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We estimated age at attainment of sexual maturity and examined reproductive seasonality for male spotted dolphins, Stenella attenuata , from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Maturity was determined by histological examination of testes. Average age at sexual maturation was 14.7 yr (the mean of two readers' age estimates). Testis and epididymis weight and seminiferous tubule diameters were reliable indicators of maturity, whereas age, length and color phase were less reliable. Seasonality was determined by changes in testis and epididymis weight, relative quantity of spermatids and spermatozoa, and lumen diameter, as well as an index of testis development (weight of the right testis and epididymis divided by length of the right testis). Testis and epididymis weights and index values peaked in July and August, midway between two predicted mating seasons for the northern offshore stock, but spermatozoa levels were elevated during the predicted breeding seasons.  相似文献   
We examined population substructure of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops sp). in Shark Bay, Western Australia, using 10 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). For microsatellite analysis, 302 different animals were sampled from seven localities throughout the bay. Analysis of genetic differentiation between sampling localities showed a significant correlation between the number of migrants ( Nm ) calculated from F ST, R ST and private alleles, and distance between localities–a pattern of isolation-by-distance. For mtDNA, 220 individuals from all seven localities were sequenced for a 351 base pair fragment of the control region, resulting in eight haplotypes, with two distinct clusters of haplotypes. Values of F ST and (φ)ST for mtDNA yielded statistically significant differences, mostly between localities that were not adjacent to each other, suggesting female gene flow over a scale larger than the sampled localities. We also observed a significant correlation between the number of female migrants calculated from F ST and φST and the distance of sampling localities. Our results indicate that dispersal in female dolphins in Shark Bay is more restricted than that of males.  相似文献   
Propulsive movements of the caudal oscillating flukes produce large forces that could induce equally large recoil forces at the cranial end of the animal, and, thus, affect stability. To examine these vertical oscillations, video analysis was used to measure the motions of the rostrum, pectoral flipper, caudal peduncle, and fluke tip for seven odontocete cetaceans: Delphinapterus leucas, Globicephala melaena, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, Orcinus orca, Pseudorca crassidens, Stenella plagiodon , and Tursiops truncatus. Animals swam over a range of speeds of 1.4–7.30 m/sec. For each species, oscillatory frequency of the fluke tip increased linearly with swimming speed. Peak-to-peak amplitude at each body position remained constant with respect to swimming speed for all species. Mean peak-to-peak amplitude ranged from 0.02 to 0.06 body length at the rostrum and from 0.17 to 0.25 body length at the fluke tip. The phase relationships between the various body components remain constant with respect to swimming speed. Oscillations of the rostrum were nearly in phase with the fluke tip with phase differences out of—9.4°-33.0° of a cycle period of 360°. Pectoral flipper oscillations trailed fluke oscillations by 60.9°-123.4°. The lower range in amplitude at the rostrum compared to the fluke tip reflects increased resistance to vertical oscillation at the cranial end, which enhances the animal's stability. This resistance is likely due to both active and passive increased body stiffness, resistance on the flippers, phased movements of body components, and use of a lift-based propulsion. Collectively, these mechanisms stabilize the body of cetaceans during active swimming, which can reduce locomotor energy expenditure and reduce excessive motions of the head affecting sensory capabilities.  相似文献   
The life history of Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) remains poorly known and data from strandings can help provide important information. Data from 126 Risso's dolphins stranded or bycaught along the southeastern coastline of South Africa between 1958 and 2017 were analyzed in relation to their sex, age structure, and diet. Mean estimated length at birth was 146.9 cm, while maximum length was 325 cm for males and 313 cm for females; small sample sizes precluded detailed examination of sexual dimorphism. Age estimates for 33 individuals (14 males, 17 females, 2 unknown sex) indicated a maximum age of 13 years (males) and 17 years (females), respectively; the oldest animal was 19 years (unknown sex). Mean length and age at attainment of sexual maturity were estimated at 280 cm and 7.1 years in males and at 282 cm and 7.7 years in females. Stomach contents from 27 individuals showed that diets of immature and mature males and females overlapped and consisted predominantly of cephalopods. Reported strandings decreased between 2000 and 2017, possibly due to a lack of reporting associated with a ban on driving on beaches or related to the collapse of the local “chokka” squid (Loligo reynaudii) fishery in 2014–2015.  相似文献   
