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The magnitudes of inter-chromophore interactions in bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers are investigated by measuring absorption and Stark spectra of reaction centers in which monomeric chromophores are modified and in a novel triplet mutant which lacks the special pair. The circular dichroism spectrum of the triple mutant reaction center was also measured. Only small changes in the spectroscopic properties are observed, as has also been found for several types of reaction centers in which the absorption or chemical properties of a chromophore are altered by site-specific mutations. We conclude that the electronic absorption, circular dichroism and Stark features of the special pair and the monomeric chromophores in the reaction center are relatively insensitive to inter-chromophore interactions.  相似文献   
Summary Drosophila rearing media had only -carotene, zeaxanthin or lutein as precursors for photopigment chromophores. Zeaxanthin and lutein are potentially optimum sources of the 3-hydroxylated retinoids of visual and accessory photopigments. Mutants made the electroretinogram in white (w) eyes selective for compound eye photoreceptors R1–6, R7 and R8: R1–6 domiantes w's electroretinogram; R7/8 generates w;ora's (ora = outer rhabdomeres absent); R8 generates w sev;- ora's (sev = sevenless). Microspectrophotometry revealed R1-6's visual pigment. In w, all 3 carotenoids yielded monotonic dose-responses for sensitivity (Fig. 4) or visual pigment (Fig. 7). An ultraviolet sensitivity peak from R1-6's sensitizing pigment was present at high but not low doses (Fig. 1). In w;ora, all 3 carotenoids gave similar spectra dominated by R7's high ultraviolet sensitivity (Fig. 2). For w sev;ora, all spectra were the shape expected for R8, peaking around 510 nm (Fig. 3). The sensitivity dose-response was at its ceiling except for low doses in w;ora (Fig. 5) and zero supplementation in w sev;ora (Fig. 6). Hence, without R1-6, most of our dose range mediated maximal visual pigment formation. In Drosophila, -carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein mediate the formation of all major photopigments in R1-6, R7 and R8.Abbreviations ERG electroretinogram - MSP microspectrophotometry - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - n.a. numerical aperture - w, sev, ora Drosophila mutants - y, p, r marg types of R7 and R8  相似文献   
Summary The endocytotic process in cultured human RPE cells was observed after 1 min, 20 min, and 2 h incubation with cationized ferritin. Within 1 min the ferritin particles were seen to attach to the cell membrane, especially between microvilli. Uncoated and coated pits could be recognized on the cell membranes, and uncoated and coated endocytotic vesicles were found in the cytoplasm after 20 min of incubation. These vesicles were surrounded by abundant microfilaments and had no visible membranes. Loss of membrane may be an initial step in the process of developing into the irregular clumps of ferritin particles found inside the plasma membrane. With time, more irregular clumps of ferritin, smaller than the particles introduced during incubation, appeared just beneath the cell membrane. Lysosomes were adjacent to the clumps of ferritin particles associated with microtobules and finally degraded these particles. The phagolysosomes containing many particles were surrounded by many microtubules. Small ferritin particles surrounded but had not entered the rough endoplasmic reticulums, and no particles were seen either around or in the Golgi apparatus. Presented at the 7th International Congress of Eye Research, Nagoya, Japan, 27 September 1986.  相似文献   
Two mixed cultures able to ferment acrylate to equimolar acetate and propionate were enriched from anaerobic sediments. From one of these mixed cultures a pure culture of a Gram-positive, obligately anaerobic bacterium was isolated. This strain, designated 19acry3 (= DSM 6251) was identified as belonging to the species Clostridium propionicum. Only a narrow range of organic compounds supported growth, including acrylate and lactate. Acrylate and lactate were fermented to acetate and propionate in a 1:2 molar ratio. When co-cultured with the non-acrylate-fermenting Campylobacter sp. strain 19gly1 (DSM 6222), the fermentation balance shifted to almost equimolar acetate and propionate. Strain 19acry3 was compared with Clostridium propionicum type strain X2 (DSM 1682). The two strains displayed similar phenotypic properties. The mol% G+C of DNA isolated from both strains was 36–37 (by thermal denaturation). Both strains displayed a characteristic fluorescence when observed by fluorescence microscopy. Cell-free extracts of both strains were examined by spectrophotofluorimetry. In both strains, two excitation peaks were observed at 378 and 470 nm. Excitation at either of these wavelengths resulted in an emission maximum at 511 nm.  相似文献   
