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DNA glycosylases remove damaged or modified nucleobases by cleaving the N-glycosyl bond and the correct nucleotide is restored through subsequent base excision repair. In addition to excising threatening lesions, DNA glycosylases contribute to epigenetic regulation by mediating DNA demethylation and perform other important functions. However, the catalytic mechanism remains poorly defined for many glycosylases, including MBD4 (methyl-CpG binding domain IV), a member of the helix-hairpin-helix (HhH) superfamily. MBD4 excises thymine from G·T mispairs, suppressing mutations caused by deamination of 5-methylcytosine, and it removes uracil and modified uracils (e.g., 5-hydroxymethyluracil) mispaired with guanine. To investigate the mechanism of MBD4 we solved high-resolution structures of enzyme-DNA complexes at three stages of catalysis. Using a non-cleavable substrate analog, 2′-deoxy-pseudouridine, we determined the first structure of an enzyme-substrate complex for wild-type MBD4, which confirms interactions that mediate lesion recognition and suggests that a catalytic Asp, highly conserved in HhH enzymes, binds the putative nucleophilic water molecule and stabilizes the transition state. Observation that mutating the Asp (to Gly) reduces activity by 2700-fold indicates an important role in catalysis, but probably not one as the nucleophile in a double-displacement reaction, as previously suggested. Consistent with direct-displacement hydrolysis, a structure of the enzyme-product complex indicates a reaction leading to inversion of configuration. A structure with DNA containing 1-azadeoxyribose models a potential oxacarbenium-ion intermediate and suggests the Asp could facilitate migration of the electrophile towards the nucleophilic water. Finally, the structures provide detailed snapshots of the HhH motif, informing how these ubiquitous metal-binding elements mediate DNA binding.  相似文献   
Na+/H+ antiporters comprise a super-family (CPA) of membrane proteins that are found in all kingdoms of life and are essential in cellular homeostasis of pH, Na+ and volume. Their activity is strictly dependent on pH, a property that underpins their role in pH homeostasis. While several human homologues have long been drug targets, NhaA of Escherichia coli has become the paradigm for this class of secondary active transporters as NhaA crystal structure provided insight into the architecture of this molecular machine. However, the mechanism of the strict pH dependence of NhaA is missing. Here, as a follow up of a recent evolutionary analysis that identified a ‘CPA motif’, we rationally designed three E. coli NhaA mutants: D133S, I134T, and the double mutant D133S-I134T. Exploring growth phenotype, transport activity and Li+-binding of the mutants, we revealed that Asp133 does not participate directly in proton binding, nor does it directly dictate the pH-dependent transport of NhaA. Strikingly, the variant I134T lost some of the pH control, and the D133S-Il134T double mutant retained Li+ binding in a pH independent fashion. Concurrent to loss of pH control, these mutants bound Li+ more strongly than the WT. Both positions are in close vicinity to the ion-binding site of the antiporter, attributing the results to electrostatic interaction between these residues and Asp164 of the ion-binding site. This is consistent with pH sensing resulting from direct coupling between cation binding and deprotonation in Asp164, which applies also to other CPA antiporters that are involved in human diseases.  相似文献   
Many proteins that can assemble into higher order structures termed amyloids can also concentrate into cytoplasmic inclusions via liquid–liquid phase separation. Here, we study the assembly of human Golgi-Associated plant Pathogenesis Related protein 1 (GAPR-1), an amyloidogenic protein of the Cysteine-rich secretory proteins, Antigen 5, and Pathogenesis-related 1 proteins (CAP) protein superfamily, into cytosolic inclusions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Overexpression of GAPR-1-GFP results in the formation GAPR-1 oligomers and fluorescent inclusions in yeast cytosol. These cytosolic inclusions are dynamic and reversible organelles that gradually increase during time of overexpression and decrease after promoter shut-off. Inclusion formation is, however, a regulated process that is influenced by factors other than protein expression levels. We identified N-myristoylation of GAPR-1 as an important determinant at early stages of inclusion formation. In addition, mutations in the conserved metal-binding site (His54 and His103) enhanced inclusion formation, suggesting that these residues prevent uncontrolled protein sequestration. In agreement with this, we find that addition of Zn2+ metal ions enhances inclusion formation. Furthermore, Zn2+ reduces GAPR-1 protein degradation, which indicates stabilization of GAPR-1 in inclusions. We propose that the properties underlying both the amyloidogenic properties and the reversible sequestration of GAPR-1 into inclusions play a role in the biological function of GAPR-1 and other CAP family members.  相似文献   
Apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) catalyses uphill transport of bile acids using the electrochemical gradient of Na+ as the driving force. The crystal structures of two bacterial homologues ASBTNM and ASBTYf have previously been determined, with the former showing an inward-facing conformation, and the latter adopting an outward-facing conformation accomplished by the substitution of the critical Na+-binding residue glutamate-254 with an alanine residue. While the two crystal structures suggested an elevator-like movement to afford alternating access to the substrate binding site, the mechanistic role of Na+ and substrate in the conformational isomerization remains unclear. In this study, we utilized site-directed alkylation monitored by in-gel fluorescence (SDAF) to probe the solvent accessibility of the residues lining the substrate permeation pathway of ASBTNM under different Na+ and substrate conditions, and interpreted the conformational states inferred from the crystal structures. Unexpectedly, the crosslinking experiments demonstrated that ASBTNM is a monomer protein, unlike the other elevator-type transporters, usually forming a homodimer or a homotrimer. The conformational dynamics observed by the biochemical experiments were further validated using DEER measuring the distance between the spin-labelled pairs. Our results revealed that Na+ ions shift the conformational equilibrium of ASBTNM toward the inward-facing state thereby facilitating cytoplasmic uptake of substrate. The current findings provide a novel perspective on the conformational equilibrium of secondary active transporters.  相似文献   
Macroautophagy is a bulk degradation mechanism in eukaryotic cells. Efficiency of an essential step of this process in yeast, Atg8 lipidation, relies on the presence of Atg16, a subunit of the Atg12–Atg5-Atg16 complex acting as the E3-like enzyme in the ubiquitination-like reaction. A current view on the functional structure of Atg16 in the yeast S. cerevisiae comes from the two crystal structures that reveal the Atg5-interacting α-helix linked via a flexible linker to another α-helix of Atg16, which then assembles into a homodimer. This view does not explain the results of previous in vitro studies revealing Atg16-dependent deformations of membranes and liposome-binding of the Atg12–Atg5 conjugate upon addition of Atg16. Here we show that Atg16 acts as both a homodimerizing and peripheral membrane-binding polypeptide. These two characteristics are imposed by the two distinct regions that are disordered in the nascent protein. Atg16 binds to membranes in vivo via the amphipathic α-helix (amino acid residues 113–131) that has a coiled-coil-like propensity and a strong hydrophobic face for insertion into the membrane. The other protein region (residues 64–99) possesses a coiled-coil propensity, but not amphipathicity, and is dispensable for membrane anchoring of Atg16. This region acts as a Leu-zipper essential for formation of the Atg16 homodimer. Mutagenic disruption in either of these two distinct domains renders Atg16 proteins that, in contrast to wild type, completely fail to rescue the autophagy-defective phenotype of atg16Δ cells. Together, the results of this study yield a model for the molecular mechanism of Atg16 function in macroautophagy.  相似文献   
The series Staphyliniformia is one of the mega‐diverse groups of Coleoptera, but the relationships among the main families are still poorly understood. In this paper we address the interrelationships of staphyliniform groups, with special emphasis on Hydrophiloidea and Hydraenidae, based on partial sequences of the ribosomal genes 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA. Sequence data were analysed with parsimony and Bayesian posterior probabilities, in an attempt to overcome the likely effect of some branches longer than the 95% cumulative probability of the estimated normal distribution of the path lengths of the species. The inter‐family relationships in the trees obtained with both methods were in general poorly supported, although most of the results based on the sequence data are in good agreement with morphological studies. In none of our analyses a close relationship between Hydraenidae and Hydrophiloidea was supported, contrary to the traditional view but in agreement with recent morphological investigations. Hydraenidae form a clade with Ptiliidae and Scydmaenidae in the tree obtained with Bayesian probabilities, but are placed as basal group of Staphyliniformia (with Silphidae as subordinate group) in the parsimony tree. Based on the analysed data with a limited set of outgroups Scarabaeoidea are nested