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Abstract. A major objection to the convenient sampling of Chenopodiacean bladders by brushing in aqueous solutions is the suspected leakage of ions from the leaf blade. To overcome this problem, a new method of sampling bladder hair is described, which also achieves rapid and quantitative separation and, at the same time, yields bladder samples of undoubtedly high purity. Leakage is stopped by the aid of liquid nitrogen. Comparison of this method to removal of bladders by brushing in aquenous solutions effectively confirm the validity of the customary method beyond dispute.  相似文献   
Abstract Atriplex amnicola, was grown in nutrient solution cultures with concentrations of NaCl up to 750 mol m?3. The growth optimum was at 25–50 mol m?3 NaCl and growth was 10–15% of that value at 750 mol m?3 NaCl. Sodium chloride at 200 mol m?3 and higher reduced the rate of leaf extension and increased the time taken for a leaf to reach its maximal length. Concentrations of Na+, K+ and Mg2+ in leaves of different ages were investigated for plants grown at 25, 200 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl. Although leaves of plants grown at 200 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl had high Na+ concentrations at young developmental stages, much of this Na+ was located in the salt bladders. Leaves excluding bladders had low Na+ concentrations when young, but very high in Na+ when old. In contrast to Na+, K+ concentrations were similar in bladders and leaves excluding bladders. Concentrations of K+ were higher in the rapidly expanding than in the old leaves. At 400 mol m?3 NaCl, the K+:Na+ ratios of the leaves excluding bladders were 0.4–0.6 and 0.1 for rapidly expanding and oldest leaves, respectively. The Na+ content in moles per leaf, excluding bladders, increased linearly with the age of the leaves; concurrent increases in succulence were closely correlated with the Na + concentration in the leaves excluding the bladders. Soluble sugars and starch in leaves, stems and buds were determined at dusk and dawn. There was a pronounced diurnal fluctation in concentrations of carbohydrates. During the night, most plant parts showed large decreases in starch and sugar. Concentrations of carbohydrates in most plant organs were similar for plants grown at 25 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl. One notable exception was buds at dusk, where sugar and starch concentrations were 30–35% less in plants grown at 400 mol m?3 NaCl than in plants grown at 25 mol m?3 NaCl. The data indicate that the growth of A. amnicola at 400 mol m?3 NaCl is not limited by the availability of photosynthate in the plant as a whole. However, there could have been a growth limitation due to inadequate organic solutes for osmotic regulation.  相似文献   
黑节草从传粉到受精约需130d,精子在花粉管中形成,胚囊发育属蓼型胚囊,因反足细胞较早退化,故受精前胚囊多只由卵器和中央细胞组成。精卵核融合时,精核染色质进入卵核后凝集成颗粒状,并在原位与卵核的染色质融合,雌、雄性核仁一直维持至合子的第一次分裂期前。双受精作用正常,属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型,初生胚乳核发生2-3次分裂后逐渐退化消失,胚的发育局限于球形胚阶段。  相似文献   
Summary Growth reduction or cessation is an initial response of Atriplex nummularia L. cells to NaCl. However, A. nummularia L. cells that are adapted to 342 and 428 mM NaCl are capable of sustained growth in the presence of salt. Cells that are adapted to NaCl exhibit a reduced rate of division compared to unadapted cells. Unlike salt adapted cells of the glycophyte Nicotiana tabacum L., A. nummularia L. cells do not exhibit reduced rate of cell expansion after adaptation. However, the cell expansion rate of unadapted A. nummularia L. cells is considerably slower than that of unadapted glycophyte cells and this normally low rate of cell expansion may contribute to the enhanced capacity of the halophyte to tolerate salt. Turgor of NaCl adapted cells was equivalent to unadapted cells indicating that the cells of the halophyte do not respond to salt by osmotic over adjustment as reported for the glycophyte tobacco (Binzel et al. 1985, Plant Physiol. 79:118–125).  相似文献   
