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Harbor seal ( Phoca vitulina ) haul-out site use may be affected by natural or anthropogenic factors. Here, we use an 11-yr (1997–2007) study of a seal colony located near a mariculture operation in Drakes Estero, California, to test for natural (El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), density-dependence, long-term trends) and anthropogenic (disturbance or displacement related to oyster production activities) factors that may influence the use of haul-out subsites. Annual mariculture related seal disturbance rates increased significantly with increases in oyster harvest ( r s= 0.55). Using generalized linear models (GLMs) ranked by best fit and Akaike's Information Criteria, ENSO and oyster production (as a proxy for disturbance/displacement) best explained the patterns of seal use at all three subsites near the mariculture operations, with effects being stronger at the two subsites closest to operations. Conversely, density-dependence and linear trend effects poorly explained the counts at these subsites. We conclude that a combination of ENSO and mariculture activities best explain the patterns of seal haul-out use during the breeding/pupping season at the seal haul-out sites closest to oyster activities.  相似文献   
The copepod Pseudoboeckella poppei (Daday) (Calanoida, Centropagidae) was sampled from Sombre and Heywood Lakes on Signy Island, Antarctica (60° S, 45° W) between January 1984 and March 1985. Sombre Lake is clear and oligotrophic with little phytoplankton and a bottom sediment low in organic content. By contrast Heywood Lake is turbid and mesotrophic; a substantial phytoplankton develops in summer and the bottom sediments are comparatively rich in organics. Both lakes freeze over for much of the year, forcing the copepods to adopt a benthic feeding strategy over winter. Adult Pseudoboeckella feed on phytoplankton when this is available, but also on detritus, diatoms and short algal filaments stirred up from the sediment. In Heywood Lake, male copepods show a smooth seasonal trend in lipid content with lipid being synthesised in early summer and utilised in late summer and winter. The summer increase in lipid content is associated with an increase in dry weight. Female lipid contents show evidence of two peaks of egg production. In Sombre Lake both male and female copepods increase in size during summer and show a wider range of lipid contents than in Heywood Lake; it is likely that this is due to the poorer winter feeding conditions which necessitate the synthesis of a much larger store of reserves during the summer. In contrast to marine calanoid copepods, lipid stores are exclusively triacylglycerol with no trace of wax ester.  相似文献   
Adult Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) were immobilized with Zoletil® ( n = 172), ketamine ( n = 30), ketamine mixed with diazepam ( n = 23) and with ketamine mixed with xylazine ( n = 45). Response to all drugs was highly variable. There was a relationship between dose rate and level of immobilization in females given Zoletil®. Males were slightly more sensitive to Zoletil® than females but this could have been due to the greater body mass and lower mass-specific metabolic rate of males. The dose required to achieve a level of immobilization declined with greater body mass for Zoletil® and ketamine but not for ketamine-diatepam. Ketamine and ketamine-sedative mixtures commonly caused mild tremoring and occasionally caused convulsions. Neither reaction was seen with Zoletil®. Mean doses were, Zoletil® 1.5 mg/ kg, ketamine 6.9 mg/kg, ketamine-diazepam 6.3 mg/kg ketamine and 6.3 μg/kg diazepam, and ketamine-xylazine 7.3 mg/kg ketamine and 0.62 mg/ kg xylazine. Zoletil® performs at least as well on Antarctic fur seals as ketamine but it may cause respiratory depression. The dose of ketamine required for Antarctic fur seals was greater than for most other species of seals.  相似文献   
Summary The structural and ultrastructural characteristics of the heart of Channichthys rhinoceratus, an antarctic teleost devoid of respiratory pigments, are described and compared with those obtained from the red-blooded related species Notothenia rossii.The heart of the icefish is characterized by a spongy myocardium supplied with a highly developed arterial coronary system. This vasculature includes a subepicardial system and an extensive intratrabecular capillary network. Arterial hilar network and Thebesian vessels may also be present. The bulbus arteriosus shows unusually large spheroid structures located in the middle layer of the wall.Both white- and red-blooded species display comparable myocardial cell morphology and organelle distribution. However, the mitochondrial cristae of the former are more densely packed and the sarcolemma possesses numerous caveolae. A large proportion of non-contractile cells is also found in the icefish ventricular wall.  相似文献   
Rotifers of the Antarctic and Subantarctic   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
An assessment of the distribution of rotifers in the Antarctic and Subantarctic is attempted.  相似文献   
A recently introduced approach far estimating the photosynthetic quantum efficiency (φ) of a freshwater or marine phytoplankton community has been applied for the first time to high latitude polar ecosystems, namely four lakes of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Values for φ at various depths ranged from 0.0022–0.1560 when calculated using a recommended mean extinction coefficient for phytoplankton (i.e. k?c= 0.016). By contrast, φ ranged from 0.0037–0.0760 when calculated using an empirically estimated value for k?c of 0.0328. If the recommended k?c= 0.016 more closely approaches an accurate estimate, then the φ valves indicate that the phytoplankton convert light to organic carbon more efficiently than elsewhere. However, if the empirically derived k?c= 0.0328 more closely approaches an accurate estimate, then the φ values indicate the phytoplankton trap light more efficiently than elsewhere. Although we have not resolved whether light conversion (φ) or light trapping are more efficient, the results show that the phytoplankton of these Antarctic lakes are well adapted to performing photosynthesis under extremely low light conditions.  相似文献   
Based primarily on an intensive marking/resighting program conducted at Marion Island (46°54'S, 37°45'E) in the Southern Ocean, the inter-island movements of southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina , and fur seals Arctocephalus spp., were investigated to elucidate their little known pelagic phase. Southern elephant seals, in particular immature animals, readily move between the proximate Marion and Prince Edward islands. Some range as far afield as Iles Crozet, approximately 1,000 km distant where they haul out for the summer molt or during an autumn resting phase. The exchange of individuals between Marion Island and Iles Crozet during the return of immatures for the molt after a winter at sea, suggests overlapping of the foraging ranges of the two populations. Despite their wanderings, the majority of M. leonina from Marion Island probably feed in the proximity of the island, and relocate onto the island for breeding, molting and resting. Of the fur seals, only a few A. tropicalis were seen away from their natal island, in some cases covering distances in excess of 2,000 km. displaying a remarkable dispersal capacity.  相似文献   
The most prominent protein ofPolygonatum multiflorum (common Solomon's seal) rhizomes has been identified as a mannose-binding lectin. Analysis of the purified lectin demonstrated that it is a tetramer of four identical subunits of 14 kDa. Molecular cloning further revealed that the lectin from this typical Liliaceae species belongs to the superfamily of monocot mannose-binding proteins. Screening of cDNA libraries constructed with RNA isolated from buds, leaves and flowers ofP. multiflorum also yielded cDNA clones encoding a protein, which contains two tandemly arranged domains with an obvious sequence homology to the mannose-binding lectins. Molecular modelling of thePolygonatum lectin and lectin-related protein indicated that the three-dimensional structure of both proteins strongly resembles that of the snowdrop lectin. In addition, this approach suggested that the presumed carbohydrate-binding sites of the lectin can accommodate a mannose residue whereas most of the carbohydratebinding sites of the lectin-related protein cannot.Abbreviations GNA Galanthus nivalis agglutinin - HCA hydrophobic cluster analysis - LECPMA cDNA clone encoding PMA - PM30 30 kDa protein isolated fromPolygonatum multiforum - PMA Polygonatum multiflorum agglutinin - PMLRP Polygonatum multiflorum lectin-related protein  相似文献   
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