within Staphyliniformia. However, this needs further support. Hydrophiloidea s.str., Sphaeridiinae, Histeroidea (Histeridae + Sphaeritidae), and all staphylinoid families included are confirmed as monophyletic, with the exception of Hydraenidae in the parsimony tree. Spercheidae are not a basal group within Hydrophiloidea, as has been previously suggested, but included in a polytomy with other Hydrophilidae in the Bayesian analyses, or its sistergroup (with the inclusion of Epimetopidae) in the parsimony tree. Helophorus is placed at the base of Hydrophiloidea in the parsimony tree. The monophyly of Hydrophiloidea s.l. (including the histeroid families) and Staphylinoidea could not be confirmed by the analysed data. Some results, such as a placement of Silphidae as subordinate group of Hydraenidae (parsimony tree), or a sistergroup relationship between Ptiliidae and Scydmaenidae, appear unlikely from a morphological point of view.  相似文献   
Abstract: A series of l-phenyl-1 H -3-benzazepine analogues were assessed for enantiomeric and structure-affinity relationships at human putamen D-1 dopamine receptors labelled with [3H]SCH 23390. Substitution at the 7-position of both 3-H and 3-methyl benzazepine molecules critically affected affinity for these receptors over a 500-fold range. The general rank order of potency of 7-substituents was Cl = Br ≫ CH3 > OH ≥ H. 3-Methyl substituents increased the affinity of 7-H and 7-OH compounds two- to fivefold compared to desmethyl counterparts. The displacement of [3H]SCH 23390 binding showed substantial enantioselec-tivity; the R-enantiomer of SKF 83566 was 500-fold more potent that its S-antipode. However, the displacement of [3H]spiperone binding from D-2 sites in the same tissue showed negligible enantioselectivity. Through such structure-affinity relationships, these studies may help to define the topography of the human brain D-1 dopamine receptor and guide the design of more selecive agents for functional studies.  相似文献   
Summary Using cloned cDNA for human 2-macroglobulin (A2M) as a probe, mink-Chinese hamster hybrid cells were analysed. The results allowed us to assign a gene for A2M to mink chromosome 9. Breeding tests demonstrated that the Lpm-locus coding for other related -macroglobulin protein and the gene for peptidase B (PEPB) are linked 11±3 cm apart. The PEPB gene is located on mink chromosome 9, and hence, the Lpw-locus is on the same mink chromosome. The relationship of the genetic systems controlling the isotypically different -macroglobulins in mink serum are discussed.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that an endo--N-acetylglucosaminidase (EC named Endo B, isolated from culture filtrates of the basidiomyceteSporotrichum dimorphosporum cleaves asialo-, and to some extent, monosialylated bi-antennary glycans of theN-acetyllactosamine type linked to the asparagine residue of peptide or protein moieties [Bouquelet S, Strecker G, Montreuil J, Spik G (1980) Biochimie 62:43–49]. In the present paper, the substrate specificity of the enzyme towards oligomannoside and hybrid type glycans has been analyzed. The results obtained indicate that ovalbumin glycopeptides containing four to seven mannose residues and bovine lactotransferrin glycopeptides containing four to nine mannose residues were completely hydrolyzed by the enzyme. The degree of cleavage was variable among hybrid type structures, since glycopeptides containing the following glycans: (Gal)1(GlcNAc)3(Man)5(GlcNAc)2; (GlcNAc)3(Man)5(GlcNAc)2; (GlcNAc)3(Man)4(GlcNAc)2 were not hydrolyzed by the enzyme while the percentage of hydrolysis of a glycopeptide containing (GlcNAc)2(Man)5(GlcNAc)2 glycan reached 90%. The bovine lactotransferrin was partially deglycosylated (40%) in the absence of non-ionic detergent while native ovalbumin glycoprotein was not hydrolyzed by the enzyme.The oligomannoside-and theN-acetyllactosamine-type degrading activities present in the culture filtrates were not separated at any step of the purification procedure. Both activities were eluted as a single component with an apparent molecular mass of 89 kDa suggesting that they are located on the same enzyme molecule.Endo B represents a powerful tool for removing oligomannoside-andN-acetyllactosamine-type glycans fromN-glycopeptides andN-glycoproteins. Moreover, advantages in the use of Endo B in a soluble form as well as in an immobilized form result in its high activity and in its stability to heat denaturation and storage.Abbreviations Gal d-galactose - Man d-mannose - GlcNAc N-acetyl-d-glucosamine - Con A concanavalin A - Asn asparagine - GLC gas liquid chromatography - TLC thin layer chromatography - Endo endo--N-acetylglucosaminidase - Endo B endo--N-acetylglucosaminidase isolated fromSporotrichum dimorphosporum - PBE polybuffer exchanger - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
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