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Climate and the evolution of brachycephalization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Significant associations of cranial shape for 82 ethnic groups and seven climate variables are described. Variation among current populations is partially attributed to cold adaptation throughout the Pleistocene. Application of data files tabulated by the authors is described for a number of problems. Temporal distribution of 115 specimens indicates a geometric trend (CI = 76.7-1.96 log time X 10(3) ). Cranial indices are summarized within alternative taxonomic models and between climatic ecotypes. Evidence supports the hypothesis of cold adaptation among "Classic" Neandertals. Limitations of the thermodynamic model are discussed. It is probable that a decrease of the cranial index occurs from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic. During the Holocene, the index increases under all climatic conditions.  相似文献   
One of the most complete skulls of the early primate Adapis parisiensis is in the collection of the Department of Zoology, Cambridge University. This exceptionally well-preserved male skull, from Quercy in southern France, is important in showing relatively small orbits that are highly convergent, a distinct ethmoid component in the medial orbital wall, very small infraorbital foramina, a well-preserved auditory region with the stapedial canal about twice the diameter of the canal for the promontory artery, and a well-preserved braincase 8.8 cm3 in endocranial volume. The frontal lobe of the brain in the Cambridge skull described here is less expanded than that reported previously in a British Museum skull. The average body weight of Adapis parisiensis is estimated to have been about 2.0 kg, and that of Adapis magnus is estimated to have been about 8.4 to 9.0 kg. The encephalization quotient (EQ) of Adapis parisiensis is estimated to have been 0.45, which is well below the range found in modern prosimians. There is some indication that the size of the foramen magnum has increased with increasing brain size during primate evolution. Adapis parisiensis appears to have been a medium-sized, visually oriented, diurnal, sexually dimorphic arboreal folivore.  相似文献   
本文是对出土于新疆哈密地区天山北路青铜时代墓地颅骨测量性状的研究。文中公布了24例天山北路墓地古代人群77项颅骨测量性状基本数据, 在此基础上, 对男、女两性的测量性状特点进行了统计分析, 并结合考古学文化研究和分子生物学研究的相关结论对实验结果进行了讨论和推论。主要研究结论如下: 一是该人群虽已经形成了具有自身特点的、共性的体质特征, 但人群内部也存在些许差异, 尤其是在男性个体数据之中。二是该人群是由分别具有东、西方体质特征的祖先人群混杂融合而成, 是处于当时大人种分布过渡地带的过渡人群。  相似文献   
The neural crest is a highly migratory cell population, unique to vertebrates, that forms much of the craniofacial skeleton and peripheral nervous system. In exploring the cell biological basis underlying this behavior, we have identified an unconventional myosin, myosin-X (Myo10) that is required for neural crest migration. Myo10 is highly expressed in both premigratory and migrating cranial neural crest (CNC) cells in Xenopus embryos. Disrupting Myo10 expression using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides leads to impaired neural crest migration and subsequent cartilage formation, but only a slight delay in induction. In vivo grafting experiments reveal that Myo10-depleted CNC cells migrate a shorter distance and fail to segregate into distinct migratory streams. Finally, in vitro cultures and cell dissociation-reaggregation assays suggest that Myo10 may be critical for cell protrusion and cell-cell adhesion. These results demonstrate an essential role for Myo10 in normal cranial neural crest migration and suggest a link to cell-cell interactions and formation of processes.  相似文献   
Pantolestinae is a eutherian subfamily of mammals whose members are known from the middle early Paleocene through at least the beginning of the Oligocene of North America. They are also known from Europe, and possibly Africa. A lack of information on pantolestine skulls has prevented the use of cranial anatomy in evaluation of this group’s enigmatic higher-level phylogenetic relationships. Conversely, postcranial skeletons are well known and locomotor interpretations based on them are robust. The most complete known skull of a pantolestine, Pantolestes longicaudus (YPM 13525), is described here and compared to potential close fossil relatives and extant mammals. Semicircular canal morphology is used to test locomotor hypotheses. YPM 13525 lacks an ossified bulla. It has a mediolaterally broad basioccipital, a large entoglenoid process, and a deeply incised glaserian fissure of the squamosal, caudal and rostral tympanic processes on the petrosal, a foramen for an internal carotid artery (ICA) that entered the tympanic cavity from a posteromedial position, bony tubes enclosing the main stem and transpromontorial branch of the ICA, a large anterior carotid foramen formed within the basisphenoid, evidence of a stapedial artery ramus superior, a groove on the dorsal aspect of the basisphenoid leading to the piriform fenestra possibly for drainage of the cavernous sinus to an extracranial inferior petrosal sinus, a dorsum sellae with well-developed posterior clinoid processes, a foramen rotundum within the alisphenoid, and a sphenorbital fissure between the alisphenoid and orbitosphenoid. Overall, the morphology is not strikingly similar to any potential close relative and the phylogenetic position of Pantolestinae cannot be estimated without cladistic analysis of a character matrix that includes this new morphology and broadly samples extant and extinct eutherian taxa. Semicircular canal morphology differs from that of two likely terrestrial Paleocene mammals, Aphronorus (another pantolestid) and Eoryctes (a palaeoryctid), suggesting a different, possibly semi-aquatic, lifestyle for Pantolestes.  相似文献   
黑叶猴和菲氏叶猴颅骨的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies examining an association between artificial cranial deformation and the presence of wormian bones in the lambdoid suture have been inconclusive. Cranial deformation, however, does not seem to have a direct effect of increasing the sutural complexity of the pars lambdica of the lambdoid suture and also increasing the mean number of lambdoidal wormian bones, given their presence.  相似文献   
The neural crest (NC) is a stem cell-like population that arises at the border of neural and non-neural ectoderm. During development, NC undergoes an epithelio-mesenchymal transition (EMT), i.e. loss of epithelial junctions and acquisition of pro-migratory properties, invades the entire embryo and differentiates into a wide diversity of terminal tissues. We have studied the implication of Rho pathways in NC development and previously showed that RhoV is required for cranial neural crest (CNC) cell specification. We show here that the non-canonical Wnt response rhoU/wrch1 gene, closely related to rhoV, is also expressed in CNC cells but at later stages. Using both gain- and loss-of-function experiments, we demonstrate that the level of RhoU expression is critical for CNC cell migration and subsequent differentiation into craniofacial cartilages. In in vitro cultures, RhoU activates pathways that cooperate with PAK1 and Rac1 in epithelial adhesion, cell spreading and directional cell migration. These data support the conclusion that RhoU is an essential regulator of CNC cell migration.  相似文献   
Homo erectus fossils can be divided into four zoogeographic zones that show different rates of endocranial expansion during the Pleistocene. When these are also grouped into three time levels, we find small increases from early to middle forms, and regularly greater increases from middle to late forms. These increases fit a regular pattern that also accomodates all archaic types, including Neandertals, as late subspecies ofH. erectus.  相似文献   
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