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This study presents a genetic characterization of 27 potentially toxic cyanobacterial strains isolated from seven reservoirs located in the north and centre of Tunisia. These strains belonged mainly to Microcystis aeruginosa, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Planktothrix agardhii species. Their toxicological potential was evaluated by molecular biology tools, which showed that none of the isolated strains carried segments of the gene cluster responsible for the production of cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxin. The majority of Microcystis isolates were able to synthesize microcystin, since they presented the six characteristic segments of the microcystin synthetase mcy cluster (mcyA, -B, -C, -D, -E and -G). This was further confirmed by MALDI-TOF analysis that showed the presence of eight microcystin variants, including microcystin-LR. The taxonomic identification of the strains was assessed based on the variability of the 16S rRNA gene sequences. Furthermore, the 16S-23S rRNA ITS sequences of Microcystis isolates and rpoC1 sequences of Cylindrospermopsis strains were also used in the phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria are considered to be a rich source of novel metabolites of a great importance from a biotechnological and industrial point of view. Some cyanobacterial secondary metabolites (CSMs), exhibit toxic effects on living organisms. A diverse range of these cyanotoxins may have ecological roles as allelochemicals, and could be employed for the commercial development of compounds with applications such as algaecides, herbicides and insecticides. Recently, cyanobacteria have become an attractive source of innovative classes of pharmacologically active compounds showing interesting and exciting biological activities ranging from antibiotics, immunosuppressant, and anticancer, antiviral, antiinflammatory to proteinase-inhibiting agents. A different but not less interesting property of these microorganisms is their capacity of overcoming the toxicity of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) by means of UV-absorbing/screening compounds, such as mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) and scytonemin. These last two compounds are true ‘multipurpose’ secondary metabolites and considered to be natural photoprotectants. In this sense, they may be biotechnologically exploited by the cosmetic industry. Overall CSMs are striking targets in biotechnology and biomedical research, because of their potential applications in agriculture, industry, and especially in pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   
In the last decades, the cyanobacterium Dolichospermum lemmermannii showed an increasing spread to Southern Europe, raising serious concerns due to its ability to produce cyanotoxins. The widening of its geographic distribution and the observation of strains showing high optimum temperature underline its ecological heterogeneity, suggesting the existence of different ecotypes. To investigate its biogeography, new isolates from different European water bodies, together with strains maintained by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research Culture Collection of Algae, were genetically characterised for the 16S rRNA gene and compared with strains obtained from public repositories. Geographic distance highly influenced the differentiation of genotypes, further suggesting the concurrent role of geographic isolation, physical barriers and environmental factors in promoting the establishment of phylogenetic lineages adapted to specific habitats. Differences among populations were also examined by morphological analysis and evaluating the toxic potential of single strains, which revealed the exclusive ability of North European strains to produce microcystins, whereas the populations in Southern Europe tested negative for a wide range of cyanotoxins. The high dispersion ability and the existence of toxic genotypes indicate the possible spread of harmful blooms in other temperate regions.  相似文献   
A large nation-wide survey of cyanotoxins (1161 lakes) in the United States (U.S.) was conducted during the EPA National Lakes Assessment 2007. Cyanotoxin data were compared with cyanobacteria abundance- and chlorophyll-based World Health Organization (WHO) thresholds and mouse toxicity data to evaluate potential recreational risks. Cylindrospermopsins, microcystins, and saxitoxins were detected (ELISA) in 4.0, 32, and 7.7% of samples with mean concentrations of 0.56, 3.0, and 0.061 μg/L, respectively (detections only). Co-occurrence of the three cyanotoxin classes was rare (0.32%) when at least one toxin was detected. Cyanobacteria were present and dominant in 98 and 76% of samples, respectively. Potential anatoxin-, cylindrospermopsin-, microcystin-, and saxitoxin-producing cyanobacteria occurred in 81, 67, 95, and 79% of samples, respectively. Anatoxin-a and nodularin-R were detected (LC/MS/MS) in 15 and 3.7% samples (n = 27). The WHO moderate and high risk thresholds for microcystins, cyanobacteria abundance, and total chlorophyll were exceeded in 1.1, 27, and 44% of samples, respectively. Complete agreement by all three WHO microcystin metrics occurred in 27% of samples. This suggests that WHO microcystin metrics based on total chlorophyll and cyanobacterial abundance can overestimate microcystin risk when compared to WHO microcystin thresholds. The lack of parity among the WHO thresholds was expected since chlorophyll is common amongst all phytoplankton and not all cyanobacteria produce microcystins.  相似文献   