This study describes the age structure and sex-specific growth patterns of Lahille's bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus gephyreus), a subspecies endemic to the Southwest Atlantic Ocean (SWAO). The ages of 120 animals collected in southern Brazil between 1976 and 2017 were determined. We found high frequencies of young animals, mostly males, with no sex bias among adults. A temporal change in the age structure of strandings was observed, and we conclude it is a consequence of increased bycatch rates of young dolphins after 2000. The oldest male and female were 27 and 44 years old, respectively, suggesting that females live longer than males in southern Brazil. Growth curve analysis using Gompertz and Laird-Gompertz growth models estimated asymptotic lengths of 316.5 cm for females and 351.6 cm for males, (reached around 13 and 18 years old, respectively), supporting sexual size dimorphism for the subspecies. A second growth pulse was identified for males. Our work highlights the benefit of long-term studies and contributes valuable information toward understanding the life history of Lahille's bottlenose dolphin. It will serve as baseline for future studies that seek to understand mortality patterns of bottlenose dolphins elsewhere and the effects of anthropogenic actions on the survival of these animals.  相似文献   
Cetacean physical maturity is defined by growth cessation and complete fusion of epiphyses to vertebral bodies indicated by invisible sutures. Many studies have shown epiphyseal fusion is highly variable among individuals. In-depth examinations into fusion variability are lacking. We analyzed vertebrae of 37 (n = 21 female, n = 16 male) stranded common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the well-studied Gulf of Mexico, Sarasota Bay community. For each specimen, vertebrae were examined by vertebral region for degree of fusion anteriorly and posteriorly of each centrum and categorized from unfused to fused in five degrees. An ordinal logistic regression was used to estimate degree of fusion probability for each epiphysis. The model had fixed effects for age, number of offspring, sex, sexual maturity, and a random effect for epiphysis. Results show that age/reproductive status significantly explains an individual's degree of fusion. Adult females with fewer calves had more fusion than those with more reproductive experience across multiple ages. Access to long-term observational and sample data on the dolphins residing in the area served by Mote Marine Laboratory's Stranding Investigations Program offers a unique opportunity to examine the relationship between energetic demands of reproduction (calcium production/reproductive output) versus preconceived definitions of physical maturity (skeletal fusion) more closely.  相似文献   
Most studies of delphinid‐trawler interactions have documented the surface behavior of dolphins feeding on discarded bycatch, but not their subsurface behavior around demersal trawl gear. Using video cameras mounted inside trawl nets, we recorded the subsurface behavior of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a demersal fish trawl fishery in northwestern Australia. Footage from 36 trawls across the fishery was analyzed to determine the extent of dolphin‐gear interactions and the behavior of dolphins inside the nets. Interaction rates were high, with dolphins present inside and outside the nets during 29 and 34 trawls, respectively, and for up to 99% of the trawl duration. The proportion of foraging behaviors exhibited inside the nets was higher than the proportions of traveling and socializing behaviors. Twenty‐nine individuals were identified inside the net, seven of which returned repeatedly within and between trawls and fishing trips, but were observed primarily in the same localized areas in which they were first recorded. Our results suggest that entering trawl nets may be a frequently occurring, yet specialized behavior exhibited by a small subset of trawler‐associated dolphins. We propose that gear modifications, not spatial or temporal adjustments to fishing effort, have the greatest potential to reduce dolphin bycatch.  相似文献   

Dolphins possess a highly sophisticated auditory system and a keen capability for echolocation. Signals are emitted in the form of high intensity, short duration, broadband exponentially decaying pulses. The frequency spectra of echolocation signals used by many dolphins are dependent on the output intensity of the signals and not on any fine tuning by the animals. When the output intensity is low, the center frequency of the click tends to be low. As the output intensity increases, the center frequency also tends to increase. The pulses propagate from the dolphin's melon in a relatively narrow beam, and echoes are received via the lower jaw, with a slightly wider beam. Echo- locating dolphins can detect targets at ranges of approximately 100 plus meters, depending on the size of the targets. Target discrimination experiments have shown that dolphins can discriminate the shape, size, material composition and internal structure of targets from the echoes. The broadband short duration properties of the signal allow the echoes to have high temporal resolution, so that within the structure of the echoes a considerable amount of information on the properties of the target can be conveyed. A brief comparison between the bat and dolphin sonar system will also be made. Bats typically emit much longer signals and a wider variety of different types of signals than dolphins. Signals used by some bats are suited to detecting Doppler shift, whereas the dolphin signal is designed to be tolerant of Doppler effects.  相似文献   
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