Eye-color mutants of Drosophila melanogaster have been analyzed for their pigment content and related metabolites. Xanthommatin and dihydroxanthommatin (pigments causing brown eye color) were measured after selective extraction in acidified butanol. Pteridines (pigments causing red eye color) were quantitated after separation of 28 spots by thin-layer chromatography, most of which are pteridines and a few of which are fluorescent metabolites from the xanthommatin pathway. Pigment patterns have been studied in 45 loci. The pteridine pathway ramifies into two double branches giving rise to isoxanthopterin, drosopterins, and biopterin as final products. The regulatory relationship among the branches and the metabolic blockage of the mutants are discussed. The Hn locus is proposed to regulate pteridine synthesis in a step between pyruvoyltetrahydropterin and dihydropterin. The results also indicate that the synthesis and accumulation of xanthommatin in the eyes might be related to the synthesis of pteridines.Support for this work was provided to J.F. in part by a grant from the Ministerio de Universidades e Investigación (Spain) and to F.J.S. by a grant from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain).  相似文献   
We have used measurements of fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) to compare chlorosome-membrane preparations derived from the green filamentous bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus grown in continuous culture at two different light-intensities. The cells grown under low light (6 mol m–2 s–1) had a higher ratio of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c to BChl a than cells grown at a tenfold higher light intensity; the high-light-grown cells had much more carotenoid per bacteriochlorophyll.The anisotropy of the QY band of BChl c was calculated from steady-state fluorescence excitation and emission spectra with polarized light. The results showed that the BChl c in the chlorosomes derived from cells grown under high light has a higher structural order than BChl c in chlorosomes from low-light-grown cells. In the central part of the BChl c fluorescence emission band, the average angles between the transition dipole moments for BChl c molecules and the symmetry axis of the chlorosome rod element were estimated as 25° and 17° in chlorosomes obtained from the low- and high-light-grown cells, respectively.This difference in BChl organization was confirmed by the decay associated spectra of the two samples obtained using picosecond single-photon-counting experiments and global analysis of the fluorescence decays. The shortest decay component obtained, which probably represents energy-transfer from the chlorosome bacteriochlorophylls to the BChl a in the baseplate, was 15 ps in the chlorosomes from high-light-grown cell but only 7 ps in the preparation from low-light grown cells. The CD spectra of the two preparations were very different: chlorosomes from low-light-grown cells had a type II spectrum, while those from high-light-grown cells was of type I (Griebenow et al. (1991) Biochim Biophys Acta 1058: 194–202). The different shapes of the CD spectra confirm the existence of a qualitatively different organization of the BChl c in the two types of chlorosome.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - CD circular dichroism - DAS decay associated spectrum - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   
The effects of extreme phosphate (Pi) deficiency during growth on the contents of adenylates and pyridine nucleotides and the in vivo photochemical activity of photosystem II (PSII) were determined in leaves of Helianthus annuus and Zea mays grown under controlled environmental conditions. Phosphate deficiency decreased the amounts of ATP and ADP per unit leaf area and the adenylate energy charge of leaves. The amounts of oxidized pyridine nucleotides per unit leaf area decreased with Pi deficiency, but not those of reduced pyridine nucleotides. This resulted in an increase in the ratio of reduced to oxidized pyridine nucleotides in Pi-deficient leaves. Analysis of chlorophyll a fluorescence at room temperature showed that Pi deficiency decreased the efficiency of excitation capture by open PSII reaction centres (φe), the in vivo quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (φPSII) and the photochemical quenching co-efficient (qP), and increased the non-photochemical quenching co-efficient (qN) indicating possible photoinhibitory damage to PSII. Supplying Pi to Pi-deficient