   
The effects of temperature, irradiance, and daylength on Sargassum horneri growth were examined at the germling and adult stages to discern their physiological differences. Temperature–irradiance (10, 15, 20, 25, 30°C × 20, 40, 80 μmol photons m−2s−1) and daylength (8, 12, 16, 24 h) experiments were carried out. The germlings and blades of S. horneri grew over a wide range of temperatures (10–25°C), irradiances (20–80 μmol photons m−2s−1), and daylengths (8–24 h). At the optimal growth conditions, the relative growth rates (RGR) of the germlings were 21% day−1 (25°C, 20 μmol photons m−2s−1) and 13% day−1 (8 h daylength). In contrast, the RGRs of the blade weights were 4% day−1 (15°C, 20 μmol photons m−2s−1) and 5% day−1 (12 h daylength). Negative growth rates were found at 20 μmol photons m−2s−1 of 20°C and 25°C treatments after 12 days. This phenomenon coincides with the necrosis of S. horneri blades in field populations. In conclusion, we found physiological differences between S. horneri germlings and adults with respect to daylength and temperature optima. The growth of S. horneri germlings could be enhanced at 25°C, 20 μmol photons m−2s−1, and 8 h daylength for construction of Sargassum beds and restoration of barren areas.  相似文献   
Dual-oscillator systems that control morning and evening activities can be found in a wide range of animals. The two coupled oscillators track dawn and dusk and flexibly adapt their phase relationship to seasonal changes. This is also true for the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster that serves as model organism to understand the molecular and anatomical bases of the dual-oscillator system. In the present study, the authors investigated which temperature parameters are crucial for timing morning and evening activity peaks by applying natural-like temperature cycles with different daylengths. The authors found that the morning peak synchronizes to the temperature increase in the morning and the evening peak to the temperature decrease in the afternoon. The two peaks did not occur at fixed absolute temperatures, but responded flexibly to daylength and overall temperature level. Especially, the phase of the evening peak clearly depended on the absolute temperature level: it was delayed at high temperatures, whereas the phase of the M peak was less influenced. This suggests that the two oscillators have different temperature sensitivities. The bimodal activity rhythm was absent in the circadian clock mutants ClkJrk and cyc01 and reduced in per01 and tim01 mutants. Whereas the activity of ClkJrk mutants just followed the temperature cycles, that of per01 and tim01 mutants did not, suggesting that these mutants are not completely clockless. This study revealed new characteristics of the dual-oscillator system in Drosophila that were not detected under different photoperiods. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
对生活于苏格兰西北部拉姆岛上的野化山羊(Caprahircus)种群在1981、1982和2000年三年中的日活动节律进行了分析研究。详细分析了两个主要气象因素(温度和降水)以及昼长季节变化对该种群动物的日活动节律的影响。研究结果表明,拉姆岛上野化山羊的日取食活动时间百分比随月平均温度上升而显著下降,但卧息活动时间百分比随月平均温度的上升而显著上升,而降水则对二者无显著影响。拉姆岛所在地区的昼长季节性变化明显,每年6、7月白昼时间最长,而12、1月最短。由于受昼长季节变化影响,尽管该山羊种群的日取食活动时间百分比随季节变化而由夏季到冬季增加,但其真正用于取食活动的白昼时间由夏季到冬季反而减少。研究表明,白昼时间长短的季节变化是制约该山羊种群取食活动的一个重要因素,尤其是在食物匮乏而天气寒冷、阴湿的冬季。进而探讨了这种制约作用对其冬季取食量和冬季存活率的影响,以及对种群数量的调节意义。  相似文献   
Abstract. Strophingia ericae (Curtis) (Homoptera: Psylloidea) takes one or two years to complete its life cycle. In both cases eggs hatch over a prolonged period from midsummer, possibly extending into the following spring at high altitude, and instars overlap in time. Instar III is the predominant overwintering stage in the lowland, annual cycle, whereas in the upland, biennial cycle most first-year nymphs overwinter in instars I and II and most second-year nymphs in instar V. When moved to the laboratory, instars IV and V from a predominantly annual population showed accelerated development in response to elevated temperatures and to long days in both mid-winter and early spring. In the biennial life cycle, short autumn days retard instar V development but the response to photoperiod disappears by the end of winter. Exposure to LD 18 : 6 h retarded development of early instars in the annual population, resulting in an accumulation in instar III. The proportion of overwintering instars I and II rises with increase in altitude and moult to instar III becomes progressively delayed. Nymphs that reach instar III under long daylengths in the year following hatching are channelled towards the biennial cycle. Exposure of a predominantly biennial population to 15 °C and LD 18 : 6 h after midsummer, thus avoiding autumn conditions, promoted the rapid development of overwintered nymphs, switching the cycle from biennial to annual.  相似文献   
小麦形成大穗的生态学基础   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
研究了不同光、温条件下3个小麦品种的生育特征、幼穗分化、幼穗生长和穗部性状,探讨了促进穗大粒多、提高小麦单产的可行途径.结果表明,因播种期的不同而导致的小麦生长期间光、温条件的不同,使之各生育期出现的时间及其持续的天数有了较大的差异.小麦幼穗分化的历期天数多与平均气温和平均日照长度呈显著或极显著负相关.不同的积温是幼穗生长量和每穗总小穗数产生差异的重要原因.在条件适宜的麦区,可望通过引种适宜品种并适当提早播种期,以促进德大粒多、实现单产的明显提高.  相似文献   