采用顶空固相微萃取和气质联用技术(HS—SPME—GC—MS),首次分析了河南产紫丁香花营和花的挥发性成分。从紫丁香花蕾和花中共鉴定了65种组分,其中17个成分是二者共有的;酯类化合物只存在于花蕾中,而酸类和醇类化合物在花中的含量较高。这表明酯类化合物在紫丁香花开放的过程中可能逐步被植物体内的水解酶水解成酸类和醇类化合物。  相似文献   
五唇兰雌配子体发育和胚胎发生的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
五唇兰的胚珠倒生型,具薄珠心,两层珠被。胚囊发育为双孢子葱型,成熟胚囊8核。从传粉到受精约50d,正常双受精。胚具5-6细胞的胚柄,种子成熟时胚柄及胚乳核消失,成熟种子只具单层细胞的种皮和一个未分化的珠珠形胚。  相似文献   
铁皮石斛茎段诱导丛生芽的研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
以铁皮石斛Dendrobium candidum Wall.ex Lindl.的茎段作外植体,比较不同的培养基、激素等因素对茎段分化丛生芽的影响,以及不同浓度的香蕉汁和活性炭对试管苗生根的影响。结果表明:1/2MS较好,BA作用优于KT、ZT,最适浓度为2.0mg/L;丛生芽培养于1/2MS 10%香蕉汁 0.5%AC的培养基上,生根效果最好。  相似文献   
Pollen morphology of 58 species from 17 putative genera of the tribe Atripliceae (Chenopodiaceae) was investigated using light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Morphological variation was analyzed based on a dense sampling of the subtribes Atriplicinae and Eurotiinae, including many of the species in the two largest genera: Atriplex and Obione. The pantoporate pollen grains of Atripliceae are characterized by their spheroidal or subspheroidal shape, flat or moderately vaulted mesoporia with 21–120 pores, tectum with 1–8 spinules and 5–28(?38) puncta per?µm2, and 1–13 ectexinous bodies bearing 1–7 spinules each. Taxonomic relevance of the most important pollen morphological characters is discussed (pollen diameter, pore number, pore diameter, interporal distance, spinule and puncta density and ratio, number of ectexinous bodies, and their spinules). Pollen morphological data support the exclusion of Suckleya from the tribe and the recognition of subtribe Eurotiinae, but suggest that it needs to be reviewed. Pollen does not support generic recognition of Atriplex, Neopreissia and Obione and infrageneric subdivisions as currently recognized, and suggests the need to review them. Smaller or monotypic genera, such as Axyris, Ceratocarpus, Endolepis, Krascheninnikovia, Microgynoecium, Proatriplex and Spinacia have distinctive pollen morphological characters that support their generic status. Grayia needs to be reevaluated; although its two species are distinct from all the other species in the study, there are notable differences between each of them, and this suggests they may not form a natural group. Multivariate techniques were employed to investigate if there are discrete patterns of variation within Atripliceae. Principal Component Analyses (PCA) weakly differentiates four groups based on variation in pore number, puncta density per?µm2, and ratio between spinule and puncta density per?µm2; species of Ceratocarpus, Haloxanthium, Krascheninnikovia, Manochlamys, Microgynoecium, Spinacia, and some species of Atriplex and Obione are isolated. Preliminary results indicate that pollen data are potentially useful in the classification of the tribe, and further studies will be of taxonomic value.  相似文献   
脱水素(dehydrin,DHN)是一类胚胎发育后期丰富蛋白(LEA),在植物脱水条件下能保护细胞内蛋白质和膜结构免受破坏。本研究中,从四翅滨藜(Atriplex canescens)cDNA文库克隆得到逆境胁迫相关蛋白基因AcDHN的全长cDNA(登录号:JN974246),并进行序列分析。将4cD鼢别插入到原核表达载体pET28a和双元表达载体pYES-DEST52中,通过转化大肠杆菌和酿酒酵母进行原核表达分析和真核表达分析。结果表明:AcDHN序列全长为1408bp,完整的开放阅读框长为1017bp,由338个氨基酸残基组成,预测蛋白质分子量为38.3kDa,理论等电点为6.47,AcDHN与仙人掌中DHN蛋白同源性为55%。AcDHN基因在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中诱导表达出分子质量约45.2kDa的融合蛋白。重组酵母菌株能表现出艮好抗逆性,特别是对NaCl、低温、Na2CO3和NaHCO3胁迫的抗逆性,其中抗碱胁迫能力表现最强。  相似文献   
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