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Concerns over the reductionist nature of the domestication of forest-tree species focus on the possibility of potential genetic erosion during this process. To address these concerns, genetic diversity assessments in a breeding zone the Province of British Columbia “interior” spruce (Picea glauca×engelmanni) program was conducted using allozyme markers. Genetic-variation comparisons were made between natural and production (seed orchard) populations as well as seed and seedling crops produced from the same breeding zone’s seed orchard. The natural population sample consisted of a total of 360 trees representing three stands within each of three watersheds present in the Shuswap-Adams low-elevation zone of interior British Columbia. Small amounts of genetic differentiation were observed among the nine natural populations (4%) and this was attributable to extensive gene flow Consequently, the sum of these nine populations was considered as a baseline for the genetic variation present in the breeding zone. The comparisons between the seed orchard and the breeding zone produced a similar percentage of polymorphic loci while the expected hetrozygosity (0.207 vs 0.210) and the average number of alleles per locus (2.7 vs 2.4) were slightly lower in the seed orchard. A total of seven natural populations’ rare alleles were not present in the orchard population, while one allele was unique to the orchard. The %P increased to 70.6% in the seedlot, but dropped to the natural populations level (64.7%) in the plantation. The observed increase in %P was a result of pollen contamination in the orchard. It is suspected that the reduction in the plantation was caused by an unintentional selection in the nursery. Simulated roguing in the orchard did not drastically reduce even if up to 50% of the orchard’s clones were rogued. However, roguing was associated with a reduction in the average number of alleles per locus (i.e., sampling effect). Received: 2 January 1996 / Accepted: 24 May 1996  相似文献   
Summary The occurrence of 2n pollen-producing plants was investigated in 187 plant introductions (PIs) of 38 wild species of tuber-bearing Solanum. These 2x, 4x, and 6x species are from Mexico, and Central and South America. The determination of 2n pollen-producing plants was conducted using acetocarmine glycerol. Plants with more than 1% large-size pollen were regarded as 2n pollen-producing plants. 2n pollen-producing plants were identified in the following species: 10 out of 12 Mexican 2x species, seven of nine South American 2x species, seven of seven Mexican and Central American 4x species, five of five South American 4x species, and five of five Mexican 6x species. The frequency of 2n pollen-producing plants varied among species at the same ploidy level, but the range of frequency, generally between 2 and 10% among species, was similar over different ploidy levels. The general occurrence of 2n pollen in both 2x and polyploid species, which are evolutionarily related, is evidence that the mode of polyploidization in tuber-bearing Solanums is sexual polyploidization. Furthermore, the frequencies of 2n pollen-producing plants in autogamous disomic polyploid species were not markably different from those of their related diploid species. It is thought that the frequent occurrence of 2n gametes with autogamy tends to disturb the fertility and consequently reduce fitness of polyploids. Thus, we propose that the breeding behavior of polyploids and the occurrence of 2n gametes may be genetically balanced in order to conserve high fitness in polyploid species in tuberbearing Solanum.Paper No. 3114 from the Laboratory of Genetics. Research supported by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; International Potato Center; USDA, SEA, CGRO 84-CRCR-1-1389; and Frito Lay, Inc.  相似文献   
The rewardless orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina shows a stable flower colour polymorphism, with both yellow- and red-flowered morphs growing sympatrically. Pollination biology and breeding system were investigated to examine the effects of density of plants, colour polymorphism, inflorescence dimension, and flower position within inflorescence on male and female reproductive success in three natural populations of D. sambucina. There were significant differences among sites in the number of pollinia removed and in fruit set per inflorescence. Number of removed pollinia and capsule production in D. sambucina were independent from flower and inflorescence size or flower position. As a whole, the red morphs showed the highest number of capsules produced, while the yellow morphs had the greatest male success. The relative male and female reproductive success were independent from plant density but were significantly correlated with the yellow morph frequency at the population level. Overall, our findings show that the contribution to the total reproductive success deriving from the two colour morphs does not conform with the predictions of negative frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   