The uptake and accumulation of microcystin-LR (MC-LR) in the shrimp Palaemonetes argentinus was investigated using both laboratory and field assays. Shrimps were exposed in aquarium during 1, 2, 3 and 7 days to 1, 10 and 50 μg L−1 MCLR. Accumulation (0.7 ± 0.2 μg MC-LR g−1) was observed after three days exposures to 50 μg L−1 toxin. Then, shrimps were relocated in fresh water (free of MCLR) to verify the detoxification dynamic, showing a drop to 0.18 ± 0.01 μg MCLR g−1 after three days. The activity of glutathione-S-transferase, measured in the microsomal fraction (mGST), was significantly increased during the exposure period, with further increment during the detoxification period. Furthermore, cytosolic GST (sGST) and glutathione reductase (GR) increased their activities during detoxification, while inhibition was observed for catalase (CAT) with no significant changes for glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Current results suggest that GSH conjugation could be an important MC detoxification mechanism in P. argentinus and that MCLR induce oxidative stress in this shrimp.Field exposures were carried out in San Roque Reservoir (Córdoba, Argentina) after a cyanobacteria bloom. Nodularin (Nod) presence was measured for the first time in this waterbody (0.24 ± 0.04 μg L−1), being the first report of Nod in South America freshwaters. Nod was also detected in Palaemonetes argentinus (0.16 ± 0.03 μg g−1) after three weeks of exposure in this reservoir, with the concomitant activation of mGST, sGST and CAT.Although internal doses of Nod were low throughout the exposure, they were enough to cause biochemical disturbances in Palaemonetes argentinus.Further laboratory studies on Nod accumulation and antioxidant responses in Palaemonetes argentinus are necessary to fully understand these field results. P. argentinus should be considered a potential vector for transferring cyanotoxins to higher trophic levels in aquatic environments.  相似文献   
Gravity-driven membrane (GDM) filtration is a promising tool for low-cost decentralized drinking water production. The biofilms in GDM systems are able of removing harmful chemical components, particularly toxic cyanobacterial metabolites such as microcystins (MCs). This is relevant for the application of GDM filtration because anthropogenic nutrient input and climate change have led to an increase of toxic cyanobacterial blooms. However, removal of MCs in newly developing GDM biofilms is only established after a prolonged period of time. Since cyanobacterial blooms are transient phenomena, it is important to understand MC removal in mature biofilms with or without prior toxin exposure. In this study, the microbial community composition of GDM biofilms was investigated in systems fed with water from a lake with periodic blooms of MC-producing cyanobacteria. Two out of three experimental treatments were supplemented with dead biomass of a MC-containing cyanobacterial strain, or of a non-toxic mutant, respectively. Analysis of bacterial rRNA genes revealed that both biomass-amended treatments were significantly more similar to each other than to a non-supplemented control. Therefore, it was hypothesized that biofilms could potentially be ‘primed’ for rapid MC removal by prior addition of non-toxic biomass. A subsequent experiment showed that MC removal developed significantly faster in mature biofilms that were pre-fed with biomass from the mutant strain than in unamended controls, indicating that MC degradation was a facultative trait of bacterial populations in GDM biofilms. The significant enrichment of bacteria related to both aerobic and anaerobic MC degraders suggested that this process might have occurred in parallel in different microniches.  相似文献   