C. J. Reading 《Oecologia》1998,117(4):469-475
A 19-year study of a common toad population in south Dorset, UK, was carried out between 1980 and 1998. The daily arrival of sexually mature male and female toads at a breeding pond was recorded each year. The timing of the main arrival of toads at the breeding pond was highly correlated with the mean daily temperatures over the 40 days immediately preceding the main arrival. When the temperatures were higher than average, breeding occurred significantly earlier in the year than if they were either average or lower than average. During the study, the toad breeding seasons were early (2–13 February) in 5 years (1989, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1998), late (16–23 March) in 2 years (1986, 1996) and average (25 February–8 March) during the remaining 12 years. Evidence was found suggesting that common toads have a daylength threshold of about 9 h, below which the migration to the breeding pond does not occur. Evidence was also found indicating that common toads in southern England have a threshold temperature for activity of about 6°C and that the onset of breeding activity is highly correlated with the number of days during the 40 days prior to the main arrival at the breeding pond that were at or above this temperature. Predicting the start of the main breeding migration to a pond in any year may be possible by comparing the pattern of the 40-day running mean daily temperatures from 21 December the preceding year with those from previous years when the start of breeding activity is known. Although all five of the earliest recorded toad breeding years occurred during the last 10 years, and were associated with the occurrence of particularly mild winters, a significant trend towards earlier breeding in recent years compared with previous years was not found. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted: 14 September 1998  相似文献   
Under short-day (SD) conditions both 11-OH-jasmonic acid (11-OH-JA) and a smaller quantity of 12-OH-JA occurred in leaflets of Solanum demissum Lindl. Plants which had formed tubers. This is the first time that 11-OH-JA has been detected as a native substance in higher plants. Under long-day (LD) conditions no tubers were formed and none of these compounds were detectable. A positive correlation was found between the occurrence of 11-OH-JA and 12-OH-JA in leaflets of S. demissum and tuber formation, but a causal relation has yet to be proved. The (-)-JA content in leaflets was not significantly different under short and long days. Mild stress applied to detached SD and LD leaflets caused a rapid accumulation of JA in these leaflets. Upon this treatment an increase in the levels of hydroxylated JAs was detected in SD leaflets only.
JA was a potent promotor of tuber formation in vitro in S. demissum explants. Lipoxygenase (LOX: EC is involved in the biosynthesis of JA. Under SD conditions, application of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), an inhibitor of LOX activity, to the roots did not prevent tuber formation in vivo. It is suggested that daylength controls the hydroxylation of JA. The enzyme(s), responsible for the hydroxylation of JA, would only be effective under SD conditions.  相似文献   
Taulavuori  Kari  Niinimaa  Ahti  Laine  Kari  Taulavuori  Erja  Lähdesmäki  Pekka 《Plant Ecology》1997,133(2):181-189
The annual course of frost resistance (LT50) and the pH of the cell effusate in needles of two-year-old Scots pine seedlings were monitored in a field experiment in Oulu, Northern Finland (65° N, 25° E) during 1995. The aim of the work was to to develop model to predict the annual variation in frost resistance by pH of the cell effusate and meteorological data. The seedlings were covered with a fibre cloth shelter which transmitted sufficient light for them to experience the photoperiod, but prevented the accumulation of snow over them. The shelter above the seedlings was removed at the beginning of May and erected again at the end of September. The seedlings were watered only for the time when the shelter was removed, and received fertilizer only during the previous summer (1994).Frost resistance was only -5° C during the growing season but more than -100° C during the winter rest period. It was about -10° C at the end of August, increased to -55° C in the next three weeks, and reached -100° C at the beginning of October. The pH of the cell effusate was lowest during the growing season and highest in winter, the difference being about one and half pH unit. Needles exposed to -196° C showed pH from 4.0 in summer to 5.5 in winter, while pH of the non-frozen needles varied from 5.0 to 6.5, respectively. Seasonal variation in frost resistance was explained by a regression model well (R2 = 0.9) when day length, minimum air temperature and pH were entered as variables.  相似文献   
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