2009年11月份在西安举行由中国实验动物学会发起的实验动物医药技术培训研讨会上,本人做了关于实验小鼠种群管理的演讲。其主题涵盖了小鼠繁殖性能的维护和基因工程种群的管理。本篇文章的目的在于强调其所涵盖的材料并为进一步研究提供参考。如若对本文所讨论的内容希望有更深刻的理解,这篇文章所引用的参考资料值得进一步的阅读。另外本文未涉及远交系小鼠的繁殖培育和基因管理,但如有需要可以联系本文作者,可推荐需阅读的材料清单。  相似文献   
Summary Genetic effects for varietal value are defined at the level of the population of k-parent synthetic varieties. A simple expression for the total variance among synthetics arises directly from these definitions. A general expression for the covariance among related synthetics is given. Genetic effects are also defined in a completely general way so as to allow for any system of testing and used to derive an expression for the genetic advance in recurrent selection for varietal value. Covariances between relatives evaluated in the system of testing and in varietal combination are introduced, allowing a direct expression of the genetic advance in varietal development when parents are selected either individually or in groups. Some general implications for plant breeding are outlined.Dedicated to Professor F.W. Schnell on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
TYLER  DAVID E. 《Biometrika》1987,74(3):579-589
Summary The genomic relationship between cultivated sorghum [Sorghum bicolar (L.) Moench, race bicolor, De Wet, 2n=20] and Johnsongrass [S. halepense (L.) Pers., 2n=40] has been a subject of extensive studies. Nevertheless, there is no general consensus concerning the ploidy level and the number of genomes present in the two species. This research tested the validity of four major genomic models that have been proposed previously for the two species by studying chromosome behaviors in the parental species, 30-chromosome hybrids [sorghum, (2n=20) x Johnsongrass, (2n=40)], 40-chromosome hybrids [sorghum, (2n=40) x Johnsongrass, (2n=40)] and 60-chromosome amphiploids. Chromosome pairings of amphiploids are reported for the first time. Chromosomes of cultivated sorghums paired exclusively as 10 bivalents, whereas Johnsongrass had a maximum configuration of 5 ring quadrivalents with occasional hexavalents and octovalents. In contrast, 40-chromosome cultivated sorghum had up to 9 ring quadrivalents and 1 hexavalent. Pairing in the 30-chromosome hybrids showed a maximum of 10 trivalents, and that in the 40-chromosome hybrids exhibited 8 quadrivalents, 5 of which were rings, together with a few hexavalents. Amphiploid plants showed up to 3 ring hexavalents, 1 chain hexavalent and a chain of 12 chromosomes. The data suggest that cultivated sorghum is a tetraploid species with the genomic formula AAB1B1, and Johnsongrass is a segmental auto-allo-octoploid, AAAA B1B1B2B2. The model is further substantiated by chromosome pairing in amphiploid plants whose proposed genomic formula is AAAAAA B1B1B1B1 B2B2.Contribution no. 87-391-J from the Kansas Agriculatural Experiment Station  相似文献   
藏马鸡(Crossoptilon crossoptilon)的繁殖生态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
藏马鸡是典型高山地牺雉类,见于海拔3,500—3,900米的针叶林带。自4月中至7月底为繁殖期。一“夫”配一“妻”。营巢于海拔3,544—3,790米的岩洞、灌丛中或倒木下。共发现4巢,3巢已被破坏,成功率25%。近年来,由于过渡砍伐森林,天敌的伤害,自身弱点(繁殖率低,成熟期长(3年左右)以及其他因素,藏马鸡的数量日趋减少,正面临绝种的厄运。必须及时地采取有效保护措施。  相似文献   
Summary The effects of food on breeding success and behavior of the red-winged blackbird (Icteridae: Agelaius phoeniceus) were investigated during 3 successive breeding seasons. In the second season, a 4-week pulse of abundant food in the form of a periodical cicada emergence (Homoptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.) occurred in the forest adjacent to the marsh where the birds were breeding.During the cicada period, the bird population showed: 1) an increase in foraging trips to the forest and a decrease in trips per h, 2) increased biomass of nestlings, 3) increased nestling survival caused by decreased starvation, 4) increased fledging success, and 5) bimodal weight distributions of older nestlings (reflective of the sexual dimorphism in this species). These data suggest the temporary removal of food limitations on the breeding population when the pulse of food was available.  相似文献   
黄海车牛山岛白腰雨燕的繁殖习性及种群动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文为作者于1980—1981年对黄海车牛山岛白腰雨燕Apuspacificus pacificus (Latham)的初步研究。内容包括对繁殖习性的观察;对繁殖周期、卵孵化率、雏鸟成活串以及出生率等的统计。并对海岛生态环境下白腰雨燕种群数量的变动及其影响因素,作初步探讨。  相似文献   
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