Harmful cyanobacterial blooms (cHABs) have significant socioeconomic and ecological costs, which impact drinking water, fisheries, agriculture, tourism, real estate, water quality, food web resilience and habitats, and contribute to anoxia and fish kills. Many of these costs are well described, but in fact are largely unmeasured. Worldwide cHABs can produce toxins (cyanotoxins), which cause acute or chronic health effects in mammals (including humans) and other organisms. There are few attempts to characterize the full health-related effects other than acute incidences, which may go unrecorded. At present these are difficult to access and evaluate and may be ascribed to other causes. Such information is fundamental to measure the full costs of cHABs and inform the need for often-costly management and remediation. This paper synthesizes information on cHABs occurrence, toxicology and health effects, and relates this to past and current conditions in the Great Lakes, a major global resource which supplies 84% of the surface water in North America. This geographic region has seen a significant resurgence of cHABs since the 1980s. In particular we focus on Lake Erie, where increased reporting of cHABs has occurred from the early 1990's. We evaluate available information and case reports of cHAB-related illness and death and show that cHABs occur throughout the basin, with reports of animal illness and death, especially dogs and livestock. Lake Erie has consistently experienced cHABs and cyanotoxins in the last decade with probable cases of human illness, while the other Great Lakes show intermittent cHABs and toxins, but no confirmed reports on illness or toxicity. The dominant toxigenic cyanobacterium is the genus Microcystis known to produce microcystins. The presence of other cyanotoxins (anatoxin-a, paralytic shellfish toxins) implicates other toxigenic cyanobacteria such as Anabaena (Dolichospermum) and Lyngbya.  相似文献   
A previous pioneering study of freshwater bodies in Sri Lanka revealed the presence of toxic cyanobacteria in three out of four water bodies tested. It was therefore important to perform a more detailed investigation into the presence of cyanobacteria and their toxins throughout Sri Lanka. The country has a long history of well-planned water management with the agricultural economy and drinking water supply still dependent on thousands of man-made tanks. Seventeen reservoirs from different user categories and different climatic zones were selected to study variations in phytoplankton communities with relation to major nutrients, with particular emphasis on cyanobacteria. The study was carried out during a two-year period and heavy growths or blooms of cyanobacteria observed during the study period were tested for microcystins. The results clearly categorised the 17 reservoirs into four groups parallel to the classification based on the user categories of water bodies. Biomass of total phytoplankton, the abundance of cyanobacteria, the dominance of Microcystis spp. and concentration of nitrate (N) and total phosphorous (P) were the lowest in drinking water bodies and the highest in aesthetic water bodies. Irrigation water bodies showed the second lowest values for phytoplankton biomass, and concentration of N and P, while hydropower reservoirs showed the second highest values for the same parameters. The fraction of cyanobacteria in irrigation waters was higher than that in hydropower reservoirs, but surprisingly the dominance of Microcystis spp. was reversed. Possible reasons for these variations are discussed. More than half of the bloom material tested contained microcystins up to 81microgl(-1). Our findings indicate the potential for high-risk situations due to toxigenic cyanobacterial blooms in susceptible freshwaters of Sri Lanka.  相似文献   
The cyanobacterial toxin cylindrospermopsin (CYN) has become a globally important secondary metabolite due to the negative effect it has on human and animal health. As a means of evaluating the risk of human exposure to CYN, the bioaccumulation and depuration of the toxin in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) were investigated, after irrigation with contaminated water. The vegetables were irrigated for 7 days with CYN (3, 5 and 10 μg/L) contaminated water (bioaccumulation phase), and subsequently, irrigated for 7 days with uncontaminated distilled water (depuration phase). In general, the bioaccumulation of CYN in both vegetables decreased with increasing exposure concentration. Bioconcentration factor (BCF) of CYN increased with the progression of the experiment at 3.0 μg/L CYN, while the reverse occurred at 5 and 10 μg/L CYN. In arugula, BCF increased at all CYN exposure concentrations throughout the study. The depuration of CYN decreased with increasing exposure concentration but was highest in the plants of both species with the highest bioaccumulation of CYN. Specifically, in plants previously irrigated with water contaminated with 3, 5 and 10 μg/L CYN, the depuration of the toxin was 60.68, 27.67 and 18.52% for lettuce, and 47, 46.21 and 27.67% for arugula, respectively. Human health risks assessment revealed that the consumption of approximately 10 to 40 g of vegetables per meal will expose children and adults to 1.00-6.00 ng CYN/kg body mass for lettuce and 2.22-7.70 ng CYN/kg body mass for arugula. The irrigation of lettuce and arugula with contaminated water containing low CYN concentrations constitutes a potential human exposure route.  相似文献   
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