sunflower leaves reversed the long-term effects of Pi-deficiency on PSII photochemistry. Feeding Pi-sufficient sunflower leaves with mannose or FCCP rapidly produced effects on chlorophyll a fluorescence similar to long-term Pi-deficiency. Our results suggest a direct role of Pi and photophosphorylation on PSII photochemistry in both long-and short-term responses of photosynthetic machinery to Pi deficiency. The relationship between φPSII and the apparent quantum yield of CO2 assimilation determined at varying light intensity and 21 kPa O2 and 35 Pa CO2 partial pressures in the ambient air was linear in Pi-sufficient and Pi-deficient leaves of sunflower and maize. Calculations show that there was relatively more PSII activity per mole of CO2 assimilated by the Pi-deficient leaves. This indicates that in these leaves a greater proportion of photosynthetic electrons transported across PSII was used for processes other than CO2 reduction. Therefore, we conclude that in vivo photosynthetic electron transport through PSII did not limit photosynthesis in Pi-deficient leaves of sunflower and maize and that the decreased CO2 assimilation was a consequence of a smaller ATP content and lower energy charge which restricted production of ribulose, 1-5, bisphosphate, the acceptor for CO2.  相似文献   
1.  We examined the retinas of 2 species of stomatopods in the superfamily Squilloidea, Cloridopsis dubia and Squilla empusa, and 2 species of the super-family Lysiosquilloidea, Coronis scolopendra and Lysiosquilla sulcata, using microspectrophotometry in the visible region of the spectrum.
2.  Retinas of all species included numerous photostable pigments, such as green reflecting pigment, hemocyanin, colored oil droplets, and vesicles. Both lysiosquilloid species also had intrarhabdomal filters within specialized photoreceptors of the midband.
3.  Squilloid species contained a single visual pigment throughout all photoreceptors, with peak absorption at medium wavelengths (near 515nm). Retinas of lysiosquilloids contained a diversity of visual pigments, with estimated max values ranging from 397 to 551 nm.
4.  Spectral sensitivity functions were estimated for the lysiosquilloid species based on estimates of visual pigment nax, photoreceptor dimensions, and specific absorbances of the visual pigments and intrarhabdomal filters. Ommatidia of midband Rows 1 to 4 contained pairs of narrowly tuned spectral receptors, appropriate for spectral discrimination, while ommatidia of midband Rows 5 and 6, and all peripheral ommatidia, had broad spectral sensitivity functions.
5.  Lysiosquilloid stomatopods have retinas that closely resemble those of gonodactyloids both structurally and in their visual pigment diversity. In contrast, squilloids have retinas that are much simpler. These differences appear to be related to the habitats and activity cycles of species belonging to the 3 major superfamilies of stomatopod crustaceans.
Rhodopsinlike opsins constitute a distinct phylogenetic group (Yokoyama 1994, Mol. Biol. Evol. 11:32–39). This RH2 group includes the green-sensitive opsins in chicken and goldfish and the blue-sensitive opsin in a nocturnal lizard gecko. In the present study, we isolated and sequenced the genomic DNA clones for the RH2 opsin gene, rh2 Ac , of the diurnal lizard Anolis carolinensis. This single-copy gene spans 18.3 kb from start to stop codons, making it the longest opsin gene known in vertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis strongly suggests that rh2 Ac is more closely related to the chicken green opsin gene than to the gecko blue opsin gene. This gene tree differs from the organismal tree, where the two lizard species should be most closely related, implying that rh2 Ac and the gecko blue-sensitive opsin genes have been derived from duplicate ancestral genes.Correspondence to: S. Yukiyama  相似文献   
Rhizobium etli strain TAL182 and R. leguminosarum bv phaseoli strain 8002, both of which produce melanin pigment, were tested for their nodulation competitiveness on beans by paired inoculation with two strains which do not produce melanin: R. tropici strain CIAT899 and Rhizobium sp. strain TAL1145. An assay was developed to distinguish nodules formed by the melanin-producing and non-producing strains. Strain TAL182 had discrete competitive superiority over CIAT899 and TAL1145 for nodulation of beans. Nodulation competitiveness was not correlated with the ability to produce melanin pigment or the host range of the Rhizobium strains tested.The authors are with the Department of Plant Molecular Physiology, University of Hawaii, 3050 Maile Way, Gillmore 402, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA  相似文献   
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