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A plant succession gradient in a big sagebrush/grass ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Since tropical rain forests are widely threatened by conversion to agriculture, even within protected areas, an understanding of recovery processes is important for restoration of forest ecosystems and thus conservation of their biodiversity. Secondary succession following land clearance and crop cultivation was studied in a lower montane rain forest in a protected area of the Venezuelan Cordillera de la Costa Central. Forest recovery was studied using a chronosequence of eight 20 × 20 m plots which represented four forest types ca.10 year-old Secondary Forest, ca. 20 year-old Secondary Forest, ca. 35 year-old (uncultivated) secondary forest and mature forest. Species richness and structural complexity increased during succession, with the oldest secondary forest having a physiognomy comparable to the mature forest. Species diversity was lower in the secondary forests than the mature forest, and their floristic composition was distinct. Four phases are hypothesized to occur in the succession process, each with a distinctive species assemblage: initial colonisation by non-woody vegetation; establishment and canopy closure by short-lived small-seeded woody pioneer species; replacement by longer-lived secondary species; and gradual replacement by mature forest large-seeded climax species. Full recovery of the forests in the protected area is likely to take many years, although it may be assisted through conservation management measures.  相似文献   
Question: Is the successional transition from pine to hardwood, which has been inferred from chronosequence plots in previous studies, validated through a time line of satellite imagery? Location: Durham, North Carolina, USA. Methods: We examined successional trends in a time‐series of winter‐summer pairs of Thematic Mapper imagery from 1986 to 2000. We calculated the normalized difference of vegetation index (NDVI) for winter and summer, as well as the difference between summer and winter NDVI (i.e., summer increment NDVI). A set of approximately 50 forest stands of known age and phenology were used to interpret patterns in winter and summer increment NDVI over successional time, and a continuum was found to exist between pine‐dominance and hardwood‐dominance. We fitted a series of linear regressions that modeled the change in winter and summer increment NDVI as a function of initial winter and summer increment NDVI, and additional explanatory variables. Results: All regressions were highly significant (P < 0.0001, R2= ca. 0.3). Predicted dynamics are in accord with successional theory, with pixels moving from evergreen dominance to deciduous dominance along a line of fairly constant summer NDVI. A large disturbance event that occurred over the course of this study, Hurricane Fran, appeared to slow rates of succession in the short term (1–3 years), but increase the rate of conversion to hardwoods over longer time spans. Conclusions: We conclude that temporal sequences of remote sensing images provide an excellent opportunity for broad‐scale monitoring of successional processes, and that continuous metrics of that change are essential to accurate monitoring.  相似文献   
The recession of the water level of Lake Naivasha has incrementally exposed land surfaces creating a chronosequential transect representing durations of 1–30 years of exposure to grazing. This chronosequence provides a unique model to study the effects of land use duration on resource availability and resource base quality. Particularly, pasture quality changes in the riparian land of tropical fresh water lakes have so far not been studied. We assessed the effect of the duration of exposure to grazing on the biomass production, crude protein content and energy quality of pastures in a 4 × 4 latin square design (4 chronosequence positions × 4 soil types). Species composition was recorded and biomass was sampled at monthly intervals from February to August 2011. Soil moisture was recorded using frequency domain reflectometry sensors. Vegetation samples were analyzed for dry matter, nitrogen and metabolizable energy. Increased land use duration favored a shift in species dominance from Pennisetum clandestinum to Cynodon plectostachyus, which was associated with a reduction in dry matter yield and increased plant nitrogen content. All measured variables tended to be higher in soils formed on alluvial than in those formed on lacustrine deposits. Increased soil N and gravimetric moisture content stimulated biomass accumulation. The crude protein yield and metabolizable energy changed with phenological stages of the pasture and declined significantly towards maturity (seed setting of grasses). Continuous grazing and reduced soil moisture content, both during low rainfall and increased distance from the lake shore, affected the composition of pasture grasses as well as forage yield and quality. This may thus differentially affect the suitability of the riparian land as pasture ground and feed resource area for grazing animals.  相似文献   
 Ectomycorrhiza (EM) formation on plant roots in successional communities may vary with plant species, plant age, and age of vegetation after disturbance. To evaluate differences in mycorrhizal fungus communities on roots of same-aged seedlings across a deglaciated chronosequence, indoor-grown bioassay plants of four dominant species Epilobium latifolium L. (dwarf fireweed), Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa (Torr.&Gray) Hult. (black cottonwood), Alnus sinuata (Regel) Rydb. (Sitka alder), and Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. (Sitka spruce) were transplanted into five successional stages (Barren, Isolated Plant, Patchy, Alder, and Cottonwood) following deglaciation near Exit Glacier, Alaska. The species were selected for their successional status and mycorrhiza formation potential [EM or arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) or both]. Seedlings were transplanted in June 1992, and half were harvested at the ends of the two subsequent growing seasons. The EM communities on P. balsamifera differed across the chronosequence while those of the other species did not. Morphotype B dominated the EM on P. balsamifera after the Barren stage, and the greatest EM colonization was in the Isolated Plant and Patchy stages. No AM were found. The EM observed on even-aged seedlings in this study were a subset of the EM found on naturally occurring plants (seedlings to mature trees) in a prior study, and some were common to multiple plant species. Most plant growth responses were not significant across stages or were inconsistent among plant species. Accepted: 25 December 1998  相似文献   
The dynamics and performance of soil biota during forest rotation were studied in monoculture beech stands forming a chronosequence of four different age-classes(30,62,111,153 yr).Biomass was monitored in major groups of microflora,microfauna,mesofauna,and macrofauna.Resource availability(litter layer,soil organic mater),biomass of the two dominant decomposer groups(microflora,earthworms)as well as the biomass of mesofauna and microfauna were found to remain quite stable during forest succession.Nevertheles...  相似文献   
During the past century, the biomass of woody species has increased in many grassland and savanna ecosystems. As many of these species fix nitrogen symbiotically, they may alter not only soil nitrogen (N) conditions but also those of phosphorus (P). We studied the N‐fixing shrub Dichrostachys cinerea in a mesic savanna in Zambia, quantifying its effects upon pools of soil N, P, and carbon (C), and availabilities of N and P. We also evaluated whether these effects induced feedbacks upon the growth of understory vegetation and encroaching shrubs. Dichrostachys cinerea shrubs increased total N and P pools, as well as resin‐adsorbed N and soil extractable P in the top 10‐cm soil. Shrubs and understory grasses differed in their foliar N and P concentrations along gradients of increasing encroachment, suggesting that they obtained these nutrients in different ways. Thus, grasses probably obtained them mainly from the surface upper soil layers, whereas the shrubs may acquire N through symbiotic fixation and probably obtain some of their P from deeper soil layers. The storage of soil C increased significantly under D. cinerea and was apparently not limited by shortages of either N or P. We conclude that the shrub D. cinerea does not create a negative feedback loop by inducing P‐limiting conditions, probably because it can obtain P from deeper soil layers. Furthermore, C sequestration is not limited by a shortage of N, so that mesic savanna encroached by this species could represent a C sink for several decades.  相似文献   
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