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Two new compounds, derriscoumaronochromone (1) and cis-3,4′-dihydroxy- 5,7-dimethoxyflavan (2), as well as trans-4'-O-methylcatechin (3) were isolated from Derris laxiflora, The structures of these compounds were determined by analysis of their spectroscopic data.  相似文献   
Cardiovascular and respiratory variables were recorded in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, during injury and subsequent autotomy of a chela. Cardiac function and haemolymph flow rates were measured using a pulsed-Doppler flowmeter. Oxygen uptake was recorded using an intermittent flow respirometry system. Crabs reacted to the loss of a chela with a rapid increase in heart rate, which was sustained for 2 h. Stroke volume of the heart also increased after the chela was autotomized. A combined increase in heart rate and stroke volume led to an increase in cardiac output, which was maintained for an hour after the loss of a chela. There was also differential haemolymph perfusion of various structures. There was no change in perfusion of the anterolateral arteries or posterior and anterior aortae, during injury of the chela or subsequent autotomy. Haemolymph flow rates did increase significantly through the sternal artery during injury and immediately following autotomy of the chela. This was at the expense of blood flow to the digestive gland: a sustained decrease in haemolymph flow through the hepatic arteries occurred for 3 h following autotomy. Fine-scale cardiac changes associated with the act of autotomy included a bradycardia and/or associated cardiac pausing before the chela was shed, followed by a subsequent increase in cardiac parameters. Changes in the cardiovascular physiology were paralleled by an increase in oxygen uptake, which was driven by an increased ventilation of the branchial chambers. Although limb loss is a major event, it appears that only acute changes in physiology occur. These may benefit the individual, allowing rapid escape following autotomy with a subsequent return to normal activity.  相似文献   
Two species of fiddler crab, Uca tetragonon(Herbst, 1790) and Uca vocans(Linnaeus, 1758), which belong to the subgenus Gelasimus, dwell on rocky shores and muddy–sandy tidal flats, respectively, in Phuket Is., Thailand. We investigated their feeding ecology in relation to the morphology of their feeding organs: minor food-handling chelipeds and maxillipeds. U. tetragononfed chiefly on rocks covered by filamentous green algae. U. vocansfed on the emerged sand and in shallow water along the shoreline and in pools. While feeding, both crabs made sand pellets beneath their mouthparts and discarded them, indicating that they divided the matter scooped up with their minor chelipeds into edible and inedible fractions by using the maxillipeds in the water passing through their buccal cavity. The morphology of maxillipeds hardly differed between the two species, which means that both species are flotation-feeders. The morphology of their minor chelipeds, however, differed: the tips of the dactyl and pollex were flat in U. tetragononand pointed in U. vocans.When the minor cheliped was closed, U. tetragononhad a hemispherical space in the distal one-fourth of the gape, which was closed by the framing keratin layers and a few setae of the dactyl and pollex. On the other hand, U. vocanshad an ellipsoidal space in the distal half of the gape. We consider these morphological characters to be adaptations to the different feeding substrates for retaining more food-laden sediment. We discuss the role of the setae on the minor chelipeds on the basis of the morphological differences between populations of U. tetragononin Phuket Is. and East Africa where the crab inhabits muddy–sandy tidal flats.  相似文献   
In the course of study on the mechanism of the tartaric acid formation from 5-ketogluconic acid, a new intermediary substance with mauve color to Abdel-Akhel and Smith’s reagent was isolated from intact cell culture liquid. The chemical structure of this substance was determined as 1,2-dihydroxyethyl hydrogen L(+) tartrate from the results of hydrolysis experiments and from the identifications of the constituents of the molecule, and named “pretaric acid.” Tartaric acid was evidently produced from pretaric acid by intact cell culture. Clearly, then, pretaric acid appears to be an intermediate in the formation of tartaric acid from 5-ketogluconic acid. The authors assumed that in the formation of pretaric acid from 5-ketogluconic acid, a Baeyer-Villiger type oxidation occurred.  相似文献   
Summary C-banding patterns and nucleolar activity were analyzed in Dasypyrum villosum, its added chromosomes to hexaploid wheat and the hexaploid amphiploid Triticum dicoccum-D. villosum. Two different populations of the allogamous species D. villosum (2n= 14, VV) from Greece and Italy were analyzed showing a similar polymorphism for C-banding pattern. Six of the seven addition lines were identified by their characteristic C-banding pattern. No polymorphism between both members of each added alien chromosome was found. Furthermore, nucleolar activity and competition were studied by using silver staining procedure. In D. villosum only one chromosome pair, A, was found to be responsible for organizing nucleoli. The results obtained in the amphiploid and in the addition lines demonstrate that nucleolar activity is restricted to SAT-chromosomes 1B and 6B of wheat, while those of D. villosum remain inactive.  相似文献   
Farnesylacetone (C18 H30 0) is a male hormone extracted from the androgenic gland of crab, Carcinus maenas. Appropriate enzymatic assays, as well as spectrophotometric studies, indicate that micromolar concentrations of farnesylacetone interact with the electron transport pathway of rat liver mitochondria. By the use of artificial electron donors and electron acceptors, it is shown that farnesylacetone immediately inhibits the electron transfer within complex I (NADH ubiquinone reductase activity) and complex II (succinate ubiquinone reductase activity). It is proposed that farneylacetone could interact with these two complexes of the respiratory chain at the level of the iron-sulfur centers implicated in the dehydrogenase activities. These observations are compared with the results obtained with terpenic molecules which interact with mitochondrial respiration.  相似文献   
中国的红树林   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国红树林主要分布在热带及亚热带沿海盐滩和河川出口的冲积盐性土上,包括24个科,47种,属于东方群系。从广西钦州湾开始经北海港,沿雷州半岛的海安分为两支,一支往南经海南岛的儋县新英港,向东经琼山县的东寨港和文昌县的清澜港,沿着东海岸至崖县的三亚港,又折向北到达东方县的八所港;另一支向东北经湛江的赤坎,阳江的海陵岛,台山的上下川岛,中山的三灶岛,新会的崖门,再沿海岸往北至福建的福鼎和台湾的新竹港。根据我国红树林的主要构成种类、外貌、生境,大致可分为3大群系和10个群落。(1) 矮灌木群系——这个群系多见于纬度稍高的海滩前缘,包括海榄雌群落和桐花树群落。这些群落在演替上处于前期阶段。(2) 高大稠密灌木群系——这个群系由于气温、年降雨量的差异和土壤性质的不同,组成这个群系的种类也有不同,不过都是以红树族的种类为建群种,它包括4个群落:红树群落、红海兰群落和角果木群落,这些群落在演替上属于中期阶段。(3) 乔木群系——这个群系主要分布在海南岛东北和东部海岸,所在地一般地势较高,前缘地带每日潮涨仍有海水浸淹。后缘地带只有每月大潮时才有海水到达,土壤比较固结,它包括木榄群落、海莲和尖瓣海莲群落、海桑群落及半红树林水椰群落。这些群落在演替上是处于后期阶段。组成我国红树林的种类大多数都具有较高的经济价值,如角果木是优质单宁的原料,有些种类经过发酵处理成为高营养的饲料和肥料。此外,沿海浮游生物的产量有红树林比无红树林的地带高达7倍,因此加强对红树林的经营和保护应采取积极态度和有效措施。  相似文献   
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